The only time you’ve genuinely annoyed me was the other week when you claimed I wasn’t a proper fan, because despite your claim that you were just joking I know in your sad little brain that’s probably what you believe. Now that’s on me it shouldn’t bother me at all what you think, but I just thought “who the fuck are you to determine that?”

The fact that you mention all the games you go to actually elevates you to some Fan + status, that and the fact on numerous occasions you’ve demonstrated how you can’t conceptualise how someone could ever hold a different opinion from you.

You are without doubt one of the most insecure, petty minded people I’ve ever come across on this forum. At least NQ for all his faults doesn’t actually care if you take his opinion on football seriously. But I suspect with you, that it’s become so much part of your identity that you desperately need to be taken seriously.

Arguing with me is one thing, I’m willing to admit I could start an argument in an empty room. But it’s the petulant whining, because your ego has been affronted.

You’ll have to look somewhere else for validation I’m afraid