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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20631
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    I agree with that too, I'm not sure he can deliver what he's offered even if he wants to. Reporters this morning said that he could say what he wanted to, whereas the career politician had to toe the line more. But ordinary Americans heard what they wanted to or needed to hear. (I wonder if some just couldn't vote for the first female President?)
    Or possibly they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a career criminal? Anyone who voted for that bitch really needs to have a word with themselves.
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  2. #20632
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    I agree with that too, I'm not sure he can deliver what he's offered even if he wants to. Reporters this morning said that he could say what he wanted to, whereas the career politician had to toe the line more. But ordinary Americans heard what they wanted to or needed to hear. (I wonder if some just couldn't vote for the first female President?)
    People are just fucking idiots. So they'll vote in whoever pulls the best con job every five years. Then the 'hope' dies after a few years and some other numpty comes along with a new pitch. What this result does show is that the fallacy of presenting policies never truly mattered in this modern age, probably never at all, this being the pinnacle of the cult of personality. Just literally making it up as you go along, not hiding that fact at all. This was the right choice to make and hopefully, although ugly and even chaotic in the near future, the first step towards people finally riding themselves of the need for bullshit salespeople running their lives.

  3. #20633
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Or possibly they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a career criminal? Anyone who voted for that bitch really needs to have a word with themselves.
    I honestly don't think whoever had been chosen by the democrats would have beaten Trump

  4. #20634
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The only thing that could have come out of this election was a crushing defeat for the career criminal Clinton, her hillbilly rapist husband, the deviants they surround themselves with and the establishment that was riding the same train in anticipation of another unrestricted 4 years of globalist bullshit. Now there will need to be a pause while all the roaches scuttle around and try to find new places in the nest. That's a good thing for every person on the planet except the tiny majority that normally have everything arranged just so. And there's even a bonus. We had the black fella pull some wool and now we have the guy who is the champion of the people. Eventually enough Americans are going to figure this shit out and then we might see a real reversal for the establishment. We aren't going forward but at least we are no longer rushing backwards and there does appear to be some hope given what's happening all across the world right now, including even in our own pussy whipped land of queuers.
    You're delusional. We're not even close to a revaluation. Donald Trump is a career criminal and the worst kind. He's a product of what you deplore most.

  5. #20635
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What did he say that they wanted to hear? That he's going to "make America great again"? What does that even mean? And how is he going to do that?
    He has said a load of vague stuff which does play well to a certain demographic but there's no substance to any of it.
    He said he was going to bring jobs back and that if businesses took their factories away form the S, then he would put a big tariff on the goods they sold in the US.

  6. #20636

  7. #20637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    He said he was going to bring jobs back and that if businesses took their factories away form the S, then he would put a big tariff on the goods they sold in the US.
    But the US unemployment rate has been steadily falling for years. As Jim Jeffries said, he's like a kid running for class president going around saying "and we're going to have two lunchtimes and there'll be a soda machine in every classroom..."
    Sheesh. Any idiot can say stuff that sounds good. He won't do any of it, most of the time he's not even saying how he'll do things.

  8. #20638
    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    You're delusional. We're not even close to a revaluation. Donald Trump is a career criminal and the worst kind. He's a product of what you deplore most.
    The problem is clearly how those who have been for so long ignored and belittled (even by myself in this country) that the ground becomes fertile for men like Trump to succeed.

    Small communities and the industries they worked in have been battered unrecognisably over the last thirty years, and yet we call them racist or stupid when they've finally had enough and turn towards the person who promises to make it better for them even if they have no intention of doing so.

    If we don't hear the alarm clock ringing now, we are going to find ourselves sleep walking into a very unpleasant future.

  9. #20639
    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    But the US unemployment rate has been steadily falling for years. As Jim Jeffries said, he's like a kid running for class president going around saying "and we're going to have two lunchtimes and there'll be a soda machine in every classroom..."
    Sheesh. Any idiot can say stuff that sounds good. He won't do any of it, most of the time he's not even saying how he'll do things.
    What jobs though Letters? Service industry jobs in big cities where people can't afford to live

    It's happening all over the world. My brother is married to a Fillipino and in many respects Duterte is their equivalent of Trump, and their economy was booming but who was feeling the benefit?. People having to crowd their way into Manilla and other big cities from the provinces to find work.

    The difference between Duterte and Trump, is that although I find extra judicial murders of suspected drug users/pushers is absolutely wrong he is in many ways living up to the promises he made towards improving life for working people. Trump doesn't give a shit about them and has used them as a platform for his own benefit.
    Last edited by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie; 09-11-2016 at 09:53 AM.

  10. #20640
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    You're delusional. We're not even close to a revaluation. Donald Trump is a career criminal and the worst kind. He's a product of what you deplore most.
    This is a Trump vs Clinton thing for you. Fine. But it's not like that for me. Just the same as the clowns staging Remain vs Brexit were irrelevant. So I think it's safe enough to count me out of the delusional camp. The only important thing that happened in this election was a bang to rights criminal who traded her office and state secrets was placed in front of the people who were then asked to endorse her. If she had won then there would be no hope whatsoever. If it really was possible to sell a commander in chief who was above the law and quite obviously could not be trusted to be a notional commander in chief that would basically have confirmed anything is possible. Yes, so people fell for a bunch of lies again, the whole point of this carnival is to endorse the idea that people need permission from their betters to live their lives. But at least we know there are limits and that's something. As history shows, a genuine revolution will arrive in time. But before that can even be contemplated you have to head towards it instead of away from it. We might be sadly a million miles away this morning but at least it's not two million miles which is the destination the Clinton/ Bush crime syndicate offered. It should all be obvious but unfortunately it isn't for so many. Bush, Clinton, Bush, the emergency black guy, Clinton. So very obvious.
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