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View Full Version : Summer Transfer Reaction and Shit

Xhaka Can’t
02-09-2014, 07:12 AM
Well the window has SLAMMED SHUT(now that the extension has closed) and despite many of us being on suicide watch last night, we have conducted a fair amount of business. Most notably being the second consecutive summer marquee signing.

Is this the future - one marquee signing every summer with a selection of support acts?

02-09-2014, 07:23 AM
The summer started really well for once. We did most of our business early and signed 3 really good players. However, it just feels more could have been done. I am content with Welbeck had he been in addition to a strong defensive player.

Xhaka Can’t
02-09-2014, 07:36 AM
I echo that.

In goal I think we are weaker in the short term but stronger in the medium to long term with the loss of Flappy and the gain of Ospina.

In midfield, we have more options (going forward), but are there too many options and will we get the chemistry right? If we do, what happens to those left out?

Up front - we have improved marginally from the end of last season, but significantly from where we were yesterday. Anything that keeps Sanogo out (assuming that actually is Wenger's plan) has to be wonderful.

But in defence, we are significantly weaker as there is no cover to speak of and there will be little in the way of support from the midfield which is alarming given the plethora of high profile midfielders at the club.

We really need a better strategy for addressing areas of need at this Club.

02-09-2014, 07:56 AM
It is the same old problems with Wenger again and again. Sure he loves the club and we'll miss him when he leaves but it is this sort of mismanagement of the squad, season on season, that makes us look as if we are content with scraping top four and maybe a cup.

There is one spot open now for the top four and I'm really not sure we'll take it. We keep 'getting by' yet at some point it'll bite us on our arse. With our history of injuries, a worrying lack of goals and a thin defence Wenger has managed to turn huge optimism off the back of winning the cup into the usual mixture of doubt and concern looking ahead.

Once again we've taken a punt on a young player to make a success of a role he hasn't been proven in. Just like we are with Walcott and Alexis upfront, Chambers at the back. Meanwhile we have one of the best attacking mid's in the world playing out wide and a ropey left back as cover for CB. I'm really not sure what Wenger expects from this squad, I really don't.

Power n Glory
02-09-2014, 07:57 AM
The defence is a serious worry and I knew the club had no back up plan when selling Verm. An injury to Kos or Merts leaves us in serious trouble. I don't know what Wenger is thinking.

Welbeck is far from first choice and can't believe we actually spent that much money on him. He's far from prolific so we're gambling. At least it keeps Sanogo out of the team. But what if Wenger starts playing Welbeck on the flanks with Sanogo still starting? I doubt Danny would agree to moving here if not given a chance but you never know with Wenger.

It was a promising start to the window but I don't think we have enough there. Sanchez was a very good buy but I have no idea how influential he'll be in this sort of squad. We've got the same problems when it comes to creating goals. Also, with Welbeck in, what does that mean for Sanchez playing up front?

Central midfield still isn't good enough and we need someone to really step their game up. We needed a DM for the defensive side. On the creative, let's hope Welbeck up front changes the shape of the way we play.

Overall, it's a decent window and it's obvious we have money to spend but it still feels like we have an unbalanced squad and haven't really addressed the key issues. Cover for defence. A strong DM. A world class striker.

Marc Overmars
02-09-2014, 08:00 AM
Happy with the signings we did make, although I won't lie and say Welbeck was my preferred choice as striker, but he's a new option none the less.

Very disappointed we've left ourselves short at the back though, I don't understand the logic there. It's guaranteed to bite us in the arse.

Also disappointed we didn't get an upgrade in centre midfield. I fear that will be our undoing against the better sides again.

02-09-2014, 08:04 AM
Good signings, and we have the quantity of players in centre mid (if not the quality).

But the prospect of Chambers and Monreal as 3rd and 4th choice centre backs is really quite frightening. Chambers looks a great prospect but needs to be given time.

02-09-2014, 09:40 AM
I actually don't think we are any weaker in defense compared to last season. We virtually went the whole of last season with 3 CBs with Sagna as our third choice, since Vermaelen was always injured. Mertesacker and Koscielny generally have decent injury records and while I'm not going to say that Chambers is better than Vermaelen, he is much smarter positionally and already looks like he can hold his own. He's still learning and has mistakes in him but so did Vermaelen, and strangely I feel much more assured in our defense with Chambers in it than I ever did with Tommy.

I'm not saying we have enough depth there, which we clearly don't, but we have no less than we did last season.

02-09-2014, 10:47 AM
Is it 6 or 7 defenders at the club? We'll see Monreal play a major role and Flamini slot in at the back on many occasions over the coming season. That's not good. Keeping Kos healthy is going to be the main priority, like keeping Giroud healthy last year was key. Not sure why we take such gambles. Can it really have been so hard to find a bit of defensive cover over the last few months?

Alexis a great signing. Chambers even better over the long term and I think we'll end up paying £10mill less than Utd for the better player. Debuchy looks at least as good as Sagna. Ospina, nobody knows yet. Keeping Santi was a plus, looks like he's slowly recovering a bit of form.

Welbeck, like anyone we could have signed, falls into the "better than Sanogo" category. It's all unknown from there, maybe he'll make a difference, maybe he won't. We've had players like this before and got nothing from them. Have to hope it's different this time.

£60mill odd spent, I think we've done okay all in all given how ludicrous the market has become. Now it's up to Wenger to prove he can find a way to arrange this lot in an effective way.

We aren't winning the title. Another couple of big signings next summer and maybe. But we are still short in key areas. We have enough to get 4th place again, maybe 3rd.

02-09-2014, 10:58 AM
I wouldn't group all defenders together

In terms of numbers we have enough fullbacks, although we need to get a decent LB that can stay fit. We only have 3 CBs though so we need one more.

02-09-2014, 11:30 AM
At the start of the summer I wanted Arsenal to get Balotelli, Schneiderlin and Vela in addition to any replacements.

Debuchy for Sagna looks like an ok replacement so far but it's early days. Chambers for Vermaelen looks a good replacement. Don't know much about Ospina but might be a good replacement for Fabianski.

For additions, we've got Welbeck, Campbell and Sanchez. If we had not bothered with one of Welbeck and Campbell and got in a powerful defensive midfielder, as well as a back-up CB then the squad would be more balanced.

Overall it's better than I expected but just a shame that DM didn't come in.

02-09-2014, 12:09 PM
At the start of the summer I wanted Arsenal to get Balotelli, Schneiderlin and Vela in addition to any replacements.

Debuchy for Sagna looks like an ok replacement so far but it's early days. Chambers for Vermaelen looks a good replacement. Don't know much about Ospina but might be a good replacement for Fabianski.

For additions, we've got Welbeck, Campbell and Sanchez. If we had not bothered with one of Welbeck and Campbell and got in a powerful defensive midfielder, as well as a back-up CB then the squad would be more balanced.

Overall it's better than I expected but just a shame that DM didn't come in.

Its not a "shame" a DM didn't come in - its a huge mistake.

02-09-2014, 12:25 PM
What started out as quite a positive window has ended in disappointment for me. I don't think we have seriously addressed the weaknesses in the squad and I have been left with the feeling that we didn't really plan the window properly in as much as identifying principal targets and buying them, it all seems very opportunist to me. We desperately needed a new Defensive Midfielder and a World Class striker, we have neither. We also needed another CB. I really worry about our defence, if we have 2 or 3 injuries we are going to be in BIG trouble, I hope Arsene has a plan to buy in January. It's not all doom and gloom but certianly not what I wanted.

02-09-2014, 12:28 PM
I was ok, i could just about toleratre having no defensive cover.....i just thought oh well typical Wenger

But then...WELBECK?......it's more than i can take.

I feel like a big part of me has died

02-09-2014, 12:32 PM
I was ok, i could just about toleratre having no defensive cover.....i just thought oh well typical Wenger

But then...WELBECK?......it's more than i can take.

I feel like a big part of me has died

As shit as Ramsey, isn't he?

KSE Comedy Club
02-09-2014, 04:34 PM
Overall the start of the window was much better, we replaced personnel who left with better players IMO, and business was done early.

But once again, even with Welbeck, we go into the season 1 or 2 players short of a strong enough squad.

When will the fucking cycle end...????!!!!

02-09-2014, 05:57 PM
Don't worry, Diaby and Theo will be like new signings soon.

02-09-2014, 06:02 PM
£60mill odd spent. Spend some fucking money. He did. Not all in the right places and the way he's left things so short at the back is a big concern, but we can't say we didn't get stuck in this time around. Would rather have our batch of signings to Utds or Liverpools. I think the chav signings may have a big impact for them, but I'd still rather have what we signed. Particularly Chambers who I think will be the biggest signing of all.

02-09-2014, 07:16 PM
£60mill odd spent. Spend some fucking money. He did. Not all in the right places and the way he's left things so short at the back is a big concern, but we can't say we didn't get stuck in this time around. Would rather have our batch of signings to Utds or Liverpools. I think the chav signings may have a big impact for them, but I'd still rather have what we signed. Particularly Chambers who I think will be the biggest signing of all.

You'd rather have what we have to Di Maria, Falcoa, Shaw, Blind, Herrera? I wouldnt' Man U have sign two top top class players (Di Maria was unplayable at times and Falcoa scores a hatful), a player who was brilliant at the World Cup and arguably Southampton's stand out player.

Aside from Sanchez (top class but not as good as Di Maria IMO), we've not signed top top quality players, just good players and projects.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
02-09-2014, 07:18 PM
I think we're going to have to come to terms with the fact it'll take us a few months to get going and make a charge to the top.

We've had players come back in dribs and drabs after the world cup, even our Germany lads were given an extra week off compared to other clubs. Plus we only played 4 pre season games didn't we? So naturally we'll be behind other teams in terms of fitness etc.

But if we can keep relatively close to the leaders, then have Theo getting fitter and stronger around the christmas period, with Giroud coming back in the new year, and our fitness issues solved by then, the second half of the season could get interesting.

02-09-2014, 07:45 PM
You'd rather have what we have to Di Maria, Falcoa, Shaw, Blind, Herrera? I wouldnt' Man U have sign two top top class players (Di Maria was unplayable at times and Falcoa scores a hatful), a player who was brilliant at the World Cup and arguably Southampton's stand out player.

Aside from Sanchez (top class but not as good as Di Maria IMO), we've not signed top top quality players, just good players and projects.

Alexis is every bit as good as Di Maria and probably more consistent. Utd have massively overpaid for Shaw and he'll do very well to better Chambers' start. Falcao wants to be at Madrid so this is his stop gap year, great player but not exactly the future of Utd. Blind no better than Debuchy and still has to prove he can hack it in this league. Herrera, don't know, we'll see. Not a huge amount in it but I'll take ours.

02-09-2014, 07:47 PM
So who's this Falcoa fella?

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
02-09-2014, 08:06 PM
I don't like the fact we've knowingly gone into a campaign not really believing the squad is good enough to challenge for the title, which seems to have been the intimation from Wenger's comments.

I'm not sure that is wholly excusable any more. The great hand, giveth and he taketh.

The suspicion is that unless you are as well oiled as Bayern Munich / Barcelona....you need a world class forward. They will cover a multitude of sin, defensive errors, lack of mojo,days of being 'jaded' or spurious operations by the officials a notion you lot are constantly peddling.

But alas, still no world class forward which is what a club of our stature, and supposed ambition should have. At least 1!

The reaction to Welbeck potentially coming in was comical though!

Shaqiri Is Boss
02-09-2014, 08:09 PM
So who's this Falcoa fella?

As every newsreader-in-order-to-make-it-obvious-they-don't-watch-football hilariously pointed out, the guy who sang 'Rock Me Amadeus'.

The Emirates Gallactico
02-09-2014, 10:47 PM
Warmed to the Welbeck move. A decent transfer in all fairness considering the market available.

However I've started becoming quite furious with the defensive situation. 6 first team defenders for four positions and one of them is the chronically injured Gibbs and we have CL football to contend with??? That is almost criminally negligent.

One long term injury to anyone of Chambers/Koscienly/BFG and we're fucked until January. It would basically mean zero rest for the other two and no way to deal with any suspensions or niggles. Per and Kos are coming of the back of a 50 game season and WC football as it is and are heavily at risk of being in the red zone.

Indefensible from Wenger - he assured us after Vermelen left that we would replace him irrespective of Chambers coming in (who was brought in as a right back). Even if he couldn't find someone who he really wanted, we still should have got in some reasonable defensive cover. Someone like Alderweid who Southampton have just got on loan from Athletico Madrid would have been perfect.

02-09-2014, 10:59 PM
No matter which way you try to rationalise it, it doesn't make any sense. Wenger is a complete weirdo at times. Mertesacker has retired from Internationals so hopefully that lowers the risk of injury a bit. But it really is pot luck. Giroud would've been my safest bet for another 50 game season.

02-09-2014, 11:05 PM
He's placing a huge amount of (misplaced) trust in Monreal. He even sold Miquel to further hone his options to nothing. Flamini will spend a lot of the season in defence. Which then starts to expose the lack of options for the midfield holding role. I suppose he'll try and shoehorn Ox or Jack or even Rosicky in there if need be, unless he seriously thinks Diaby can go a season uninjured. There's optimism, there's wishful thinking and there's never fucking happening. You can count Gibbs out for half a season on and off, he;s made of glass. We run the risk of crocking Chambers long term if he's expected to fill in everywhere. Can we get the much maligned Jenks back? It's all a bit silly.

02-09-2014, 11:07 PM
Or maybe the players he really wants have agreed to sign but they can't do it until January?

There's optimism, there's wishful thinking and there's never fucking happening.

The Emirates Gallactico
02-09-2014, 11:16 PM
No matter which way you try to rationalise it, it doesn't make any sense. Wenger is a complete weirdo at times. Mertesacker has retired from Internationals so hopefully that lowers the risk of injury a bit. But it really is pot luck. Giroud would've been my safest bet for another 50 game season.

After both Kos and Mertesacker managed to quite luckily avoid any major injury issues last season, just general sod's law will mean that one of them will do their knee in training this week. That's usually how these things balance out. :rolleyes:

I'm wondering whether the negative reaction from the fanbase to the Kallstrom loan deal (quite unjustly IMO) last January scared Wenger of doing a similar type of short term deal this window even if it would have been perfect.

Also, if the Manolas rumours are true about us missing out on him over 2 million then it makes the whole situation even more ridiculous. At the very least we could have kept Miguel but alas we've let him go as well. :rolleyes:

Sigh, it's going to have to be daily praying to the footballing gods for all CB's to remain fit until January at the very least.

02-09-2014, 11:47 PM
How about playing Chambers at CDM?

Better tackling than both Flamini and Arteta.

Not that fast, but faster than both of them and has the legs

Great with the ball


Sanchez - Ozil - Theo

Ramsey - Chambers

Gibbs - Kosc - Bfg - Debuchy


The Emirates Gallactico
03-09-2014, 12:22 AM
How about playing Chambers at CDM?

Absolutely not.

The last thing we need to do is to play all three of our CB's on the pitch at one time and increase the risk of one of them picking up an injury leaving us fooked at the back. Chambers needs to be wrapped in cotton wool until January when we can buy proper CB cover.

03-09-2014, 12:43 AM
Absolutely not.

The last thing we need to do is to play all three of our CB's on the pitch at one time and increase the risk of one of them picking up an injury leaving us fooked at the back. Chambers needs to be wrapped in cotton wool until January when we can buy proper CB cover.

Lol I completely forgot about that.

03-09-2014, 01:08 AM
Is there any free agent we can sign for the interim? What is Gallas doing? May be Keown?

03-09-2014, 01:40 AM
Is there any free agent we can sign for the interim? What is Gallas doing? May be Keown?


03-09-2014, 03:25 PM
Abdoulaye Faye it is then..

I am invisible
03-09-2014, 03:45 PM
Absolutely not.

The last thing we need to do is to play all three of our CB's on the pitch at one time and increase the risk of one of them picking up an injury leaving us fooked at the back. Chambers needs to be wrapped in cotton wool until January when we can buy proper CB cover.

Agreed. I'd also say that we should be sticking Bellerin in the squad (if he isn't already) so we're minimizing the number of positions that we're expecting Chambers to cover...

03-09-2014, 03:54 PM
Abdoulaye Faye it is then..

Was thinking Tiny "not that sort of thug" Taylor, no?

03-09-2014, 04:06 PM
Was thinking Tiny "not that sort of thug" Taylor, no?

Why not? We can play him against Van pussy and nasri to make sure he gets the job 'done'.

The Emirates Gallactico
03-09-2014, 05:52 PM
Is there any free agent we can sign for the interim? What is Gallas doing? May be Keown?

Yepes who was phenomenal for Colombia during the World Cup is currently a free agent.

Downside is that he's 38 however we should hopefully only need him for a few odd games here and there. No brainer to get him in IMO on a year long deal.

03-09-2014, 06:16 PM
Yepes is a freebie? Why would we not grab him for a year? We have to, don't we? Surely?

Also Park Chu-Young is available? Now that we have destroyed his career I think we should bring him in and not play him in case he tries to resurrect things.

03-09-2014, 06:35 PM
Make Yepes happen Arsene... 1 year cheap contract should be a no brainer. But then buying a CB was a no brainer too..

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
03-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Agreed. I'd also say that we should be sticking Bellerin in the squad (if he isn't already) so we're minimizing the number of positions that we're expecting Chambers to cover...

He should definitely be in the squad.

04-09-2014, 07:16 AM
From what I saw in pre-season I don't see why Bellerin shouldn't be given a chance. He looks lethal whenever he pushes forward. The only problem is that he isn't known to be the best defensively, but I'm assuming the coaches are working on that. If he nails the positioning and awareness of runners in behind like Gibbs did last season, he could be a beast.

04-09-2014, 02:12 PM
Agreed. I'd also say that we should be sticking Bellerin in the squad (if he isn't already) so we're minimizing the number of positions that we're expecting Chambers to cover...

Absolutely - officially fastest player in the squad according to Theo.

06-09-2014, 03:37 PM
we have the option of either dipping into the free transfer market (Yepes) or bring through Isaac Hayden to cover the frightening lack of cover we have in that position.

I am invisible
06-09-2014, 04:19 PM
Don't pay too much attention to that Yepes BS - apparently Arseblog chucked it out there as a joke suggestion on one of their podcasts, and within an hour a load of gossip sites were running it as a serious story...