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Thread: if AW spends big and we get a torres, what happens?

  1. #11
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    Not that he will but I don't even trust Arsene to spend money correctly these days.

    If we spend he'll go looking for junk in Ligue One that nobody else wants just to prove that his way is the right way.

    Arsene will probably spend a bit of money this summer he just won't spend it on the right players.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by budesonide View Post
    I am sorry TG, with all due respect that is utter bollocks. As I have said time and again -- if you put even messi in this team he will give up after a season. Why? because the entire set-up and system with WENGER is broken and has taken us as afr as it can. Vieira saw it coming and he got fed up; Henry saw it coming and he got fed up. Fabregas has seen it too and he wants to fuc*k off too. So who is to blame? Wenger!
    Whoa there. We chose to sell Vieira, he didn't get fed up and walk out.
    Henry left but he was past his best and had family problems.
    Cesc...not sure about him but he's made no secret of his desire to go to Barca at some point so him going would be no surprise.

    I agree with a lot of your post but to say these players could see the problems and left because of them is just plain wrong.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by budesonide View Post
    I am sorry TG, with all due respect that is utter bollocks. As I have said time and again -- if you put even messi in this team he will give up after a season. Why? because the entire set-up and system with WENGER is broken and has taken us as afr as it can. Vieira saw it coming and he got fed up; Henry saw it coming and he got fed up. Fabregas has seen it too and he wants to fuc*k off too. So who is to blame? Wenger!

    He could inherit the real madrid team and they will defend like muppets unless their backline is already grilled and drilled like the one he inherited when he first got here.

    So if signing torres,ronaldo,kaka,messi eyc doesn't solve the problem then the blame will still lie solely at wenger's feet. As ancelotti and he will tell you that.
    Thank you for making my point, budesonide. I deliberately said that Wenger would be blamed, regardless of how the high priced players do. Unfortunately, I could not find the Sarcasm smilie to add to my comment.

    Reading your comments suggests to me that nothing Wenger and Arsenal could do in the next 12 months will change your position: In your opinion, Wenger has to go and that is final. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, so we will leave things at that.
    While all answers are responses, not all responses are answers.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toronto Gooner View Post
    Thank you for making my point, budesonide. I deliberately said that Wenger would be blamed, regardless of how the high priced players do. Unfortunately, I could not find the Sarcasm smilie to add to my comment.

    Reading your comments suggests to me that nothing Wenger and Arsenal could do in the next 12 months will change your position: In your opinion, Wenger has to go and that is final. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, so we will leave things at that.
    TG, If wenger could own up to the serious deficiencies in the team and stop shifting goalposts every single time, I am sure most people will be forgiving. "we will fight till the end" --- then we end up with more of the same. "we are unbeaten in the last 11 games" (willfully ignoring that we had drawn most of the games in question) which is then followed up by relegation form.

    He tried to redefine success with our tentative spot in second place and used that to silence any questions about serious flaws in his team. What has followed is now history. "we will fight till the end" --- in the end we were saved by the fact that we ran out of games to drop out of the top four altogether.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    Whoa there. We chose to sell Vieira, he didn't get fed up and walk out.
    Henry left but he was past his best and had family problems.
    Cesc...not sure about him but he's made no secret of his desire to go to Barca at some point so him going would be no surprise.

    I agree with a lot of your post but to say these players could see the problems and left because of them is just plain wrong.
    In vieira's last years he also hinted at the at the fact that we were not being competitive enough to win the CL. He should have left the year before he actually did. I am not saying he walked out -- he wanted out. You can spin that to say we sold him when we wanted to, but he wanted out and you know it. And so did henry. Perhaps henry was most vocal about it all -- he came out with the fact that promises were made about the strengthening of the squad which never came to pass -- he even publicly declared we should go out and sign wright-phillips to signal some ambition. Goonersweb turned on henry claiming he has become bigger than the club and that his beviour was stifling the development of the youngsters.

    You couldn't possibly believe cesc's behaviour is new, could you?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by budesonide View Post
    In vieira's last years he also hinted at the at the fact that we were not being competitive enough to win the CL. He should have left the year before he actually did. I am not saying he walked out -- he wanted out. You can spin that to say we sold him when we wanted to, but he wanted out and you know it.

    "Arsenal did nothing to keep me. The bottom line is they could have kept me. I saw myself finishing my career at Arsenal. I thought I would be at the club for another three years. I don't know if they needed the money for players or the new stadium, but it was their decision to sell me."

    I remember this sort of story from the time. We chose to sell him, he said so himself.

  7. #17
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    [QUOTE=Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL);1723]

    I shall also try finding the news articles to back up my post.

    Have you conceded the henry one then?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by budesonide View Post
    Have you conceded the henry one then?
    I'm not sure what you're saying about Henry. We had his best years and he certainly wasn't critical of the club when he left:

    He also left around the time of his marriage breaking up, that may have been a factor. He certainly gave no indication he was just fed up of the way things were going and walked out.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toronto Gooner View Post
    Thank you for making my point, budesonide. I deliberately said that Wenger would be blamed, regardless of how the high priced players do. Unfortunately, I could not find the Sarcasm smilie to add to my comment.

    Reading your comments suggests to me that nothing Wenger and Arsenal could do in the next 12 months will change your position: In your opinion, Wenger has to go and that is final. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, so we will leave things at that.
    Surely the fact Wenger and Arsenal have done nothing in the past 60 months is the big problem? When each outcome is the same as the last people start to spot a pattern, some sooner than others. A few posters here had Wenger sussed a long time ago. The rest of us, myself included, have been slower to catch on. Some still don't see it at all.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    I'm not sure what you're saying about Henry. We had his best years and he certainly wasn't critical of the club when he left:

    He also left around the time of his marriage breaking up, that may have been a factor. He certainly gave no indication he was just fed up of the way things were going and walked out.

    "If I see at any time that Arsenal don't do everything to try to win trophies, that their ambitions no longer match mine, then that's it." -- Patrick Vieira
    Last edited by budesonide; 24-05-2011 at 03:07 PM.

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