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Thread: Season autopsy v Newcastle

  1. #21
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    In the same way the season Leicester won the league we missed our chance. Think not finishing 4th this season was our chance, as next will be significantly harder. United cant be as rubbish as they were this season once they get rid of the poisoned apples like pogba. Spurs haven't made cl will quality manager will invest. And Newcastle will the money they have will be targeting top 6 as a launch pad to Cl football the year after

    What a shambles saga will end up at Liverpool and turning into the new salah

  2. #22
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Xhaka’s interview.

    What a dick, coming from the poster boy of an Arsenal team who’ve never qualified for the CL. That has to be the end of him.

    Tavares with the foul throw too, absolute waster. I know he’s a kid but some of the shit he does has to be seen to be believed. Can’t be dealing with players like this, composure is everything and he has none of it. Hopefully he’s loaned out or even sold to make way for that Scottish kid from Italy.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 17-05-2022 at 05:33 AM.

  3. #23
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    Keep saying to myself how I don't care about Arsenal and whatnot, however this season I found myself starting to really support us again and defeats started to go from laughing about it to actually getting really pissed off again. Especially as it was against Spurs and the premise of CL returning again, which would have been a springboard to push on with.

    Except, same old shit. Wonder why we all bother getting sucked into this. It's difficult not to at times.

    Arteta's SOLE goal was top 4 this season, he HAS to go.

  4. #24
    #WengerOUT Munchies's Avatar
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    The Amazon documentary should be funny seeing Arteta have no clue what he's doing

  5. #25
    Selling optimism to fools KSE Comedy Club's Avatar
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    I'm honestly totally fucked off with the lot of them.

    Anyone thinking that we are over reaching or were lucky to be in the fight for 4th place is having a laugh.

    After January when we stripped the team bare, I said we should have signed a striker at least - but I get the gamble as to why we didnt.
    However, the league was all we had left to play for.

    And every game was pretty much a copy of the last one. Same team, same tactics, same boringly slow, passing back to goal continually, pathetic football.

    Arteta has no clue when the chips are down, he got lucky in a few games, brought a sub on who made difference, etc - but ultimately, same old shit.
    Our attack is pathetic, the recent games where we have scored have been the exception rather than the rule. Most of the time it's an abysmal final third display of swinging the ball from one side of the pitch to the other, waiting for the entire opposition team to get back and defend. Looking to pas the ball into the box to a player who has his back to goal, waiting to lay off to someone else - who inexplicably - is waiting to pass to another player rather than shoot.


    You can do these little lays offs at times, but not every single attack. it's mind numbingly stupid.

    The point is, we were in pole position to finish 4th 10 weeks ago. 3 games in hand that we preceded to piss away by losing all of them against teams that were worse than us.
    Spuds I can forgive as it was always going to be tricky, but last night only 1 team turned up, the pussies in yellow were there to make up the numbers.

    Totally fucking lame, and Arteta's desperation of chucking everyone on (especially Pepe that he has ignored for most of the season) hoping to get a result, just shows how lucky and out of his depth he has been.

    What an absolute let down this is - and the guy gets a contract extension - figures

    Arsenal FC - 'Always rewarding failiure'
    Last edited by KSE Comedy Club; 17-05-2022 at 07:31 AM.

  6. #26
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munchies View Post
    Arteta's SOLE goal was top 4 this season, he HAS to go.
    According to who?
    Tbh I didn’t think we’d finish top 4. The top 2 are clearly miles above us. I thought Chelsea were too although they’ve not been as far above us as I thought they would be. So that only leaves one space, I didn’t think we were more likely than Spurs or Utd to get it, and West Ham are sniffing around.
    If you’d said we’d have Top 4 in our hands with 2 games left then I’d definitely have taken it, but it’s disappointing (although very Groundhog Day) that we’ve fallen flat on our faces again.
    At times it’s felt like progress, at other times it’s been same old Arsenal

  7. #27
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    So the bunch of suits they brought in to investigate the club culture sure have an easy ride. A decade of the same mistakes, repeating, getting the same outcomes. As simple as A, B, Shit.

    They bring a young manager in to see if he can shake things up. Worth a punt seeing as everything else failed, and failed spectacularly. Then they do the same old shit again. Set the Top 4 Trophy as the goal. The goal should have been to play good, competitive football. Fuck the top 4 BS, just focus on purging the Barca-Lite craziness. Get the ball up the pitch and score a goal. Stop the other side scoring when they have the ball. Attack. Defence. Balance. Control. Strategy. Tactics. Each player drilled in the basics. Passing. Movement. Cover. Fucking THROW-INS even. Taking a corner. Avoiding panic when the ball arrives. All that usual shit that other teams seem to be able to achieve.

    I watched carefully last night how Newcastle always looked to get the ball forwards to the players who were causing our defence the biggest problems. I mean, DUH! Of course that's what they did. And it worked. Obviously.

    I also watched Arsenal fluttering around in their pretty patterns, tip-tap, sideways, backwards, always picking the easy option. And even then the passing wasn't crisp. The players were falling over their own bloody feet. No composure. No movement. No options. Until HOOF. Up went the ball, usually lost, otherwise into pointless areas where the recipient had almost no chance of success. What is that all about? What's the point of it? I think once in the entire 90 minutes there was a decent 30 seconds where the midfield moved the ball swiftly and accurately up the pitch, through the middle. So they can do it if they want to. But instead the entire focus is obviously on keeping the ball, even if they do nothing with it.

    This has to change. The shit we play is not football, it's the avoidance of football. It's as if they are all terrified all the time. Haven't watched many games this season, but every time I did it was the same. Not as bad as yesterday, maybe. But huge swathes of the game bathed in pointless tapping around. It's not as if we even dominate possession these days. The players aren't good enough for that. It's not as if we wear the opponent down, not at the snail's pace we play at. Opposition defenders can stop for a tea break before getting back to cover our plodding progression.

    Now that Arteta will be around for the next few years at least, he'd better find some balls, take some risks and open up our game. If he doesn't have the players to do it he better get them. It wouldn't cost a fortune. Plenty of players who can do the basics. We need eleven solid players, not two star names to placate the fans. They wouldn't be stars for long anyway. One sign of ambition or one step out of the pretty patterns and they'd be benched. So why bother? Arteta couldn't get Ozil onside. He couldn't get Auba onside. He can't get anything out of Lacazette. But he might be able to work with the younger players on some sort of game that is more suited to this league. Leave the fancy stuff for clubs that go the extra mile to sign the players who can pull it off.

    Oh, and stop passing the fucking thing around at the back. What's that even about? What does it achieve? How can it be a good plan to fuck around in your own penalty box?
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  8. #28
    Selling optimism to fools KSE Comedy Club's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    So the bunch of suits they brought in to investigate the club culture sure have an easy ride. A decade of the same mistakes, repeating, getting the same outcomes. As simple as A, B, Shit.

    They bring a young manager in to see if he can shake things up. Worth a punt seeing as everything else failed, and failed spectacularly. Then they do the same old shit again. Set the Top 4 Trophy as the goal. The goal should have been to play good, competitive football. Fuck the top 4 BS, just focus on purging the Barca-Lite craziness. Get the ball up the pitch and score a goal. Stop the other side scoring when they have the ball. Attack. Defence. Balance. Control. Strategy. Tactics. Each player drilled in the basics. Passing. Movement. Cover. Fucking THROW-INS even. Taking a corner. Avoiding panic when the ball arrives. All that usual shit that other teams seem to be able to achieve.

    I watched carefully last night how Newcastle always looked to get the ball forwards to the players who were causing our defence the biggest problems. I mean, DUH! Of course that's what they did. And it worked. Obviously.

    I also watched Arsenal fluttering around in their pretty patterns, tip-tap, sideways, backwards, always picking the easy option. And even then the passing wasn't crisp. The players were falling over their own bloody feet. No composure. No movement. No options. Until HOOF. Up went the ball, usually lost, otherwise into pointless areas where the recipient had almost no chance of success. What is that all about? What's the point of it? I think once in the entire 90 minutes there was a decent 30 seconds where the midfield moved the ball swiftly and accurately up the pitch, through the middle. So they can do it if they want to. But instead the entire focus is obviously on keeping the ball, even if they do nothing with it.

    This has to change. The shit we play is not football, it's the avoidance of football. It's as if they are all terrified all the time. Haven't watched many games this season, but every time I did it was the same. Not as bad as yesterday, maybe. But huge swathes of the game bathed in pointless tapping around. It's not as if we even dominate possession these days. The players aren't good enough for that. It's not as if we wear the opponent down, not at the snail's pace we play at. Opposition defenders can stop for a tea break before getting back to cover our plodding progression.

    Now that Arteta will be around for the next few years at least, he'd better find some balls, take some risks and open up our game. If he doesn't have the players to do it he better get them. It wouldn't cost a fortune. Plenty of players who can do the basics. We need eleven solid players, not two star names to placate the fans. They wouldn't be stars for long anyway. One sign of ambition or one step out of the pretty patterns and they'd be benched. So why bother? Arteta couldn't get Ozil onside. He couldn't get Auba onside. He can't get anything out of Lacazette. But he might be able to work with the younger players on some sort of game that is more suited to this league. Leave the fancy stuff for clubs that go the extra mile to sign the players who can pull it off.

    Oh, and stop passing the fucking thing around at the back. What's that even about? What does it achieve? How can it be a good plan to fuck around in your own penalty box?

    Possession in our own half seem to be our entire game plan and I have no idea why??

    Possession does not win you games, goals do - and we seem to be worried about attacking to much, too quickly or too decisively

  9. #29
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    Where does Xhaka get the balls ?

    One footed, clueless simpleton should look at his own performance and character before mouthing off

    Has he ever considered that players were nervous because they have him as a team mate and they can’t rely on him to track back, not to give the ball away under no pressure and be anything other than querulous in positional play.

    Don’t get me wrong, utterly insipid load of shit from everyone last night but people in glass houses shouldn’t be lobbing boulders
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 17-05-2022 at 11:18 AM.

  10. #30
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Where does Xhaka get the balls ?

    One footed, clueless simpleton should look at his own performance and character before mouthing off

    Has he ever considered that players were nervous because they have him as a team mate and they can’t rely on him to track back, not to give the ball away under no pressure and be anything other than querulous in positional play.

    Don’t get me wrong, utterly insipid load of shit from everyone last night but people in glass houses shouldn’t be lobbing boulders
    I thought you were dead?
    Für eure Sicherheit

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