View Full Version : The Mathieu Debuchy Thread (official)

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-06-2014, 02:58 PM
Rumours are circulating that he's on his way, so..

30-06-2014, 03:10 PM
The ultimate meh. At least he's not a has-been, because you can't be a has-been if you weren't anything in the first place.

30-06-2014, 03:11 PM
The ultimate meh. At least he's not a has-been, because you can't be a has-been if you weren't anything in the first place.

It'd be an odd signing. If we want to sign a mediocre RB, Aurier would be cheaper.

30-06-2014, 03:18 PM
I'll just leave these here:

30-06-2014, 03:33 PM
I added his passing to that comparison to get an accurate picture.

30-06-2014, 03:34 PM
I added his passing to that comparison to get an accurate picture.

I added the possession score 7 times. Seems I was right.

30-06-2014, 03:39 PM
So a journeyman defender who can't pass and excels at losing the ball? Bit unfair on Jenks to be be passed up for this guy.

AFC Leveller
30-06-2014, 03:43 PM
Good player, not a massive upgrade on Sagna but a better player, esp in the final third.

Power n Glory
30-06-2014, 03:46 PM
I think I remember that mofo from Pro Evo! He developed into a bit of a beast. Snap him up! :lol:

30-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Whoever we get needs to provide a ball retaining outlet, Sagna got so much of the ball - not that he could do much with it. Can't see how this guy gives us what we need. Not unless we are going to change the way we play and put a much lower reliance on the full backs.

Power n Glory
30-06-2014, 04:01 PM
We really need to get the fullback position correct. We can’t afford to have a weak side that always gets targeted by other teams. Someone that’s all action and can help us attack would go a long way in helping our attack but we need someone that can hit the ground running on defence. Santos wasn’t cut much slack and Monreal isn’t rate much on here either.

I am invisible
30-06-2014, 04:26 PM
On the plus side, at least we know Newcastle would fold faster than Superman on laundry day, if we put any kind of offer in...

30-06-2014, 04:39 PM
Who is he?

30-06-2014, 04:42 PM
He's playing now for the French. Workmanlike at best.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-06-2014, 07:11 PM
Whoever we get needs to provide a ball retaining outlet, Sagna got so much of the ball - not that he could do much with it. Can't see how this guy gives us what we need. Not unless we are going to change the way we play and put a much lower reliance on the full backs.

He offers much more in attack which is crucial nowadays. I know he can be dodgy in defence but he plays for Newcastle. Without disrespecting them too much, they're shite.

Under a settled back 4 and Steve Bould coaching him he could turn out to do really well. I've spoken to a Newcastle fan and he rates him highly.. generally you can tell whether a player is good based on how the fans feel when the player leaves..

01-07-2014, 12:11 PM
Debuchy is a lousy defender, he's even managed to look ropey for France Defensively which really should be a cause for concern.

I have never rated him, he can get forward but he's ya classic average player. Would prefer Aurier or even Clyne of Southamption as they both have lots of potential and could do a job now. Debuchy comes across as a stop gap type signing.

Master Splinter
02-07-2014, 11:24 AM
Do Metro reports by a Metro Bot have a history of legitimacy?

02-07-2014, 12:44 PM
Do Metro reports by a Metro Bot have a history of legitimacy?

They get a lot of their material directly from Wayne Gooney so their legitimacy speaks for itself.

03-07-2014, 01:32 PM

03-07-2014, 01:43 PM
He's 28 as well, not exactly a long term solution.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
03-07-2014, 01:58 PM
I despair....

AFC Leveller
03-07-2014, 03:23 PM
I dont know why you guys are disappointed? Dbuchy is a betetr RB than Sagna, 3 years younger and offers us more in the final third. He would go straight in without needing time to adapt and wouldnt unsetlle out back 4.

id be really happy with him.

03-07-2014, 03:37 PM
Got so sick of seeing Sagna blow 95% of everything he did going forward, it was a serious problem for us. Always thought that spending a few quid on a decent fullback that could defend but was also an asset going forward would be huge for us. All that negative backpassing shit and break down of play due to abject crossing could be reversed. If this guy can do it then great. Didn't look like it the few time I have seen him for Newcastle and he was shite the other day for France, in fact reminded me a lot of Sagna with his wastefulness and lack of ability going forward. Maybe he was having a bad day.

AFC Leveller
03-07-2014, 03:41 PM
There is a reason why he is ahead of Sagna for the French team and i really think he'll improve us. I have seen him play and one of his best games was last season away to Man ure where he was fantastic throughout the game.

03-07-2014, 03:45 PM
He's 28 as well, not exactly a long term solution.

Yeah, I'm still silently hoping that we grab Aurier.

03-07-2014, 03:53 PM
Got so sick of seeing Sagna blow 95% of everything he did going forward, it was a serious problem for us. Always thought that spending a few quid on a decent fullback that could defend but was also an asset going forward would be huge for us. All that negative backpassing shit and break down of play due to abject crossing could be reversed. If this guy can do it then great. Didn't look like it the few time I have seen him for Newcastle and he was shite the other day for France, in fact reminded me a lot of Sagna with his wastefulness and lack of ability going forward. Maybe he was having a bad day.

Sagna was actually pretty good for us going forward last season. His crossing in particular somehow managed to improve a lot, it was Giroud's wastefulness and a general lack of bodies in the box that prevented him from notching up a few more assists.

I still think a defender's primary job is to defend and with that in mind we were never going to buy someone better than Sagna. No point slitting wrists over it but Sagna is going to be a big loss. We're going to have to rethink our whole strategy, right from Szczesny lumping the ball forward to the right for Sagna to win the first header. If we play more down the left, Gibbs is going to have to grow some balls and be more decisive in the final 1/3.

03-07-2014, 04:17 PM
Dont have a problem with Debuchy's age. Still have Jenks waiting in the wings who could be ready in a couple of years. If not, we sign someone else.

Still have reservations over Debuchy's defensive capabillities though. For all the stick Sagna is now getting over his crossing, he was/is a brilliant defender and I think we will miss that.

03-07-2014, 04:32 PM
I'm ok with us signing La Bouche.. he can be my lover..

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
03-07-2014, 04:38 PM
Sagna was actually pretty good for us going forward last season. His crossing in particular somehow managed to improve a lot, it was Giroud's wastefulness and a general lack of bodies in the box that prevented him from notching up a few more assists.

I still think a defender's primary job is to defend and with that in mind we were never going to buy someone better than Sagna. No point slitting wrists over it but Sagna is going to be a big loss. We're going to have to rethink our whole strategy, right from Szczesny lumping the ball forward to the right for Sagna to win the first header. If we play more down the left, Gibbs is going to have to grow some balls and be more decisive in the final 1/3.

I tend to agree.

As far as I can see, we would be replacing Sagna with a player inferior defensively, a smidgen younger and a little more astute with the ball at his feet, but as you suggest....Sagna was no small part of that solid back line we had last season (minus the infamous embarrassments) and his crossing was very good. That is without getting into his aerial prowess and his ability to play across the back line which he had to do a number of times.

It is the sort of status quo, underwhelming signing we have become used to over the Arsenal. At least Richards is 25 and has the excuse of injury and being behind a club happy to stock pile players.

Power n Glory
03-07-2014, 04:54 PM
Well, at least he won't suffer a culture shock if we sign him. It's never pretty seeing a fullback out of their depth and exposed. With Prem experience, he should know what he's in for.

If we're really in for Sanchez (:lol:) we shouldn't really need a more attack minded rb on the right. A player like Theo whose not much of a dribbler may benefit from more support but I also wonder how that will effect the defensive side because Theo plays a lot closer in the final third these days. We shall see what what happens but would have preferred for us to have signed someone earlier before Sagna left so we're not left in the dark and unknowing.

04-07-2014, 01:36 PM

twitter :lol:

The Emirates Gallactico
05-07-2014, 11:48 AM
He confirmed that he's coming to Arsenal to a French TV station after the match yesterday.


‘Yes, I will be joining Arsenal for next season,’ he told a reporter from TF1 television following France’s World Cup exit to Germany.

7.9 million is the fee.

Anyway, welcome Mathieu.:hug::hug:

We may have had some doubts over his value but now that's he's our player (all but), it's time to support the guy 100% and defend him against naysayers.

05-07-2014, 11:50 AM
Debuchy :bow:

Always rated him

05-07-2014, 12:01 PM
13th best player in the premier league last season*

*according to the whoscored.com rating system

The fact he plays over Sagna for France gives me confidence that hes a generally underrated player, or, that Sagna is overrated. Which one?

The Emirates Gallactico
05-07-2014, 12:19 PM
The fact he plays over Sagna for France gives me confidence that hes a generally underrated player, or, that Sagna is overrated. Which one?

Probably confirms that Deschamps is a bit of a pillock more than anything. This is the same guy who didn't start Kosicinely despite being the PL's best defender, instead preferring Sakho and Varane, the latter of which doesn't get too many matches sitting on the bench of Madrid. And who caved into the media pressure of dropping Giroud after the Nigeria game and starting Greizemann, in the process losing Giroud's hold up play and industry and Greizemann's off the bench impact.

Sagna is the better player imho and removing the bitterness of his cuntish move, I don't think many people on here would disagree with that. However it's not that big of a gap and Debuchy should be able to do a steady reliable job there without needing to be babysat. In the meantime a more long term target like Bellerin can develop so in that sense it's a good move. Besides, there aren't many available instant-ready fullbacks who are as good as Sagna so you've got to take what's available at times.

05-07-2014, 12:41 PM
Probably confirms that Deschamps is a bit of a pillock more than anything. This is the same guy who didn't start Kosicinely despite being the PL's best defender, instead preferring Sakho and Varane, the latter of which doesn't get too many matches sitting on the bench of Madrid. And who caved into the media pressure of dropping Giroud after the Nigeria game and starting Greizemann, in the process losing Giroud's hold up play and industry and Greizemann's off the bench impact.

Sagna is the better player imho and removing the bitterness of his cuntish move, I don't think many people on here would disagree with that. However it's not that big of a gap and Debuchy should be able to do a steady reliable job there without needing to be babysat. In the meantime a more long term target like Bellerin can develop so in that sense it's a good move. Besides, there aren't many available instant-ready fullbacks who are as good as Sagna so you've got to take what's available at times.

Good post...agree with you about Deschump. As always i guess time will tell if Debuchy will be a good signing or not, id say hes got a lot to prove though which may be a good thing.

AFC Leveller
05-07-2014, 01:57 PM
When we signed Sagna, he was part of the Auxere defence which conceded something like 60 goals and finished 17th (or something like that) and a lot of fans were skeptical but he turned out to be an excellent defender.

Debuchy wil be a perfect replacement and will offer us a bit more in the final third.

05-07-2014, 02:19 PM
Debuchy, excellent defender and good going forward. The best right back playing in the PL today, by quite a distance. Outstanding hair, every bit as good as Sagna's.

The Emirates Gallactico
05-07-2014, 02:25 PM
Debuchy, excellent defender and good going forward. The best right back playing in the PL today, by quite a distance. Outstanding hair, every bit as good as Sagna's.

Good good. Hope every one is taking notes here. This is going to be the party line that the entire board will follow from now on.

05-07-2014, 02:28 PM
His wife is also named Ludivine (like Sagna) but she isn't a looker though :doh:

The Emirates Gallactico
05-07-2014, 02:36 PM
His wife is also named Ludivine (like Sagna) but she isn't a looker though :doh:

Pics or GTFO son.

05-07-2014, 03:24 PM

Master Splinter
05-07-2014, 04:05 PM
Debouchy will be useful against pub teams at home.

Hopefully he will be a better player in a better team.

GHELKers has rarely let us down when picked though, so hopefully he can push on this season. And maybe Bellerin will have a breakthrough soon too.

07-07-2014, 08:54 PM
According to Goal.com, La Bouche has completed his medical for us.

Its Goal.com...

Injury Time
07-07-2014, 09:24 PM
According to Goal.com, La Bouche has completed his medical for us.

Its Goal.com...
Failed it /thread.

Xhaka Can’t
07-07-2014, 09:30 PM
Failed it /thread.

Where's my beer?

07-07-2014, 09:37 PM
Talksport say it's confirmed and completed.. :coffee:

Marc Overmars
07-07-2014, 09:39 PM
Does seem like this one is all but done, satisfied with it personally. Established player who won't need x amount of time to settle in.

Better than Sagna in every way as most would agree. :coffee:

07-07-2014, 09:45 PM
Atleast he won't fuck off for the ACON!

Injury Time
07-07-2014, 09:47 PM
Where's my beer?

Hey that's MY line :angry:
Anyhoo http://hereisthecity.com/en-gb/2014/07/07/five-facts-about-new-arsenal-trialist-ahmed-fathi/?

07-07-2014, 09:51 PM
SWAYR got it right with the thread.

HOpefully Sanchez arriving very soon :good:

07-07-2014, 10:01 PM
Arsenal may sell Carl Jenkinson to Newcastle as part of the £11m deal for Mathieu Debuchy [Mail]


Bye Bye Jenks

07-07-2014, 10:16 PM
Nah, Jenks is the new captain

07-07-2014, 10:16 PM
I'd hate it if Jenks left.. though he is not the best RB, he is Arsenal through and through, and I'd rather have players like him than scumbags who will leave us at the drop of a hat!

Xhaka Can’t
07-07-2014, 10:18 PM
Fuckin Slytherin cunts.

07-07-2014, 10:40 PM
Fuckin Slytherin cunts.


McNamara That Ghost...
07-07-2014, 10:47 PM
Arsenal may sell Carl Jenkinson to Newcastle as part of the £11m deal for Mathieu Debuchy [Mail]


Bye Bye Jenks

Oh fuck off papers, these deals rarely happen so why do they keep bother mentioning them?

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
07-07-2014, 11:19 PM
Probably confirms that Deschamps is a bit of a pillock more than anything. This is the same guy who didn't start Kosicinely despite being the PL's best defender, instead preferring Sakho and Varane, the latter of which doesn't get too many matches sitting on the bench of Madrid. And who caved into the media pressure of dropping Giroud after the Nigeria game and starting Greizemann, in the process losing Giroud's hold up play and industry and Greizemann's off the bench impact.

Sagna is the better player imho and removing the bitterness of his cuntish move, I don't think many people on here would disagree with that. However it's not that big of a gap and Debuchy should be able to do a steady reliable job there without needing to be babysat. In the meantime a more long term target like Bellerin can develop so in that sense it's a good move. Besides, there aren't many available instant-ready fullbacks who are as good as Sagna so you've got to take what's available at times.

Yes there is that!.... We've weakened the position as far as I'm concerned but I'm glad we haven't taken two years to actually replace the departing player properly like we have done in the past.

I am invisible
08-07-2014, 08:29 AM
To be fair, I can't think of too many RBs who we could have signed who would have represented a step up from Sagna, so I'm not going to hold that against him - according to the stat comparisons that are being chucked around this morning, there's not a lot between them in most areas, and least we've gone for a player who's approaching his peak years and has PL experience, so we shouldn't be left waiting for a year or two for him to get his shit together. Looks a decent signing.

I can't really think of him as a proper signing though, as all this really does is put us back where we were before Sagna left. In fact we're actually still a little behind where we left off last season until we replace Fabianski - starting to get a little worried by the lack of GK and CB talk now...

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
08-07-2014, 11:41 AM
That's precisely why I think we should have tried harder to keep Sagna. Replacing a player like that is very difficult and I think Aurier represented at least the pretence of getting to his level one day. Whilst I think it's possible DeDouchey will improve, I don't think he will get to a great level beyond where he is or even that of Sagna's. Our target should have been somebody who is or had the potential to be at his level one day.

I think we will be more than happy to sign the reserve keeper right at the deadline because he will be no great name or force in football. If Vermaelen leaves that will actually force our hand in terms of buying a CB so I'm sure the club will try hard not to let him go, but they will have their price.

I am invisible
08-07-2014, 12:25 PM
Ideally we could do with another CB, even if Vermaelen doesn't go. We got away with it last season, but I wouldn't want to risk going into another one with just 3 CBs again (especially coming off a WC summer)...

08-07-2014, 12:38 PM
Underwhelming signing, don't remember him from Newcastle games and their defence was dire at times last season.

Not really sure if he's any good or not, as for Deschamps, he decided to leave some very talented players behind which wasn't very logical at all and when they faced a Germany side who aren't that impressive they got knocked out, so I don't totally trust his judgment.

08-07-2014, 02:39 PM
He's a massive downgrade on Sagna IMO. Debuchy probably is the better attacker now, but Sagna was so important for us defensively, he was a rock on that right hand side. His crossing was underrated too although he rarely had anything to aim at with the lack of movement from our forwards.

Meh, there weren't many available established alternatives and it would have been riskier to buy someone who hadn't proven himself in a top league. If nothing else at least it buys us time to find the right long term player for the position.

The Emirates Gallactico
08-07-2014, 04:01 PM
That's precisely why I think we should have tried harder to keep Sagna. Replacing a player like that is very difficult and I think Aurier represented at least the pretence of getting to his level one day. Whilst I think it's possible DeDouchey will improve, I don't think he will get to a great level beyond where he is or even that of Sagna's. Our target should have been somebody who is or had the potential to be at his level one day.

I think we will be more than happy to sign the reserve keeper right at the deadline because he will be no great name or force in football. If Vermaelen leaves that will actually force our hand in terms of buying a CB so I'm sure the club will try hard not to let him go, but they will have their price.

To be fair to the club and Wenger, by all reports we went to unprecedented lengths to try and retain Sagna and that was our first option. Offered substantial wages, a long deal (for a player at his age) and a nice signing fee apparently. It can't really be helped if City were prepared to continue to flout FFP and exploit their financial muscle to offer ridiculous wages. And that Sagna showing a brazen lack of ambition decided to join a club where he's going to predominately sit on the bench. Anyway, Wenger really must have identified something up with Aurier or that he really rates Bellerin, because as much as I like Jenks, I don't think he'll ever be first choice.

08-07-2014, 04:19 PM
He's a massive downgrade on Sagna IMO. Debuchy probably is the better attacker now, but Sagna was so important for us defensively, he was a rock on that right hand side. His crossing was underrated too although he rarely had anything to aim at with the lack of movement from our forwards.

Meh, there weren't many available established alternatives and it would have been riskier to buy someone who hadn't proven himself in a top league. If nothing else at least it buys us time to find the right long term player for the position.

I agree with you about him being a rock. Now we will have 2 weak sides at the back! But I think Debuchy might be an upgrade on Sagna going forward. We will see.

10-07-2014, 01:30 AM
"Pass to Debuchy on the right hand side"


Havent heard new info on this transfer for a few days but seems like its a cert. Guessing it will revealed at the new kit launch with Sanchez (:pray:).

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
10-07-2014, 11:05 AM
To be fair to the club and Wenger, by all reports we went to unprecedented lengths to try and retain Sagna and that was our first option. Offered substantial wages, a long deal (for a player at his age) and a nice signing fee apparently. It can't really be helped if City were prepared to continue to flout FFP and exploit their financial muscle to offer ridiculous wages. And that Sagna showing a brazen lack of ambition decided to join a club where he's going to predominately sit on the bench. Anyway, Wenger really must have identified something up with Aurier or that he really rates Bellerin, because as much as I like Jenks, I don't think he'll ever be first choice.
Fair points apart from Sagna showing a brazen lack of ambition. I disagree. He has a few years at the top left and he made a judgement call that we won't win the league or CL in that time.... Whether or not you agree with it or not, he has an argument. It is scarcely mentioned or remembered but Sagna was one of the players most unnerved and disappointed about the club's willingness to sell RvP to Manure.....and I'm not sure he ever really got over it. A lot of Arsenal fans didn't get or agree with it then and feel the same way now so it's hardly surprising if deep down it caused him deep consternation.

10-07-2014, 01:15 PM
He's a massive downgrade on Sagna IMO. Debuchy probably is the better attacker now, but Sagna was so important for us defensively, he was a rock on that right hand side. His crossing was underrated too although he rarely had anything to aim at with the lack of movement from our forwards.

Meh, there weren't many available established alternatives and it would have been riskier to buy someone who hadn't proven himself in a top league. If nothing else at least it buys us time to find the right long term player for the position.

Debuchy is the French equivalent to Glen Johnson IMO. Debuchy is good going forward but is a horrible defender, always caught out of position, just generally very sloppy defensively.

We will suffer Defensively, though I think he will add to our Offensive game. I am hoping he is a stop gap. Will be interesting to see how Clyne and Chambers develop at Southampton.

13-07-2014, 09:43 PM
Why isn't he here yet? Are we penny pinching again?

Marc Overmars
13-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Announced tomorrow if what we read last week was anything to go by.

Injury Time
13-07-2014, 09:49 PM
He was invisible tonight :sulk:

Ollie the Optimist
14-07-2014, 11:17 AM
Underwhelming signing, don't remember him from Newcastle games and their defence was dire at times last season.

Not really sure if he's any good or not, as for Deschamps, he decided to leave some very talented players behind which wasn't very logical at all and when they faced a Germany side who aren't that impressive they got knocked out, so I don't totally trust his judgment.

just read this. :haha:

14-07-2014, 12:58 PM
just read this. :haha:

Debuchy will be consistent and realiable. Right backs don't win you many titles.

Germany aren't impressive????? maybe its because Arsene signed three of there players and therefore cant be any good.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
14-07-2014, 01:30 PM
Where is the announcement on him in any case.... what's the hold up?

14-07-2014, 09:51 PM
Where is the announcement on him in any case.... what's the hold up?

Newcastle probably organising a replacement first or at least so it's 95% certain.

14-07-2014, 09:52 PM
Newcastle are waiting on signing Janmet before they let Debuchy go, he'll do well as no2 to Jenks though :good:

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
14-07-2014, 10:50 PM
A little bit silly as it is the worst kept secret in football. He has said it himself and neither club has denied it. Let's just get this underwhelming signing out of the way already!

17-07-2014, 05:16 PM
A little bit silly as it is the worst kept secret in football. He has said it himself and neither club has denied it. Let's just get this underwhelming signing out of the way already!

Well as we all knew and as the papers for once correctly predicted he would join us as soon as Newcastle signed his replacement.

And here he is.


Ollie the Optimist
17-07-2014, 05:20 PM
Confirmed deal. Two very good signings in early july?

Arsene's back :dance:

17-07-2014, 05:25 PM
I'd have preferred Aurier, but i can see why Wenger has chosen Debuchy....he won't lose him to African Cup of Nations plus he already has premier league experience so won't need so long to adapt.
On one hand he is keeping Sagna out of the French side, on the other hand Sakho is keeping Koscielny out of the French side (odd)

17-07-2014, 05:25 PM

17-07-2014, 05:42 PM
hi serge do you want picking up in the morning pal

17-07-2014, 05:58 PM
Happy with this signing. Looks like a very promising window for us. If we can get Khedira and a back up CB, then this will be the best transfer window EVER!

Marc Overmars
17-07-2014, 06:06 PM
Welcome to Arsenal. :bow:

17-07-2014, 06:08 PM

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
17-07-2014, 06:51 PM
Excellent signing.

Vitally, he needs no adjustment period as he has premier league experience.

We sold France's number 2 right back and replaced him with France's number 1 right back. Brilliant work.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
17-07-2014, 06:52 PM
Confirmed deal. Two very good signings in early july?

Arsene's back :dance:

Never doubted him tbh

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
17-07-2014, 06:53 PM
A little bit silly as it is the worst kept secret in football. He has said it himself and neither club has denied it. Let's just get this underwhelming signing out of the way already!

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice :haha: :doh:

17-07-2014, 07:13 PM
Welcome to Arsenal Mathieu Debuchy.

No debauchery allowed :)

17-07-2014, 07:19 PM
Good going so far, 2 down and 4 to go:

1. Another forward to add even more fire power. Good striker or Griezmann just for the jizzfest ...emoticon for jizzfest pliz!
2. Strong central midfielder, Khedira, Schneiderlin or Bender.....I'll take any one of them, mind you Khedira and Schneiderlin are actually good ball players as well.
3. Competitive and competent Goalkeeper ....there's a few out there
4. Tie down Vermaelen, good back up CB, LB (put it this way, I'd rather him over Nachos at left back) ....too bad he can't play CM, would have got game time and be an able utility cover but those are rare.

Power n Glory
17-07-2014, 07:31 PM
I don't think we'll sign a striker to be honest. From Wenger's comments, I think he'll try Sanchez there if Giroud needs a rest.

17-07-2014, 07:38 PM
I don't think we'll sign a striker to be honest. From Wenger's comments, I think he'll try Sanchez there if Giroud needs a rest.

Possibly he won't but one can dream of a jizzfest scenario, so here's hoping. Latino bitches can change a man, trust me.

McNamara That Ghost...
17-07-2014, 07:39 PM
Welcome Debuchy. :bow:

Best French right back we have ever had I would say.

17-07-2014, 08:22 PM
Welcome Debuchy. :bow:

Best French right back we have ever had I would say.


18-07-2014, 08:25 AM
I don't really see the point in signing Debuchy for £12m tbh. He's only a few years younger than Sagna and not as good imo, why not just give Sagna the £12m instead?

Power n Glory
18-07-2014, 08:45 AM
I don't really see the point in signing Debuchy for £12m tbh. He's only a few years younger than Sagna and not as good imo, why not just give Sagna the £12m instead?

It doesn't make sense financially, unless Sagna was dead set on leaving Arsenal and refusing any and every offer from us. That has to be the reason. Maybe he really wanted a new challenge.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
18-07-2014, 09:02 AM
Blink 1nce Quince 2wice :haha: :doh:

Well it is to me. :d

Doesn't mean I think it is a bad signing. Just glad we got it out of the way though I think the French manager is misguided for playing him ahead of Sagna as he was in keeping Koscielny on the bench behind Sakho

Power n Glory
18-07-2014, 09:24 AM
Well it is to me. :d

Doesn't mean I think it is a bad signing. Just glad we got it out of the way though I think the French manager is misguided for playing him ahead of Sagna as he was in keeping Koscielny on the bench behind Sakho

Me too. The deal was no surprise. I'm ok with this deal. He has Prem experience so he shouldn't be shell shocked when starting.

18-07-2014, 09:38 AM
If Jenkinson was any good, Wenger could have got one of the talented younger right backs from abroad like Aurier and let them share gametime until the new guy settles in the league.

But Arsene knows damn well than giving this championship player Jenks any time on the pitch would be playing with fire.

Its a failing of our squad depth that weve panic bought Debuchy for what is a lot of money relatively.

Özil's Panoramic View
18-07-2014, 12:35 PM
Bit harsh, as Jenkinson didn't look too bad when he was given a considerable spell after Sagna had picked up a knock, tbf.

18-07-2014, 12:52 PM
If Jenkinson was any good, Wenger could have got one of the talented younger right backs from abroad like Aurier and let them share gametime until the new guy settles in the league.

But Arsene knows damn well than giving this championship player Jenks any time on the pitch would be playing with fire.

Its a failing of our squad depth that weve panic bought Debuchy for what is a lot of money relatively.
I think £10m for an international with proven Premier League experience and good age is actually a very good signing. It also allows Jenkinson to develop still as he is still young and perhaps a season on loan to really gauge how good he could be and decision can be made next summer.

18-07-2014, 01:10 PM
I think £10m for an international with proven Premier League experience and good age is actually a very good signing. It also allows Jenkinson to develop still as he is still young and perhaps a season on loan to really gauge how good he could be and decision can be made next summer.

We can't really send him on loan without signing another RB.

18-07-2014, 01:20 PM
I don't really see the point in signing Debuchy for £12m tbh. He's only a few years younger than Sagna and not as good imo, why not just give Sagna the £12m instead?

Financially it's actually not a bad deal.

As a one of transaction you're obviously right, it makes much more sense to match City's offer of £150k per week. The extra £70k per week we'd be paying on top of the £80k we offered would only cost us an extra £3.5m a year. In total that would cost us about £8m this year to keep Sagna instead of getting Debuchy at £12m plus wages (I'm guessing £60k per week which is £3m per year). Which means it cost us a net of £7m to replace Sagna with Debuchy this year.

But in the second season we've almost recouped that amount by saving £5m on Sagna's wages. And in the third season we've made an overall gain of £3m on what we would have spent on Sagna if we kept him for that long. So financially we aren't losing out at all.

What's more, we have to maintain a proper wage structure to keep the overall wage bill in check. It's already high enough as it is, especially considering the fact that we handed out 6 or 7 new contracts to people like Ramsey, Mertesacker and Koscienly, and Cazorla, who probably all got big pay rises. If Sagna got such a big pay rise it would only be a matter of time until other players at the same level (experienced, consistent, key player) will want to be earning as much, and they'd be justified too. Why should Koscielny be earning £50k a week less than Sagna when he is a better and more important player for us? Basically, if we do it for one, we'll have to do it for 3 or 4 others too and throw our wage structure out the window. That would cost us in the long term.

I still think we're getting a worse player but at least we aren't losing money by doing so. We're getting a younger, hungrier player, whereas Sagna's performances are likely to drop off considering his age. If Wenger isn't sure about Aurier it's better to buy a proven premier league player and find the right RB rather than overpaying for a dud. :shrug:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
18-07-2014, 01:35 PM
I don't really see the point in signing Debuchy for £12m tbh. He's only a few years younger than Sagna and not as good imo, why not just give Sagna the £12m instead?

Better going forward.
Is about to enter his peak years (29-31).
France's number 1 right back.
Hardly gets injured.
Plays well in a shit, constantly defending, Newcastle team. Would play even better in an organised, settled, possession-based team.

AFC Leveller
18-07-2014, 01:43 PM
I said a few months ago that Sagna's replacement should be Debuchy and im glad we have him now. He is a very good RB who will improve our attacking play down the right and with Sanchez on the right wing, we have two workhorses who will make us a solid team.

18-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Bit harsh, as Jenkinson didn't look too bad when he was given a considerable spell after Sagna had picked up a knock, tbf.
He looked terrible and cost us alot of goals.

There was an Arsenal podcast last season which said a League 2 manager claimed all sorts of League 2 clubs were passing on him at the time Wenger swooped in.

Now were paying now for being cheap then as hes clearly not considered a viable even short-term option, nor should he be.

18-07-2014, 02:50 PM
I think £10m for an international with proven Premier League experience and good age is actually a very good signing. It also allows Jenkinson to develop still as he is still young and perhaps a season on loan to really gauge how good he could be and decision can be made next summer.
Id be suprised if another premier league club took him on loan. Hes just not a premier league player.

I saw that Wenger was looking at a young spanish right back. He'd become the new "project" and Jenks will be done at this club.

AFC Leveller
18-07-2014, 03:17 PM
Jenks has all the attributes to be a fans favourite, apart from footballing ability.

18-07-2014, 04:22 PM
I have a lot of time for Jenks, he's a gooner and he clearly loves this club. But at best he's only going to be a decent back-up and won't really challenge our first choice RB. I'm biased so I'd give him one more season to show some improvement, and if he doesn't it might be best for both the club and the player if he moves on.

18-07-2014, 04:34 PM
He's worth keeping for the banter.

AFC Leveller
18-07-2014, 04:46 PM

back up goaly?

18-07-2014, 05:13 PM

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
18-07-2014, 05:29 PM
I can remember a host of people suggesting he should take Sagna's place so I'm surprised there isn't a little more support for him. It's hard to see him as the long term Arsenal right back but he may well improve much more than we anticipate and I am happy he is here for the time being.

I would have preferred Coleman if we had to go for a player who needn't be afforded the 'adaptation period', but I am pretty sure Matrinez doesn't want to lose him easily.

The Emirates Gallactico
18-07-2014, 06:05 PM
You need to keep people like Jenks in the squad in order to fight for the title. He won't ever complain and he can come in and do a reasonable job against the lower sides.

Man Utd kept dross like O'Shea around for ages when they were regularly winning titles.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
18-07-2014, 06:21 PM
I have a lot of time for Jenks, he's a gooner and he clearly loves this club. But at best he's only going to be a decent back-up and won't really challenge our first choice RB. I'm biased so I'd give him one more season to show some improvement, and if he doesn't it might be best for both the club and the player if he moves on.

And if we listened to you Ramsey wouldn't be here.

Özil's Panoramic View
18-07-2014, 06:23 PM
You need to keep people like Jenks in the squad in order to fight for the title. He won't ever complain and he can come in and do a reasonable job against the lower sides.

Man Utd kept dross like O'Shea around for ages when they were regularly winning titles.

Another absolute shit player that had the game of his life scoring against us.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
18-07-2014, 06:32 PM
Although O'shea did have one really good season where he even stood out.

The Emirates Gallactico
18-07-2014, 06:32 PM
Another absolute shit player that had the game of his life scoring against us.

Remember that lob he scored against us in the 4 - 2 at Highbury in 04/05? :sick:

Him, Park Ji-Sung and Phil Neville somehow conspired to become world beaters whenever they played us. Wasn't helped by our piss poor defending at times though.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
18-07-2014, 06:34 PM

Fucking goalkeepers.

Game of their life against us every time.

18-07-2014, 10:58 PM
And if we listened to you Ramsey wouldn't be here.

That could be said for 90% of the fans. Same bullshit is happening to Wilshere now. Jenks is nowhere near as bad as some are making out. He didn't get as horribly exposed for pace as Monreal, for example. And I can't recall our play disintegrating any more with Jenks than that it did whenever Sagna had the ball beyond the halfway line. He's cover, nobody pretends he's more and he does an adequate job. Plenty of time to learn and improve and a loan spell will help.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
18-07-2014, 11:53 PM
That could be said for 90% of the fans. Same bullshit is happening to Wilshere now. Jenks is nowhere near as bad as some are making out. He didn't get as horribly exposed for pace as Monreal, for example. And I can't recall our play disintegrating any more with Jenks than that it did whenever Sagna had the ball beyond the halfway line. He's cover, nobody pretends he's more and he does an adequate job. Plenty of time to learn and improve and a loan spell will help.

No, it's a completely fair question to ask whether Jack is capable of smoking 20 cigarettes in an hour. And it turns out he's absolutely right. Stop being a tit.

19-07-2014, 12:44 AM
I like Jenks and think he is a good back up. The boy loves Arsenal and that is reason enough for me to have him here. You know that he will bust a gut for the shirt.. something you cant say about a lot of cunts in the team.

19-07-2014, 01:35 AM
No, it's a completely fair question to ask whether Jack is capable of smoking 20 cigarettes in an hour. And it turns out he's absolutely right.

Not just talking about the ciggies you f... [post deleted]

19-07-2014, 08:15 AM
That could be said for 90% of the fans. Same bullshit is happening to Wilshere now. Jenks is nowhere near as bad as some are making out. He didn't get as horribly exposed for pace as Monreal, for example. And I can't recall our play disintegrating any more with Jenks than that it did whenever Sagna had the ball beyond the halfway line. He's cover, nobody pretends he's more and he does an adequate job. Plenty of time to learn and improve and a loan spell will help.
May not have been exposed for pace but hes been exposed for brain (and basic technique) many a time.

If you think i'll forgive him for nonsense like this (the second goal) then youve got another thing coming


Same people saying we should retain a lower league player are the ones who say the board are cheap/settle for 4th. Couldnt make it up.

Oh and Oshea and Phil Neville are far more reliable players. Students of the game. Jenkinson could never do punditry like Mr Neville is currently.

Hes lived the dream. Now it should end.

19-07-2014, 08:22 AM
I like Jenks and think he is a good back up. The boy loves Arsenal and that is reason enough for me to have him here. You know that he will bust a gut for the shirt.. something you cant say about a lot of cunts in the team.
If he loved the club so much he'd hand in his resignation.

He loves himself. Just like the rest of them.

19-07-2014, 08:35 AM
If you think i'll forgive him for nonsense like this (the second goal) then youve got another thing coming.
Will you ever forgive BFG for doing pretty much the exact same thing in the Cup Final? We got away with it on that occasion, but more by luck than judgement.

KSE Comedy Club
19-07-2014, 09:36 AM
May not have been exposed for pace but hes been exposed for brain (and basic technique) many a time.

If you think i'll forgive him for nonsense like this (the second goal) then youve got another thing coming


Same people saying we should retain a lower league player are the ones who say the board are cheap/settle for 4th. Couldnt make it up.

Oh and Oshea and Phil Neville are far more reliable players. Students of the game. Jenkinson could never do punditry like Mr Neville is currently.

Hes lived the dream. Now it should end.
Inexperienced, young player in 'makes a mistake' shocker. Not to mention the fact that there are two other players in that clip that are just as poor and make a school boy error .:coffee:

I would rather we keep him and let Bould try and coach him into a top defender.

Honestly, what is the point of buying in these young players for the future if they are never given a chance to come to fruition.

Özil's Panoramic View
19-07-2014, 12:22 PM
Thought it was the other Neville brother who's currently doing punditry.

Power n Glory
19-07-2014, 01:19 PM
Inexperienced, young player in 'makes a mistake' shocker. Not to mention the fact that there are two other players in that clip that are just as poor and make a school boy error .:coffee:

I would rather we keep him and let Bould try and coach him into a top defender.

Honestly, what is the point of buying in these young players for the future if they are never given a chance to come to fruition.

I have nothing against developing talented players but we've wasted a lot of time over the past 8 years or so developing players that don't have the talent. I don't want to see a repeat of the situation we used to see with Hoyte where chance after chance was given but he was never good enough. We have to priorities points over development and we dropped a lot of points in the past waiting for the penny to drop on young several players.

If Jenks ends up costing us more than what he's offering, then he shouldn't play and can't be depended upon for cover. If he wasn't English and an Arsenal fan, I doubt there would be much patience for him. Just look at Sanogo.

19-07-2014, 02:03 PM
Oh and Oshea and Phil Neville are far more reliable players. Students of the game. Jenkinson could never do punditry like Mr Neville is currently.

Did you even read that to yourself? If Oshea & Phil Neville are students of the game and Phil Neville is a good pundit, then we may as well shut down GW or you need to start watching netball and not football.

KSE Comedy Club
19-07-2014, 04:09 PM
I have nothing against developing talented players but we've wasted a lot of time over the past 8 years or so developing players that don't have the talent. I don't want to see a repeat of the situation we used to see with Hoyte where chance after chance was given but he was never good enough. We have to priorities points over development and we dropped a lot of points in the past waiting for the penny to drop on young several players.

If Jenks ends up costing us more than what he's offering, then he shouldn't play and can't be depended upon for cover. If he wasn't English and an Arsenal fan, I doubt there would be much patience for him. Just look at Sanogo.

I agree that we've pissed money away on shite only to see them fail, it's been one of my biggest bugbears, however, I don't believe Jenks is as bad as he's being made out to be.

It is also a big factor that he is a fan of arsenal and not just one one who plays for us. It's those types of players that we've been lacking in recent years. One day he could be the type of player who the team depends on to rally them around when heads drop, etc.

There too many of those types around in the modern game.

19-07-2014, 04:29 PM
Really good highlight this.

Split into 2, for Newcastle and France


19-07-2014, 05:42 PM
Really good highlight this.

Split into 2, for Newcastle and France


looks a lofter and not a whipper

20-07-2014, 12:14 PM
Will you ever forgive BFG for doing pretty much the exact same thing in the Cup Final? We got away with it on that occasion, but more by luck than judgement.
He makes a mistake every other week


Forgive me for not having time for this talentless liability, he should be farmed out and he can learn on the game elsewhere. Weve signed a new right back, why is it that he isnt being given shit for basically hanging around the club, unwilling to relinquish his contract and willing not to play? Oh hes not Bendtner, hes not Bogarde. I dont subscribe to this English bias nonsense. The key players at the club since Cole left have been and will continue to be foreign.

"b-b-but when the heads go down!!!! :o". Well, id take Germans, Americans, Costa Ricas and about 35 other nationalities for that role going by what ive seen in recent weeks and years :coffee:

KSE Comedy Club
20-07-2014, 12:26 PM
Bendtner is shit, he always was shit and he always will be shit.

At least Jenks does show some promise in games.

20-07-2014, 12:39 PM
BONBON :haha:

20-07-2014, 01:24 PM
He makes a mistake every other week:

That's better than most defenders then, most of them make mistakes every week.
You can selectively pick out YouTube clips of any player to make them look good or bad.
How much criticism was heaped on Ramsey before last season? With some justification too.
I'm not suggesting he will make as much progress as Ramsey, that was remarkable, but he's only 22 and in the games I've seen him I thought he showed some promise. I can understand you not rating him, I don't understand your bile towards him which seems a bit weird and personal.

AFC Leveller
20-07-2014, 01:46 PM
People go on about how crap Sanogo is (rightly) but IMO Jenks is as bad if not worse. He runs in stright lines (a few times he's actually crossed the line wihtout realising) and looks really uncomfortable in posession.

Power n Glory
20-07-2014, 01:47 PM
Bendtner is shit, he always was shit and he always will be shit.

At least Jenks does show some promise in games.

Bendy is just an idiot with the wrong attitude. He showed promise in the early days, like Carl, but his attitude, the loan spells and inconsistency has taken its toll. Off the bench, he'd score 10+ goals a season and come up with with match winning headers. I've seen worse.

20-07-2014, 02:17 PM
Glad Bendtner has gone, not the world's worst player - but certainly the world's second biggest football idiot. Which is why we don't want to be replacing him with Balotelli. These types do no good for a club. Anyway, it's all worked out fine as we're shot of Nik and he'll be off to either Barca or Marketing - according to him.

20-07-2014, 02:39 PM
He makes a mistake every other week


Forgive me for not having time for this talentless liability, he should be farmed out and he can learn on the game elsewhere. Weve signed a new right back, why is it that he isnt being given shit for basically hanging around the club, unwilling to relinquish his contract and willing not to play? Oh hes not Bendtner, hes not Bogarde. I dont subscribe to this English bias nonsense. The key players at the club since Cole left have been and will continue to be foreign.

"b-b-but when the heads go down!!!! :o". Well, id take Germans, Americans, Costa Ricas and about 35 other nationalities for that role going by what ive seen in recent weeks and years :coffee:

Did Jenks bang your bird or something? You seem awfully pissed at him..

20-07-2014, 08:25 PM
BOBN is back :bow:

22-07-2014, 12:15 PM

Jenks isn't that bad, he's certainly not good enough to be our starting right back but he aint a bad backup.

22-07-2014, 09:57 PM
Look at this fool go :haha:


And hes got the nerve to be doing American accents and whatnot in that preseason vid? All im saying is Debuchy needs to be good and quickly. First ever Wenger signing who cannot afford to have a settling in period.

22-07-2014, 10:00 PM
Look at this fool go :haha:


And hes got the nerve to be doing American accents and whatnot in that preseason vid? All im saying is Debuchy needs to be good and quickly. First ever Wenger signing who cannot afford to have a settling in period.

Oh dear , forgot about this :haha:

22-07-2014, 10:01 PM
3 years ago, wasn't it?

19 year olds never make mistakes usually.

23-07-2014, 06:34 AM
We've found our new striker :bow:

AFC Leveller
23-07-2014, 09:59 AM
Look at this fool go :haha:


And hes got the nerve to be doing American accents and whatnot in that preseason vid? All im saying is Debuchy needs to be good and quickly. First ever Wenger signing who cannot afford to have a settling in period.


Crappiest player in the squad.

Marc Overmars
23-07-2014, 10:06 AM
I do think Jenkinson is well below the required standard but to give him the benefit of the doubt he's rarely had a run in the team to show some improvement, happy for him to be understudy for now.

10-08-2014, 06:17 PM
This Debuchy fella is pretty good.

10-08-2014, 06:52 PM
This Debuchy fella is pretty good.

Got done very easily in the first half which should've led to a Man City goal if the 6 yard cutback wasn't so shit. Also did a Gerrard by gifting the ball straight to a man city player to run at goal, but was saved by Chambers recovering. Apart from those two errors he was busy and helped our attacking play a bit more than Sagna usually does and did make a few very tough challenges. Gets a 6/10 for me.

Injury Time
10-08-2014, 07:13 PM
Good going forward, bit shaky defending was Toon fan description, looks about right. Kept dropping into the centre rather than going out to meet the advancing players already in our box, once settled in / BFG and or Kos give him the confidence to push out he'll be fine...I hope.

10-08-2014, 11:08 PM
Got done very easily in the first half which should've led to a Man City goal if the 6 yard cutback wasn't so shit. Also did a Gerrard by gifting the ball straight to a man city player to run at goal, but was saved by Chambers recovering. Apart from those two errors he was busy and helped our attacking play a bit more than Sagna usually does and did make a few very tough challenges. Gets a 6/10 for me.

Chambers got done easily by Dzeko in the first half, which was a bit worrying as Dzeko isn't regarded as a speed merchant and Chambers is. Could easily have cost us a goal.

Don't remember what you are talking about but for me Debuchy proved today he can defend and cross a ball. Sagna could defend, especially in the air but could not cross a ball to save his life. Swings and roundabouts I guess. For me, Debuchy was better than a 6 today. If Bacary was playing our crosses from the right we wouldn't have been as effective as we were today.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
10-08-2014, 11:16 PM
Good going forward, bit shaky defending was Toon fan description, looks about right. Kept dropping into the centre rather than going out to meet the advancing players already in our box, once settled in / BFG and or Kos give him the confidence to push out he'll be fine...I hope.


11-08-2014, 03:19 AM
Pun potential with the word debauchery here. If he doesnt improve quickly the press will be finding a way to flip it.

12-08-2014, 08:33 PM
Pun potential with the word debauchery here. If he doesnt improve quickly the press will be finding a way to flip it.
So you think we should recall Jenkinson, yeah?