View Full Version : Wenger Lives in the Past!

21-08-2013, 03:11 PM
Have you all noticed when Wenger gets irate in his recent press confernences or post match interviews. Gone is his sharp humour and coolness, he is always ready to pick an arguement, abrupt and defensive when he doesn't like the questions. That voice is now becoming so depressing to listen to, and he always refers to the past and in particuluar '16 years'. In the past we had the best transfer policy, in the past we had signed great players. I think Wenger and the Board should have a look at our nosiy neigbours donw the road and see how a proper football club is run, they are conducting thier transfer business professionaly and efficiently. They know the going rate and pay it. Wenger is still back in the day senario belieivng that players are not worth more than the Trevor Francis £1mill pound player fees oh and the £1 to add insult. We are the laughing stock of Europe right and it's no surprise to me that club is in turmoil, it's run by a bunch idiots who havent got a clue. As it as it pains me to say this but Spurs are being run as a football club first and a business second, they are playing the better attacking football, they have one of the brightest up and coming managers iN Europe and a very smart chairman in Levy who knos how to do business. He owns Gazidis and the rest of the idoitc board members.

21-08-2013, 03:52 PM
Have you all noticed when Wenger gets irate in his recent press confernences or post match interviews. Gone is his sharp humour and coolness, he is always ready to pick an arguement, abrupt and defensive when he doesn't like the questions. That voice is now becoming so depressing to listen to, and he always refers to the past and in particuluar '16 years'. In the past we had the best transfer policy, in the past we had signed great players. I think Wenger and the Board should have a look at our nosiy neigbours donw the road and see how a proper football club is run, they are conducting thier transfer business professionaly and efficiently. They know the going rate and pay it. Wenger is still back in the day senario belieivng that players are not worth more than the Trevor Francis £1mill pound player fees oh and the £1 to add insult. We are the laughing stock of Europe right and it's no surprise to me that club is in turmoil, it's run by a bunch idiots who havent got a clue. As it as it pains me to say this but Spurs are being run as a football club first and a business second, they are playing the better attacking football, they have one of the brightest up and coming managers iN Europe and a very smart chairman in Levy who knos how to do business. He owns Gazidis and the rest of the idoitc board members.


People suffering from dementia usually do live in the past, the symptoms were there for all to see with a failure to zip up a jacket properly

Master Splinter
21-08-2013, 05:33 PM
It would be awesome living in the past.

I wish I was Wenger.

21-08-2013, 05:40 PM
As long as he lives in the past somewhere else away from this football club.

Master Splinter
21-08-2013, 05:43 PM
As long as he lives in the past somewhere else away from this football club.

Wood Green?

21-08-2013, 05:46 PM
Wood Green?

I just want him out, I don't want to see him humiliated.

21-08-2013, 06:40 PM
He's like a dinosaur, thing is even they disappeared, he just seems to stay on and on and on.....

21-08-2013, 08:24 PM
He's like a dinosaur, thing is even they disappeared, he just seems to stay on and on and on.....

Wenger outlasts dinosaurs. PHW seen off, watch out Gunnersaurus!