View Full Version : Arsenal v Cardiff, 19:45 GMT (29/01)

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:06 AM
Sad circumstances around this game but even so:

Come on Arsenal you useless berks. :bow:

29-01-2019, 09:31 AM
Given what warnock said about the players yesterday, this could be a thumping if we score early.

Marc Overmars
29-01-2019, 09:51 AM
Should be a straightforward win, as long as we don't do any stupid shit at the back.


29-01-2019, 10:11 AM
Warnock knows how to get under the skin of a team like ours - expect Baadiff to go around kicking our players in the hope the ref will give them the sympathy vote

we need to keep our cool and play them out of the game

29-01-2019, 10:19 AM
Warnock can get to fuck, gammon faced wanker.

29-01-2019, 01:17 PM
Should be a straightforward win, as long as we don't do any stupid shit at the back.


Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
29-01-2019, 01:35 PM
I hope we press them early doors, get an early couple of goals which will mean they will have to come out for the rest of the time, then hit them on the break.

Any win without another major injury will do though.

I think being relieved we are out of the FA cup is foolhardy as I think we will fall short of the top 4 anyway.

29-01-2019, 02:22 PM
I hope we press them early doors, get an early couple of goals which will mean they will have to come out for the rest of the time, then hit them on the break.

Any win without another major injury will do though.

I think being relieved we are out of the FA cup is foolhardy as I think we will fall short of the top 4 anyway.

Doesn't matter as we're going to win the Europa League.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 06:49 PM
Arsenal: Leno, Lichtsteiner, Mustafi, Monreal, Kolasinac, Elneny, Guendouzi, Torreira, Ozil, Aubameyang, Lacazette.

Xhaka dropped. :lol:

29-01-2019, 06:58 PM
Fuck. Lichsteiner.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 06:59 PM
Cardiff: Etheridge, Peltier, Ecuele Manga, Bamba, Bennett, Gunnarsson, Paterson, Arter, Ralls, Reid, Niasse.
Subs: Zohore, Smithies, Cunningham, Mendez-Laing, Harris, Healey, Hoilett.

29-01-2019, 07:06 PM
Fuck. Lichsteiner.

Ikr, i'd play jenkinson ahead of that guy any day

Marc Overmars
29-01-2019, 07:13 PM
Ozil being rolled out for the big games.

29-01-2019, 07:16 PM
Oh sh*t - Mike Dean... :o

29-01-2019, 07:36 PM
Arsenal: Leno, Lichtsteiner, Mustafi, Monreal, Kolasinac, Elneny, Guendouzi, Torreira, Ozil, Aubameyang, Lacazette.


29-01-2019, 07:37 PM
Ozil :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 07:52 PM
Lacazette should've scored says Le Tiss.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 07:57 PM
Reid hammers it, wide.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 08:00 PM
Reid clearing another one for us.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 08:04 PM
Lacazette misses another one, this time off Mustafi's header.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 08:25 PM
Jeff Stelling can't even be bothered going to Le Tiss for updates now. :lol:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 08:32 PM
0-0 HT.

We should've had a pelanty right at the end.

Utter shite served up by us again apparently.

29-01-2019, 08:36 PM
It wasn't great, we're too static and not being prepared to shoot first time

Looked like Laca was definitely fouled in the box towards the end, but Dean saw nothing...

29-01-2019, 08:37 PM
Looking at the other scores, seems like a dull night so far... :tumbleweed:

29-01-2019, 08:42 PM
Another half with nary a shot on target. Not one

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:02 PM
Iwobi on for Elneny.

Corporal Jenks on for Lichtsteiner.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:05 PM
Mustafi is currently on track to get the bonus 3 on Fantasy Football. :haha:

Arter booked. Run at him!

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:06 PM

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:07 PM
Kolasinac fouled for it.

Come on Auba. :pray:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:07 PM

29-01-2019, 09:08 PM

Marc Overmars
29-01-2019, 09:08 PM

29-01-2019, 09:08 PM

Your stream is clearly ahead of mine! :lol:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:10 PM
I'm not watching it. :lol:

I've got Soccer Special on, on Sky.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:15 PM
Reid off, Mendez-Laing on. :unsure:

29-01-2019, 09:17 PM
I'm not watching it. :lol:

I've got Soccer Special on, on Sky.

You're missing out.
The Russian commentary is amusing.

29-01-2019, 09:19 PM
Ramsey on for Ozil

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:20 PM
Mesut shoring things up defensively. :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:25 PM

29-01-2019, 09:26 PM

Great goal. 2-0

Xhaka Can’t
29-01-2019, 09:26 PM

Xhaka Can’t
29-01-2019, 09:27 PM

1 nil to the Arsenal!

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:28 PM
Ramsey puts it wide.

29-01-2019, 09:30 PM
Cliff Bastin!

1-0 to Dial Square :dance:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:36 PM
Arsenal 2-1 Cardiff, Mendez-Laing. :doh:

29-01-2019, 09:36 PM
Mandatory goal conceded :rolleyes:

Marc Overmars
29-01-2019, 09:37 PM
Lol can’t even keep a clean sheet against Cardiff.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2019, 09:38 PM
Arsenal 2-1 Cardiff, FT!

What a win! :bow:

All over to the Midweek Fixtures thread. :ninja:

29-01-2019, 09:39 PM
FT 2-1.

Had 2 point blank chances to make it 3-1 and cocked them both up.
Ah well. On we go.

29-01-2019, 09:41 PM
Awful, just awful. Emery not wanting to bring a defender in, that is unforgivable.