View Full Version : January Transfer Speculation and Shit

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
02-09-2014, 09:18 AM
Summer passed by and we acquired Sanchez, we replaced Sagna with a younger, more aggressive alternative, we bought the next JT, and we even made a late splash to replace an injured player (Giroud) with a top quality, England international.

January? More of the same please.

02-09-2014, 10:20 AM
Here we go again. We do it to ourselves :doh:

Ashley Young - must get!

02-09-2014, 10:52 AM
If we really want to achieve greater success we have to look seriously as this squad of players. Who really has the quality to play a part in this team if we are to compete for the P.L. & the C.L.
Defensively I would suggest only Sir Ches, Debauchy, Chambers & Kos are good enough. Merts is a accident waiting to happen & this should be his final year. Need to offload both L.B's, they're not strong enough physically.
Midfield, get rid of Flamini, Arteta, Diaby, Podolski & Rosicky.
Attack, Sonogo back to the post office ( or out on 10 year loan ), get rid of Giroud.
Still keeping the likes of Campbell & Gnabbers as work in progress.

Ofcourse we won't be buying all what required in Jan but we need a quality L.B, quality DM & a quality goal scorer ( We were saying this 2 years ago ). Would also like to get someone like Matuidi to give Rambo some competition. You could be looking at £100+ mill to acquire these players but we should get approx £60 mil with the sale of the one's I've suggested above

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
02-09-2014, 11:11 AM
If we really want to achieve greater success we have to look seriously as this squad of players. Who really has the quality to play a part in this team if we are to compete for the P.L. & the C.L.
Defensively I would suggest only Sir Ches, Debauchy, Chambers & Kos are good enough. Merts is a accident waiting to happen & this should be his final year. Need to offload both L.B's, they're not strong enough physically.
Midfield, get rid of Flamini, Arteta, Diaby, Podolski & Rosicky.
Attack, Sonogo back to the post office ( or out on 10 year loan ), get rid of Giroud.
Still keeping the likes of Campbell & Gnabbers as work in progress.

Ofcourse we won't be buying all what required in Jan but we need a quality L.B, quality DM & a quality goal scorer ( We were saying this 2 years ago ). Would also like to get someone like Matuidi to give Rambo some competition. You could be looking at £100+ mill to acquire these players but we should get approx £60 mil with the sale of the one's I've suggested above

When RVP left we made a concerted effort to change our philosophy and go English. Wenger confirmed this when he said he wants to replicate the Barca-Spain model in a few years time with Arsenal-England. The Welbeck signing conforms to this.

We have a young striker that will press opposition defenders and not stand still wagging his tongue around looking for the next magazine deal. Socially, he will fit in with Ox, Wilshere, Theo, JT, Chezza and the rest of our young squad.

The media will soften their hate campaign against us because they'll want Welbeck to do well so he kicks ass for England in the future.

It's an excellent signing.

02-09-2014, 11:17 AM
If we really want to achieve greater success we have to look seriously as this squad of players. Who really has the quality to play a part in this team if we are to compete for the P.L. & the C.L.
Defensively I would suggest only Sir Ches, Debauchy, Chambers & Kos are good enough. Merts is a accident waiting to happen & this should be his final year. Need to offload both L.B's, they're not strong enough physically.
Midfield, get rid of Flamini, Arteta, Diaby, Podolski & Rosicky.
Attack, Sonogo back to the post office ( or out on 10 year loan ), get rid of Giroud.
Still keeping the likes of Campbell & Gnabbers as work in progress.

Ofcourse we won't be buying all what required in Jan but we need a quality L.B, quality DM & a quality goal scorer ( We were saying this 2 years ago ). Would also like to get someone like Matuidi to give Rambo some competition. You could be looking at £100+ mill to acquire these players but we should get approx £60 mil with the sale of the one's I've suggested above

There's no way we'd get £60m for that lot. We'd get next to nothing for Flamini, Arteta, Diaby and Rosicky. I doubt Giroud and Podolski could fetch much more than £10m each. And there's no reason to even think about selling Merts...

02-09-2014, 12:06 PM
There's no way we'd get £60m for that lot. We'd get next to nothing for Flamini, Arteta, Diaby and Rosicky. I doubt Giroud and Podolski could fetch much more than £10m each. And there's no reason to even think about selling Merts...

Add the £10 mill each we would get for Gibbs & Monreal & you're not far off. You'd get £5 mill each for Arteta & Rosicky.