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Thread: The Gaming Thread

  1. #481
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    With a dildo.

    Also, Tom Petty coming on the radio whilst out driving in the sticks.

  2. #482
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Did anyone get Black Ops 2?

    Hardly heard anything about it this year.


  3. #483
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Nah, the campaign sucks the big one after the first two missions apparently. Shame, I quite enjoyed the original campaign. I'll get it when it is a tenner less in price.

    I suspect it has still sold a lot though.

  4. #484
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Growing a bit tired of first person shooters. Stopped buying COD a while ago but I usually always get Halo. Not bothering with Halo 4 this year. Looks too much of the same stuff.

  5. #485
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    There are so many of them, it's true. It's why I buy so many games from XBLA these days and not retail. I've used birthday money for Halo 4 so I am considering it to be me getting it for free, well, a profit really.

  6. #486
    Member Master Splinter's Avatar
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    Mario Sunshine was good, just slightly offbeat. The presentation made it seem like it wasn't really part of the Mario universe. It was stupidly hard though, especially those coin things. It was probably one of those Nintendo games that started off as something else - considering how central the FLUDD device was to everything - with Mario being incorporated onto it once they realised they had a great idea.

    Mario 64 is still my favourite 3D platformer. It's virtually perfection. Galaxy is obviously absolutelysensational, but I don't think anything will ever come close to the perfect realisation of a 3D world that Nintendo instantly nailed with Mario 64. Banjo-Kazooie is brilliant (especially how good it looked and sounded and the classic Rare dialogue), but it's a Rare game where they are paying homage to Nintendo rather than doing their own thing (Killer Instinct/Goldeneye/Jet Force Gemini/Blast Corps).

  7. #487
    Champion Forker PGFC's Avatar
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    We have CODBO11, the multiplayer is spot on, even for a partially-sighted 50 year old, the campaign's a bit so far but making French kids rage quit more than makes up for that.

  8. #488
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Nothing is better than annoying Nasri.

    Also, MS, I think that's a bit unfair to say it's a homage to Mario 64. All 3D platformers following Mario 64 are going to be compared to it and I understand that because of it being such a landmark game but it's not like Rare hadn't done platform games before!

    I'll always place Banjo-Kazooie ahead of Mario 64 because of the humour it has and I think I prefer the level desig. I've re-played them about the same amount though!

    I like the fact Mario Sunshine was off the beaten track, I suspect they might have to do something similar to that in the future - after going to the galaxy and as great as those two games are, what else is there left?

  9. #489
    Member Master Splinter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post

    Also, MS, I think that's a bit unfair to say it's a homage to Mario 64. All 3D platformers following Mario 64 are going to be compared to it and I understand that because of it being such a landmark game but it's not like Rare hadn't done platform games before!

    I'll always place Banjo-Kazooie ahead of Mario 64 because of the humour it has and I think I prefer the level design. I've re-played them about the same amount though!
    I don't mind it when something is copied well, and it definitely has it's own unique personality which makes it special. It's widely acknowledged that a lot of Rare's games were almost facsimiles of Nintendo games. Banjo-Kazooie, Diddy Kong Racing, Starfox Adventures, Mickey's Speedway USA (haven't played this tbf) and even the Donkey Kong games (2D and 3D) owe a lot to Nintendo platformers. Most of these games obviously differentiate themselves through Rare's peerless presentational skills (at the time), but design-wise, their takes on types of games Nintendo themselves didn't make were always far more interesting in terms of gameplay. Banjo-Kazooie, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing and Stafox Adventures will always be in the shadow of the 3D Marios, Mario Kart and Zelda. Games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Blast Corps and even Killer Instinct (even though that could be seen as heavily inspired by Mortal Kombat) are still unique and even unmatched in certain aspects.

    To kind of prove my point, they're still making Nintendo clones: Kinect Sports! By most accounts, their more original works - the Viva Pinata games - are supposed to be Rare's best games since the N64 days.

    I like the fact Mario Sunshine was off the beaten track, I suspect they might have to do something similar to that in the future - after going to the galaxy and as great as those two games are, what else is there left?
    They probably won't do anything as weird as Sunshine. It'll have to be Universe; somehow make it bigger in scope than the Galaxy games. Or maybe they'll make it more like 64 again, with an even bigger, fully-realised Mushroom Kingdom. Basically take every location from every 2D Mario game and make it 3D. Play it 3D on your TV and switch to 2D in any level at any time on the gamepad. Fuck. That sounds awlsome. Hope Nintendo EAD is reading GW.

  10. #490
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    That does sound good.

    They would be in the shadow because they aren't the main Nintendo games, it does not neccessarily mean they should be automatically considered above them. You note Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Kart but Mario Kart's single player is pitiful compared to the adventure of Diddy Kong Racing. Of course the multiplayer is the reverse but it's only on rare occasions where I played multiplayer and even then, it was only for two hours or so at the very most. What may or may not be the general consensus doesn't always make for a compelling argument.

    Back on to BK, I don't think there are too many similarities with Mario 64. Sure they are both platformers, both 3D and both are good vs evil (what isn't?) but after that, the 'clone' accusations break down a bit.

    You hold Nintendo in high regard and that's fine but from that standpoint of Nintendo being king, it's always going to be the case with any company that follows Nintendo. You have talked about how innovative Nintendo are but then talk about other companies cloning what they've done. Well you can't be innovative of any importance if you don't usher in anything afterwards.

    Also as was then Nintendo's second-in-command developer, don't you think they would actually request or encourage Rare to have their lynchpin platform characters/platform stables? It'd seem likely to me, they aren't dim when it comes to business (generally).

    Funny anecdote about the Wii, Microsoft and Sony could've had the patent apparently before Nintendo eventually did.

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