View Full Version : What would you do?

16-11-2014, 10:08 PM
Imagine you are the Arsenal manager right now.

We all know the current problems but realistically if you were in charge what would you do?

We've not played well all season, we don't have enough defenders and those we do have are injured, bang out of form or being played our of position. Those in front of them aren't much better, Alexis aside.

What do you do in the short term to get us by until January?

What do you in January, signing wise? Would you prioritise a CB over everything? Or would you try and get both a CB and a DM bearing in mind the more players you sign the harder it will be to get decent players.
Try to be realistic. For instance we're not going to sign Hummels for 40m and Carvalho for 30m. We're not going to spend that kind of money and there's no way their respective clubs would let them go in January anyway. The media are reporting we have 20m to spend in Jan but I suspect that if Wenger made a case to board we could spend 30-40m if they felt 4th was in danger.

I still have good memories of when Keown came in short term as a defensive coach and we went 10 games in the CL without conceding. I vaguely remember reading that he was keen to come back but we never asked him to. So first things first I would get him back to work with Bould and sort out team out defensively.

I would also move Chambers to CB and put Bellerin in as the right back until Koscielny and Debuchy are back. Monreal has never filled me with confidence anyway but at CB he's just not up to it. That's not his fault because he's not a CB but we need to call time on the experiment.

I would also be looking at players that out of form. Carzola isn't playing well at the moment so I would be looking to give someone else a run out for a few games.Maybe even the same with Ramsey!

In January I would look at loan deals for a CB, mainly because I can't think of a decent CB that would be available :( Then spend serious money on a CB in the summer when they are more likely to be available.

Try not to be too negative. We all know the problems we have. This is more about what your thoughts are on how to make the best out of the current situation.

So come on guy. How would you fix this?

16-11-2014, 11:01 PM
Chambers cannot play any more at right back, Monreal cannot play any more at centre back

we will have to risk beasting a back four of bellerin, chambers, mertesacker and gibbs (gibbs can alternate with monreal)

if we get a point against dortmund the game against galatasaray should be a dead fixture so we can give isaac hayden a go at centre back

rosicky, campbell and podolski need games and they need to be put into the first xi in certain fixtures....podolski and campbell with the idea of resting sanchez and welbeck

We need to go back to basics defensively, we need to identify why we are conceeding so many goals from headers...we need to sit back more in games especially after we have taken the lead

When the opposition have the ball in their own half we press only when we have enough players back to cover, when the opposition have the ball in our half we need to close them down instead of dropping off

In January a centre back is the number 1 priority, a defensive midfielder would also be beneficial but it depends on what funds are available and it might be preferable to wait until the summer when they are more and better options.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
16-11-2014, 11:55 PM
I'd probably have a danger wank.

16-11-2014, 11:58 PM
This is a great thread.. :tiphat:

For starters, I would play Chambers and Per as CB with Gibbs and Ox as full backs. I would strongly drill into their heads that when one full back is overlapping, the other cunt better stay behind to help in defense.

I would play the following formation:


Ox Mert Chambers Gibbs

Walcott Rosicky Cazorla Sanchez

Welbeck Podolski/Giroud

Subs: Martinez, Hayden, Campbell, Arteta, Ramsey, Wilshere, Gnabry

Ramsey would be advised to sit the fuck down and stay back with the defense, unless we are absolutely peppering the opposition goal. He might not even start if we are playing away from home.. have Arteta and Wilshere in the middle perhaps. I also would go back to playing with 2 up front.. we havent won anything of note with our lone striker and its time to move on. Ox might come as a surprise at RB but he is going to play there assuming we are playing at home or if the opposition is shit. If we are away from home against the big boys, I'd play Flamini there..

Football wise, I would try to break free from the tippy tappy crap we are doing. We have some of the fastest players in the PL and yet we play like dumb pieces of shit. I will encourage the players to shoot from outside the box. Any player(s) guilty of over-complicating shit near the opposition box will be fined!

In the Jan window, I would bring in a solid CB from any of the bottom feeder teams (West Ham, Stoke, Sunderland etc). As for a CDM, I wouldnt mind going back in for someone like Song! Oh, and bring back Carl Jenkinson from loan.

Lastly, I would bring in life coaches or anybody that I can bring to make the players believe in themselves.. not the Arsene Wenger loser mentality of believing themselves... I would set out different formations for them to work with. Plan A, B, C and if needed.. a D!

KSE Comedy Club
17-11-2014, 07:59 AM
I think, I think I would..... Errr....um......


Power n Glory
17-11-2014, 08:08 AM
I'd hand in my notice!

Xhaka Can’t
17-11-2014, 08:29 AM
I think, I think I would..... Errr....um......


Beat me to it. :lol:

17-11-2014, 08:47 AM
I'd hand in my notice!

:lol: you beat me to it!

17-11-2014, 09:51 AM
Sit in the garage with the engine running.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
17-11-2014, 01:08 PM
Hit the whore house.

Then a bottle of whiskey.

17-11-2014, 01:34 PM
hey I would be earning £7m a year, so who cares what I would do. only need to achieve 4th place and there are teams even in more trouble than we are.

what I would do is play belerin rb and chambers at cb. I would also try to get a deal done for a defensive mid and centre back now. offer the money so that it can be registered 1st January. deals can be done outside of the window just cant be registered.

Power n Glory
17-11-2014, 02:34 PM
£7m a year! Maybe I was a bit hasty with the whole 'hand in my notice' thing.

Marc Overmars
17-11-2014, 03:31 PM
Use the squad more and create an sense of competition for places. That way when we're forced to use other players maybe we'll extract a higher level of performance from them if they know they won't be back on the bench regardless.

Özil's Panoramic View
17-11-2014, 03:34 PM
Sit in the garage with the engine running.

Harsh on H_C_Z.

Really harsh.

17-11-2014, 04:12 PM
Harsh on H_C_Z.

Really harsh.

I was only joking originally when I made that comment about your menstrual cycle

Now actually I'm not so sure

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
17-11-2014, 10:24 PM
The mud slinging and silliness has basically prevented this thread from being several pages of 'play Chambo at CB, play Hector RB, sought the defence out buy a CB and a DM in January'.

It was never going to garner a very diverse range of responses... :d

18-11-2014, 05:01 AM
Play Chambo at CB, play Hector RB, sought the defence out buy a CB and a DM in January.

18-11-2014, 06:35 AM
Not give Diaby a new contract which his majesty looks like doing:doh:

Xhaka Can’t
18-11-2014, 08:14 AM
The mud slinging and silliness has basically prevented this thread from being several pages of 'play Chambo at CB, play Hector RB, sought the defence out buy a CB and a DM in January'.

It was never going to garner a very diverse range of responses... :d

In all seriousness, the number one thing a future manager needs to change is the culture of the Club from top to bottom. No matter who you are, if you're not bringing it on to the pitch, you should be on the bench or worse.

Too many players are phoning it in and it appears to be tolerated. If a player is out of form, he needs to be out of the first 11 and if a player gets the chance to be in the first 11 and doesn't work like it is a privilege rather than an entitlement, that should be unacceptable.

Some players aren't good enough because of where they are in their development, or they'll make mistakes - that should be acceptable if they work hard enough to improve or do everything to learn from and not repeat those mistakes.

In short, we need players in every position to play like they give a shit. If they do that, the fans will get behind them. But it is the managers job to ensure they do and rectify it when they don't, both within a match and on the training pitch.

Wenger seems to do none of that - especially during matches. In fact his in game management is more ineffective than the worst Cazorla performance you can imagine.

18-11-2014, 04:03 PM

Giving a shit.. thats what its all about!

18-11-2014, 04:55 PM
First thing is to kick Maureen in the knackers. That's got to be an ambition for anyone in the game? After that, who cares? Kicking Maureen in the knackers couldn't be topped. I'd probably retire at the summit.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
19-11-2014, 12:19 AM
Play Chambo at CB, play Hector RB, sought the defence out buy a CB and a DM in January.


19-11-2014, 10:08 PM
The mud slinging and silliness has basically prevented this thread from being several pages of 'play Chambo at CB, play Hector RB, sought the defence out buy a CB and a DM in January'.

It was never going to garner a very diverse range of responses... :d

Don't see you starting any threads yourself :fingers:

19-11-2014, 10:26 PM
At this stage, starting a thread on here's a bit like giving Gascoigne a liver transplant.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
20-11-2014, 11:35 AM
Or cripps another indian recipe.


Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
20-11-2014, 11:39 PM
Don't see you starting any threads yourself :fingers:

Hey....I welcome and applaud the attempt Eminem.

I don't really need to add to the list with my own banal tripe though.