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Marc Overmars
30-06-2011, 07:58 PM
The most terrifying moment of your life?


30-06-2011, 08:02 PM
Before my 2nd operation.

Scared shitless

Being in India in the early 90s when there was a riot going on and there was a curfew and we had to stay indoor and we could hear gunshots outside.

Also the bus ride from hell also in India. Actually it was pretty fun during the time as we were going fuck knows how fast but yeah going that fast and the wrong way on a motor way cos there was too much traffic on our side of the motor way and having to dodge larger vehicles in the middle of the night. Scary shit tbh

My brother being underground on 7/7 and not being able to get through to him. Later found out he was on the train behind the train that was bombed. Thank fuck he didnt get to the station earlier and take that train

30-06-2011, 08:07 PM
Had an office in an old stately home building that the company rented from Brisol Zoo. They used the surrounding fields to grow special crops for the animals and had cages in the walled garden for sick animals to recover in. The car park was next to the walled garden. So in an autumn evening working late, I went to my car in the dark and just over the wall there was the roar of some big cat - lion or tiger - and I nearly crapped myself. Made it into the car in record time.

30-06-2011, 08:13 PM
I was on a Tube train once and someone had a backback with them and at one point an alarm clock in it helpfully went off


Also, the day after 7/7 I was walking down the road where I used to work and a bus pulled up to a stop and, as it did so, ran over a drinks carton which loudly popped.

Again. :yikes:

Mr. Lahey
30-06-2011, 08:25 PM
France vs England at Euro 2004.

I got my French jersey on with my GF at the time waiting for the subway. THe train pulls up and theres thousands of drunken English on the train with nobody else in sight. We shouldnt have gotten on but we did. Being surrounded by that many people who want to fuck with you is not a pleasant situation. It wasnt the most terrifying thing but it was pretty frightening at the moment.

30-06-2011, 08:31 PM
France vs England at Euro 2004.

I got my French jersey on with my GF at the time waiting for the subway. THe train pulls up and theres thousands of drunken English on the train with nobody else in sight. We shouldnt have gotten on but we did. Being surrounded by that many people who want to fuck with you is not a pleasant situation. It wasnt the most terrifying thing but it was pretty frightening at the moment.

See, even when drunk, the English show great restraint and decency.

Marc Overmars
30-06-2011, 10:45 PM
I was on a flight once, and suddenly out of nowhere the plane just dropped basically in freefall for a good 5-6 seconds. I knew we were going to be descending soon but I didn't expect it to be so sudden. Everyone shit themselves, didn't even get a warning or apology.

Easy Jet. :rolleyes:

Ollie the Optimist
30-06-2011, 11:02 PM
mine was in oz. was having a cigerette with a people on the bus before one said look at your leg. on it was a redback spider. i shit myself, guy tried to knock it off with his hat, missed and that made even more scary

01-07-2011, 08:37 AM
Got stuck in a massive crowd push at Reading last year, with people all pushing from different directions. Was standing on people's heads. one guy got stabbed and everyone went fucking mental. Thought that was it, as couldn't breath and only just about managed to stay on my feet.

Other one was getting to the US to find out that the PANAM flight had crashed at lockerby. We got pushed from that flight two days earlier because of overbooking.


01-07-2011, 08:58 AM
Oh yeah. Got quite near the front at Blur couple of years back and when they came on it turned into this massive mosh pit which was a bit scary :upset:
Managed to push my way back to get out of it. You don't get that at Paul Simon or Paul McCartney you know :sulk:

01-07-2011, 12:37 PM
Back in the early 80's, I was having a burger in star burgers on the corner of york way (Kings cross) As I left the shop 2 asian lads came running past me at full pelt. As I watched them run off towards the Cali rd, I heard a noise behind me and turned around to see about 20 skinheads running after the cooly's. There were a couple of seconds where i remember thinking 'surely i'm not going to be their target' 1 of them took a swing at me and I remember as I knocked him spark out thinking I probably shouldn't have done that. I managed to persuade 3 of them to have a lay down before I was kicked senseless, I say senseless....I still managed to get my burger in my pocket for laters before taking a little forced nap myself.

04-07-2011, 08:55 PM
mine was in oz. was having a cigerette with a people on the bus before one said look at your leg. on it was a redback spider. i shit myself, guy tried to knock it off with his hat, missed and that made even more scary

It's fine. Only the females are deadly and even then they rarely bite, it's only if you disturb their egg sack.

I took a shower with some female red backs once. Fun times

Ollie the Optimist
04-07-2011, 09:38 PM
It's fine. Only the females are deadly and even then they rarely bite, it's only if you disturb their egg sack.

I took a shower with some female red backs once. Fun times

haha, its easy to say that now but live it was freakin scary. partly as i know nothing of spiders bar that the redback is deadly

Master Splinter
06-07-2011, 11:27 PM
The whole of the 2005 FA Cup final was pretty scary.

United :pal:.

Mugged those fuckers good.