View Full Version : Match Autopsy v Tottenham (away).

McNamara That Ghost...
30-04-2017, 06:19 PM
I fucking love football, me.

30-04-2017, 06:27 PM
Wenger :bow:


30-04-2017, 07:16 PM
He didn't do a damn thing at half time. That was probably the biggest crime of all. #stealingALiving

30-04-2017, 07:28 PM
Sounds like the filthy spud stewards tried to set up AFTV for grief. Yeah, they won, because we have a shit manager. But they are still a small club in every way.

30-04-2017, 07:28 PM
How much more of this bloodbath do we need to see before somebody yanks Wenger`s chain.

30-04-2017, 07:30 PM
How much more of this bloodbath do we need to see before somebody yanks Wenger`s chain.

How much more of a moneybath do you need to see to realise football has very little to do with this any more? Kroenke? Wenger? Match made in the deepest pits of hell, and it won't be broken easily.

Marc Overmars
30-04-2017, 07:35 PM
Comfortably beaten by a hungry team with the bit between their teeth. It was scary how little we had in terms of guile and fight compared to them.

Wenger and his players should be embarrassed. Spurs are better than Arsenal, it's official. A sad day but one we knew was coming.

Power n Glory
30-04-2017, 07:59 PM
We have some frauds on this team. Xhaka and Ozil can't control a midfield or create chances. Kos has no leadership skills what so ever. Giroud must be setting Wenger up with cheap hookers or something because I can't see why he keeps on getting games. No variation in system or personnel can cover up his short comings.

As for the manager...if he loves the club as he claims, he steps down and turns down a contract offer if those idiots offer him one. Show some integrity and walk. He's opened this club up to vultures and has done nothing with his influence and power to protect our footballing interests. It's all been about financial gain. The situation is so fucked, we're now looking to those same vultures to look at our current position and conclude that in order for the club to stay financially healthy, Wenger must be moved on. ;) How fucked is that?

30-04-2017, 08:08 PM
Today put an end to this nonsense that this new formation somehow works, today put an end to this nonsense that this team is capable of putting a run together to grab that coveted top 4 place, today put an end to this nonsense that these guys are hungry for it and want to end the season on a high.

Make no mistake, we are in complete crisis, Sanchez won't be here next season, Ozil probably will be because nobody wants him or is prepared to pay his crazy wage demand...only Arsenal. Everything we do these days is WRONG and I mean everything. If we need player x for the team you can be sure we'll buy player y and at a inflated price. If we need to start player x in a particular game we'll start player y. This is no exaggeration, we're screwed under this current regime and things will only get worse IMO. I have nothing positive to say about this football club, nothing.

30-04-2017, 08:10 PM
We have some frauds on this team. Xhaka and Ozil can't control a midfield or create chances. Kos has no leadership skills what so ever. Giroud must be setting Wenger up with cheap hookers or something because I can't see why he keeps on getting games. No variation in system or personnel can cover up his short comings.

As for the manager...if he loves the club as he claims, he steps down and turns down a contract offer if those idiots offer him one. Show some integrity and walk. He's opened this club up to vultures and has done nothing with his influence and power to protect our footballing interests. It's all been about financial gain. The situation is so fucked, we're now looking to those same vultures to look at our current position and conclude that in order for the club to stay financially healthy, Wenger must be moved on. ;) How fucked is that?

There are still those who claim Wenger will leave us in a great state. But this is a club in its death throes. Fine, just about enough might be drip, drip, dripped in to keep us high enough in the table and showing up enough in the early stages of the CL so the pretence can be maintained. But in terms of challenging, we are way, way behind where George Graham left us. Wenger has led us into the promised land of non-football elitism, where a very few benefit mightily at the extortionate expense of the many. He's transformed himself from the best thing that has ever happened to the club, to the worst thing that has ever blighted the club. In my book now he goes down as the worst manager we ever had. The guy that took the football out of Arsenal. There could be a saviour out there who can come in and restore the soul of the club. But he'll have his work cut out given his bosses, the leeches Wenger ushered in, have the exact opposite intent.

I imagine my last attachment with football, as I slowly tune out, will be a bitter hatred of a bloke called Arsene Wenger.

30-04-2017, 08:17 PM
Today put an end to this nonsense that this new formation somehow works, today put an end to this nonsense that this team is capable of putting a run together to grab that coveted top 4 place, today put an end to this nonsense that these guys are hungry for it and want to end the season on a high.

Make no mistake, we are in complete crisis, Sanchez won't be here next season, Ozil probably will be because nobody wants him or is prepared to pay his crazy wage demand...only Arsenal. Everything we do these days is WRONG and I mean everything. If we need player x for the team you can be sure we'll buy player y and at a inflated price. If we need to start player x in a particular game we'll start player y. This is no exaggeration, we're screwed under this current regime and things will only get worse IMO. I have nothing positive to say about this football club, nothing.

You should watch the highlights and maybe you'll catch a glimpse of Ozil towards the end of that game. He looked haunted. He was pissed, super pissed. It was one of the few moments in the game where I thought, fuck yes, somebody gets what's happening here. Personally I thought he busted a gut today, as opposed to his jaunts of recent weeks. Seems to me he knew how important this game was and he stepped it up. But it was absolutely pointless. We couldn't string 3 passes. We had no plan, except cowering and hoping we didn't get hurt too bad. Zero tactics, as always. No leaders, because they are a threat to the Mighty CUNT Wenger, no hope, because the inspirational CUNT Wenger smashed that years ago. We all know what happens when a Wenger inspired team with Wenger spirit comes up against a half decent opponent, or even a well organised pub outfit. Wenger has not only destroyed this club, he's destroyed each individual in it. He's a fucking cancer. Virulent. Remorseless. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Except one thing.

The share price.

Pure coincidence, of course.

30-04-2017, 08:46 PM
Comfortably beaten by a hungry team with the bit between their teeth. It was scary how little we had in terms of guile and fight compared to them.

Wenger and his players should be embarrassed. Spurs are better than Arsenal, it's official. A sad day but one we knew was coming.

They were better than us last season too.
Mate of mine who is a Spurs season ticket said it's the worst Arsenal team he's seen at the Lane.
They're a good squad but a poor team.

30-04-2017, 09:19 PM
I don't know where to start.

There are so many players that are not good enough in the Arsenal team.

The manager is useless, surely EVERY Arsenal fan can see that.

The board seems to think that there is only one person in the world who can do the job and want Wenger to stay at all costs.

This situation would ONLY happen at Arsenal, literally nowhere else in the world.

Its hardly believable.

Marc Overmars
30-04-2017, 11:01 PM
W0 D2 L6

Our away record against top half teams this season, with Southampton to come.


30-04-2017, 11:16 PM
I don't know where to start.

There are so many players that are not good enough in the Arsenal team.

The manager is useless, surely EVERY Arsenal fan can see that.

The board seems to think that there is only one person in the world who can do the job and want Wenger to stay at all costs.

This situation would ONLY happen at Arsenal, literally nowhere else in the world.

Its hardly believable.

You need to be more like a spud fan. It's your lack of belief that has caused all this.

30-04-2017, 11:21 PM




30-04-2017, 11:26 PM
You should watch the highlights and maybe you'll catch a glimpse of Ozil towards the end of that game. He looked haunted. He was pissed, super pissed. It was one of the few moments in the game where I thought, fuck yes, somebody gets what's happening here. Personally I thought he busted a gut today, as opposed to his jaunts of recent weeks. Seems to me he knew how important this game was and he stepped it up. But it was absolutely pointless. We couldn't string 3 passes. We had no plan, except cowering and hoping we didn't get hurt too bad. Zero tactics, as always. No leaders, because they are a threat to the Mighty CUNT Wenger, no hope, because the inspirational CUNT Wenger smashed that years ago. We all know what happens when a Wenger inspired team with Wenger spirit comes up against a half decent opponent, or even a well organised pub outfit. Wenger has not only destroyed this club, he's destroyed each individual in it. He's a fucking cancer. Virulent. Remorseless. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Except one thing.

The share price.

Pure coincidence, of course.

Wenger is living off past glories now with Kroenke, the share price and financial pot won't look that pretty come this time next season assuming Wenger is still here. They are losing match day revenue at quite an alarming rate now, add a few more thousand boycotting games onto that for next season and Stan will start to panic.

Wenger has no defence now and nobody is listening. "Trust me and I'll deliver" he said a few seasons ago, well we gave you the trust and plenty of time and you have failed Wenger! Bugger off to PSG and ruin them!

01-05-2017, 12:07 AM
More stories coming out about spud scum and what is appearing to be collaboration from the spud club itself. Looks like the club and the fans organised the violence between themselves.

01-05-2017, 12:23 AM
Mo, the biggest Wengertite of them all, explains how we need to do something completely out of anyone's control to turn things around. It's all a bit transparent tbf.


01-05-2017, 07:00 AM
Got to say getting top 4 really isn't that hard, we've had a disastrous season and somehow we're still in touching distance.

Not that surprised by today, I had expected a draw due to it be a NLD but there's a big gulf in class with the sides, better, players, better manager, better organised, hungrier just better all round, could have been 4 or 5 easily, last season they were better than us as well, apart from Sanchez who would get into their team?

I don't rate our team, there's a real lack of quality, leadership, no balance, defence is awful, other than Holding and Bellerin there's noone that's that great, Koscielny has really been shown up as the overated, error prone defender he is. Midifeld, is devoid of ideas and creativity, Xhaka is an absolute waste of money, what possessed us to sign him. Up front Walcott, Giroud, Welbeck.....that's a lineup for a relegation fighting team not a team trying to challenge for the top trophies.

We've said all we need to say about Wenger, he's clueless to be honest.

Power n Glory
01-05-2017, 07:17 AM
There are still those who claim Wenger will leave us in a great state. But this is a club in its death throes. Fine, just about enough might be drip, drip, dripped in to keep us high enough in the table and showing up enough in the early stages of the CL so the pretence can be maintained. But in terms of challenging, we are way, way behind where George Graham left us. Wenger has led us into the promised land of non-football elitism, where a very few benefit mightily at the extortionate expense of the many. He's transformed himself from the best thing that has ever happened to the club, to the worst thing that has ever blighted the club. In my book now he goes down as the worst manager we ever had. The guy that took the football out of Arsenal. There could be a saviour out there who can come in and restore the soul of the club. But he'll have his work cut out given his bosses, the leeches Wenger ushered in, have the exact opposite intent.

I imagine my last attachment with football, as I slowly tune out, will be a bitter hatred of a bloke called Arsene Wenger.

If we're being left in good shape, that includes being left with Kroenke. I've seen plenty rage against the owners but also say Wenger leaves us in great shape for the future. How is that possible? Wenger has had so much power and influence, enough to convince the Board to build new training grounds and a stadium, enough to attract Kroenke over, but he hasn't used it to stop the corporate greed. Instead of blocking off the entrance to the vultures and employing former players to guard that side of our club, he's held the fucking door open and passed out the lube. We've been fucked over. My only hope is that once he moves on, the new manager employed has enough power and influence to persuade the owners to stop fucking over the fans, to invest in new staff and a structure that's there to look after the football. That's the only hope left I have.

AFC Leveller
01-05-2017, 08:48 AM
We went into the game looking to nullify them and it didn't work. There was no ambition from the manager to really go for it (despite him saying he would attack them before the game, another lie) and they smelled fear and went for it. Cech kept the scoreline at 2-0 otherwise it couldn't easily have been 4 or 5.

As a team we are a shambles, no cohesion, no aggression, no fight, no idea what to do and as a club we are ran by greedy bankers who will not stop milking their cash cow and don't give a fuck what happens on the pitch. They have offered wenger a two year deal and are more than happy to let him run the form side of things as long as the money is coming in.

In short, the club is in ruins.

01-05-2017, 09:24 AM
If we're being left in good shape, that includes being left with Kroenke. I've seen plenty rage against the owners but also say Wenger leaves us in great shape for the future. How is that possible? Wenger has had so much power and influence, enough to convince the Board to build new training grounds and a stadium, enough to attract Kroenke over, but he hasn't used it to stop the corporate greed. Instead of blocking off the entrance to the vultures and employing former players to guard that side of our club, he's held the fucking door open and passed out the lube. We've been fucked over. My only hope is that once he moves on, the new manager employed has enough power and influence to persuade the owners to stop fucking over the fans, to invest in new staff and a structure that's there to look after the football. That's the only hope left I have.


As a football team we are in really bad shape right now, the worst we have ever been under Wenger, we have a lot of issues to sort out. I suspect Wenger privately realises he has a lot to sort out before he steps aside, I don't believe him when he defiantly says we are in great shape.

This summer has the potential to be an abomination even for our standards, if rumours are to be believed we have our 2 best players looking to leave and a whole host of players with their contracts down to a year. We have question marks over every area of the squad now in regards to quality, things have got that bad. Now if Wenger is signs on which is looking very likely then he has a huge job on his hands. In my honest opinion Wenger isn't capable of getting us out of this mess, this is it now...I don't necessarily think we'll get worse but I don't think we'll improve either to the level desired.

Things don't look good right now.

01-05-2017, 07:47 PM
it was awful. not the worst we have ever played (still thinking when we lost against a united side who played with 8 defenders) but didn't really look like scoring again.

its amazing that we have won only 6 of our last 16 games and two of those were non league sides. That isn't great.

The only positive is that we win the cup against Chelsea (cant see how but you never know) and Wenger goes it wont get better than that as a time to leave. And I do believe that is still a possibility. Lose the cup final and Wenger will feel he has something to prove.

02-05-2017, 08:23 AM
Harry Kane's personal coach gives some inside tips on what makes the spud striker so fearsome.


02-05-2017, 09:18 AM
We went into the game looking to nullify them and it didn't work. There was no ambition from the manager to really go for it (despite him saying he would attack them before the game, another lie) and they smelled fear and went for it. Cech kept the scoreline at 2-0 otherwise it couldn't easily have been 4 or 5.

As a team we are a shambles, no cohesion, no aggression, no fight, no idea what to do and as a club we are ran by greedy bankers who will not stop milking their cash cow and don't give a fuck what happens on the pitch. They have offered wenger a two year deal and are more than happy to let him run the form side of things as long as the money is coming in.

In short, the club is in ruins.
I don't have a problem with us not being too gung-ho there. Frankly, they're just much better than us and have a formidable home record - haven't lost there all season in the league, only dropped 4 points, only conceded 8 goals. Going there to attack would have been suicide. The trouble is we're not good enough to keep them at bay. To be fair, pretty much no-one is. Chelsea are a much better side than us and they lost 2-0 there too.

The problem is with our resources and squad we should feel we can go there - or anywhere - and give them a game. The team is a shambles, they're not playing for Wenger or each other. But I don't think there's that much wrong with the squad. Get a manager in who can get them playing to their potential and I think we'll see a big difference. There are problems at board level too of course but the immediate problem is Wenger.

02-05-2017, 10:31 AM
17 points behind the spuds. Let that sink in.

And the bloke is still sitting there grinning - I will tell you soon if I decide to stay. Like a rapist zipping himself up and proposing marriage.

02-05-2017, 10:38 AM

02-05-2017, 11:54 AM
17 points behind the spuds. Let that sink in.

And the bloke is still sitting there grinning - I will tell you soon if I decide to stay. Like a rapist zipping himself up and proposing marriage.


:haha: :haha:

KSE Comedy Club
02-05-2017, 02:13 PM
Tbf Letters, NQ is pretty spot on with how its starting to feel tbh

AFC Leveller
02-05-2017, 02:54 PM
It will be really difficult trying to get rid of him. He hasnt gotten the message after all these years, what makes people think he'll get it now? he cant or wont see the problem.

02-05-2017, 03:01 PM
Wenger Out is slowly evolving into a global movement. Mostly for fun, but it is still seeping into the global consciousness. Perhaps, when every last human being on the planet bar Stan, Ty, Chris Wenger and the man himself, hold up a sign - perhaps then Wenger will realise we're damn lucky to have him.

02-05-2017, 05:15 PM
Did anyone read le grove's article today? Gave me hope...

02-05-2017, 05:23 PM
Did anyone read le grove's article today? Gave me hope...

I think there's one final myth that has to die. The myth that Wenger is not a bad person.

Plainly he is. What possible excuse can he have for doing what he has done?

Edit: Yes btw, I had read it. And Le Grove fails to realise that Stan can roll the dice with impunity, given the leviathan return on "investment" he's already enjoyed. The bitter, bitter joke here is the worse Wenger gets, the more attractive the club becomes because everyone is starting to realise that almost any other manager in the world could do a better job. And we won't be going for almost any other manager in the world, we'll be going for a big name that would have to have a stroke to perform worse than Wenger. Unless the whole landscape of football changes again, Arsenal will be heading upwards sometime in the future, because it's impossible to emulate Wenger in terms of failure.

Stan is on a winner either way and his boy Wenger is doing what he's paid a grotesque amount to do - make Stan richer. Wenger can't be faulted for delivery, on that one front.