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Thread: 2023/2024 Season prediction

  1. #41
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    You're carefully missing out my main point which was about motivation, what motivated Hitler - essential insecurity

    I think Arteta is the same, his thinking is very rigid and black and white because ae he lacks the confidence to think outside the box, and then whe he does * e.g. subbing Odegaard for Kivior) it shows he hasn't a clue

  2. #42
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    Your problem is you’re starting from the unalterable belief that “X player is objectively bad” and therefore the conclusion must be that this player must only play because they are a boot licker. Now first problem is there are two boot lickers in the squad, Rob Holding and Mo Elneny. They don’t suck up to Arteta individually but to everyone, but like the Alec Baldwin character says in Glengarry Glenross “Nice guy? I don’t give a shit”. Holding is likely to be sold, and Elneny will only play if there’s no other option….why because they are awful players.

    Arteta is so convinced of his tactical genius, that I think you could get someone completely pulling apart his tactics and it wouldn’t dent him one bit. Wouldn’t even get cross like “who the fuck are you to question my genius?”. He’d just smile politely, hear the person out and do what he thinks is best. Almost Wenger like in that sense

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    You're carefully missing out my main point which was about motivation, what motivated Hitler - essential insecurity

    I think Arteta is the same, his thinking is very rigid and black and white because ae he lacks the confidence to think outside the box, and then whe he does * e.g. subbing Odegaard for Kivior) it shows he hasn't a clue

    No that wasn’t a driver for Hitler at all, Hitler like many dictators is driven by a sense of destiny. People speculate all the time that the Jewish pograms and the Holocaust was driven by a desire for revenge against the Jews because he believed the Jews were the ones who rejected his admission to the Vienna Art Academy. He was motivated by Nietschan philosophy in which he saw himself as the Ubermensch the superman who was destined for greatness, and to rule over others who lacked his will power and drive.

    The Jews were an objective enemy, totalitarian societies can only flourish if there is an outsider, an enemy who is the barrier of the false paradise a system like Nazism offers. I doubt he especially like Jews as he saw them as a corrupting influence and genetically inferior to the Aryan race. But antisemitism was common in Europe at this time and it’s just as likely that they were a convenient fall guy. Easy to sell the idea that the Jew is a parasite, when most non Jews already believed this.

  4. #44
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    I have to say you really are completely anchored to this “I think player is shit therefore only reason they are being played is because they wax Arteta’s car in the training ground” thing, especially to go full Hitler on it.

    As I said to you some time ago, I resigned myself to the fact that till the day I die whoever is manager they will play a player who I can’t stand.

    From as long as I can remember there have been such players for me….

    Ljungberg, Cygan, Denilson, Ramsey all spring to mind.

    Grimandi, Christopher Wreh…frankly Marc Overmars (one of the most overrated players to put on an Arsenal shirt) , Luhzny

  5. #45
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Your problem is you’re starting from the unalterable belief that “X player is objectively bad” and therefore the conclusion must be that this player must only play because they are a boot licker. Now first problem is there are two boot lickers in the squad, Rob Holding and Mo Elneny. They don’t suck up to Arteta individually but to everyone, but like the Alec Baldwin character says in Glengarry Glenross “Nice guy? I don’t give a shit”. Holding is likely to be sold, and Elneny will only play if there’s no other option….why because they are awful players.

    Arteta is so convinced of his tactical genius, that I think you could get someone completely pulling apart his tactics and it wouldn’t dent him one bit. Wouldn’t even get cross like “who the fuck are you to question my genius?”. He’d just smile politely, hear the person out and do what he thinks is best. Almost Wenger like in that sense
    Elneny isn't awful, he simply knows his limitations and plays a good game within them, I'd much rather ha e Elneny than ESR who is more yale ted but i creasingly lazy-looking and doesn't fulfil the expectation around him

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Elneny isn't awful, he simply knows his limitations and plays a good game within them, I'd much rather ha e Elneny than ESR who is more yale ted but i creasingly lazy-looking and doesn't fulfil the expectation around him
    No he is, in my view he along with Holding and Lokonga one of the worst players at the club. No ball skills, for a big guy he’s remarkably in physical, can’t deal with being pressed. And now he serves about as much purpose to the footballing aspect of Arsenal as Win the Labrador.

    I was beside myself when we gave him a new contract. More annoyed than when we gave Xhaka a new contract.

    So case in point. I’m as sure as I am about Elneny as you are about Zinchenko…I don’t actually mind Zinchenko just don’t want him playing left back. I don’t think the only explanation for Elneny being at the club is that he takes Arteta’s kids to the park when he can’t be bothered (the whole teachers pet thing) because a) it would jar with what I know about people who absolutely need validation from others b) there is at least one person I know of who rates Elneny you. I think you’re off your fucking nut, but it’s just a different opinion and doesn’t require an explanation to be shoe horned in

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Elneny isn't awful, he simply knows his limitations and plays a good game within them, I'd much rather ha e Elneny than ESR who is more yale ted but i creasingly lazy-looking and doesn't fulfil the expectation around him
    Elneny's limitations are what make him fuckin shite. I've said before, all he does is take the ball and lay it off to the closest/easiest player. He's easily bypassed by the player who passes it to him just passing it to the next player, 90% of the time. Absolutely pointless player. Offers exactly zero.

    I think you're being ridiculously harsh in ESR anaw. He's been injured for the best part of a year, ffs. When he was fit and playing regularly he was definitely an asset to the team. He should be afforded the opportunity to get back there, man.
    Unless his struggles to get back there are actually on him and his attitude, but I doubt that's the case.

  8. #48
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    I'm bored of seeing ESR lumber around the pitch seemingly oblivious to the fact he's supppsed to justify his being there ny actually doing something useful - injuries don't explain his complete lack of energy or enthusiasm

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