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Thread: Wenger and Deja vu

  1. #1
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    Wenger and Deja vu

    On the eve of the new campaign, the manager said: "We are in a position where we deserve some credit.

    "Liverpool, Tottenham and all these clubs who are out of the top four would like to be in there.

    "We have not won a trophy but have been consistently in the top four. Our target is to qualify for the [Group Stage] then we will have been 15 or 16 years on the trot in the Champions League [proper].

    "You will see one day that that is not as easy as it looks. It is true that we have not won the title but we are not the only ones.

    "We were very close last year. Very, very close. We lacked a little bit of maturity at decisive moments. We played too many games in December and January. That caught up with us in the end.

    "We finished the season badly because of psychological circumstances. We lost the Carling Cup in the last minute. We went out to Barcelona under special circumstances. We dropped points to Liverpool in the last minute that were decisive. It was difficult to take for the team.

    "It means the media environment with our team is very negative at the moment - if our fans go the way the media want them to go we have no chance.

    "What I want is for our fans to appreciate and to support our team."
    This twat has become a parody of himself, he really has. There he goes again, defending our pathetic capitulation last season by pointing out we qualified for the Champions League again, and if we do so again it'll be 15-16 years in succession that we've been in the UCL. I'm sorry, but while the fans appreciate this, they also realise that the UCL is one massive cash cow, and while the revenue generated from it matters a lot to the free market fundamentalists in the boardroom and director's box (and to Wenger himself), for the supporters, we've realised that we have no chance of winning or even being competitive in the Champions League, so Wenger trying to claim that finishing in the top 4 should give the fans a lot of satisfaction is bollocks. I understand that winning the UCL is difficult, but it's clear we're never even in the running to win it. But this doesn't matter to the club hierarchy, who care only about profits.

    Then there's an even more pathetic remark. "It is true that we have not won the title but we are not the only ones." Okay, Sunderland didn't win the league, does that mean we shouldn't be worried about the direction the club is taking, and our lack of challenging for silverware over the last 5 years?

    "We were very close last year. Very, very close. We lacked a little bit of maturity at decisive moments. We played too many games in December and January. That caught up with us in the end."
    No, we were not very very close you dickhead. We collapsed in an entirely predictable manner after the Carling cup defeat in late February, which was the start of our capitulation. Most supporters could see we weren't going to win the league in early/mid March, so you can't say we were close to winning the Premiership.

    The infuriating thing is he's still coming up with pathetic excuses for our end-of-season collapse. We played too many games in January and December?????! So did EVERY OTHER FUCKING PREMIERSHIP TEAM, and you don't hear them moaning about it.

    He prattles on about a lack of maturity and the psychological impact of losing to Barca in the UCL, the Carling Cup in the last minute to Brum and Liverpool's equaliser in the last minute etc etc, but WENGER SPECIFICALLY SAID that we should judge him at the end of last season, and at the start of 2010/2011 he specifically mentioned that his team were mature enough now to challenge for trophies. The fact that he's defaulted to the pathetic old excuse about inexperience and immaturity shows how much contempt he feels for the fans.

    The above article was in Pravda (sorry, I mean It's something I expect to see on a football forum, as a parody of Wenger's myopia and inability to accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong at the club. He'll never blame himself or the players, but always look to external circumstances. He claims we lost to Barca because of "special circumstances". What special circumstances were those Arsene? The circumstances of our striker being a wanker and getting himself sent off, and the circumstances whereby we failed to muster a shot on target in the entire 90 minutes?

    It's hilarious that the official website has published this article, but in a way it's good, because the fans can see again how detached from reality Wenger has become. He's operating in a mirror universe, where left is right and losing is winning.

  2. #2
    Member Olivier's xmas twist's Avatar
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    What did you expect him to say?

  3. #3
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    In the nicest possible way, I wish the pr*ck would f*ck off.

    All he comes out with is nonsense like this, his actions don't point to a man who is just doing this for the media....just looks at this summer's dealings.

    Yeah he's done and he's an embarrassment to the club IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie the Gooner View Post
    What did you expect him to say?
    Let's see, the truth maybe for once?

    Besides, these aren't just words...he's done f*ck all in the transfer market either.

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    I think he's replying to the mostly non-existent fans that think we're only a gnats testicle away from mid-table, it seems like he's just throwing straw-man arguments out there to distract from the failures of the team. AW talks crap, we've known this for a while so I wouldn't get too worked up about it, especially not when there's actual actions to get pissed off about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vela View Post
    I think he's replying to the mostly non-existent fans that think we're only a gnats testicle away from mid-table, it seems like he's just throwing straw-man arguments out there to distract from the failures of the team. AW talks crap, we've known this for a while so I wouldn't get too worked up about it, especially not when there's actual actions to get pissed off about.
    You know what though, it's pretty stupid to keep talking cr*p though, it makes an already bad situation worse....if he doesn't see that more fool him.

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    He doesn't want to be a twat like Fergie and just refuse to speak to the press whenever they say something he disagrees with, I agree with you though, he should tell them to fuck off.

    He'd get just as much criticism if he didn't talk at all imo as people would get pissed off that we never hear anything from him but it'd probably be better for PR atm.

  8. #8
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    "It means the media environment with our team is very negative at the moment - if our fans go the way the media want them to go we have no chance.

    "What I want is for our fans to appreciate and to support our team."
    I agree the guy seems to be under a lot of pressure and it reaching for arguments and being unrealistic in his appraisal of both our past performance and future prospects, plus I hate the fact he views 4th place as some sort of success. However...

    He's our manager, this is our team, we've had a whole summer to pick through the ashes of last season but this is brand new season. We have what we have, we go with what we've got, the action kicks off in just a few hours, the lads will be taking to the pitch and in one thing Wenger is right - if we decide we've lost before the season starts then we will lose.

    So warts and all I'm going with him because this is my club and has been for longer than I can remember. I didn't think I'd be as interested this year because of all that's gone on (or hasn't gone on) but football is a hard habit to shake and, unlike yesterday, today I can't wait for the big kick off.

    Three points at stake, as fans, as players, as a club let's give it everything and see how the dice fall. Time to hunt some Geordies down, red 'till I'm dead, let's be having you, IT'S ON!

    Footie's back lads! Come on your Arsenal!

    PS. The board are cunts.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I agree the guy seems to be under a lot of pressure and it reaching for arguments and being unrealistic in his appraisal of both our past performance and future prospects, plus I hate the fact he views 4th place as some sort of success. However...

    He's our manager, this is our team, we've had a whole summer to pick through the ashes of last season but this is brand new season. We have what we have, we go with what we've got, the action kicks off in just a few hours, the lads will be taking to the pitch and in one thing Wenger is right - if we decide we've lost before the season starts then we will lose.

    So warts and all I'm going with him because this is my club and has been for longer than I can remember. I didn't think I'd be as interested this year because of all that's gone on (or hasn't gone on) but football is a hard habit to shake and, unlike yesterday, today I can't wait for the big kick off.

    Three points at stake, as fans, as players, as a club let's give it everything and see how the dice fall. Time to hunt some Geordies down, red 'till I'm dead, let's be having you, IT'S ON!

    Footie's back lads! Come on your Arsenal!

    PS. The board are cunts.

    This is the best post you have ever made. The board, Wenger and (to some extent) the players have let us down. However this is THE Arsenal and we will continue to support them through the bad times as well as the good. Today is all about three points.

  10. #10
    Member AKBapologist's Avatar
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    Is it time to unignore NQ?

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