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31-07-2015, 08:55 PM
I'll throw myself under a bus if we sign Sergio Biscuits.

What kind?

31-07-2015, 09:59 PM
I think his goal tally for us last season was an embarrassment frankly

Eight goals? That's two million a goal so far, and putting it really into perspective he scored a hat trick so only scored in six fixtures.

Great work rate. Was doing well for us before getting injured. Like Sanchez, he really closes the spaces fast...we missed him second half of the season. If he stays injury free, there's no reason he can't get 20goals plus. Agree with Mac, his goal against Utd, paid for most of his transfer fee. He just needs to get himself running again. Against some opponents, Walcott, Sanchez and Welbeck up front would be frightening for defenders I would love us to get Benzema as a number 9...(with Giroud deputising) and a defensive midfielder, if we did that, we'd definitely be in with a shout of the premiership this season. Credit to Wenger for laying the foundations of a very very good squad again...took his time, and I bloody hope he doesn't get to unravel it like last time! Hopefully he's finally learnt that you can't rest on your laurels, and things need freshening up each season. But now we have a solid base. Fingers-crossed we get that bit of luck we need to win the premiership and more.

31-07-2015, 10:58 PM
Unfortunately £140k isn't excessive in practical terms, even though it is an utter disgrace in every other sense. The chavs and gypos pay that for players to sit on their bench. Theo must be close to being our longest serving player now, he's an England International when fit, I guess we either had to pay him that (at minimum) or he'd be off to the first bidder. It's insane but that's now value and loyalty stacks up in the modern game. And if he didn't get it then Mrs Kroenke would be paddling in a new pool or sailing her new boat. It comes down to whether we wanted him to stay or not. Considering it doesn't look like we are signing a striker, hanging on to the ones we've got is important. Hopefully he's ready to start paying his share of the deal rather than coasting to the next contract negotiation.

01-08-2015, 06:46 AM
Theo's on the same wages as Sanchez and Ozil? I need his agent with me when I'm asking for a pay rise!

I'm not all that happy about making him one of our joint highest earners considering he's injury prone and not even a guaranteed starter. But it's better than the alternative of letting him walk out for free next summer.

AFC Leveller
01-08-2015, 09:14 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11227574_936758806396594_6709607040200505332_n.jpg ?oh=d007d44912151b73535c178d5e8a564d&oe=56557D4A&__gda__=1446528406_5b9088c348c136ca7d16e62f509f1a7 4

KSE Comedy Club
01-08-2015, 10:35 AM
Is that his 'arsene and karim' selfie?

Epic fail tbh :coffee:

01-08-2015, 01:46 PM
Looks like Leicester are getting Inler. I remember being linked to him for a while.

Master Splinter
01-08-2015, 05:48 PM
Leicester seem to be making some decent signings with Okazaki, Aranguiz and Inler.

But then again so do most other clubs. The new TV deal will lead to Sunderland getting Lewandowski and Reus next season.

McNamara That Ghost...
02-08-2015, 09:04 AM
AS have us down due to offer 65 million Euros for Benzema.

It's on!

http://img.kaloo.ga/thumb?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.voetbalzone.nl%2Fima ges%2Fphotos%2Foriginelen%2F2015%2F8%2Fbenzema1420 9000.jpg&md5val=5e403d7344df6a4e06de7fe0ce295bb6&key=6c5822f7327b7d3c838b66a7f673ba075df45773&method=fit&size=1440x720

AFC Leveller
02-08-2015, 09:36 AM
Most of us can;t se wenger singing another striker because of his lack of ambition and relcutance to "kill" his players but i think that this opinion is based on the last 9 years where money was tight and we had to sell our best players every summer. Now that money is there, i think us signing Benzema is a real possiblity, although whether he wants to come here is another matter.

02-08-2015, 09:47 AM
Most of us can;t se wenger singing another striker because of his lack of ambition and relcutance to "kill" his players but i think that this opinion is based on the last 9 years where money was tight and we had to sell our best players every summer. Now that money is there, i think us signing Benzema is a real possiblity, although whether he wants to come here is another matter.

There's a lot of reasons why it's highly unlikely we'll sign Benzema, apparently he wants to stay in Spain, he's Madrid's only out and out striker and Benitez wants him to stay (and has said he will), he's under contract until 2019 and Real Madrid have noone else lined up up front.

Can't see this happening, IMO we're chasing the impossible again and will end up with noone, which would be a very poor show in the transfer window by us when we were nowhere near the title last season and other teams have further strengthened. Once again though the season is almost upon us and we have barely done any business, it's shambolic for it to happen again tbh.

Power n Glory
02-08-2015, 11:14 AM
Most of us can;t se wenger singing another striker because of his lack of ambition and relcutance to "kill" his players but i think that this opinion is based on the last 9 years where money was tight and we had to sell our best players every summer. Now that money is there, i think us signing Benzema is a real possiblity, although whether he wants to come here is another matter.

We had to sell our best players because they wanted to leave and forced their way out of the club. There is a difference. Above statements make it seem like the rug was being pulled from under Wenger and decisions were being made without his consent.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
02-08-2015, 11:18 AM
Theo's on the same wages as Sanchez and Ozil? I need his agent with me when I'm asking for a pay rise!

I'm not all that happy about making him one of our joint highest earners considering he's injury prone and not even a guaranteed starter. But it's better than the alternative of letting him walk out for free next summer.

If the best person in the business you worked in the world over, personally and publicly endorsed you as a fellow professional, I suspect you might be able to get that pay rise.

AFC Leveller
02-08-2015, 11:36 AM
We had to sell our best players because they wanted to leave and forced their way out of the club. There is a difference. Above statements make it seem like the rug was being pulled from under Wenger and decisions were being made without his consent.

The reason we had to sell them was because we ha dno money or couldnt match their ambition and players and agents kne wour situation. today is a different story, we can attract Ozil, Cech and Sanchez and our best English players want to stay too. I wasnt saying it wasnt Wenger's fault but money was tight.

KSE Comedy Club
02-08-2015, 01:02 PM
Rumours are suggesting that wages have been agreed and the only issue is the fee.

Who knows tbh, but u really have to hope it's true

02-08-2015, 01:42 PM
Rumours are suggesting that wages have been agreed and the only issue is the fee.

Who knows tbh, but u really have to hope it's true

Who? Kalou?

McNamara That Ghost...
02-08-2015, 04:51 PM
Biglia. :cloud9:

02-08-2015, 05:05 PM

Power n Glory
02-08-2015, 07:18 PM
With Di Maria going to PSG, there must be a chance of us taking one of their players. Thinking Cavani.

02-08-2015, 07:52 PM
With Di Maria going to PSG, there must be a chance of us taking one of their players. Thinking Cavani.

Falcao Mk II?

Besides, PSG appears to be nothing more than a money laundering operating so any player coming out of there is likely to be at a very high fee. Just a shame we didn't sell them Diaby for £120mill.

02-08-2015, 07:55 PM
Cavani is awful

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
02-08-2015, 09:16 PM
I'd have my doubts about Cavani too, not that it is ever going to happen. Don't believe the latest round of Benzema hearsay for a moment....

03-08-2015, 09:27 AM
If Akpom is sent on loan then this will increase the chances of a striker.

Wenger said Akpom would stay recently but now there seems to be rumours he will be loaned to Hull.

AFC Leveller
03-08-2015, 09:37 AM
Apart from Benzema, i dont think any of the other available forwards are much better than what we have.

I am invisible
03-08-2015, 10:18 AM
Apart from Benzema, i dont think any of the other available forwards are much better than what we have.

Yeah, I'm struggling to come up with names at this point. Assuming we're ruling out the usual untouchable players like Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez, etc, then I think there's a shortlist of 2, maybe 3 players out there who would a) give us that lift in quality we're after, and b) would just about be in the upper end of our price range IF by some miracle they happened to become available. Benzema, Lewandowski, and possibly Reus (if we go for a less direct solution) are the names I'd be looking at. With Reus we may be able to force the issue, if we chucked enough money at Dortmund, but he'd be the least obvious, least direct fit if we're after a CF, and that in itself may rule him out. And with the other two, we're effectively just waiting to see if Madrid or Bayern get bored of them!

Players like Cavani and Higuain don't do much for me - good finishers, but I don't think their all-round game is good enough? I'm sure they'd get a decent number of goals on an individual level, but I also think they'd make our play a little predictable, and that we'd get less as a team. They seem like lone-ranger types who you'd have to play everything through if you wanted to get your money's worth from them, and that's not really where I think we should be going.

And I"m not convinced guys like Lacazette and Aubameyang either. Again, good players, but do they sit in that world-class bracket that we're looking for that will take us to another level? Would their form from the French and German leagues translate to the EPL, or would their numbers be a little more average over here? They'd beef up our numbers, and that would be useful, but I'm not sure that it's worth north of £35m to us? Iw we were talking in the 20 mils, then maybe, but not for the prices I've seen mentioned...

I am invisible
03-08-2015, 10:37 AM
On the plus side, it's a nice position to be in (just needing the cherry on top to really complete the squad) - I'm actually quite happy with how we're shaping up at the moment, and don't think we need to be rushed or panicked into doing anything...

Power n Glory
03-08-2015, 01:14 PM
Cavani has outscored Benzema for 5 seasons or so now. Check the comparison stats below.


Played / Goals
53/31 – Season 14/15

46/22 – Season 14/15

I haven’t seen enough of both players over the years but from what I’ve seen they have both had funny patches in form. But Cavani has been played out of position since arriving at PSG, low on confidence but still outscores Benzema. With the arrival of Di Maria, I don’t know if that means he’s off or if they’ll get rid of Ibra. I just don’t get the Benzema fanfare over Cavani. Unless people have been watching him play a lot, the numbers aren’t that much better than Giroud’s. Not saying Giroud’s the better player but I think with Cavani and Benzma, we’re taking a gamble on both players performing better than what they’re doing now and getting more out them. I don’t think Benzema is going anywhere this year and for the price tag paraded by the media, I don’t think he’s worth the money. Cavani only sprang to mind because of the Di Maria move and Wenger has this whole ‘chess game’ transfer strategy going on.

AFC Leveller
03-08-2015, 01:20 PM
Benzema is a better player, he plays for the team and can play upfront on his own, which suits us. Cavani is probably a better goalscorer but i dont think he is what we need and his price tag would probably be around 60m transfer fee alone.

I have watched benzema since he was at Lyon and he is a beast of a player, technically superior to anyone in our squad.

Power n Glory
03-08-2015, 01:30 PM
Benzema is a better player, he plays for the team and can play upfront on his own, which suits us. Cavani is probably a better goalscorer but i dont think he is what we need and his price tag would probably be around 60m transfer fee alone.

I have watched benzema since he was at Lyon and he is a beast of a player, technically superior to anyone in our squad.

That's the price tag we're going to be paying for Benzema. Cavani works and plays for the team as well, can play up front on his own....similar age.....

I haven't watched either at great length, but have you watched Cavani as much as Benzema?

AFC Leveller
03-08-2015, 02:21 PM
That's the price tag we're going to be paying for Benzema. Cavani works and plays for the team as well, can play up front on his own....similar age.....

I haven't watched either at great length, but have you watched Cavani as much as Benzema?

Cavani is all about goals, he is/was prolific and still has age on his side to get back to his best but Benzema is the kinda player we need, he is much more mobile, can move outwide or come deep depending on the game and would add much more to our team. I watched cavani for PSG and for me, he isnt what we need.

Power n Glory
03-08-2015, 02:43 PM
Bear in mind, Cavani plays out on the wing for PSG for most games and still gets pretty high numbers. But I’ll take your word for it. From what I’ve seen of Benzema, I’m not so sure he’s the obvious candidate. The goal tally isn’t fantastic and he often goes missing for France. We shall see.

Also, we need goals up front. If Cavani is all about goals.....

03-08-2015, 05:52 PM
Cavani doesn't play in the same team as a greedy cock called Ronaldo. Benzema would probably get a lot more goals, as would Bale, etc, if they didn't have to play second fiddle to that greedy cockhead.

Power n Glory
03-08-2015, 05:56 PM
If that were true he'd be a lot better for France.

03-08-2015, 06:04 PM
Benzema is very overrated, whenever I've seen him he seems to miss a lot of chances, the point about Ronaldo is nonsense, he's in a Real team who score a hatful the fact he doesn't bag more than he does reflects badly on him, especially as he's their only out and out striker

Good player yes, but not a top top striker and not worth the 40 milllion being talked about, much better than what we have of course. Messi scoring a load doesn't stop his teammates scoring loads as well.

Cavani is more of a natural finisher than Benzema IMO and in a team as creative as us would score loads, but I doubt very much PSG would sell.

I'd take a chance on Lacazette, yes he's relatively unproven but then so was Suarez before Liverpool signed him. Wouldn't be against Benzema of course as he would improve us for sure, I still think it's a very unlikely signing and media BS, he's not available, Real don't have a replacement and he doesn't want to leave Spain.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
03-08-2015, 06:12 PM
In the last 2/3 years I haven't seen a top player choke more in big games than Cavani has... honestly.

Benzema may not but much better, but in his favour the Spanish league is a lot better than the French. When Benzema played in France, like with Hazard, it was pretty clear he didn't belong there any more.

If Cavani plays wide for PSG that is a big factor though and can't be ignored as can't the fact Real are all about Conaldo. I'd prefer Benzema but neither are worth 60 million to us. If we have to bide our time before eventually getting a world class forward, I'd rather Wenger signed 1 more top player so that we strengthen in another area.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
03-08-2015, 06:15 PM
Benzema is very overrated, whenever I've seen him he seems to miss a lot of chances, the point about Ronaldo is nonsense, he's in a Real team who score a hatful the fact he doesn't bag more than he does reflects badly on him, especially as he's their only out and out striker

Good player yes, but not a top top striker and not worth the 40 milllion being talked about, much better than what we have of course. Messi scoring a load doesn't stop his teammates scoring loads as well.

Cavani is more of a natural finisher than Benzema IMO and in a team as creative as us would score loads, but I doubt very much PSG would sell.

I'd take a chance on Lacazette, yes he's relatively unproven but then so was Suarez before Liverpool signed him. Wouldn't be against Benzema of course as he would improve us for sure, I still think it's a very unlikely signing and media BS, he's not available, Real don't have a replacement and he doesn't want to leave Spain.

Messi is more of a team player than Conaldo and Barca play as more of a team.

03-08-2015, 06:47 PM
Benitez has reaffirmed that Benzema will stay with them, just don't see this one happening. Disappointingly think that's it for the summer, one solitary signing.

I don't see how signing one goalkeeper is going to close the gap completely, we're still lacking in certain areas which left us way behind last season.

Power n Glory
03-08-2015, 06:54 PM
In the last 2/3 years I haven't seen a top player choke more in big games than Cavani has... honestly.

Benzema may not but much better, but in his favour the Spanish league is a lot better than the French. When Benzema played in France, like with Hazard, it was pretty clear he didn't belong there any more.

If Cavani plays wide for PSG that is a big factor though and can't be ignored as can't the fact Real are all about Conaldo. I'd prefer Benzema but neither are worth 60 million to us. If we have to bide our time before eventually getting a world class forward, I'd rather Wenger signed 1 more top player so that we strengthen in another area.

But Benzema's goal record for France isn't good either and it makes me wonder if he'd really pull his socks up playing for us. He's only ever scored over 30 goals twice in his career. I just wonder if he's too comfortable at Real Madrid. Cavani may be someone Wenger can fix and get his confidence back once playing through the middle and being out of Ibrahimovic's shadow.

Both players have faults although I prefer Benzema stylistically but something tells me he could be a massive flop for us. Playing with CRonaldo is a factor but that also makes me wonder if he's too used to someone stepping up for the big games. Again, his International record isn't good. 76 games and only 26 goals or something like that.

I'm thinking more on the psychological side and who Wenger can really pull something from.

03-08-2015, 07:40 PM
I think an idea might be to wait till January, and see how someone like Saido Mane does, from what I've seen of him I think he'd have all the attributes to make a real difference for us, but want to see him score more goals for Southampton

I am invisible
03-08-2015, 07:42 PM
Benitez has reaffirmed that Benzema will stay with them, just don't see this one happening. Disappointingly think that's it for the summer, one solitary signing.

I don't see how signing one goalkeeper is going to close the gap completely, we're still lacking in certain areas which left us way behind last season.
Rafa: "I think Benzema is going to stay with us, I am very happy with him and have no reason to think he will go..."

It's a reaffirmation of sorts, but it still sounds like there's some doubt there - I wouldn't rule it out just yet...

03-08-2015, 07:45 PM
Bet knowing Rafa he hasn't even spoken to him

The guy is so aloof and standoffish makes Howard Hughes seem gregarious

03-08-2015, 08:26 PM
Cheeky bid for Kalou tbh.. :coffee:

Shaqiri Is Boss
03-08-2015, 08:38 PM
Bet knowing Rafa he hasn't even spoken to him

The guy is so aloof and standoffish makes Howard Hughes seem gregarious


Of course he will have.

Via Skype.

With the video turned off.

04-08-2015, 06:37 AM
Wenger on the Benzema rumours:
No, nothing is happening. Honestly no. I don’t know who brings that up. Is it Spanish media or English media? I don’t know.


04-08-2015, 10:14 AM
Regarding Benzema reports now saying Benitez' words are a big blow to our chances of signing him.

We have a history of failing to secure players we chase for months, in the end we always miss out, other big clubs more often than not get their man, I'm not sure why is it the fact we chase players who aren't realistically available, the money we offer or the fact we just aren't appealing enough due to our lack of success in the major trophies in the last decade?

I have to say I thought it was an unrealistic target given Real have signed no other forward and the fact they have money to burn.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 10:21 AM
But that's if he's even a target. Wenger has gone on record saying he doesn't think we need a striker and he's said again there is no truth in the Benzema rumours. Smoke and mirrors maybe.

04-08-2015, 10:29 AM
I think it's time to face facts and acknowledge we've already made the stand-out signing of the summer, right up until Mad Uncle Roman pushes the kill-switch implanted in Cechs head that is.

04-08-2015, 11:37 AM
I think it's time to face facts and acknowledge we've already made the stand-out signing of the summer, right up until Mad Uncle Roman pushes the kill-switch implanted in Cechs head that is.

Ah I love those things....when I was a slave owner I was able to install these rather than pay for guards. No one even tried to escape because they knew what would happen.

04-08-2015, 11:49 AM
I think it's time to face facts and acknowledge we've already made the stand-out signing of the summer, right up until Mad Uncle Roman pushes the kill-switch implanted in Cechs head that is.

Well he is a stand-out signing at least. The guy exudes class and confidence. But if that's it for our summer business then it really does fall on Cech to make up the 12 points. From what I have seen so far, that's not as implausible as I first thought. Dave was the last keeper we had who took personal offence at conceding. We have another player in the goal with the same attitude now. It's good.

But what would be great is if Wenger took a chance, splashed some cash and brought in somebody who can convert all those chances Bif and Theo miss. We need somebody like that to maximise the quality we have in players like Ozil, Alexis and Cazorla.

04-08-2015, 12:25 PM
Wenger on the Benzema rumours:
No, nothing is happening. Honestly no. I don’t know who brings that up. Is it Spanish media or English media? I don’t know.


Have you noticed Feo playing upfront recently? This Benzema shit was never going to happen, just like we aren't buying a DM or CB. We're done for the season in the market.

04-08-2015, 12:38 PM
Regarding Benzema reports now saying Benitez' words are a big blow to our chances of signing him.

We have a history of failing to secure players we chase for months, in the end we always miss out, other big clubs more often than not get their man, I'm not sure why is it the fact we chase players who aren't realistically available, the money we offer or the fact we just aren't appealing enough due to our lack of success in the major trophies in the last decade

I have to say I thought it was an unrealistic target given Real have signed no other forward and the fact they have money to burn.

We've signed 3 world class players in the last 3 seasons, so we can't be getting it completely wrong. As said, wouldnt rule out any signing yet, but also wouldn't be surprised if we stick with what we have. All this paper talk, 'reports', insider information etc is all bullshit anyway.

04-08-2015, 12:44 PM
We've signed 3 world class players in the last 3 seasons, so we can't be getting it completely wrong. As said, wouldnt rule out any signing yet, but also wouldn't be surprised if we stick with what we have. All this paper talk, 'reports', insider information etc is all bullshit anyway.

And just to add, I'd personally like us to sign an upgrade on Theo/Giroud but don't think that's as easy as it sounds. My vote would be Reus if he could be converted. If anything happens it's likely to be at the end of the window, and for once we're in a good position where we can bide our time and make sure we get the right player. None of the bargain basement desperation signings we've had before.

04-08-2015, 01:12 PM
1 summer signing never has and never will be good enough, we've done that in the past even after winning the title and ended up short, so doing it after being 12 points behind and being sent packing by Monaco in the CL isn't going to be good enough IMO.

We've had all summer to work on this so we should have been able to do something by now. Cech is a very good signing (though I can't help but feel a bit strange that we've signed a player Chelsea agreed to let go because they had someone they thought was a better decision to keep) but he's not going to win us the title by himself, with him in goal last season we wouldn't have won the league or CL.

04-08-2015, 01:18 PM
If Akpom is sent on loan then this will increase the chances of a striker.

Wenger said Akpom would stay recently but now there seems to be rumours he will be loaned to Hull.

Akpom has now gone to Hull officially.

That does increase the chances of us signing a striker, it does not make it certain though.

04-08-2015, 01:21 PM
It seems that, unless he's going to pull off an 11th hour coup which is looking increasingly unlikely, that Wenger is looking to spread the goals out more. We don't have a 30 goal a season player but we have several 20 goal a season players. I'd feel happier with a real top class striker but they don't grow on trees and we should have enough goals in the team. Once we got going last year we matched Chelsea stride for stride, we've got the ability and the winning mentality to go all the way this year IMO. It's going to be tough because any of the top 4 could credibly win it but I think we'll be in the mix.
There are no excuses now, we have to properly challenge this year.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 01:23 PM
Akpom has now gone to Hull officially.

That does increase the chances of us signing a striker, it does not make it certain though.

No it doesn't. He was never going to get game time this season.

04-08-2015, 01:27 PM
Maybe I am deluded but I must say I'm far more relaxed and content than i thought I'd be right now without us having signed a holding midfielder and a striker.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 01:28 PM
It seems that, unless he's going to pull off an 11th hour coup which is looking increasingly unlikely, that Wenger is looking to spread the goals out more. We don't have a 30 goal a season player but we have several 20 goal a season players. I'd feel happier with a real top class striker but they don't grow on trees and we should have enough goals in the team. Once we got going last year we matched Chelsea stride for stride, we've got the ability and the winning mentality to go all the way this year IMO. It's going to be tough because any of the top 4 could credibly win it but I think we'll be in the mix.
There are no excuses now, we have to properly challenge this year.

That’s an exaggeration. Stride for stride?

04-08-2015, 01:32 PM
After 12 games with our awful start we were something like 15 points behind them.
We finished about 15 points behind them (Maybe closer? Upsettingly my favourite site to check this sort of thing, statto.com, is no longer with us)
So yeah, I know you have to take the season as a whole but after our awful start we got going and matched them for over two thirds of the season.
We have to do it for a whole season, obviously.

04-08-2015, 01:51 PM
I'd be surprised if we get anyone else major this window. I think we'll see Theo play up front primarily this season, since he got a raise in his new deal. He'll be like a new signing, as everyone's favourite £8m pocketing, soft cheese eating, Bastille storming manager would say.

04-08-2015, 01:56 PM
Would you not agree though Letters that it is easier to match a team stride for stride as you put it when we are no longer in a position to challenge?.

Personally I think last season is not a good blueprint going into this season, only scored more than two goals twice away from home and comfortable victories were made nervy by the side coming back into the game to half the deficit, came no where near beating Chelsea when we played them at home, and failed to score in three consecutive home games for the first time in six years when we had second place up for grabs.

Whilst last season wasn't a disaster by any means, it's a season to improve upon rather than a launchpad, the squad is settled, if we use our squad well and utilise the training methods of Shad Forsythe we can keep injuries to a minimum. And whilst getting more goals from our non strikers is not a mitigation for a need for a top striker, I think it's a definite necessity.

04-08-2015, 01:56 PM
After 12 games with our awful start we were something like 15 points behind them.
We finished about 15 points behind them (Maybe closer? Upsettingly my favourite site to check this sort of thing, statto.com, is no longer with us)
So yeah, I know you have to take the season as a whole but after our awful start we got going and matched them for over two thirds of the season.
We have to do it for a whole season, obviously.

Every season it's the same we either have a disastrous start and recover strongly or start well and stumble at the end, don't see why it would be that different this year, essentially bar one player we have the same squad.

We beat Man City 3-0 in the Charity Shield last year as well after winning the cup so I don't see a huge difference between now and then, we were short then and we remain short now having signed just a keeper.

I'm frankly amazed that after last season and ending up miles behind the eventual winners and getting knocked out by Monaco in th CL a goalkeeper suddenly makes us serious title contenders, that's the trouble this is exactly what Wenger thinks, he looks at a short run of results as confirmation that we're the muts nuts, the fact is we had a poor start and that can't be ignored.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 01:57 PM
After 12 games with our awful start we were something like 15 points behind them.
We finished about 15 points behind them (Maybe closer? Upsettingly my favourite site to check this sort of thing, statto.com, is no longer with us)
So yeah, I know you have to take the season as a whole but after our awful start we got going and matched them for over two thirds of the season.
We have to do it for a whole season, obviously.

That's not stride for stride. It’s just another statistic that looks good. Stride for stride implies a neck and neck race and we were never in that race. That’s the difference. This season we have to be in the race and put the pressure on our opponents so it’s us out pacing them. That consistent run you talk of needs to happen when we’re top of the table or just a few points off the top. I can’t take much solace in the run we put together last season. What’s the use in setting the fastest lap time if you can’t finish top of the podium? I want to see how the team reacts when the pressure is on and we have an aggressive opponent on our tails. That’s the test.

04-08-2015, 02:04 PM
No it doesn't. He was never going to get game time this season.

You are correct.

I forgot about Welbeck.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 02:05 PM
Oh, Wilshere is injured again. Just in case you haven't heard. We need to have a lucky break with the injuries this season. We can't afford long term lay offs to too many key players.

04-08-2015, 02:09 PM
Oh, Wilshere is injured again. Just in case you haven't heard. We need to have a lucky break with the injuries this season. We can't afford long term lay offs to too many key players.

Still think we should have sold him to City, then again I'm biased against both him and Ramsey

04-08-2015, 02:12 PM
he looks at a [B]short[/B[ run of results as confirmation that we're the muts nuts
It's not a short run though, is it?

As for what is different this year, it's the same squad of players but that squad was good enough to challenge last year, they just made a right hash of the start of the season.
There does seem to be a different mentality about the squad now, it's hard to define but some of the games we won last year - especially those two games in Manchester - we wouldn't have won those a few years ago. And I do think Cech will make a difference.

I'd be happier with another striker but there should be plenty of goals in this team and I don't think we'll be far away come May.

04-08-2015, 02:14 PM
Oh, Wilshere is injured again. Just in case you haven't heard. We need to have a lucky break with the injuries this season. We can't afford long term lay offs to too many key players.

We won't steer clear of injuries, we never do and when we haven't brought in much over the summer we'll end up paying for it.

04-08-2015, 02:17 PM
It's not a short run though, is it?

As for what is different this year, it's the same squad of players but that squad was good enough to challenge last year, they just made a right hash of the start of the season.
There does seem to be a different mentality about the squad now, it's hard to define but some of the games we won last year - especially those two games in Manchester - we wouldn't have won those a few years ago. And I do think Cech will make a difference.

I'd be happier with another striker but there should be plenty of goals in this team and I don't think we'll be far away come May.

They didn't challenge, they made of hash of it yes, but we've seen that many time before as well, with squad after squad, I don't see why that will magically change when we really haven't invested much in the squad over the summer.

We have the same players who couldn't perform last season and when I say that I mean they failed to challenge for either big trophy, we might start well this season but history tells us we'll then probably finish badly, it pretty much always seems to be that case, injuries will no doubt play a part as well.

I think they way you make things change is by making a few solid signings who add to what you had before and give you a real reason to believe it could be different.

04-08-2015, 02:17 PM
Would you not agree though Letters that it is easier to match a team stride for stride as you put it when we are no longer in a position to challenge?
Hmm. Maybe. I dunno. I don't think so for most of the season, actually. Maybe in the last 10 games it is - if you're close. That's when the pressure starts to built. Till then I don't think it makes too much difference.

Agree with the rest of your post.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 02:19 PM
You are correct.

I forgot about Welbeck.

We always have these young strikers. Lupoli, Anthony Stokes, Jay Emmanuel Thomas…last year wasn’t it Afobe? We always hear about these young promising strikers moving through the ranks and they usually end up being sold.

KSE Comedy Club
04-08-2015, 03:37 PM
I see most reports however, seem to conveniently forget to miss the facht that Rafa opened that line with 'I think' :coffee:

04-08-2015, 04:30 PM
I don't think Wenger could be much clearer in his denial that he is after Benzema.

In fact I don't think he's looked at anyone, I think if he signs anyone he will wait to the deadline to see what agent touts a player he likes.

And that's because he's happy with the squad he has, do I think we could improve on what we have (I don't think there is a team out there that couldn't) but neither do I think we are desperately lacking.

I actually think we could potentially buy a striker in January without doing ourselves much harm

04-08-2015, 04:33 PM
I don't think Wenger could be much clearer in his denial that he is after Benzema.

In fact I don't think he's looked at anyone, I think if he signs anyone he will wait to the deadline to see what agent touts a player he likes.

And that's because he's happy with the squad he has, do I think we could improve on what we have (I don't think there is a team out there that couldn't) but neither do I think we are desperately lacking.

I actually think we could potentially buy a striker in January without doing ourselves much harm

I largely agree with this, although I can't see us signing anyone in January, the only time we have is when we've been in danger of missing out on 4th place.

My view is you can't trust AW in the transfer market, ultimately his preference is to spend the minimum and take his chances rather than giving himself a better chance of success by gambling on a signing brining him that success, IMO that's not the way to win the major trophies.

He does a lot of good things, but this apsect of his management is one of the biggest hindrances to us being top of the pile again.

04-08-2015, 04:47 PM
I don't disagree but at the same time, especially where strikers are concerned I think there is a dirge of top quality.

Benzema(?) sorry just don't rate him at all, same with Cavani

Should we have been quicker off the mark and gone for Jackson Martinez....maybe but at 29 wasn't really worth his price tag.

Ideally if we are to spend 40million + I'd rather it be for someone mid twenties at oldest who is going to have the best years of his career with us.

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 05:51 PM
Wenger's been too indecisive with our strikers and it's why we're scrapping the barrel and looking at ridiculous prices for questionable players. Benzema, Cavani, Higuain.....talented players but there is no way we should be paying £40 to £50m for any of them. All a lot better than Giroud and can be developed into beasts but they're not young and for that money they should be match winners already. It's a gamble so I understand the hesitance from Wenger, especially when he may be able to solve the striker problem internally.

But he's been too indecisive on that front as well. We're going into the season with question marks over all our striking options. Walcott, Welbeck, Giroud and throw Sanchez in the mix as well as he could play through the middle. Wenger just has to commit to someone playing that role. Anyone other than Giroud. Giroud is too frail mentally and the Monaco game was the last example we need. We should have been playing Walcott as striker way back when he had his first round of contract talks or we should have stuck with Sanchez or Welbeck. I don't like the fact that we're going into the season with a huge question mark over this one position. It should have been addressed years back when we were looking at Higuain and Suarez.

04-08-2015, 06:28 PM
I think that what we will see this season is an interchangeable front three, it would help if we had all our attacking players available to test this though, in the cup final you could see Sanchez and Walcott swapping positions throughout the game and I think this could work very well. Giroud also is a very good squad player if not a starter, and can be brought off the bench to bring a physical dimension.
Has Wenger been too indecisive? Of course he has, the man probably prevaricates over what to have for dinner for hours and then settles on a piece of toast at ten o clock at night, that's how he is and it's one of his managerial and character flaws.

04-08-2015, 06:47 PM
I don't disagree but at the same time, especially where strikers are concerned I think there is a dirge of top quality.

Benzema(?) sorry just don't rate him at all, same with Cavani

Should we have been quicker off the mark and gone for Jackson Martinez....maybe but at 29 wasn't really worth his price tag.

Ideally if we are to spend 40million + I'd rather it be for someone mid twenties at oldest who is going to have the best years of his career with us.

So .. Lacazette?

04-08-2015, 07:15 PM
So .. Lacazette?

Hmmm not saying no, but would be a big gamble.

He's someone i would say wait till January to sign but with Lyon in the Champions league it makes him ineligible for us then.

Talk about Wenger prevaricating, he's got me at it.

04-08-2015, 07:16 PM
Frankly if it was me, I'd chance my arm with Bayern Munich and offer them silly money for Robert Lewandowski

04-08-2015, 07:29 PM
Frankly if it was me, I'd chance my arm with Bayern Munich and offer them silly money for Robert Lewandowski

Too late for that, they;d be left in the same position we are now, fishing around with very little quality swimming in the pond. They wouldn't go for it unless the bid was ludicrous - like £40mill and £2

04-08-2015, 08:35 PM
Too late for that, they;d be left in the same position we are now, fishing around with very little quality swimming in the pond. They wouldn't go for it unless the bid was ludicrous - like £40mill and £2

I'd offer a bit more than that

£40million and two pounds and a can of tizer and half a battered sausage. And a pull out special from the Xmas edition of Goal 1978.

Injury Time
04-08-2015, 09:05 PM
Oh, Wilshere is injured again. Just in case you haven't heard. We need to have a lucky break with the injuries this season. We can't afford long term lay offs to too many key players.
Wtf? Dislocate his shoulder striking a match no doubt <_<

04-08-2015, 09:26 PM
Wenger said it isn't serious and it's a matter of days, not weeks. He didn't mention how many hundreds of days that would be though...

Power n Glory
04-08-2015, 10:07 PM
He had a scan on Monday and reports saying he's out for three weeks. Will miss the International for England. Ankle injury again. It's a matter of weeks I'm afraid. According to the press anyway.

04-08-2015, 10:19 PM
Wenger's been too indecisive with our strikers and it's why we're scrapping the barrel and looking at ridiculous prices for questionable players. Benzema, Cavani, Higuain.....talented players but there is no way we should be paying £40 to £50m for any of them. All a lot better than Giroud and can be developed into beasts but they're not young and for that money they should be match winners already. It's a gamble so I understand the hesitance from Wenger, especially when he may be able to solve the striker problem internally.

But he's been too indecisive on that front as well. We're going into the season with question marks over all our striking options. Walcott, Welbeck, Giroud and throw Sanchez in the mix as well as he could play through the middle. Wenger just has to commit to someone playing that role. Anyone other than Giroud. Giroud is too frail mentally and the Monaco game was the last example we need. We should have been playing Walcott as striker way back when he had his first round of contract talks or we should have stuck with Sanchez or Welbeck. I don't like the fact that we're going into the season with a huge question mark over this one position. It should have been addressed years back when we were looking at Higuain and Suarez.
Just the same old shit. At the start of every season there is a question over someone leaving or needing a serious upgrade in a particular area. Striker it is this season then again. The DM position has slowly been forgotten over the past few weeks but Le Coq is going to pick up and injury at some point given how he plays and if not, he'll be run into the ground. So we'll have Arteta, Wilshere, or Cazorla and Ramsey paired up to fill the gap. Not good enough at all. Our squad looks strong or terms of midfielders but when it comes to them playing in natural positions it'll be more square pegs in round holes.

04-08-2015, 10:23 PM

Just let this sink in.

04-08-2015, 10:41 PM
Wilshere is becoming the new Rosicky.. fairly decent (sometimes good) when fit, but gives nothing to the squad. I think we should cash in on his GHEL value soon, or else we'd be dealing with this crock for life. Should sell him and Flamini, and get a DM (Wanayama) on board. Suicidal to think this crock will come good! :doh:

05-08-2015, 10:48 AM
Wilshere is becoming the new Rosicky.. fairly decent (sometimes good) when fit, but gives nothing to the squad. I think we should cash in on his GHEL value soon, or else we'd be dealing with this crock for life. Shouldve sell him and Flamini, and get a DM (Wanayama) on board. Suicidal to think this crock will come good! :doh:

If City are still offering that £30m, we should take it and run.


Pedro set to join United, £22m

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 11:09 AM
Nah, we can't sell Jack just yet. Too early. Still loads of potential.

05-08-2015, 11:41 AM
We've said that for years with Theo and we're stilling waiting, for whatever reason. They're both injury plagued and Jack is turning into another Diaby. His ankles are knackered already and it'll only get worse. Should've got rid of both of them.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 11:48 AM
RVP was plagued by injury too but he finally got over it once we started to handle him differently. Things can get better.

05-08-2015, 12:07 PM
If we want a striker and Higuain is too much money, Benzema wants to stay in Spain and Aubameyang has signed a new contract, then what about Javier Hernandez from MU.

I know he is very similar to Theo but he is 27, very experienced, used to English football, and a proven goalscorer.

They sold us Welbeck so maybe they would sell us Hernandez.

What do you think ?

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 12:48 PM
If we want a striker and Higuain is too much money, Benzema wants to stay in Spain and Aubameyang has signed a new contract, then what about Javier Hernandez from MU.

I know he is very similar to Theo but he is 27, very experienced, used to English football, and a proven goalscorer.

They sold us Welbeck so maybe they would sell us Hernandez.

What do you think ?

I don't see it happening. I'd prefer we start with Theo or Sanchez if we're going with a shorter player. Wenger's reluctant to start short players up front for some reason. Good to see Theo finally getting some game time up there but it's a rare thing to see. He's had chances to play Vela and Joel Campbell up front but he's reluctant.

05-08-2015, 01:04 PM
RVP was plagued by injury too but he finally got over it once we started to handle him differently. Things can get better.

Best anyone got was two seasons, not worth the effort. Sell the players, get premium UK value and reinvest with players that actually get on the pitch and do something.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 01:10 PM
Best anyone got was two seasons, not worth the effort. Sell the players, get premium UK value and reinvest with players that actually get on the pitch and do something.

But we won't reinvest. That's the problem.

I am invisible
05-08-2015, 01:27 PM
If we want a striker and Higuain is too much money, Benzema wants to stay in Spain and Aubameyang has signed a new contract, then what about Javier Hernandez from MU.

I know he is very similar to Theo but he is 27, very experienced, used to English football, and a proven goalscorer.

They sold us Welbeck so maybe they would sell us Hernandez.

What do you think ?

The thing is, I don't think we need another striker, purely for the sake of having another striker - our squad numbers are good as they are, and we were only 2 goals shy of the chelsea's total in the league last year. That was with several attackers and midfielders contributing less we should expect from them...

Walcott (7)
Ozil (5)
Welbeck (8)
Wilshere (2)

...I know some of those guys can point to injuries as a major factor, but the point is they should be well capable of increasing those tallies this year, if they're getting the games. Even Ramsey can do better than the 10 he got last year, given what we saw of him in 2013/14!

What we should be looking for in a new striker is an injection of world-class quality - another player who can break open a tight game, and come up with a moment of magic when we need it. If they're good enough, then we should still see that increase in goals, but for me it's more about giving us an edge in those elite-level CL games and the top-of-the-table PL-clashes. If we're not looking at buying that, then I'm not really that bothered about buying anyone...

05-08-2015, 01:37 PM
But we won't reinvest. That's the problem.

If we went two players down like that we would reinvest. How well I'm not sure with Wenger in charge but they'd at least contribute as much as those two who offer minimal impact.

05-08-2015, 01:53 PM
If City are still offering that £30m, we should take it and run.


Pedro set to join United, £22m

yep - & then go and spend £8 mill of it on the next French 17 year old starlet from their 2nd division.

05-08-2015, 01:56 PM
If we want a striker and Higuain is too much money, Benzema wants to stay in Spain and Aubameyang has signed a new contract, then what about Javier Hernandez from MU.

I know he is very similar to Theo but he is 27, very experienced, used to English football, and a proven goalscorer.

They sold us Welbeck so maybe they would sell us Hernandez.

What do you think ?

Sometimes the best way to view other players is through their own fan forums. I remember enjoying the meltdown on Redcafe during Moyes's year & the fans were really anti-Hernandez. They say his ball retention is zero as is his link up play. He breaks down too many attacking moves.

I am invisible
05-08-2015, 02:27 PM
yep - & then go and spend £8 mill of it on the next French 17 year old starlet from their 2nd division.

Already done, so we don't have to spend squat!

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 02:41 PM
If we went two players down like that we would reinvest. How well I'm not sure with Wenger in charge but they'd at least contribute as much as those two who offer minimal impact.

Minimal impact? Theo scored the first and important goal for the FA Cup final!

Jack has been patchy but when on top form he's a good player. You saw that last goal for us he scored. He's starting to get long range goals.

Hopefully they prove you wrong this season. But I don't see the need to cut players completely out of the team to improve. We shouldn't have to weaken ourselves to get better. Both players are too young to cut short now.

05-08-2015, 02:42 PM
Already done, so we don't have to spend squat!

yep - you can imagine Wenger & the board chinking their glasses to another job well done.

05-08-2015, 02:43 PM
What we should be looking for in a new striker is an injection of world-class quality - another player who can break open a tight game, and come up with a moment of magic when we need it. If they're good enough, then we should still see that increase in goals, but for me it's more about giving us an edge in those elite-level CL games and the top-of-the-table PL-clashes. If we're not looking at buying that, then I'm not really that bothered about buying anyone..

Well said totally agree.

05-08-2015, 03:27 PM
Minimal impact? Theo scored the first and important goal for the FA Cup final!

Jack has been patchy but when on top form he's a good player. You saw that last goal for us he scored. He's starting to get long range goals.

Hopefully they prove you wrong this season. But I don't see the need to cut players completely out of the team to improve. We shouldn't have to weaken ourselves to get better. Both players are too young to cut short now.

Fantastic. It only took 9 years to get something out of him. Looking at that Villa game and the team that turned up to play us, I'm pretty sure we would've coped well enough without our super striker starting the game.

Jack? Looks good but like Theo, isn't on the pitch enough and will never really develop with us, so cut our loses and get rid because his ankles are mush already. With they reckless way he plays, he'll just continue to pick up the injuries and take up room in our squad. Losing either of those wouldn't weaken us at all as they are both easily replaceable.

05-08-2015, 04:47 PM
Fantastic. It only took 9 years to get something out of him. Looking at that Villa game and the team that turned up to play us, I'm pretty sure we would've coped well enough without our super striker starting the game.

Jack? Looks good but like Theo, isn't on the pitch enough and will never really develop with us, so cut our loses and get rid because his ankles are mush already. With they reckless way he plays, he'll just continue to pick up the injuries and take up room in our squad. Losing either of those wouldn't weaken us at all as they are both easily replaceable.


I'd hold onto Theo a bit longer than Jack just because Jack's having the same injury over and over again, and you know his ankles wont last the distance. However I agree that both are very dispensable.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 05:26 PM
Fantastic. It only took 9 years to get something out of him. Looking at that Villa game and the team that turned up to play us, I'm pretty sure we would've coped well enough without our super striker starting the game.

Jack? Looks good but like Theo, isn't on the pitch enough and will never really develop with us, so cut our loses and get rid because his ankles are mush already. With they reckless way he plays, he'll just continue to pick up the injuries and take up room in our squad. Losing either of those wouldn't weaken us at all as they are both easily replaceable.

You did say minimal impact. It was a goal against Villa but I don't think you realise how many important goals and moments he'll come up with against big teams or in big moments. One of the few that turns up. Just think of his first ever goal in the Carling cup final against Chelsea or that great assist against Liverpool in the CL that should have sent us through to the semi's. Those moments get overshadowed because of really poor defending.

05-08-2015, 05:59 PM
You did say minimal impact. It was a goal against Villa but I don't think you realise how many important goals and moments he'll come up with against big teams or in big moments. One of the few that turns up. Just think of his first ever goal in the Carling cup final against Chelsea or that great assist against Liverpool in the CL that should have sent us through to the semi's. Those moments get overshadowed because of really poor defending.

And cheating refs.

05-08-2015, 05:59 PM
You did say minimal impact. It was a goal against Villa but I don't think you realise how many important goals and moments he'll come up with against big teams or in big moments. One of the few that turns up. Just think of his first ever goal in the Carling cup final against Chelsea or that great assist against Liverpool in the CL that should have sent us through to the semi's. Those moments get overshadowed because of really poor defending.

No, those moments are forgotten because in the long run they meant nothing and they haven't been backed up with consistent 'bread and butter' moments. The mainstay of any footballer worth a buck. Added to the fact he has hardly been on the pitch throughout the entire course of his career. Whatever the reasons, he isn't working out at the club and will just continue to flatter to deceive in the moments when he stays injury free. Whoevers fault it is that he is so underwhelming as a player heading into what are supposed to be his peak years doesn't matter anymore. He is what he is now and both club and player would've benefited from moving him on. But my complaints are just as pointless, he's here to stay for now.

05-08-2015, 06:01 PM
Had the same issues with RvC but I think eventually every played who is not called Diaby gets their day in the sun. Theo has surely one standout season in him.

05-08-2015, 06:54 PM
Had the same issues with RvC but I think eventually every played who is not called Diaby gets their day in the sun. Theo has surely one standout season in him.

He (Theo) did, 2012/2013 season - 43 appearences, 21 goals.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 07:39 PM
Yep, he really came into his own that season. 21 goals and 16 assists from 43 games. I mean Sanchez had an amazing debut season with 25 goals and 12 assists from 52 games. That puts things into perspective. He had a pretty good season with RVP just before that with 11 goals and 12 assists. But it all gets forgotten so quickly.

It's the injuries and it's something the club need to get a grasp on. Theo, Rosicky and Diaby all signed in the same year and have to be our most injured players. Maybe that year was cursed? But when you look at how the club crocked Wilshere and rushed him back you have to question what's going on. They caused his ankle problems by misdiagnosing the problem and letting him play whilst injured after that England game. Ramsey is another one all of sudden picking up constant injuries and the same started happening to Cesc.

05-08-2015, 08:01 PM
Yep, he really came into his own that season. 21 goals and 16 assists from 43 games. I mean Sanchez had an amazing debut season with 25 goals and 12 assists from 52 games. That puts things into perspective. He had a pretty good season with RVP just before that with 11 goals and 12 assists. But it all gets forgotten so quickly.

It's the injuries and it's something the club need to get a grasp on. Theo, Rosicky and Diaby all signed in the same year and have to be our most injured players. Maybe that year was cursed? But when you look at how the club crocked Wilshere and rushed him back you have to question what's going on. They caused his ankle problems by misdiagnosing the problem and letting him play whilst injured after that England game. Ramsey is another one all of sudden picking up constant injuries and the same started happening to Cesc.

I think we have turned a corner on this issue, last season was much much better on the injury front. Players looked stronger and fitter, but dont know what has changed?

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 08:10 PM
Shad Forsythe is our new head of 'athletic performance enhancement'. He's helping with our fitness, conditioning and rehabilitation.

I hope we've turned a corner but Welbeck and Wilshere's injuries worry me slightly.

05-08-2015, 08:19 PM
We can blame who we want for injuries, Wenger, physios, whatever. The bottom line is there are players, like Theo and like Wilshere, that are just not robust enough and do not get enough pitch time to justify their inclusion in our squad. RVP had two great seasons in a career lasting over a decade so far. That's absolutely awful for someone at a top club.

Injury Time
05-08-2015, 08:22 PM
We can blame who we want for injuries, Wenger, physios, whatever. The bottom line is there are players, like Theo and like Wilshere, that are just not robust enough and do not get enough pitch time to justify their inclusion in our squad. RVP had two great seasons in a career lasting over a decade so far. That's absolutely awful for someone at a top club.
He's not at a top club :pal:

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 08:41 PM
We can blame who we want for injuries, Wenger, physios, whatever. The bottom line is there are players, like Theo and like Wilshere, that are just not robust enough and do not get enough pitch time to justify their inclusion in our squad. RVP had two great seasons in a career lasting over a decade so far. That's absolutely awful for someone at a top club.

So wait a minute. The club misdiagnose the extent of Wilshere's injury and allow him to play with a busted ankle, it makes the injury worse and he's laid up for a while but we rush him back from his recover and he gets crocked again. That's not the players fault.

Ramsey had a similar situation with being rushed back from injury. Cesc had a situation where he was playing with a broken leg. The manager has admitted a several times that certain players are played into the red zone. So if Sanchez or Ozil start breaking down are we saying we can't accommodate such players into the squad because their not robust enough and we swat aside this constant injury problem that plagues players? It's not just Wilshere and Walcott. It just so happens they're our longest serving players. Gibbs is injury prone. Ox is injury prone. It's a lot of players.

05-08-2015, 09:06 PM
So wait a minute. The club misdiagnose the extent of Wilshere's injury and allow him to play with a busted ankle, it makes the injury worse and he's laid up for a while but we rush him back from his recover and he gets crocked again. That's not the players fault.

Ramsey had a similar situation with being rushed back from injury. Cesc had a situation where he was playing with a broken leg. The manager has admitted a several times that certain players are played into the red zone. So if Sanchez or Ozil start breaking down are we saying we can't accommodate such players into the squad because their not robust enough and we swat aside this constant injury problem that plagues players? It's not just Wilshere and Walcott. It just so happens they're our longest serving players. Gibbs is injury prone. Ox is injury prone. It's a lot of players.

I have zero interest in who's fault it is. None whatsoever. That has been debated season after season across the internet, pubs, work desks and living rooms. It's a boring discussion. There is nothing new to discuss in my eyes except going over the same turgid ground reply after reply. That's my opinion on that. So all I care about is the bottom line. And on that bottom line exists the facts that I have said in my previous responses, that Wilshere and Walcott are crocks that will never develop fully at our club. I'll stay right behind them while they wear an Arsenal shirt but given their records, that won't be too much. If Ox continues down the same path this season I'll say the same thing. Same with Gibbs. Hanging onto crocks who don't play is a contradictive exercise and poor management.

You are are trying to move the argument to players will zero comparable qualities. Sanchez has reached the peak of his abilities, as has Ozil. We are talking about two players who have experienced injuries season after season and have never, and will never, be able to sustain enough consecutive seasons to realise their full potential.

05-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Walcott had 3 seasons where he played 28, 35 and 32 league games.
He had the long injury which spanned 2 seasons so hasn't played so much in those 2 seasons but given that before that he was playing the majority of games, one long injury is no basis to dismiss him as a 'crock' unless it reoccurs.

Master Splinter
05-08-2015, 09:51 PM
He's not at a top club :pal:

He's not in the Champions League this year either. :haha:

For the second year running :haha:.

RVC :haha:.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 09:53 PM

Would you say the same for Ozil and Sanchez? I bring them up in relation to your RVP comments about RVP's injury record. Who knows what their injury records would be like if they were raised here at Arsenal like RVP. Having no interest in the root cause of the injury problem is backwards because it may soon hit the big investment players if we don't got a grip on things. Selling up and moving on won't be so simple then.

05-08-2015, 10:03 PM

Would you say the same for Ozil and Sanchez? I bring them up in relation to your RVP comments about RVP's injury record. Who knows what their injury records would be like if they were raised here at Arsenal like RVP. Having no interest in the root cause of the injury problem is backwards because it may soon hit the big investment players if we don't got a grip on things. Selling up and moving on won't be so simple then.

Exactly, who knows what their injury records would be like. Probably terrible. But the fact is they weren't, so that's all that matters. Otherwise I'd be here all day imaging hypothetical situations that would never become reality.

Why am I not interested in the root cause? Because we'll never find the answer. I've spent my time posting, discussing and worrying about it and I'm bored of that now. My thoughts about it exist in various places online and in the ether, or in people's memories of my words were of value at any point. For me it's just a cyclical discussion that leads nowhere. All that matters to me now is our injury record in the past decade has been awful, for whatever reason and I have no time and even less interest in finding out why anymore. As a club we clearly have struggled to find a solution and for those that have suffered because of that the only solution is to get rid.

05-08-2015, 10:08 PM
Walcott had 3 seasons where he played 28, 35 and 32 league games.
He had the long injury which spanned 2 seasons so hasn't played so much in those 2 seasons but given that before that he was playing the majority of games, one long injury is no basis to dismiss him as a 'crock' unless it reoccurs.


That's 654 days injured by the way. A crock.

Power n Glory
05-08-2015, 10:14 PM
It's a tiring debate but we'll see what happens this season. That's all we can do. I'm not saying we should sit here and try to figure out what's causing the injuries. That's for the club to address. Hopefully, we've done it with Shad. I'm just saying the solution isn't as simple as selling off the players because we'll end up looking at a very long and expensive list. Ozil already picked up a nasty ligament tear that had him out for over a month last season because Wenger ran him into the ground. You could see the injury coming. Will he learn from that this season? Who knows. We shall see.

KSE Comedy Club
05-08-2015, 10:15 PM
I'm positive we will sign benzema by September 1st.

If it doesn't happen, then I will punch letters in the face :coffee:

05-08-2015, 10:34 PM
Walcott had 3 seasons where he played 28, 35 and 32 league games.
He had the long injury which spanned 2 seasons so hasn't played so much in those 2 seasons but given that before that he was playing the majority of games, one long injury is no basis to dismiss him as a 'crock' unless it reoccurs.

3 seasons out of 10. I think a player who has 'enjoyed' 70% seasons crocked partially or fully can be considered a 'crock'!

05-08-2015, 10:34 PM
I'm positive we will sign benzema by September 1st.

If it doesn't happen, then I will punch letters in the face :coffee:


Make sure he is wearing his orange shirt while you do it!

Power n Glory
06-08-2015, 12:07 AM

That's 654 days injured by the way. A crock.

Now look at Ozil's injury record since joining us.


Two season with us and he's had more injuries and days out than his days with Werder Breman and Real. 139 days out injured, 29 games missed. Not a single injury at Real Madrid. We're crocking our players.

06-08-2015, 06:36 AM

That's 654 days injured by the way. A crock.

Interesting. Have to say that shows he has been injured more than I thought, but he's nowhere near a Diaby.
For 3 seasons in a row before his long injury he played most games, eve if he was often subbed in or off.
It would be pretty stupid timing to sell him now just as he's fit and starting to look effective again.
Another run of injuries and there's a decision to make.

The Emirates Gallactico
06-08-2015, 09:17 AM

As for Jack, he's just a permanent crock. Still far too early to even entertain the idea of selling him especially given that he provides incalculable benefits such as his Ghellnishness and the spirit & connection he's has with the fans given he's a true homegrown star. Just got to hope that he's able to put it to bed eventually just like RVC really explode one year and there's no reason to risk letting that happen at City, especially considering he's made no indications that he wants to leave and seems to love it here.

However it's probably time he tried to visit a pure ankle specialist to try and fix this for good now.

As for Ozil's increase in injuries since joining us ...... hardly surprising seeing as he's now playing the full 90 mins every week in a more intense league than La Liga where he was regularly subbed of after 60 mins. It's probably going to take time for his body to get used to that.

06-08-2015, 09:30 AM
Now look at Ozil's injury record since joining us.


Two season with us and he's had more injuries and days out than his days with Werder Breman and Real. 139 days out injured, 29 games missed. Not a single injury at Real Madrid. We're crocking our players.

Watch the games. The refs allow our players to be kicked for at least the first 20 minutes, it's kind of a PL tradition. The opposition get that period for free, no bookings, and selected clubs will make it right up until the 80th minute in some cases. Cazorla, primarily, but also Theo, Alexis and Ozil are the targets. Nasty stuff too, studs down the calf, late lunges into the top of the foot, you've seen it. Meanwhile our lads get booked for a first offence.

Happened in the usual way last Sunday. Ramires and Ivanovic were deliberately trying to injure Cazorla and Ozil. Foul after foul. Cazorla has got used to it, he's a tough little bastard. Some of our other players aren't as tough. All it takes is one nasty little lunge by a scrote like Ramires to set up a niggly chain of injuries that can eventually disrupts a season. It's not just the rough and tumble of the PL, it's calculated fouling and for whatever reason the refs let it pass. Must go back to that, "don't like it up 'em", bullshit the media were so fond of. This is where the media plays a role. Pansy Arsenal, lightweight Arsenal, moaning Wenger, must be that, can't be the despicable tactics employed by most managers in the PL to even up the play.

Works the other way too. Azzah only has to flop to the ground and the whistle goes. He likes "avoiding injury" does that lad. Most "fouled" player in the league, you know? The media liked defending Bale too. People can call it a conspiracy theory, as they do, or they can watch the games and interpret things without the predictable assistance of Michael Owen.

So Wenger might have his issues with training, and he could even be contributing to the problem. But he's not the only cause.

Marc Overmars
06-08-2015, 01:27 PM
Di Maria completes his move to PSG. £44.3m.

Power n Glory
06-08-2015, 02:25 PM
Watch the games. The refs allow our players to be kicked for at least the first 20 minutes, it's kind of a PL tradition. The opposition get that period for free, no bookings, and selected clubs will make it right up until the 80th minute in some cases. Cazorla, primarily, but also Theo, Alexis and Ozil are the targets. Nasty stuff too, studs down the calf, late lunges into the top of the foot, you've seen it. Meanwhile our lads get booked for a first offence.

Happened in the usual way last Sunday. Ramires and Ivanovic were deliberately trying to injure Cazorla and Ozil. Foul after foul. Cazorla has got used to it, he's a tough little bastard. Some of our other players aren't as tough. All it takes is one nasty little lunge by a scrote like Ramires to set up a niggly chain of injuries that can eventually disrupts a season. It's not just the rough and tumble of the PL, it's calculated fouling and for whatever reason the refs let it pass. Must go back to that, "don't like it up 'em", bullshit the media were so fond of. This is where the media plays a role. Pansy Arsenal, lightweight Arsenal, moaning Wenger, must be that, can't be the despicable tactics employed by most managers in the PL to even up the play.

Works the other way too. Azzah only has to flop to the ground and the whistle goes. He likes "avoiding injury" does that lad. Most "fouled" player in the league, you know? The media liked defending Bale too. People can call it a conspiracy theory, as they do, or they can watch the games and interpret things without the predictable assistance of Michael Owen.

So Wenger might have his issues with training, and he could even be contributing to the problem. But he's not the only cause.

But how often do we pick up injuries from a dirty challenge? We do pick up knocks. Debuchy is a prime example of that but I'm looking more so at the hamstring injuries, groin injuries and stuff that usually happens in training.

06-08-2015, 02:56 PM
Di Maria completes his move to PSG. £44.3m.

Add in the years salary plus the signing on fee they probably paid him that's an expensive flop for United.

06-08-2015, 03:54 PM
But how often do we pick up injuries from a dirty challenge? We do pick up knocks. Debuchy is a prime example of that but I'm looking more so at the hamstring injuries, groin injuries and stuff that usually happens in training.

Giroud broke his leg when an Everton player kicked a ball at him - f-----g dirty northern scum

06-08-2015, 04:51 PM
Who was the dozy sod that kicked Wilshere in training?

AFC Leveller
06-08-2015, 05:12 PM


Benzema's CL is record is 41 in 68 where as Ronaldo got to 41 in 82 CL games, plus Benzema has average 25 goals a season in spain in the last 5 years...

06-08-2015, 05:30 PM


Benzema's CL is record is 41 in 68 where as Ronaldo got to 41 in 82 CL games, plus Benzema has average 25 goals a season in spain in the last 5 years...

First off it's completely academic as we won't be signing him

Second of all only once has he got over 20 league goals for Madrid in a season.

Edinburgh Gooner
06-08-2015, 05:41 PM
Jack has a hairline fracture on his fibula. It's not an ankle injury is it? How long has he had it? Get it out the way at the start of the season, we have the cover to five him a proper recovery and let's hope he can see out the remainder of the season. If its the usual breakdowns in fitness later on then get rid, if not lets see the potential shine.

The Emirates Gallactico
06-08-2015, 06:34 PM
It's more a moot point because there's no way Real would ever sell their premier striker unless they had a replacement who was perceived to be better.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
06-08-2015, 06:47 PM
I think an idea might be to wait till January, and see how someone like Saido Mane does, from what I've seen of him I think he'd have all the attributes to make a real difference for us, but want to see him score more goals for Southampton

You're joking right?

Benitez' plans for Conaldo has suprisingly been spoken about very little on this board.....especially in light of the Benzema circus. The main reason any of the media has run with the Benzema story (and I'm starting to believe our interest is genuine now) is the fact that is is purported that Rafa Benitez plans to use Conaldo centrally as a CF in Benzema's PLACE.

I don't know if the speculation on how he plans to use him is true or not, but you could see why a manager would and it is perhaps a little surprising nobody would have till now.... Moreover, if it is true, Benzema is effectively a second tier player. If that is true, a move away may not be as ridiculous in his mind or even Real's as it may have once been.

06-08-2015, 06:52 PM
You're joking right?

Benitez' plans for Conaldo has suprisingly been spoken about very little on this board.....especially in light of the Benzema circus. The main reason any of the media has run with the Benzema story (and I'm starting to believe our interest is genuine now) is the fact that is is purported that Rafa Benitez plans to use Conaldo centrally as a CF in Benzema's PLACE.

I don't know if the speculation on how he plans to use him is true or not, but you could see why a manager would and it is perhaps a little surprising nobody would have till now.... Moreover, if it is true, Benzema is effectively a second tier player. If that is true, a move away may not be as ridiculous in his mind or even Real's as it may have once been.

Even if this is true, who comes in if Ronaldo is injured or suspended or if he needs a rest? You need a few forwards if you're going to compete on all fronts as they do.

Right now it seems very very unlikely this will happen, it's another one of these pipedream signing saga's we regularly get involved in, our targets often seem to be unrealistic and when somebody of quality does become available we're seldomly interested, quite odd if you ask me.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
06-08-2015, 07:08 PM
Who comes in for Benzema now? James? Jese? Is Bale capable if Benitez see's Conaldo as being so?

If Benitez' thinking is as reported and he wants a replacement for Benzema, then he is looking for a bench player and that player needn't be Benzema good. I should make it clear, I can't see it happening myself, I'm just speculating on the possibility that reported plans Benitez has for Conaldo may be true and thus, Benzema and/or Real have a decision to make.....

06-08-2015, 07:40 PM
Man I hate these pipedream sagas like Ozil and Alexis lolololololol

06-08-2015, 08:00 PM
Itz funny cos dose werente eevan sargars and they woz both avaylabel.


Master Splinter
06-08-2015, 08:06 PM
Even more believable than Benitez favouring Ronaldo in the central role is the widely reported desire of Perez to have Bale play front and centre to make sure his crown jewel is well......front and centre.

And Bale has been playing there in pre-season.

Not that any of this pointless conjecture is confirmation of Benzema's exit, before anyone gets themselves into a state of internet righteousness and wants to shut down my naive and all-too-merry navel-gazing.

06-08-2015, 08:06 PM
Who comes in for Benzema now? James? Jese? Is Bale capable if Benitez see's Conaldo as being so?

If Benitez' thinking is as reported and he wants a replacement for Benzema, then he is looking for a bench player and that player needn't be Benzema good. I should make it clear, I can't see it happening myself, I'm just speculating on the possibility that reported plans Benitez has for Conaldo may be true and thus, Benzema and/or Real have a decision to make.....

Benitez though has stated he wants him and that he will stay, thus he must have plans for Benzema, Jese isn't proven so I can't see him relying on him, Bale isn't a forward as such and Rodriguez is a midfielder.

In reality, Benzema and Ronaldo are their only proven world class forwards, I just can't see a scenario where they would sell one with noone else lined up or signed up, right now they don't seem to be after any top forward.

06-08-2015, 08:54 PM
Benitez though has stated he wants him and that he will stay, thus he must have plans for Benzema, Jese isn't proven so I can't see him relying on him, Bale isn't a forward as such and Rodriguez is a midfielder.

In reality, Benzema and Ronaldo are their only proven world class forwards, I just can't see a scenario where they would sell one with noone else lined up or signed up, right now they don't seem to be after any top forward.

Bale is a forward just as much as Ronaldo is - they both predominantly play on the wings who can play up front.

Last I checked Madrid were very huge on Jese.

I, for one, hope we sign Benzema as it'll make us serious contenders and might actually allow us to pass the QF of the CL.

06-08-2015, 09:04 PM
Bale is a forward just as much as Ronaldo is - they both predominantly play on the wings who can play up front.

Last I checked Madrid were very huge on Jese.

I, for one, hope we sign Benzema as it'll make us serious contenders and might actually allow us to pass the QF of the CL.

Bale played full back and then wing for Spurs, I wouldn't call him a forward.

Jese is an unproven kid, I doubt very much they'll rely on him, Morata was the next big thing and they sold him quickly enough without giving him too much chance.

06-08-2015, 09:09 PM
Bale played full back and then wing for Spurs, I wouldn't call him a forward.

Jese is an unproven kid, I doubt very much they'll rely on him, Morata was the next big thing and they sold him quickly enough without giving him too much chance.

Bale played in the Ronaldo position towards the end of his Spurs career - watch his winner against West Ham from his last season and I think you'll understand what I mean. He was allowed to drift in and play between the left wing and number 10 position from what I remember. That's what Ronaldo has been doing for Real, playing left of a front three.

Like I mentioned, last I heard they're very big on Jese - prior to his injury any way. I can only assume that Morata was sold because they believed in the rest of their strikers. One of whom is Jese.

07-08-2015, 03:56 AM
Morata was the next big thing and they sold him quickly enough without giving him too much chance.

Morata is still the next big thing and he will be back at Madrid next season.

07-08-2015, 07:22 AM
without wanting to sound negative... I have a feeling that we aren't going to sign anyone else. there are enough goals in the team particularly if the Ox continues his form and Walcott returns to form. I would still like another defensive midfielder type though. I do think Mertesacker could be a problem over the course of the season and Gabriel is still untested so an injury to superKos could derail our title ambitions.

I am invisible
08-08-2015, 08:01 AM
The positive thing is that we don't actually need anyone - we're in a place where we're casually keeping an eye on the market to see if any genuinely world-class upgrades become available within our price range, but we are talking about upgrades and luxury-buys here, and not glaring holes in the starting XI and/or catastrophic depth issues. No matter how good you are, there's always going to be areas of the side that could be bettered with the signing of one of the world's best players - that doesn't mean that you don't already have a very tight group, with a lot of depth and options and goals. For once, I'm feeling pleasantly relaxed about where we are going into the season...

The Emirates Gallactico
08-08-2015, 08:53 AM
Rumours about Gotze floating about. Doesn't seem to be happy at Bayern for whatever reason and I can see him easily wanting to come to the PL especially to a club like us with fellow German players and an attractive style of play.

Wenger has been a public admirer for a long time (tried to sign him when he was at Dortmund iirc) though surely even he wouldn't be as comical enough to sign yet another short midget AM when we've already got a whole coach worth of them at the club. :lol:

08-08-2015, 10:32 AM
Can't see where he would fit it. Ozil is a shoe in for the no. 10 and Alexis / Ox either side.

08-08-2015, 01:41 PM
Dont think Wenger could resist this one. Too good a player to pass up or let fall into the hands of UnitedSpursPoolCityChelsea. Sign him up let the GHELs go find another place to recuperate.

08-08-2015, 03:05 PM
Can't see where he would fit it. Ozil is a shoe in for the no. 10 and Alexis / Ox either side.

Hed play out wide, definitely ahead of Ox. He's an incredible talent, has the potential to be the very best. And probably further along in realising his potential than the other young players we have. Know they're not happy with him but would be surprised if Bayern let him go this early.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
09-08-2015, 02:58 AM
I've heard people suggest Gotze can get to Messi/Conaldo's level before. I rate the boy but he won't touch their level. I think when he was at Dortmund, part of the appeal to the club was that he was a big talent on very low wages (reportedly less that 20k at the time) which was a big plus in evaluating his actual cost to the club. Any reasonable offer in wages would have looked handsome to him back then.

If there was even a remote possibility Bayern would they let him go, it would come at a hefty price and as mentioned.....Wenger has way too many players of that ilk right now.

Injury Time
09-08-2015, 06:52 AM
I've heard people suggest Gotze can get to Messi/Conaldo's level before. I rate the boy but he won't touch their level. I think when he was at Dortmund, part of the appeal to the club was that he was a big talent on very low wages (reportedly less that 20k at the time) which was a big plus in evaluating his actual cost to the club. Any reasonable offer in wages would have looked handsome to him back then.

If there was even a remote possibility Bayern would they let him go, it would come at a hefty price and as mentioned.....Wenger has way too many players of that ilk right now.
Sounds like the perfect WUMger signing tbh, just needs some underlying injury and it's on!

AFC Leveller
09-08-2015, 08:16 AM
How funny would it be to sign Benzema from real madrid and then watch them sign Aguero as his replacement? :lol:

09-08-2015, 08:19 AM
How funny would it be to sign Benzema from real madrid and then watch them sign Aguero as his replacement? :lol:

Wenger takes a knocking on here, but its all part of his evil plan:flash:

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
09-08-2015, 10:50 AM
Ahhh man I would fuhking love to have Aguero!

McNamara That Ghost...
09-08-2015, 11:09 AM
Us getting hold of his hamstrings.


09-08-2015, 11:31 AM
Ahhh man I would fuhking love to have Aguero!

Probably keep that to yourself.

09-08-2015, 02:39 PM
wenger get out there and make some signings, your managerial shortcomings will require us to have a top quality team to compensate

09-08-2015, 03:07 PM
wenger get out there and make some signings, your managerial shortcomings will require us to have a top quality team to compensate

If there is top, top, top, top quality he can bring in to play out of position and into the ground, you know, he will do it. But so far all we have seen is garbage like Vidal for £28mill. You can't blame him if there's no quality out there. Or if the prices are ridiculous.

Marc Overmars
09-08-2015, 03:12 PM
Doesn't matter who we sign anymore, not when the manager consistently fails to extract the cohesion and quality needed from his team.

09-08-2015, 03:15 PM
guess you're both right, all he has left is Ty sorry mean Letters to defend him. he sure is very limited nowadays, given the resources at his disposal

09-08-2015, 03:15 PM
Doesn't matter who we sign anymore, not when the manager consistently fails to extract the cohesion and quality needed from his team.


As I said in a previous thread over the summer, I think the squad has the potential to challenge but Wenger doesn't.

Marc Overmars
10-08-2015, 02:38 PM
City bid 47m for de Brunye. :blink:

Master Splinter
10-08-2015, 03:40 PM
West Brom sign Rondon for £12m.

He'll be good backup for Gnabbers.

Also, probably means Berahino to Spurs or Citeh/Chelsea if they need to bump up their homegrown quota.

10-08-2015, 03:45 PM
I think that's an excellent signing for the Baggies

Could have done with Gnabry yesterday, but Wenger will have a bad influence and turn him into a central midfielder like he's trying to do with the Ox, why does he hate wide players?

10-08-2015, 04:13 PM
Wingers are little bit not tippy tappy enough

Marc Overmars
10-08-2015, 06:36 PM
Shaqiri on the verge of completing his move to Stoke. :lol:

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
10-08-2015, 07:05 PM
Should we have gone for Djeko? Allegedly he has the 5th best strike rate in premier league history.....

AFC Leveller
10-08-2015, 07:35 PM
I think that's an excellent signing for the Baggies

Could have done with Gnabry yesterday, but Wenger will have a bad influence and turn him into a central midfielder like he's trying to do with the Ox, why does he hate wide players?

Wenger once told a journo:

I believe that the most important thing is the middle part, when i make love to my wife i go through the middle not the sides and this is why crowd the middle when we play.

Japan Shaking All Over
10-08-2015, 07:52 PM
Wenger once told a journo:

I believe that the most important thing is the middle part, when i make love to my wife i go through the middle not the sides and this is why crowd the middle when we play.

For some reason my wife doesn't like it in the ear either.....

11-08-2015, 07:13 AM
Wenger once told a journo:

I believe that the most important thing is the middle part, when i make love to my wife i go through the middle not the sides and this is why crowd the middle when we play.

I am sure he once said that he preferred to play 4-4-2 as this meant that the players covered more areas of the pitch.

11-08-2015, 03:35 PM
What about Charlie Austin ?

He would be 15 million but he is 26 (just), English and a proven PL goalscorer.

We could do worse but it won't happen.

11-08-2015, 03:39 PM

11-08-2015, 03:41 PM
I know Syn.

He scored a lot more goals than Welbeck last season.

It would not be 40 million for someone who has never played in England either.

It won't happen of course.

11-08-2015, 03:48 PM
dostoy, when the paperwork goes through and I am officially mod, I will ban you from this thread. We want to win the league. Charlie Austin will not help us win the league. Welbeck won't either, but Charlie Austin is not the hero we deserve. He's the hero Doncaster deserve.

11-08-2015, 03:54 PM
Missed out on Lambert too.

Wenger OUT!


Power n Glory
11-08-2015, 03:58 PM
dostoy, when the paperwork goes through and I am officially mod, I will ban you from this thread. We want to win the league. Charlie Austin will not help us win the league. Welbeck won't either, but Charlie Austin is not the hero we deserve. He's the hero Doncaster deserve.


Marc Overmars
11-08-2015, 03:58 PM
Telegraph reporting we may turn our attentions to Cavani if Benzema is a no go.

Superior goal scoring record to Karim. #justsaying

11-08-2015, 03:59 PM
No chance.

Master Splinter
11-08-2015, 05:16 PM
Martinez has gone on loan to Wolves. #betterthanCech

Shaqiri joins Stoke for £12 million. They're the new QPR. They'd be more successful finding some new Delaps and Whelans rather than attempting to forge a footballing identity with former child stars.

11-08-2015, 08:00 PM
Stoke have been the premier league a good few years now and with the bumper TV deal kicking in next year. They can afford it, so they wont be like QPR. I think teams like this need to improve and get these sort of players as means they are more likely to beat the best teams and we are going to need that sort of help this season.

Marc Overmars
12-08-2015, 03:12 PM
Telegraph have linked us with Grzegorz Krychowiak. Apparently we had scouts at the Super Cup. :shrug:

Deal would cost 22m which is his release clause.

12-08-2015, 03:43 PM
Telegraph have linked us with Grzegorz Krychowiak. Apparently we had scouts at the Super Cup. :shrug:

Deal would cost 22m which is his release clause.

Never heard of this guy but 22 million after Barca knocked 5 past Sevilla last night doesn't sound too great.

Xhaka Can’t
12-08-2015, 04:02 PM
To be fair, it was only four in ninety minutes.

I am invisible
12-08-2015, 04:25 PM
Never heard of this guy but 22 million after Barca knocked 5 past Sevilla last night doesn't sound too great.

But he's expensive though, right?

Power n Glory
12-08-2015, 04:27 PM
Bought him on Fifa once! He was alright.

12-08-2015, 04:43 PM
Stoke have been the premier league a good few years now and with the bumper TV deal kicking in next year. They can afford it, so they wont be like QPR. I think teams like this need to improve and get these sort of players as means they are more likely to beat the best teams and we are going to need that sort of help this season.

When Stoke start morphing Arsenal you know that football is fucked.

Master Splinter
14-08-2015, 04:22 PM
Soldado to Villarreal confirmed.

Never forget:


14-08-2015, 04:58 PM

Injury Time
14-08-2015, 08:07 PM
Soldadildo to Villarreal confirmed.

Never forget:


He's "buzzing" with excitement :whistle:

15-08-2015, 01:01 PM
You know things are bad when you start talking about others teams transfers in your own teams transfer speculation thread.

15-08-2015, 03:20 PM
You know things are bad when you start talking about others teams transfers in your own teams transfer speculation thread.

It's a tradition that was broken when we signed Ozil. But nice to have the old traditions back again.


Marc Overmars
18-08-2015, 08:34 AM
Pedro has agreed terms with United according to Balague.

18-08-2015, 08:43 AM
Oh, are we still using this thread?

18-08-2015, 09:07 AM
Oh, are we still using this thread?

It doesnt say that the transfer speculation has to be about Arsenal. Who are Dagenham and Redbridge signing these days?

18-08-2015, 09:08 AM
So at the moment our entire summer's work has just managed to bring in one keeper who appears to be somewhat dodgy so far.

Good work Wenger :good:

Power n Glory
18-08-2015, 11:17 AM
We're being linked with Cavani again.

Marc Overmars
18-08-2015, 12:30 PM
City set to sign Otamendi for 31m.

18-08-2015, 12:50 PM
What do we think will happen in the next two weeks ?

Surely we don't need Gotze, Benzema will stay in Spain, If PSG sell Ibrahimovic then they will need Cavani.

We do not need another striker in terms of numbers, we have Giroud, Theo, Wellbeck and Alexis if we need him.

I cannot see Wenger doing it for that reason and he will not want to block Akpoms path for next season.

If we keep Flamini then surely we will not sign another DM with Coquelin and Arteta here.

I would like to see another right winger because that is not Ramseys position and Ox is injury prone.

It would not surprise me if we only sign that useless Chelsea goalkeeper this summer.

I'm sorry but we have no chance of winning the league anyway.

Man City looked incredible against Chelsea, I know its very early days though.

If we win the league I will quote this post and hang my head in shame.

Marc Overmars
18-08-2015, 01:05 PM
Everton reject a third bid of 30m from Chelsea for Stones.

Mourinho. :lol:

18-08-2015, 01:41 PM
So far one of the worst summer transfer windows we've had and that's saying something.

18-08-2015, 02:35 PM
Zelalem is apparently going on loan to Rangers.

18-08-2015, 03:09 PM
Zelalem is apparently going on loan to Rangers.

He's a very bright prospect by all intents and purposes, but we're so overstocked in the midfield area due to Wenger's dream of buiding a team of just midfielders (and consequently a lack of quality up front and in defence) there's little space for him in the squad.

Japan Shaking All Over
18-08-2015, 09:30 PM
Reports have us linked with half the PSG squad........I say buy them all and be done with it, would happily take Rabiot, was never sold on Cavani but surely he would be able to put away some if the 30 odd attempts with have had this far.....like Veratti but do we need him?

19-08-2015, 06:44 AM
We're still desperate for a striker so Cavani is the only real option I'd want from PSG. But he's not worth the risk for the money they're asking for. £50m :haha:

He could be worth a gamble at £25m but I don't think PSG would go that low.

19-08-2015, 07:33 AM
Cant see us signing a striker, we need the midfield to step up and score a few. surely ozil or cazorla should be getting a reasonable tally between them.

Rather have a replacement/to compete with Coq

19-08-2015, 08:56 AM
Cant see us signing a striker, we need the midfield to step up and score a few. surely ozil or cazorla should be getting a reasonable tally between them.

Rather have a replacement/to compete with Coq

I agree.

Whilst you wouldn't turn down an improvement upfront, with a game-changing worldie, you have to concede that we have enough goals in the team, so long as we get the balance right, and the manager gets his tactics right before and during the game.

The one area where we need to be looking, is at CM. Coq was great last year, but he is no midfield general who can dictate the pace, organise from the middle, cover ground and shield the back four.

Christ knows how many times I've said it, but we need a proper CM with "Pace, Power, Finesse and Intellegence" who can dictate the pace. Not just some dumb clogger (not saying Coq is a clogger btw)......

Get that player, and then balance the team. Ramsey as the late box arrival, Ozil as the number 10. Then it's down to Cazorla/Alexis/Theo/Ox to occupy those slightly wider areas.

A striker would be great, but the priority should be the midfield general.

19-08-2015, 09:40 AM
Numerically what do we need ?

A third choice goalkeeper is the only thing I can see.

If we sign a striker then someone, probably Welbeck, would hardly play this season.

If we sign a DM then Flamini and Arteta would not play at all this season.

A true right winger is a possibility with only Theo possibly and Ox as its not Ramseys position but Wenger keeps playing him there.

We should have signed Depay.

Wengers favourite day is less than two weeks away, he can then count his money.

AFC Leveller
19-08-2015, 10:57 AM
Chavs have beaten Man ure to the signing of Pedir from barcelona :lol:

Van Genuis has cocked up so many deals!

Marc Overmars
19-08-2015, 10:59 AM
Typical Chav hijack. Pedro will probably go the way of Salah, Cuadrado, etc

19-08-2015, 11:33 AM
We're still desperate for a striker so Cavani is the only real option I'd want from PSG. But he's not worth the risk for the money they're asking for. £50m :haha:

He could be worth a gamble at £25m but I don't think PSG would go that low.

I haven't seen enough of Cavani to know what he's worth. My issue is with the "not worth the risk" part. When you have £200 mill in the bank, £50 mill is not going to bankrupt us. When the other options are Giroud or Welbeck, you have to ask yourself, is he going to more clinical infront of goal than either of them. If Cavani turns out to be as useful as Falcao, then get rid next year. We might make a £20 mill loss but its not going to break the bank. If however, his scores 30+ goals & helps us to the title then its worth it. We don't know which of these outcomes will happen but my thoughts are that if we have the money & we don't endanger ourselves financially - can we afford NOT to take these risks.

I am invisible
19-08-2015, 11:48 AM
I haven't seen enough of Cavani to know what he's worth. My issue is with the "not worth the risk" part. When you have £200 mill in the bank, £50 mill is not going to bankrupt us. When the other options are Giroud or Welbeck, you have to ask yourself, is he going to more clinical infront of goal than either of them. If Cavani turns out to be as useful as Falcao, then get rid next year. We might make a £20 mill loss but its not going to break the bank. If however, his scores 30+ goals & helps us to the title then its worth it. We don't know which of these outcomes will happen but my thoughts are that if we have the money & we don't endanger ourselves financially - can we afford NOT to take these risks.

The Sky TV deal is the real game-changer - if we're finishing anywhere in and around the top 4, then we'll be getting close to £100m just for taking part, and that's replenished every season! I know it's not quite as simple as saying 'Go out and spend it!' - you have to be thinking about things like age of whoever you're signing, and how long you're going to be saddled with their wages for relative to declining physical performance, etc, and it makes sense to keep some back for a rainy day - but by the same token, we really do need to readjust our old way of thinking about spending too. £50m will always be a sum that demands some serious consideration before spending it... but it's also nothing we should be terrified of either...

19-08-2015, 12:07 PM
If we sign a DM then Flamini and Arteta would not play at all this season.

That's a bad thing how exactly?

19-08-2015, 12:40 PM
We play a little bit with zee handbrake on in zee market.

19-08-2015, 12:51 PM
I [QUOTE=Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie;470192]That's a bad thing how exactly?[/QUOTE

I am just looking at it numerically as I clearly said.

Why would Wenger keep these two then sign somebody else ?

Flamini and Arteta are not good enough but Wenger must think that they are.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 01:10 PM
I agree.

Whilst you wouldn't turn down an improvement upfront, with a game-changing worldie, you have to concede that we have enough goals in the team, so long as we get the balance right, and the manager gets his tactics right before and during the game.

The one area where we need to be looking, is at CM. Coq was great last year, but he is no midfield general who can dictate the pace, organise from the middle, cover ground and shield the back four.

Christ knows how many times I've said it, but we need a proper CM with "Pace, Power, Finesse and Intellegence" who can dictate the pace. Not just some dumb clogger (not saying Coq is a clogger btw)......

Get that player, and then balance the team. Ramsey as the late box arrival, Ozil as the number 10. Then it's down to Cazorla/Alexis/Theo/Ox to occupy those slightly wider areas.

A striker would be great, but the priority should be the midfield general.

Forget playing Cazorla as a wide option. I hope Wenger sticks to his word on this because he's seen the importance of having a player that can collect the ball from defence and move it forward.

on Santi Cazorla…
Cazorla in important the start of the game when the ball comes from our defenders, because he can pass from deep midfield to high midfield better than everybody and get out of pressure. That’s why I positioned him more central. He is not any more a player on the flanks who can overlap and cross the ball.

In theory we have goals in our squad but that Palace game could have gone another way if not for the own goal. I fear we'll be too dependent on Sanchez for goals again this season if Wenger doesn't get a striker or at least play Walcott. Giroud scored a marvelous goal but had a poor game and Wenger's observation about him scoring more goals with his first touch says he's a striker too dependent on service. Besides that goal he hardly had many other good opportunities. We need someone more lethal.

I know Wenger wants goals from Ozil and Ramsey but we really can't bank on them scoring goals all the time. Only Sanchez and Walcott can guarantee goals from a non striker position and I hope we don't crock either of them otherwise we're totally screwed.

19-08-2015, 02:31 PM
We need more playa / shiny new toys.

19-08-2015, 03:02 PM
We need more playa / shiny new toys.

It's not really about that is it? If we had good defensive midfield cover and a striker better than Giroud before the summer I don't think anyone would have cared about the lack of transfer activity.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 03:22 PM
If we had only signed a striker this season, I'd be more confident about the squad.

19-08-2015, 03:23 PM
It's not really about that is it? If we had good defensive midfield cover and a striker better than Giroud before the summer I don't think anyone would have cared about the lack of transfer activity.

if we had those players and we lost the first game, the players we had still wouldn't be judged good enough. You can debate and spin it any way you like, it's obvious that unless we win the league (or champions league) there is always going to be blame. What the real reasons are, are not important. It's the definition of glory- hunting.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 03:32 PM
if we had those players and we lost the first game, the players we had still wouldn't be judged good enough. You can debate and spin it any way you like, it's obvious that unless we win the league (or champions league) there is always going to be blame. What the real reasons are, are not important. It's the definition of glory- hunting.

Which players wouldn’t be deemed good enough? It’s a mixed bag over here and not everyone agrees on who can play where, who should replace who and so forth. I think we all have different opinions on our weak areas.

19-08-2015, 03:34 PM
Which players wouldn’t be deemed good enough? It’s a mixed bag over here and not everyone agrees on who can play where, who should replace who and so forth. I think we all have different opinions on our weak areas.

Whatever players that would've cost us our first win. Suddenly there are question marks over Cech because he had a poor performance in the first game. If we had bought a striker and he missed a load of chances to get us the 3 points, I see no reason why we wouldn't be demanding someone better.

19-08-2015, 03:37 PM
Btw, I think we need cover for Coquelin (unless Arteta can potentially play 2 games a week) and Walcott, Ozil and Ox to grow some balls. That's it. I think Sanchez is getting 30 goals this season, we need to keep our defence tight and other attacking players like Ozil, Theo and Ox to contribute where needed in the big games. Fucking shame Jack's a lost cause because you can't buy that level of talent.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 03:39 PM
Whatever players that would've cost us our first win. Suddenly there are question marks over Cech because he had a poor performance in the first game. If we had bought a striker and he missed a load of chances to get us the 3 points, I see no reason why we wouldn't be demanding someone better.

It’s easy to generalise and I’ve only heard a few really being unhappy with the purchase of Cech but I’m sure they were saying he wasn’t that good before the game and before the deal went through.

I think in general most people are disappointed with his start but have faith in him getting better. Well, that’s how I feel at least.

Fist of Lehmann
19-08-2015, 03:39 PM
I [QUOTE=Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie;470192]That's a bad thing how exactly?[/QUOTE

I am just looking at it numerically as I clearly said.

Why would Wenger keep these two then sign somebody else ?

Flamini and Arteta are not good enough but Wenger must think that they are.

There were reports of us trying to offload Flamini but he'll sit tight, collect his paycheck, and then find some other mug to pay him.
That's what he has done his entire career.

At this stage we're just paying him 60 grand a week to be friends with Ozil.

19-08-2015, 03:42 PM
We have cover for those two, his name is Flamini.

Wenger has said Flamini will be here in September so why would he sign another one.

I keep saying that numerically we do not need anyone else.

I am not saying the existing players are good enough but Wenger obviously thinks they are.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 03:50 PM
Btw, I think we need cover for Coquelin (unless Arteta can potentially play 2 games a week) and Walcott, Ozil and Ox to grow some balls. That's it. I think Sanchez is getting 30 goals this season, we need to keep our defence tight and other attacking players like Ozil, Theo and Ox to contribute where needed in the big games. Fucking shame Jack's a lost cause because you can't buy that level of talent.

I’m not that fussed about cover for Coquelin to be honest. I think Arteta can cover and I have a feeling Wenger will try Cazorla, Rosicky or Ramsey for the odd game. I agree on needing more players to contribute on the goals but it depends on how long it will take Wenger to realise he needs to give players like Ox and Theo are proper run. Ox made a mistake on the opener but was dropped after one mistake although he scored the only goal against Chelsea. Not sure why Theo isn’t getting games but hopefully we see more of him later down the line so he can show that same form he had late last season and before his major injury. I think Ozil has set the challenge for Ozil to get more goals so I'm expecting more. I'll applaud Wenger on that challenge to the player even though he had a ridiculous pass percentage.

19-08-2015, 03:54 PM
when all is said and done, playing flamini in a handful of games isn't the reason we won't win the league. That reason will be our better players - Ozil, Sanchez, Ramsey, Kos, Mert, Cech didn't pick up their game when we had a tight game we needed to edge. A half-fit Sanchez turned up at Palace to get us a win. The rest will need to show real leadership at various points in the season. That's the thing to look at. That said, I would also like better cover/player than Coquelin.

19-08-2015, 03:55 PM

There were reports of us trying to offload Flamini but he'll sit tight, collect his paycheck, and then find some other mug to pay him.
That's what he has done his entire career.

At this stage we're just paying him 60 grand a week to be friends with Ozil.


19-08-2015, 03:58 PM
I haven't seen enough of Cavani to know what he's worth. My issue is with the "not worth the risk" part. When you have £200 mill in the bank, £50 mill is not going to bankrupt us. When the other options are Giroud or Welbeck, you have to ask yourself, is he going to more clinical infront of goal than either of them. If Cavani turns out to be as useful as Falcao, then get rid next year. We might make a £20 mill loss but its not going to break the bank. If however, his scores 30+ goals & helps us to the title then its worth it. We don't know which of these outcomes will happen but my thoughts are that if we have the money & we don't endanger ourselves financially - can we afford NOT to take these risks.

If you had £1000 in your bank it wouldn't bankrupt you to spend a quarter of it on a kitkat. It doesn't mean you should allow yourself to be conned though, especially if the seller is already ten times richer than you...

Joking aside, I don't disagree with you. I've been saying all summer that we need a striker at all costs. Whether Cavani is the right player to throw money at is the question, because £200m can go away very quickly if you're spending big chunks of it on duds with no resale value. He clearly has talent but he hasn't lived up to his hype either in France or on the international stage.

19-08-2015, 03:59 PM
I’m not that fussed about cover for Coquelin to be honest. I think Arteta can cover and I have a feeling Wenger will try Cazorla, Rosicky or Ramsey for the odd game. I agree on needing more players to contribute on the goals but it depends on how long it will take Wenger to realise he needs to give players like Ox and Theo are proper run. Ox made a mistake on the opener but was dropped after one mistake although he scored the only goal against Chelsea. Not sure why Theo isn’t getting games but hopefully we see more of him later down the line so he can show that same form he had late last season and before his major injury. I think Ozil has set the challenge for Ozil to get more goals so I'm expecting more. I'll applaud Wenger on that challenge to the player even though he had a ridiculous pass percentage.

Ozil is key, really. He's the most talented player in the league by a country mile. But he's such a fucking pussy. He could be like Ronaldo or Bale if he wanted to.

19-08-2015, 04:03 PM
Ozil is key, really. He's the most talented player in the league by a country mile. But he's such a fucking pussy. He could be like Ronaldo or Bale if he wanted to.


19-08-2015, 04:05 PM

Watch what he does when he gets a decent chance at goal. Passes it to someone who has a worse chance. Only decision- making error he makes.

Power n Glory
19-08-2015, 04:16 PM
Ozil is key, really. He's the most talented player in the league by a country mile. But he's such a fucking pussy. He could be like Ronaldo or Bale if he wanted to.

Agree with that. Has all the ability in the world but would rather be passer and provider over getting goals. Wenger needs to drag that out of him like he did with Cesc.

19-08-2015, 04:28 PM
Ozil is key, really. He's the most talented player in the league by a country mile. But he's such a fucking pussy. He could be like Ronaldo or Bale if he wanted to.

He doesn't have the drive. Hazard does, that's why he is likened to Ronaldo.

19-08-2015, 04:34 PM

Marc Overmars
19-08-2015, 04:56 PM
United interested in Sadio Mane.

Slight step down from Pedro. :lol:

19-08-2015, 05:22 PM
Wasn't someone, on this forum, mentioning how we should take a look at Mane either this year or in a few years or something?

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
19-08-2015, 06:12 PM
Yes Herbert Chapman. I thought of him as soon as I heard the news. Is there something with Mane I'm missing here!??

19-08-2015, 06:15 PM
We need more playa / shiny new toys.

I personally think we need competition/upgrade on Le Coq and an upgrade on Giroud of we want to challenge for the title and make good progress in CL. We have a good squad but it's not perfect and can be improved upon. I think we can upgrade on those players for fees well within our budget. I really don't understand this "we work with what we've got" mentality, the current squad wasn't strong enough to win the title last season and I certainly don't think it will be this season either. I'm baffled why Wenger is hesitant to improve the team.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
19-08-2015, 06:21 PM
A strong team is built on a solid spine of which a DCM is a central part, but a world class forward will cover a multitude of sins!!

Winning you games you neither deserve nor look likely to win are a huge part in why the top forwards cost the big bucks.

Clearly we've simply paid Theo hush money.

19-08-2015, 06:36 PM
Vidal is the new Alonso. £28mill, chicken feed in the crazy world of modern football transfers when players like Cavani are being hawked around for £50mill plus silly wages. Vidal joined on £90k per week, apparently. £50k per week less than Theo, apparently.

Wenger said he'd move if top, top, top quality became available. Looks like he lied.

Or maybe he thought we couldn't use a player like Vidal and that having another player with the work ethic of Alexis would be a waste of time. Besides, we've had a Vieira shaped hole in the team for a decade now so I suppose we should be used to it.

He ran the rule over Yaya Toure a couple of times too, but evidently not top, top, top quality enough.

But he'll collect attacking midfielders for fun. We're treble stocked, no issues there apart from the fact trying to get them all on the pitch unbalances the team.

Or maybe he's thinking this year GK, next year DM, year after that striker?

In some ways, mainly in all ways conceivable, if he doesn't sign a striker that can help us mount a serious challenge at home and in Europe he's emphatically negligent.

Alexis isn't a striker, Theo isn't going to become a top predator in the next two weeks, Welbeck may never get back on the pitch again and Bif is decent. Decent doesn't win you the big prizes. And anyway, I thought we were after top, top, top quality.

19-08-2015, 06:56 PM
Wenger has pushed this "top, top quality" and "better than what we have nonsense" for years when in reality it's BS, a lot of the time he doesn't buy players that are better than what we have, that's why we get lumbered with players who don't deliver when you need them to. He's had plenty of chances to sign the right players, most of the time he's passed them up, other times he's gone for players he didn't have a hope of getting, yes he's signed a couple top players in recent years and he has to get some credit for that, but when is he actually going to sign those players in positions we need.