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View Full Version : The Guardian Comment sections

03-07-2011, 09:33 AM
Is beginning to resemble the Daily Mail's these days.


labour completely closed down any chance of a sensible debate on immigration. anyone who questioned it was labelled as a racist.

This flawed analysis results in a flawed conclusion.
There is no mention of Islamism.
There is no mention of the import of illiterate wives and other family from rural third world areas.
No mention of the EU's new wide open eyes shut internal migration rules.

A real immigration country like Australia or the US does not open the flood gates, but discriminates (sieves) to retain what it needs only.

Its entirely the lefts fault that the EDL exist. For years they have stuck to the totally outdated mantra that only white people can be racist . This totally ignores -and totally lets down the victims of- ethnic on ethnic racism. It also made them completely ignore what fundamentalist islamists are-extreme right wing race hate demogogues.
This led to the ironically hilarious situation outside of islamic race hate meetings where the BNP were protesting about the racist muslims and the left were protesting only at the BNP.Worthy maybe , but it was a bizarre situation; racists against racism and anti racists for the right of non whites to be racist. This total failure of the left to even acknowledge a serious race hate problem created the vacuum that the EDL filled.
The left need to grow up and modernise. You're either against racism entirely-recognising it as an evil in the HUMAN psyche-or you're not, and the al la carte anti racism of the left (of whom too many think anti semitism is cool racism) means that they most definately aren't and are very much part of the problem. Until they organise non racist muslims and themselves to campaign against the race hate of the Hamza's and Choudry's they are in a moral wasteland.
The only good guy I can see on the left is the much maligned Peter Tatchell. He actually DOES protest against the evil rather than apologising and "letting it off" because of its colour race or creed.The rest of the smug and self righteous left would do well to follow his excellent example.

When previous generation of immigrants came to the UK they made and effort to fit in. That was because they wanted to, and partly (let's be frank here) because they were required to. The host community that may have at first been suspicious of and resentful towards then very quickly saw people working hard to fit in and prepared to bend the knee a little when required to conform. And on the whole it worked.

The trouble in recent decades has been the removal of the motivations towards assimilation. It's been done by well meaning people that first of all told many new immigrants that there was no requirement to fit in. They could retain not just a hint or a whiff of their ethnicity but the whole panoply of it lock stock and barrel, whether that be dress codes, language, cultural practices and even ethnic rivalries.

The same people for similar well meaning reasons militated against the host community's wish to see assimilation. They made it very difficult for host communities to require a bit of assimilatory effort.

And so we are where we are.

The insanity of this article is in the fact that it starts by telling the success story of a mongrel nation built by assimilation but forgets the very reasons why that worked.

Basically the busy body do-gooding middle class liberals who mainly looked down on the working class and never understood it started messing around with a perfectly good system of assimilation in the 1960s and they broke it.

So, I quote your post entire:-

"'England is an immigrant nation'

Not 13 years ago it wasn't . I wonder how Labour are going to engage with people's fears over immigration?

How about: 'Sorry for flooding six million of the world's poorest people into the country without any mandate to do so. Sorry that we told you that wasn't happening. Sorry for destroying the English countryside to house the extra people. Sorry for accusing people who questioned what we were doing as racists. Sorry for arresting an MP in the House of Commons when he dared to expose what we were doing. Sorry for creating lawless no-go ghettos all over the UK where white people are not allowed. Sorry for ruining Britain just to spite the Tories. But we won't do it again. Promise."

Er...so you want to listen the Mrs Duffys of our society? No you don't - you want to tell her that she has no identity, and should learn to love lots of mass migration?

Labour has trashed their own blue collar culture by their demographic experiment of mass migration and wholesale encouragement of cultures which do not share western values, notably over women's rights.

The British do have a culture, Labour hate it. They could not get elected on socialism, so opened the taps to change its culture by means Mrs Duffy did not like. Laour has succeeded as statistics show. Their cultural warfare paid off, but at the expense of their own voter base.

Back to mass immigration - there is a VERY worrying trend right now. Business is favouring them, it is staggeringly systematic. So I urge the left to stop all this
goody-two-shoes mentality and get campaigning to stop mass immigration and the systematic preferences to them.

What we need to fully understand is that there is a tomorrow, and it is the tomorrows that will be forged by capitalism's systematic preference for migrants and our in-fighting stupidity.

To be concerned about this avalanche immigration is not racist, get over it,
get real, put away the contradictions, life is full them, and get behind all those people concerned about these very very worrying times.