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02-06-2020, 08:59 AM
Deserves its own thread.

02-06-2020, 09:19 AM
Do you think it's different this time?
I mean, this sort of thing happens all the time, but this does feel different.
By "this sort of thing", the police kill a lot of innocent white people too although it does disproportionately affect black people.
There is a race issue but there is also a police brutality issue and that's all wrapped up in an issue of police having to deal with a public who are largely armed.

02-06-2020, 09:37 AM
definitely the gun culture doesn't help, though our own police don't have that excuse and you still get incidents - and i agree it's not always racist, look at the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson

but i think racism's still a big issue, not least in the way an complaints etc are handled

anyway i think it's great the way it's really taken off - for example all UK radio stations are off social media and some are broadcasting special material:


also i love what this sheriff did: https://eu.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/05/31/genesee-county-sheriff-christopher-swanson-george-floyd-protesters/5299589002/

McNamara That Ghost...
02-06-2020, 09:37 AM
I don't get why music is taking this opportunity today to say....nothing.

02-06-2020, 09:39 AM
Do you think it's different this time?
I mean, this sort of thing happens all the time, but this does feel different.
By "this sort of thing", the police kill a lot of innocent white people too although it does disproportionately affect black people.
There is a race issue but there is also a police brutality issue and that's all wrapped up in an issue of police having to deal with a public who are largely armed.

It has been remarkable, but in hindsight entirely unsurprising, to see the difference in handling of the protestors who showed up armed vs the ones who didn't.

02-06-2020, 10:03 AM
Do you think it's different this time?
I mean, this sort of thing happens all the time, but this does feel different.
By "this sort of thing", the police kill a lot of innocent white people too although it does disproportionately affect black people.
There is a race issue but there is also a police brutality issue and that's all wrapped up in an issue of police having to deal with a public who are largely armed.

Twice as many whites are killed by cops.

The disproportionate aspect comes from general stop and search, drug convictions - blacks are far more likely to be subject to these.

The race divide comes from the left and is cultivated by the left. Decades sowing racial division to lock-in a victim voter class. And they let those people down every time. Dementia Joe said it just the other day, you're not black if you don't vote for him. That's the default, arrogant assumption of the left.

Whatever the left accuses you of, that's what they are doing themselves.

02-06-2020, 10:08 AM
Twice as many whites are killed by cops.

There are more than twice as many white people in America than black people.

Marc Overmars
02-06-2020, 10:11 AM
It’s appalling that this sort of shit is still happening but I think it shows that racism will never, ever be eradicated.

02-06-2020, 10:12 AM
left man bad

02-06-2020, 10:13 AM
There are more than twice as many white people in America than black people.

For the time being.

The assumption being sown is that blacks are being gunned down all across America by police. Not true.

What IS true is that blacks are gunning blacks down all across America. Something like 10x the rate at which whites kill blacks. Whatever levels of racism genuinely exist, when you have violent communities that have been plunged into poverty and despair by a succession of divisive and destructive policies, the police are going to react differently than if they are policing a leafy suburb. This is obvious.

02-06-2020, 10:14 AM
left man bad

Not bad, but generally dumb and easily led.

02-06-2020, 10:14 AM
It’s appalling that this sort of shit is still happening but I think it shows that racism will never, ever be eradicated.

Not while the left relies on it to secure votes.

02-06-2020, 10:15 AM
Not bad, but generally dumb and easily led.


Says the conspiracy theorist.

Marc Overmars
02-06-2020, 10:16 AM
I just wonder how much of a spike in Covid these protests could cause.

02-06-2020, 10:17 AM

Says the conspiracy theorist.

Conspiracy theory being anything that doesn't come on a spoon.

02-06-2020, 10:18 AM
When you have violent communities that have been plunged into poverty and despair by a succession of divisive and destructive policies, the police are going to react differently than if they are policing a leafy suburb. This is obvious.

The question is, are the methods used by the police proportionate to the threat they face? Black Americans seem to think not, to put it lightly.

McNamara That Ghost...
02-06-2020, 10:21 AM
A lot is being held off due to this.

Sony are postponing their PS5 reveal so they can step back and allow more important voices to be heard. Sounds like they don't want to be speaking up about it to me.

Also, the government are withholding releasing a report why it is that BAME are adversely compromised more from COVID-19 because it will be in bad taste so says a Sky News source.

Both instances seem like talking bollocks to me.

02-06-2020, 10:31 AM


Orange man bad :lol:

02-06-2020, 10:44 AM
The question is, are the methods used by the police proportionate to the threat they face? Black Americans seem to think not, to put it lightly.

SOME black Americans don't think so. The picture being painted is of blacks huddled in ghettos being abused by the man, and now they have snapped at the injustice of it all. It's a story that leaves out people who happen to have dark skin but have made their way in society and live productive lives. Do THEY think America is racist? Nobody ever asks them. All you hear from are fuel-pouring media pundits and gangbangers, or lawyers from deeply racist organisations posing as social justice campaigners.

Urban black communities weren't always broken. Divorce rates weren't always sky high, drug abuse wasn't always the norm. Gang warfare wasn't always the main pastime. Gary Webb, among others, did great work on explaining how black communities were plunged into crisis, deliberately. The fruit of those decades is being reaped now.

Simple stories in the news about poor black man (porn actor, bouncer, knew the cop for years) and wicked white cop (bouncer and knew the victim for years), poor oppressed, enraged community (what DID Obama do for them, other than make their healthcare even more unaffordable?), it plays effectively in an election year. If by some miracle Dementia Joe does somehow win it, everything will calm down and it will all go back to the normal that the left has inflicted on people for decades. Justice in name only will be won, but fuck all will change for the so-called beneficiaries. You give those people real opportunity and they'll vote the other way. You keep them trapped in a vicious cycle and tell them constantly the white guy is to blame and you can tap them every 4 years. Same with Hispanics, illegal immigrants, any minority community. Keep them divided, make them the victim, collect the votes, ignore them the rest of the time.

Meanwhile, chuck a bunch of cops in there to keep things as quiet as possible until the next election comes around. Can you imagine having to work those places every day? The cops are going to end up as mentally scarred as the poverty-stricken, hopeless people they are supposed to police. It's unbelievable when you see the devastation at the heart of so many US inner cities, and I'm not talking about riots, I'm talking about all the other days. It's about time there was a proportionate response, or any kind of response, to those problems from the social justice politicians that have been running the shitshow for so long.

02-06-2020, 10:45 AM
Twice as many whites are killed by cops.

Yes, but as WMUG has pointed out there are far more than twice as many whites as blacks in the US - you love a good "per capita" stat...

The disproportionate aspect comes from general stop and search, drug convictions - blacks are far more likely to be subject to these.

Right. So an issue I see here is that black people are disproportionately affected because crime is linked to poverty and black people are statistically poorer
I don't think there's any inherent difference between the races in terms of propensity towards crime or violence.

One thing I don't think helps (he says, veering into controversial territory) is that black people see themselves as black. I don't think white people see themselves as white, and I don't actually think many white people see black people as black. I identify with my gender far more than I do with my race - because men and women are fundamentally different in a way that I don't think black and white people are.

I have a FB friend who is a "person of colour" as she likes to say and bangs on about these issues all the time. I'm not saying these issues don't exist but seeking equality while seeing yourself as separate feels counter-productive.

03-06-2020, 01:03 PM
One thing I don't think helps (he says, veering into controversial territory) is that black people see themselves as black. I don't think white people see themselves as white, and I don't actually think many white people see black people as black.

Easy not to see colour when your colour is the majority. When I was in China, I absolutely saw myself as white, because that's how I was treated.

03-06-2020, 01:51 PM
Easy not to see colour when your colour is the majority. When I was in China, I absolutely saw myself as white, because that's how I was treated.
That's fair. Treated white how?
That's not been my experience in China although I've only been there twice on a couple of business trips and didn't really interact with locals other than colleagues. Never had an issue in India either. Obviously you get people trying to rip you off because you're not a local but you'll get that in Europe too.
And I'd suggest in the UK a lot of people are treated differently because of their nationality even if they're white.
Which I'm not saying is OK but it's not all about race, and not every misfortune that befalls a "person of colour" is because of their race either.

03-06-2020, 01:59 PM
Also. The ongoing protests...what are they protesting about?
Is their point that racism is bad?
I mean, yeah. Agreed. But what laws do you want changed? Aren't there already laws against discrimination?
If they're hoping for attitude change then do they think people with racist views will suddenly think "hey, they're right, i should stop being racist!"
I'm not clear what they're protesting for. What are they trying to change and how do they think protesting will bring about that change?

03-06-2020, 02:34 PM
Easy not to see colour when your colour is the majority. When I was in China, I absolutely saw myself as white, because that's how I was treated.

yes, it's even like just being fair-haired in a lot of countries where the native population are all dark-haired, you really stand out

03-06-2020, 02:36 PM
Also. The ongoing protests...what are they protesting about?
Is their point that racism is bad?
I mean, yeah. Agreed. But what laws do you want changed? Aren't there already laws against discrimination?
If they're hoping for attitude change then do they think people with racist views will suddenly think "hey, they're right, i should stop being racist!"
I'm not clear what they're protesting for. What are they trying to change and how do they think protesting will bring about that change?

They're protesting against a system that never punishes the injustices against them or enforces the legislation you speak of

they want the next disciplinary tirbunal / judge etc to remember what happens if black people are on the wrong end of biased decisions again and again

03-06-2020, 02:59 PM
But the policeman has been sacked, arrested and charged.
I do shudder to think what will happen if he's acquitted.

03-06-2020, 03:36 PM
Was supporting Blacks Out Tuesday yesterday but it was ruined by a bunch of cunts who were going on about that bloke in the news.

03-06-2020, 03:37 PM
That's fair. Treated white how?

You're the religious one, what's one step down from worship?

03-06-2020, 03:42 PM
You're the religious one, what's one step down from worship?

Oh I see :lol:

It is a bit like that in India. I think secretly they think we're still in charge over there :cool:

03-06-2020, 03:45 PM

Orange Man Bad

03-06-2020, 05:47 PM
Peaceful protestors are peacefully murdering people now. For peace and justice.

What are these "protests" supposed to be about again?

Marc Overmars
03-06-2020, 05:52 PM
These things always bring out the complete dregs of society. Hijacking something worthwhile and turning it into a shit show that will only fuel the hatred and prejudice they oh so want to eradicate.

03-06-2020, 06:00 PM
D___d D__n

P_____k U_______d

Fill in the blanks using just the truthful, impartial, mainstream media.

Because black lives matter.

Don't they?

03-06-2020, 06:05 PM
Police kneeling in front of vermin at Downing St today.

WTF is happening here? All it would take is a few bursts to make that problem go away and, as a bonus, clear up a thousand future problems in the process.


Why is anyone kneeling to these scum? You can't reason with these zombies, they are already dead in the head. You don't kneel when a rat infestation hits your house. You don't kneel when cockroaches raid your kitchen.

WTF? Somebody do something about this right now or at least let me have the tools to do it myself.

03-06-2020, 06:08 PM
Those cops should be sacked. Fucking hell. If somebody is breaking into my house, last think I need is some faggot copper turning up and kneeling. We're not allowed to defend ourselves, so says the state and the pack of zombies that endorses it. Instead, we have THESE to defend us? LOL.

03-06-2020, 06:14 PM
Btw, I don't give a shit about that druggie who died. Nor does anyone else, of course - but the game must go on.

I do care about coppers who abuse their authority, and I am happy to see the cop in question has been indicted. And his wife has left him too. Every cloud.

But am I going to pretend I can about some drug addict to the point I need to get up and protest the injustices we see in the handful of nations that don't discriminate? Or listen to punks wearing tees applauding the biggest, shittiest, racist hellhole on the planet (bar Saudi of course) - China?

Fuck of there then, the lot of you. Take the black low-lifes with you (take all the low-lifes with you) and leave us the people of colour, or better yet, the people who don't make a big issue of colour.

03-06-2020, 06:22 PM

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2020/06/03/16/29168866-8383747-A_woman_wearing_a_face_mask_with_the_message_I_Can _t_Breathe_is_-a-91_1591199035761.jpg

03-06-2020, 06:22 PM
Black man bad

03-06-2020, 06:25 PM
Black man bad


03-06-2020, 06:32 PM
But the policeman has been sacked, arrested and charged.
I do shudder to think what will happen if he's acquitted.

Without this fuss there's no question he'd have been acquitted

Just look at what happened here with Tomlinson - they had VIDEO of that cop attacking him, when Tomlinson had his back to him, and the c**t still got away with it

And Tomlinson wasn't even black, he was juat considered less valuable than the reputaion of the Met

03-06-2020, 07:11 PM
By "fuss" do you mean the murder of more black people by black lives matter?

03-06-2020, 07:18 PM
Making up stats now NQ

03-06-2020, 08:15 PM
It sure seems that way. Shouting into the hurricane generated by the latest human mega-brainfart, hot on the heels of COVID19. Alien invasion next I suppose. Why not?

03-06-2020, 08:26 PM
It's our best hope tbf

Aliens come along and get rid of all world leaders and put the GW crew in charge

What could possibly go wrong?


03-06-2020, 08:59 PM
Snapshat :bow:


03-06-2020, 09:12 PM
I don't understand that decision.

If they think he's inciting violence (which he definitely is) why don't they remove his account?

03-06-2020, 09:32 PM
It's our best hope tbf

Aliens come along and get rid of all world leaders and put the GW crew in charge

What could possibly go wrong?


We wouldn't have fucked it up this badly? Isolate the vulnerable, develop herd immunity in the rest, order the spuds relegated. How hard can it be?

03-06-2020, 10:56 PM
We wouldn't have fucked it up this badly? Isolate the vulnerable, develop herd immunity in the rest, order the spuds relegated. How hard can it be?

'Relegated'? Is that all?

'Banned from all tiers of football and the Toilet Bowl bulldozed' surely?

03-06-2020, 10:56 PM

Middle of a debate on FB about whether violent protest is the right way to affect change. A "person of colour" barges in - no-one I know, friend of a friend I think.
And in his reply he actually used the phrase "you white people..." :lol:

So "you black people..." RACIST!
But "you white people..." No, that's fine.


04-06-2020, 02:55 AM

Middle of a debate on FB about whether violent protest is the right way to affect change. A "person of colour" barges in - no-one I know, friend of a friend I think.
And in his reply he actually used the phrase "you white people..." :lol:

So "you black people..." RACIST!
But "you white people..." No, that's fine.


Says the man who on this forum made derogatory comments about the Indian people he worked with. Hmmm?

04-06-2020, 06:58 AM
Says the man who on this forum made derogatory comments about the Indian people he worked with. Hmmm?
What do you mean by derogatory?
I think I’ve commented on their technical maturity.
What am I supposed to do? Pretend I think they are all brilliant because they are “people of colour”.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their github repository”

04-06-2020, 07:02 AM
I think a big issue is the type of people that are attracted to being a police officer. Some of the officers have the high school bully mentality, and the ridiculous protection they are offered from the law, just reinforces it. It happens here in Australia too with people (many of them black/aboriginal) dying in custody and the responsible officer getting away with nothing but a slap on the wrist.

I think a big first step would be make sure there is more accountability for the actions of rogue police officers.

04-06-2020, 07:29 AM
Agreed. There is a racism issue here but it's wrapped up in a police brutality issue.
And in the US that's compounded by a "everyone is potentially armed" issue, which would make the police jumpy.
And then there's the issue that crime is linked to poverty and black people in the US (and probably elsewhere) are more likely to be poor.

04-06-2020, 10:42 AM
10 unarmed blacks (9 men, 1 woman) were shot and killed by cops in the whole of the US in 2019. 10 out of 325 million people.

Cops were charged in 2 of the 10 cases. 5 cases are not in dispute, with cam footage showing clearly why the perp was shot (car chases, violent assaults, etc), 1 case was an accidental discharge, leaving TWO cases in the entire nation that could be disputed as leniency towards the cops.

Police shootings of both blacks and whites are on the decline, with three times the number of blacks being shot while Obama was in office.

This is probably one of the biggest non-issues in America today, an issue that has been steadily addressed in the past and now almost eradicated. And yet the globe is up in arms about it. Morons in London are protesting an incredibly rare event thousands of miles away. Yet you don't see any of the cunts out protesting the massive abuses of human rights you can find all around the world.

The racism is being manufactured by the very people claiming to be anti-fascists and civil liberties advocates - which they claim with a straight face, btw, while talking of "white" sins and "white" privilege, and smashing cars, looting shops and burning buildings.

Our media laps it all up - the new civil rights movement. Those who don't have the brain capacity to reason for themselves kneel in solidarity with rioters and arsonists. Dumb politicians and celebrities on the left, but some on the right too (who just can't pass up the chance to virtue signal), speak of 400 years of injustice, now that their BLACK president has been replaced by a WACIST! white guy.

Unthinkingly they repeat like drones - Trump is a racist, cops are killing blacks, blacks are oppressed by whitey, they are calling for the police to be defunded, why? So they can "protest" with impunity across the nation? I wonder how many normal Americans, black and white, like the idea of the police leaving town so these "progressive" activists can have a free hand in showing everyone what justice and equality looks like?

And that, in summary, is the Democratic campaign for 2020. Murder, mayhem and the mob. Can't win at the polls? Can't win even when you own the news, own the corrupt senior ranks of law enforcement, own social media? No problem. Keep the economy shut down, scream racist and light the fire. If the orange man reacts then he's a facist, if he doesn't react then he's responsible for letting America burn and the economy tank. If millions of normal people suffer in the process, well that's a price the elitists and their drone army are willing to pay.

That's what's actually happening here. It's the last roll of the dice from successive criminal regimes that had become comfortable with their feet under the desks of power. If Trump wins again their crime ring is exposed and gets busted. Their dealings with the communists in China, their child abuse rackets, the warmongering, their corruption in every quarter, at every level. This comes out (continues to come out, because we've already seen plenty) if they can't get Trump out. This goes away if they can get a dementia patient, who doesn't have the wit or the will to rock the boat, into office as their puppet.

It's all about November. And if people still won't endorse these bastards for a return to the place they believe is their birthright, there may not even be an election in November. The whole place might be burning by then. Whatever it takes.

So when we see the little bastards over here, with their black lives matter bullshit, unthinking robots required for their numbers not their reasoning, we need to stomp on them and stomp hard. Because this sort of shit can get out of hand fast if it is not tackled decisively in the early stages. The zombie hoard is not here to protest an unjust poll tax, or a war against a helpless foe - they're here to bring your society down and reshape it in an image that you are not going to like at all.

Next time we see the coppers kneeling, it better be to take aim.

04-06-2020, 11:04 AM
What do you mean by derogatory?
I think I’ve commented on their technical maturity.
What am I supposed to do? Pretend I think they are all brilliant because they are “people of colour”.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their github repository”

Technical maturity. Is that what you are now calling it. The head of Google is from that region. How is his technical maturity compared to yours.?
That technical maturity must be why there are so many helpdesk for UK companies located in India. Why India sent a probe to the moon recently. But you found some people that you believe you were smarter than. So that's it then. Just own it man

04-06-2020, 11:10 AM
10 unarmed blacks (9 men, 1 woman) were shot and killed by cops in the whole of the US in 2019. 10 out of 325 million people.

Cops were charged in 2 of the 10 cases. 5 cases are not in dispute, with cam footage showing clearly why the perp was shot (car chases, violent assaults, etc), 1 case was an accidental discharge, leaving TWO cases in the entire nation that could be disputed as leniency towards the cops.

Police shootings of both blacks and whites are on the decline, with three times the number of blacks being shot while Obama was in office.

This is probably one of the biggest non-issues in America today, an issue that has been steadily addressed in the past and now almost eradicated. And yet the globe is up in arms about it. Morons in London are protesting an incredibly rare event thousands of miles away. Yet you don't see any of the cunts out protesting the massive abuses of human rights you can find all around the world.

The racism is being manufactured by the very people claiming to be anti-fascists and civil liberties advocates - which they claim with a straight face, btw, while talking of "white" sins and "white" privilege, and smashing cars, looting shops and burning buildings.

Our media laps it all up - the new civil rights movement. Those who don't have the brain capacity to reason for themselves kneel in solidarity with rioters and arsonists. Dumb politicians and celebrities on the left, but some on the right too (who just can't pass up the chance to virtue signal), speak of 400 years of injustice, now that their BLACK president has been replaced by a WACIST! white guy.

Unthinkingly they repeat like drones - Trump is a racist, cops are killing blacks, blacks are oppressed by whitey, they are calling for the police to be defunded, why? So they can "protest" with impunity across the nation? I wonder how many normal Americans, black and white, like the idea of the police leaving town so these "progressive" activists can have a free hand in showing everyone what justice and equality looks like?

And that, in summary, is the Democratic campaign for 2020. Murder, mayhem and the mob. Can't win at the polls? Can't win even when you own the news, own the corrupt senior ranks of law enforcement, own social media? No problem. Keep the economy shut down, scream racist and light the fire. If the orange man reacts then he's a facist, if he doesn't react then he's responsible for letting America burn and the economy tank. If millions of normal people suffer in the process, well that's a price the elitists and their drone army are willing to pay.

That's what's actually happening here. It's the last roll of the dice from successive criminal regimes that had become comfortable with their feet under the desks of power. If Trump wins again their crime ring is exposed and gets busted. Their dealings with the communists in China, their child abuse rackets, the warmongering, their corruption in every quarter, at every level. This comes out (continues to come out, because we've already seen plenty) if they can't get Trump out. This goes away if they can get a dementia patient, who doesn't have the wit or the will to rock the boat, into office as their puppet.

It's all about November. And if people still won't endorse these bastards for a return to the place they believe is their birthright, there may not even be an election in November. The whole place might be burning by then. Whatever it takes.

So when we see the little bastards over here, with their black lives matter bullshit, unthinking robots required for their numbers not their reasoning, we need to stomp on them and stomp hard. Because this sort of shit can get out of hand fast if it is not tackled decisively in the early stages. The zombie hoard is not here to protest an unjust poll tax, or a war against a helpless foe - they're here to bring your society down and reshape it in an image that you are not going to like at all.

Next time we see the coppers kneeling, it better be to take aim.

Ladies and gentlemen. Donald Trump in the house

04-06-2020, 11:19 AM
Technical maturity. Is that what you are now calling it.
Yes. The teams I've worked with over there are poor in that regard.
I don't know what you mean by "now", I've always called it that, maybe not on here but yes that's a pretty common term in my game.
That doesn't mean everyone in a country of a billion people is poor, I can only sensibly talk about my own experiences with teams there.

The head of Goigle is from that region. How is his technical maturity compared to yours.?

I don't know, I've not worked with him. But if he's the head of Google it's probably not that good - not because of which region he's from, but the boss of an organisation tends to be far removed from the nuts and bolts of the technology.

That technical maturity must be why there are so many helpdesk for UK companies located in India.

They're located there for cost purposes. That is also why a lot of coding is done there.

Why India sent a probe to the moon recently.

Do you mean the one that crashed? ;)
But overall yes. Despite the failure to make a soft landing it was very impressive considering the budget.
Again, I have never claimed that everyone in a country of a billion people is inept.
But the particular teams I've worked with over there haven't been that good. Do you want me to pretend they are? Would that make you feel better?

But you found some people that you believe you were smarter than. So that's it then. Just own it man

I don't even know what you're talking about now. I never said I was smarter than them.
I'm just saying when we get code reviews done and look at the database structures they design they're not that good.
I'm sure there are plenty of inept people over here too, if it makes you feel better.
Would it make you feel better if I told you that my opinion on their technical maturity is shared by my boss (who, fun fact, is from India).

What are you getting at here?

04-06-2020, 01:32 PM
I know who you remind me of. Captain America. You can do this all day
However i do have other things to do.
Pichai the head of Google is an engineer by the way

04-06-2020, 01:45 PM
10 unarmed blacks (9 men, 1 woman) were shot and killed by cops in the whole of the US in 2019. 10 out of 325 million people.

Well, when you're right, you're right. And most of those were "fleeing the scene"


05-06-2020, 08:31 AM
Pandemic of Racism!



05-06-2020, 09:17 AM
Well, when you're right, you're right. And most of those were "fleeing the scene"


236, from that.

Fake news I'm sure.

05-06-2020, 09:18 AM
Pandemic of Racism!



Yeah not a great metaphor. Pandemics are novel diseases. This is more like a flair-up of a chronic illness.

05-06-2020, 09:33 AM
236, from that.

Fake news I'm sure.

No. That's the total. NQ said unarmed...

EDIT: Weirdly when I checked again just now it came to 15 :blink:
Sure it said 10 yesterday. Odd. 6 of those were not fleeing the scene.

05-06-2020, 09:35 AM
Yeah not a great metaphor. Pandemics are novel diseases. This is more like a flair-up of a chronic illness.

Is it though?
It's once incident. A tragic one, certainly. But the person responsible is now in prison as are the people who stood by and watched.
I'm not saying racism is not a thing, but the police aren't going out every night gunning down innocent black people for the lolz.

Marc Overmars
05-06-2020, 09:43 AM
Just watched the clip of Floyd being killed in its entirety. Definitely one of the most sickening things I’ve ever seen. Blood boiling.

Can see why people have finally lost their shit about this.

05-06-2020, 11:32 AM
No. That's the total. NQ said unarmed...

EDIT: Weirdly when I checked again just now it came to 15 :blink:
Sure it said 10 yesterday. Odd. 6 of those were not fleeing the scene.

My mistake.

05-06-2020, 11:39 AM
Just watched the clip of Floyd being killed in its entirety. Definitely one of the most sickening things I’ve ever seen. Blood boiling.

Can see why people have finally lost their shit about this.

Keep up. He was apparently accused to forgetting to pay for a Mars bar when he was 13 so it's actually fine.

05-06-2020, 12:38 PM
No. That's the total. NQ said unarmed...

EDIT: Weirdly when I checked again just now it came to 15 :blink:
Sure it said 10 yesterday. Odd. 6 of those were not fleeing the scene.

It did say 10 yesterday, and all the days before. Fox and an independent journalist both reported these numbers, I then checked them myself. If it's 15 today (considering they note themselves they no longer maintain the records) I guess we're going to see the world go up in flames. 5 more victims in one day - WITH COVID19.

Let's say they manage to get it to 100, or 200. That's still a tiny number. 10 unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites were shot and killed by cops in the US in the whole of 2019. Even if every case was unwarranted (and certainly that's not the case), that's 29 trigger happy cops out of 700,000, and 29 deaths in a population of 325 million. All very significant to the people directly involved, but of absolutely no significance statistically. You give cops guns and tell them to hunt down criminals, some of whom may be armed themselves, and probability alone will get you at least some unlawful shootings and at least a few bad cops.

But these numbers are incredibly low, and in fact a testament to the cops. To keep the number that low shows they must be exercising a lot of restraint, in general.

In Minneapolis the authorities are actually talking about shutting the police department down. In LA and New York massive budget cuts are being discussed. At a time of civil unrest, the authorities in these cities actually want to reduce law enforcement. That tells you a lot about their true motives.

When will the insanity hit the peak, and can it be flattened?

05-06-2020, 12:48 PM
Just watched the clip of Floyd being killed in its entirety. Definitely one of the most sickening things I’ve ever seen. Blood boiling.

Can see why people have finally lost their shit about this.

Do you have all the facts?

The cop and the perp both knew each other and had worked together as bouncers at a club for many years. The perp was high on drugs when he was arrested. He had a track record of violent crime, including assaulting women. He was an absolute scumbag and a menace to society. So he's not missed by me, or any decent person I would think (although few will say it in the face of so much SJW BS).

Even so, nobody wants to see a restrained perp being killed by cops, even when it's low life scum. Anyone can end up getting arrested, wrong place at the wrong time, mistaken identity. So the threat of bad cops potentially affects everyone. This particular cop has been indicted and will probably end up getting shanked in prison. His mates have been charged too. They broke the law and the law is dealing with them.

This is how it should be. Criminals getting arrested, whether they be civilians or cops. Same goes for the arseholes out rioting and looting. They need to be handled forcefully but fairly too.

05-06-2020, 12:55 PM
Is it though?
It's once incident.

Oh, that's the assumption you've been working under? Explains a lot.

Marc Overmars
05-06-2020, 01:11 PM
Do you have all the facts?

The cop and the perp both knew each other and had worked together as bouncers at a club for many years. The perp was high on drugs when he was arrested. He had a track record of violent crime, including assaulting women. He was an absolute scumbag and a menace to society. So he's not missed by me, or any decent person I would think (although few will say it in the face of so much SJW BS).

Even so, nobody wants to see a restrained perp being killed by cops, even when it's low life scum. Anyone can end up getting arrested, wrong place at the wrong time, mistaken identity. So the threat of bad cops potentially affects everyone. This particular cop has been indicted and will probably end up getting shanked in prison. His mates have been charged too. They broke the law and the law is dealing with them.

This is how it should be. Criminals getting arrested, whether they be civilians or cops. Same goes for the arseholes out rioting and looting. They need to be handled forcefully but fairly too.

I don’t know the context of the incident and I’m sure he was probably an unsavoury individual, but when someone is not resisting arrest and begging for his life, it’s takes a cold piece of shit to not show any humanity. Hard to watch.

05-06-2020, 01:42 PM
Oh, that's the assumption you've been working under? Explains a lot.

...it's not an assumption, this incident is, by definition, one incident.
But please do elaborate if you have a point to make.

05-06-2020, 03:30 PM
I don’t know the context of the incident and I’m sure he was probably an unsavoury individual, but when someone is not resisting arrest and begging for his life, it’s takes a cold piece of shit to not show any humanity. Hard to watch.

quite - well said

05-06-2020, 04:09 PM
i haven't got the guts to watch the video but just reading the dialogue of what he said is enough - he even kept calling the cop 'sir'

the dialogue is here with an open letter: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/george_floyd_loc/?cAzhTmb

05-06-2020, 04:14 PM
I don't want to watch the video. I've seen stills and I don't need to see more to know that whatever the victim's past - which was admittedly chequered - he didn't deserve that sort of treatment and while I think murder 1 would have been hard to get a prosecution on I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that if you continue to kneel on someone's neck for that length of time when they're saying they can't breathe that you can't really argue there isn't some degree of premeditation there.

05-06-2020, 04:16 PM
...it's not an assumption, this incident is, by definition, one incident.
But please do elaborate if you have a point to make.

It's one incident in the same way Franz Ferdinand getting taken out was one incident, but that wouldn't have led to millions of deaths without something else underlying it.

This isn't going to lead to millions of deaths, but there's a reason this one incident led directly to the protests seen this week. These things don't happen in isolation.

NQ will be happy to tell you what he thinks is happening, but my reading of it as a middle class white guy living across the ocean is that the problem of slavery was never truly solved; it's enshrined in the American constitution: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

They had a bloody and tumultuous civil war over the right to own black people. One side lost, but the attitudes never went away.

Post World War 2, the process of denazification used the American South as a cautionary tale; don't let attitudes of racial superiority simmer, you need to rip them out, root and stem. Post civil war, you've got legal segregation in the form of the Jim Crow laws, then economic segregation where communities live side by side without integrating because they can't.

More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5FBJyqfoLM

If you try to understand where a community is coming from, it helps to listen to that community. I'm not in a position to say much with authority, but I do my best to listen to people who believe they're marginalised to find out why they think that. I'm not always successful, and I don't always agree, but in the case of black Americans I do.

The protests here I understand less. I don't believe the problem over here is anywhere near as bad as it is over there, but I don't know that to be the case. And it's a bit of a shame that what caused it here is something that happened there. But maybe that's just a sign of a globalised world.

Marc Overmars
05-06-2020, 05:15 PM
I don't want to watch the video. I've seen stills and I don't need to see more to know that whatever the victim's past - which was admittedly chequered - he didn't deserve that sort of treatment and while I think murder 1 would have been hard to get a prosecution on I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that if you continue to kneel on someone's neck for that length of time when they're saying they can't breathe that you can't really argue there isn't some degree of premeditation there.

The cop had his knee on his neck long after he had passed out. The bystanders were pleading for him to let up because he was unconscious but they were plainly ignored. He even then threatened to mace one of them who approached.

He’ll be done for 2nd degree murder but no doubt from what I saw it became 1st degree territory.

05-06-2020, 06:49 PM
It's not first degree, just because people get emotional about it. The law applies and has been applied. Not sure what else can be done, unless the mob want the cop thrown to them so they can rip him limb from limb. Might not be a bad idea, might stop them killing black people and assaulting old ladies.

05-06-2020, 06:52 PM
It's one incident in the same way Franz Ferdinand getting taken out was one incident, but that wouldn't have led to millions of deaths without something else underlying it.

This isn't going to lead to millions of deaths, but there's a reason this one incident led directly to the protests seen this week. These things don't happen in isolation.

NQ will be happy to tell you what he thinks is happening, but my reading of it as a middle class white guy living across the ocean is that the problem of slavery was never truly solved; it's enshrined in the American constitution: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

They had a bloody and tumultuous civil war over the right to own black people. One side lost, but the attitudes never went away.

Post World War 2, the process of denazification used the American South as a cautionary tale; don't let attitudes of racial superiority simmer, you need to rip them out, root and stem. Post civil war, you've got legal segregation in the form of the Jim Crow laws, then economic segregation where communities live side by side without integrating because they can't.

More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5FBJyqfoLM

If you try to understand where a community is coming from, it helps to listen to that community. I'm not in a position to say much with authority, but I do my best to listen to people who believe they're marginalised to find out why they think that. I'm not always successful, and I don't always agree, but in the case of black Americans I do.

The protests here I understand less. I don't believe the problem over here is anywhere near as bad as it is over there, but I don't know that to be the case. And it's a bit of a shame that what caused it here is something that happened there. But maybe that's just a sign of a globalised world.

I can tell what IS happening, in terms of the scumbags coordinating this. You're talking about it from the point of view of the manipulated foot-soldiers. I wouldn't argue against the claim some of them are sincere. What proportion, compared to looters and fringe lefty cultists, nobody knows. But in terms of who the beneficiaries will be, I can guarantee you it won't be poor, black people.

05-06-2020, 06:56 PM
I can tell what IS happening, in terms of the scumbags coordinating this.

Please do.

05-06-2020, 07:07 PM
Please do.

I already did. This crap is not about civil rights, it's about an election in November.

05-06-2020, 08:33 PM


05-06-2020, 09:12 PM
Trump :doh:

05-06-2020, 09:36 PM


And that's funny because...?

05-06-2020, 10:01 PM


That's such an amazing gesture. The millions he already has in the bank are going to get lonely now.

So when does he start work at the new place?

McNamara That Ghost...
06-06-2020, 08:58 AM
Trump trying to do compassion. :lol:

As alien a concept as it is to Priti Patel.

07-06-2020, 01:20 PM

07-06-2020, 01:52 PM
And that's funny because...?

Asking for a black replacement?!
Positive discrimination is an oxymoron. It's still discrimination. What we need is equality.

07-06-2020, 03:06 PM
Matt Hancock asked to name hom many black people in the Cabinet, names the Home Sec. and Chancellor.

07-06-2020, 04:02 PM
Asking for a black replacement?!
Positive discrimination is an oxymoron. It's still discrimination. What we need is equality.

I’m not a huge fan of positive discrimination as two wrongs don't make a right and it can breed the type of racist moron who voted leave.

but it's also true that endemic cultures in large institutions don’t allow for people who are fundamentally different them in - those people are immediately at a disadvantage in the way someone is when they sit down at a 5 course meal and don’t know what cutlery to use.

all this stuff is designed to keep people in their place and so maybe to get someone in such a senior role who can see that and reorganise things maybe does sometimes require a bit of a nuclear moment

07-06-2020, 04:20 PM
I agree, although I’d suggest that racism is only one factor here.
The “old boys network” is another, whether you went to the right school or Uni.
No chance that Boris or Cameron would have got where they are based on competence, they’ve got where they are despite it.

07-06-2020, 08:03 PM
The zombie herd is out in force.


The police were busy enforcing lockdown guidelines on sane, law abiding people.

Marc Overmars
07-06-2020, 08:14 PM
I don’t really see what this is going to achieve, other than fuel the tension that exists.

07-06-2020, 08:22 PM
I don’t really see what this is going to achieve, other than fuel the tension that exists.

Yeah, I don't really get it.
I mean, bad cop murders black man. Bad thing, I'd suggest.
But what are they campaigning about? The policeman was arrested and charged, no laws need to be changed.
Do they think that by having a good old riot all the people who are racist are going to think "Oh yeah, right, I should stop being so racist".

08-06-2020, 12:31 AM
Yeah, I don't really get it.
I mean, bad cop murders black man. Bad thing, I'd suggest.
But what are they campaigning about? The policeman was arrested and charged, no laws need to be changed.
Do they think that by having a good old riot all the people who are racist are going to think "Oh yeah, right, I should stop being so racist".

The people that are racist? How many people would that be? Of the kind the sheeple are claiming?

10, 20, 100?

This is one of the most tolerant and inclusive nations on the planet. This is the nation that ended slavery. This is the nation that allows individuals like David Lammy to have a disproportionate voice, despite the fact he's psychotic. This is the nation where every fucking TV show is packed with gays, lesbians, blacks, Asians, Chinese Leprechauns, just for the sake of filling quotas. This is the country where the vast majority silently suffer the constant demands of tiny minorities without sticking their boot up their arseholes.

What the fuck are these morons demanding? That we go even further?

These are racist cunts. They are anti-white, even the white sheep in the herd. They want to destroy the west, destroy western culture, burn it all down and create some commie utopia where everyone is equal by default and regardless of the effort they put into life. Just being black is apparently a virtue? I never knew that until now, because I couldn't give a fuck if people are black, white or polkadot provided they don't annoy me.

When was the last time ANYONE saw white nationalists marching down their streets? When was the last time anyone saw cops out hunting blacks? Everyone knows that bullshit exists in the tiniest of minorities, as with all groups of human beings. But to call it a major issue is like calling a drop in the ocean the whole ocean. It's fucking crazy.

Fucking scum. Chicken necked, champaign commie twats. I wouldn't want to get shit like that on my shoe. But if I have to, it'll be a public service.

08-06-2020, 12:56 AM
There's white trash and there's black trash. And they're all out jumping around right now. Good chance to round them up if you ask me. Grab them, stick them on a plane, and dump them in the jungle. In 2 million years they can rejoin society, when they have evolved.

08-06-2020, 02:27 AM
We have all the wussies and zombies in one place. Light'em up!


Marc Overmars
08-06-2020, 05:22 AM

Our unarmed police running for cover. Embarrassing.

08-06-2020, 08:42 AM
I couldn't give a fuck if people are black, white or polkadot provided they don't annoy me.
Doesn't everyone annoy you all the time? :d

When was the last time ANYONE saw white nationalists marching down their streets?
Right. The sort of extreme racism you're talking about is rare. But that doesn't mean that racism doesn't persist. I know you don't like the BBC but you can find other sources

So there are still biases in play. That said, I do think some black people look for racism everywhere and if you look for stuff then you'll see it.
Maybe it wasn't racism why you didn't get that promotion, maybe the other person was just better than you.

I saw a ridiculous FB post from someone yesterday, the someone's sister is married to a black lady and has a black stepson.
The entire post is "this is what it's like bringing up a black child". But then the actual content is stuff like
"Do you as white parents check what your child wears so he doesn’t get branded as a thug or gang affiliated"
No, but then gang culture is much more prevalent in black communities. She then whines about the child's haircut not being appropriate. Yeah, like a white child has never been sent home from school because of their hair :rolleyes:
Then she says:

Do you tell your child that the colour of his skin won’t get him far in life because the white child who sits next to you in class is thick as shit but because he is white he will get the job over you EVEN though you are smarter and have better grades.

Holy shit! Top parenting tip here: stop telling your child that, you utter moron! "Hey, my child isn't doing very well in life, that must be racism!". Yeah, or maybe, just maybe, it's because you spent their childhood telling them they'd never get anywhere because of the colour of their skin.

Then there's this:

Do you prepare your child for the unfortunate event of being stopped by police randomly when he is minding his own business because he could look affiliated to a gang.

No. Partly because he's 3 and partly because yeah, profiling is a thing but there is a reason for that. And it's not all about race - go through customs on your own and you're more likely to get stopped than if you're with a family.
If there's a terrorist attack then people probably do immediately think it's connected with Islamic extremism, not because people think "all Muslims are terrorists", but because a lot of high profile attacks have been carried out by Islamic extemists.

Oh, and then there's this:

Do you get followed round the shops when shopping with your white husband or wife for shop lifting?

No, and nor do you. I'm just flat our calling bullshit on that.

then after they watch you paying for items still pull you to the side and ask you to empty your pockets and show receipts for everything that you have purchased.

As above. Bullshit. Didn't happen. Or did you successfully sue them for discrimination? No, you didn't, because that didn't happen.

Racism is a thing, and the more covert kind or racism you get in the UK is still an issue. I don't think as a society we are there yet.
But I do think some people are intent on seeing racism everywhere they turn.

08-06-2020, 08:58 AM
on the "When was the last time ANYONE saw white nationalists marching down their streets?" remark, actually everytime you see the BNP or EDL have a march or a rally of any kind that's exactly what you're seeing

08-06-2020, 09:02 AM
on the "When was the last time ANYONE saw white nationalists marching down their streets?" remark, actually everytime you see the BNP or EDL have a march or a rally of any kind that's exactly what you're seeing

I've never seen any of those have a march. I'm sure they do, but they are small, outlying groups. Their views are not widely shared in the UK. Which doesn't mean racism doesn't exist.

08-06-2020, 09:25 AM
I've never seen any of those have a march. I'm sure they do, but they are small, outlying groups. Their views are not widely shared in the UK. Which doesn't mean racism doesn't exist.

in the same way NQ wasn't being literal (whether he admits it or not) about marching down 'your' street, neither was I - the fact is they do march down SOME people's streets - and i believe (though no, i can't prove it which means i'm on a level with NQ's YouTube warriors) that a significant number of British white people (let's call it a third) have some attitudes which could legitimately be described as racist

08-06-2020, 09:48 AM
OK, fine. So they march down some streets. But they are relatively small groups who don't represent the views of the vast majority of people in this country any more than the Westboro Baptist Church represent Christians.
I don't think white people have a monopoly on racism, in a FB debate recently a black dude who I don't know said "you white people..." to me...whoa there, so that's OK, is it? He later clarified that he meant I was a white supremacist. Oh that's OK then, carry on :doh:. And yeah, I actually think most people have some racist or prejudiced views. I don't exclude myself from that, but I don't particularly think I treat people differently because of their race.
These things aren't going to change overnight - the US isn't going to go from segregation in the 60s to equality quickly. But they're making progress - can you imagine Obama being elected in the 80s? Till quite recently it was unthinkable.
I think the UK are a bit further along with these things and in my lifetime I've seen change - I grew up in an era where people like Bernard Manning were popular. These things take generations to change.
Changing law laws was the easy bit, changing attitudes takes longer. But personally, while acknowledging I don't know what it's like to be black in this country, I don't think it's helpful to look for racism everywhere you look or assume every misfortune is because of it. I'm flat out calling bullshit on the above about security guards following them around the shop, watching them pay and then making them turn out their pockets. Didn't happen.
And telling a child they'll never amount to anything because of the colour of their skin will become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

08-06-2020, 10:09 AM
in the same way NQ wasn't being literal (whether he admits it or not) about marching down 'your' street, neither was I - the fact is they do march down SOME people's streets - and i believe (though no, i can't prove it which means i'm on a level with NQ's YouTube warriors) that a significant number of British white people (let's call it a third) have some attitudes which could legitimately be described as racist

Yes, absolutely.

At least 1/3 of white British are racist.

08-06-2020, 10:21 AM
on the "When was the last time ANYONE saw white nationalists marching down their streets?" remark, actually everytime you see the BNP or EDL have a march or a rally of any kind that's exactly what you're seeing

Those 4 guys are always knocking around the place causing trouble.

08-06-2020, 11:32 AM
Yes, absolutely.

At least 1/3 of white British are racist.

that's not what i said

08-06-2020, 11:34 AM
@ Letters 'I grew up in an era where people like Bernard Manning were popular. These things take generations to change.'

you've not heard of Roy Chubby Brown then, or indeed Jim Davidson who's still out there somewhere

08-06-2020, 12:04 PM
that's not what i said

It's what I'm saying. It's true.

08-06-2020, 12:10 PM
@ Letters 'I grew up in an era where people like Bernard Manning were popular. These things take generations to change.'

you've not heard of Roy Chubby Brown then, or indeed Jim Davidson who's still out there somewhere

75 and 66 years old respectively. I don't know any comedians under 50 who talk like them. So yeah, it takes generations to change this stuff.

08-06-2020, 12:46 PM
@ Letters 'I grew up in an era where people like Bernard Manning were popular. These things take generations to change.'

you've not heard of Roy Chubby Brown then, or indeed Jim Davidson who's still out there somewhere

So what? If you don't like them, don't pay to see them? There's a deluge of woke, virtue signalling comedians out there too. Having to sit through one of their routines would be just as much torture as listening to Jim Davidson. There's no point trying to force people to think alike, it doesn't work. And changing the world around them to suit one particular ideal will just reinforce resistance. Liberty is always the best policy.

08-06-2020, 01:31 PM
So what? If you don't like them, don't pay to see them? There's a deluge of woke, virtue signalling comedians out there too. Having to sit through one of their routines would be just as much torture as listening to Jim Davidson. There's no point trying to force people to think alike, it doesn't work. And changing the world around them to suit one particular ideal will just reinforce resistance. Liberty is always the best policy.

that wasn't my point i was jsut saying comedians like that are still around

read people's posts properly ;)

08-06-2020, 02:53 PM
A pandemic of black people dying.



08-06-2020, 03:37 PM
that wasn't my point i was jsut saying comedians like that are still around

read people's posts properly ;)

I did, and I ask again. So what?

08-06-2020, 03:39 PM
A pandemic of black people dying.



She's right. Blacks are shooting blacks all across America, every day.

08-06-2020, 04:18 PM
I did, and I ask again. So what?

So... Letters was I thought implying that comedians like Bernard Manning were no longer around and i was pointing out that there are still some - albeit as he rightly says they're getting on a bit

so it's nothing to do with whether i personally would go to see them it's about whether they are around still or not

got it now? can we all move on?? :lol:

08-06-2020, 06:47 PM
So... Letters was I thought implying that comedians like Bernard Manning were no longer around and i was pointing out that there are still some - albeit as he rightly says they're getting on a bit

so it's nothing to do with whether i personally would go to see them it's about whether they are around still or not

got it now? can we all move on?? :lol:

Not really. Just means the question now applies to both of you. If Bernard Manning was still around, so what? If the other two are still around, so what? Are these people supposed to somehow confirm the nation was or is racist? They are all guys who told racial jokes. What's wrong with that? That's the "so what" I want to know about.

08-06-2020, 08:34 PM
There's pretty good evidence that these sorts of jokes - when the punchline is basically aren't <insert racial group> all <insert slur here> - have a harmful effect. It's a less overt kind of racism than, say, lynchings, but it does reinforces negative stereotypes and that does have an effect.
So yeah, it would be bad if that sort of humour was still popular. There are still some dinosaurs peddling it and they find an audience, but it's not that mainstream and I suspect it will die when they do.

08-06-2020, 09:21 PM
Yeah, if we all don't die beforehand in some racially motivated war. The irony is crushing. Some old fart in a club with 50 in the audience or the entire establishment peddling shit about institutionalised racism and black genocide to an audience of millions. I wonder what a study would reveal about that?

This is absurd on a whole new level. One of the most tolerant nations on the earth having to defend its culture and history in the face of a marxist mob? Fuck that. Ship these cunts out to Africa because that's where you'll find actual black slavery. This country ended it. The African nations brought it back. Let these scrawny turds do a bit of travel and see genuine oppression, and hopefully get chopped up in the process, because nobody will be kneeling to them over there.

Eradicating racism is not about demanding people speak or think in a certain way, nor is it about shutting down their speech. It's about countering racist arguments with reasoning and action supporting that reasoning, as opposed to reinforcing the racist argument like these looter cunts are doing. Fuck the made-up bullshit about oppression and genocide and whatever else this BAME lot are going on about at any given time. Jeez, they have a new word every 5 minutes. Purposely designed so if you miss an update you become a racist by default. With the constant moaning and demanding of these minority groups is it any wonder they get stereotyped and shunned? I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with one of those cunts. Not because they are this colour or that colour, but because they are entitled, whiny cunts. Fuck off out of the place if they don't like it, plenty of places to go besides the UK, the US and Canada which, we all know, are the absolute worst racist hellholes on the planet. Genocide everywhere.

It's just ridiculous being forced to listen to these twats every time a screen flicks on. Counting how many blacks are in that industry, or that sport, or on that show, how many women, how many Muslim prayer breaks in the fucking British military. Fuck them. Fit in or ship out. We've done enough now. Sacrificed enough. The only white privilege around here is with the champaign socialist scum playing revolutionary. You won't see much white privilege on the estates running the length and breadth of this land.

I'll tell you what would be a white privilege. To see a fucking white face on the London Underground. Or hear the English language being spoken. The only genocide going on around here is the steady outbreeding and slow eradication of the native population. That's the true definition of a genocide, when a people and their culture are wiped from the land. Minority elements boast openly about it as they walk around the capital city refusing to call themselves English or British in favour of Londoners or Europeans, as if they have officially invaded. Which they have.

The sheer audacity of this. A total transformation of the nation to the point where it's unrecognisable and these whiny cunts are shouting WACSIT! Not enough!

Fuck them. Black lives matter no more or no less than any other, and they don't matter much at all in so many of the nations where blacks are indigenous. Go and sort out those problems first, because they tower above anything you'll find here. And meanwhile, if I want to listen to Bernard Manning and laugh out loud I will. Not that I would actually want to, but does anyone think making demands is going to change minds? Fucking morons these people. They genuinely believe they are privileged and entitled enough to tell others how they must live.

The answer is no. Never. Fuck off.

McNamara That Ghost...
09-06-2020, 10:19 AM
This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.

09-06-2020, 10:30 AM
This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.

so NQ is actually Fuckrage - i always suspected it ;)

09-06-2020, 10:53 AM
This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.

Says it all, really.

09-06-2020, 12:04 PM
NQ has gone a bit Faragey. But I agree with some of what he says.

I do think the UK is a lot more tolerant than a lot of nations - maybe my view on that is influenced by living in London which is very multi-cultural, maybe out in the shires it is still very white and less tolerant. Overall while there is still racism, it's not as bad as it used to be. Things are changing, maybe not quickly enough but NQ is right in that you can't just demand everyone changes their opinions and attitudes. People like Roy Chubby Brown and his audience aren't going to change their views, they'll just die out. The younger generation are far more "woke", there's a girl at work who is horrified at "Baby, It's Cold Outside" because it's a glorification of "rape culture". I mean, she's wrong - it's about a girl who clearly wants to stay and bang a man but is putting up faux protestations ("at least I can say that I tried") to protect her own reputation because in that era it would have been frowned upon. The only potentially objectionable line ("say what's in this drink?") was a common joke at the time - the joke was generally that the drink wasn't alcoholic, or it was weak, but they were using it to excuse foolish behaviour. That line is NOT about a drink being spiked by a sexual predator. So I think this girl at work is being ridiculous but hey, she's young and maybe in this situation I'm the dinosaur refusing to change my views.

We are heading in the right direction IMO but these things take generations to change.

I do roll my eyes when "people of colour" act like they can't walk down the road without people hurling racial slurs at them. Bullshit. That isn't happening. Or, at worst, it's extremely rare. What is happening is the sort of thing I posted about above - people with "English sounding" names generally get more success in job applications. That sort of discrimination needs stamping out. But let's deal with the problems which actually exist and stop inventing them. Stop acting like the police are indiscriminately hunting down and killing black people. Even in the US - which has bigger problems with racism than we do - it's very rare for unarmed black people to be killed by police. Yes, there are "incidents" but they are statistically rare. The recent one was bad but the bloke who did it is in prison as are those who stood by while he did it - that wouldn't have happened 50 years ago, maybe not even 20. I saw video of some protesters in London chanting "No Justice, No Peace!". What do you want? They're literally in prison. Do you want them to be released so the baying mob can tear them limb from limb?

09-06-2020, 01:39 PM
This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.

Good for him. He probably said it differently, I would think. Although maybe the silent minority should pipe up now and say it like it is.

09-06-2020, 04:47 PM
Understanding where this loony leftie bullshit came from, and its ultimate purpose.


A year and half before it exploded like the morning after a bad curry onto our streets.

"Allies' won't watch, because they are too far gone. But sane people might be interested to find out just how insubstantial and unhinged the leaders of this cultural revolutionvandalism are.

09-06-2020, 05:50 PM
"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." -George Orwell

:haha: Blair was a fucking genius.

Marc Overmars
09-06-2020, 08:18 PM
Not sure why but I find it a bit odd Floyd has received a funeral fit for a celebrity.

09-06-2020, 08:23 PM
Not sure why but I find it a bit odd Floyd has received a funeral fit for a celebrity.

He's a token. So what if he battered women and held a knife to the throat of a pregnant woman? So what if he was a violent criminal that you may support vehemently, but would never want to meet in your neighbourhood? These are all minor impediments to the narrative.

All you need to remember is, the low life Floyd was a saint, and, if you are white, you owe.

Believe me, it's all totally sane.

09-06-2020, 08:32 PM
So i have been thinking about this. Thinking about the black people have encountered. Thinking about the white people I have encountered.

On average, and definitely generalising, because we all do (you liar) I find Asians to be the most agreeable people. Usually, generalising, they are very peaceful, agreeable, family oriented, reasonable people. But that's just my experience. If you had to ask me, who would I want to encounter a group of, on a dark night. Asians please. Not white hoodie thugs, fuck them. Not blacks full stop.

The worst of the worst I have ever encountered are media. They are lower than anything else.

Marc Overmars
09-06-2020, 08:37 PM
Depends what kind of Asians tbh. Indians are pretty cool.

09-06-2020, 08:42 PM
Depends what kind of Asians tbh. Indians are pretty cool.

I'm not talking about London. That's a lost cause. London's lost. But England isn't.

09-06-2020, 08:46 PM
Here's a question.

Do you think you are superior to certain other human beings?

Such as Jimmy Saville?

Well, can you accept there are bad black people too?
SOME black lives do actually matter. But not all of them.


Time to wake up now.

09-06-2020, 09:18 PM
I came home from a weekend away once to find a black man had burgled my house.

09-06-2020, 09:22 PM
I came home from a weekend away once to find a black man had burgled my house.

I hope you chained him up and forced him to clean the house. Otherwise, what's the point of posting juvenile messages?

09-06-2020, 09:23 PM
He was long gone. Police never found the guy who did it, obviously.

09-06-2020, 09:26 PM
He was long gone. Police never found the guy who did it, obviously.

Well I hope they beat up a random black guy, at least. The useless bastards.

09-06-2020, 09:41 PM
Understanding where this loony leftie bullshit came from, and its ultimate purpose.


A year and half before it exploded like the morning after a bad curry onto our streets.

"Allies' won't watch, because they are too far gone. But sane people might be interested to find out just how insubstantial and unhinged the leaders of this cultural revolutionvandalism are.

Quick reminder. If you want actual evidence of how insane this latest leftie tantrum actually is, have the guts to watch. At least you'll come away laughing.

Everything to lose. everything to gain. Watch. Understand. Snap out of it.

09-06-2020, 09:43 PM
These racist scum are telling you it's bad to be racist. They are right. So let's fuck them up big time. Racist scum.

10-06-2020, 10:34 AM

Gone with the Wind has been taken off HBO Max following calls for it to be removed from the US streaming service.

HBO Max said the 1939 film was "a product of its time" and depicted "ethnic and racial prejudices" that "were wrong then and are wrong today".

It said the film would return to the platform at an unspecified date with a "discussion of its historical context".

Oh FFS :doh:

Marc Overmars
10-06-2020, 10:40 AM
Little Britain was removed from Netflix. :lol:

Bit annoying because I was planning to rewatch it soon.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 10:46 AM
White Chicks. :rose:


10-06-2020, 10:52 AM
Little Britain was removed from Netflix. :lol:

Bit annoying because I was planning to rewatch it soon.

:blink: I mean, I never liked it anyway but what was the reasoning behind that?
Are we really going to reevaluate every old film/TV programme/song by current values and retrospectively ban all the ones which don't match up?

10-06-2020, 10:53 AM
Lenny Henry used to be in the Black & White Minstrel show (really!) so I think everything he ever did should be banned and he should be killed.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 10:55 AM
Tropic Thunder can't be long for this world.

Marc Overmars
10-06-2020, 11:06 AM
:blink: I mean, I never liked it anyway but what was the reasoning behind that?
Are we really going to reevaluate every old film/TV programme/song by current values and retrospectively ban all the ones which don't match up?

A lot of comedy doesn’t really tend to age well but I thought it was still good for a laugh. Why can’t we just choose what we want to watch? I bet some of the people outraged now enjoyed Little Britain and other “offensive” shows/movies back in the day.

10-06-2020, 11:15 AM
I was arguing with a "person of colour" on FB - some story about a stupid white bint who called the police on a black lady for no obvious reason (like the incident in central park, the white woman in that instance spuriously called 911 because a black man asked her to put a dog on lead, she has been subsequently sacked).
My only point was these sorts of incidents are pretty rare, which they are.
She just keeps arguing that it's common, so I asked when the last time it happened to her. She dodged the question and has since removed the post or maybe blocked me. Holy shit it's impossible to have rational conversations with people about this.
Has she experiences racism? Yes, I'm sure she has. But do black people going about their business routintely have the police called on them by a white person?
No, no they don't. I'm calling bullshit on that.

Let's deal with the actual issues, not just invent ones.

10-06-2020, 11:39 AM
:blink: I mean, I never liked it anyway but what was the reasoning behind that?
Are we really going to reevaluate every old film/TV programme/song by current values and retrospectively ban all the ones which don't match up?

It's going to be far, far worse then that if these zombies aren't stopped. Get you history book out and see what happens when cultists grab control.

10-06-2020, 11:41 AM
I was arguing with a "person of colour" on FB - some story about a stupid white bint who called the police on a black lady for no obvious reason (like the incident in central park, the white woman in that instance spuriously called 911 because a black man asked her to put a dog on lead, she has been subsequently sacked).
My only point was these sorts of incidents are pretty rare, which they are.
She just keeps arguing that it's common, so I asked when the last time it happened to her. She dodged the question and has since removed the post or maybe blocked me. Holy shit it's impossible to have rational conversations with people about this.
Has she experiences racism? Yes, I'm sure she has. But do black people going about their business routintely have the police called on them by a white person?
No, no they don't. I'm calling bullshit on that.

Let's deal with the actual issues, not just invent ones.

How does a cunt like that KNOW it's racism that drives people into calling her a stupid cunt? The mere fact she's a cunt could be the true motivation.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 11:57 AM
It's going to be far, far worse then that if these zombies aren't stopped. Get you history book out and see what happens when cultists grab control.


10-06-2020, 12:53 PM

Cromwell was a humanitarian compared to the commies.

10-06-2020, 01:49 PM

10-06-2020, 02:30 PM
Saw something funny on FB. Picture of the statue of Greyfriars Bobby with the caption "this needs to come down, the cat-hating bastard:

10-06-2020, 03:46 PM
Lenny Henry used to be in the Black & White Minstrel show (really!) so I think everything he ever did should be banned and he should be killed.

well more than that there were his characters such as the african whichdoctor wearing leopardskins and his rasta ("ooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay") - i just don't know how he's got away with that and become this big spokesperson for diversity

10-06-2020, 08:27 PM
Oh just shut the fuck up


10-06-2020, 08:56 PM
Oh just shut the fuck up


The cunt's moaning because she exploited the death of Floyd to cash in? I assume she'll be donating all the proceeds, if she hates her success so much?

Cunt gets to the top. Moans anyway. Shocker.

Ollie the Optimist
11-06-2020, 08:29 AM
Little Britain was removed from Netflix. :lol:

Bit annoying because I was planning to rewatch it soon.

Not that i agree with it, but i can sort of see the reason if they removed shows that were made in the 1960s etc such as the Goodies, Fawlty Towers etc because there has been a lot of change since they were made. Although i think warner brothers have it right when they screen a warning before old shows saying that they were made in a time with different opinions etc.

However, i cannot see the reason why little britain is being removed. This was made 10 years ago and i really dont think we have changed that much since then. What isn’t acceptable now, wasn’t acceptable ten years ago.

11-06-2020, 08:32 AM
Not that i agree with it, but i can sort of see the reason if they removed shows that were made in the 1960s etc such as the Goodies, Fawlty Towers etc because there has been a lot of change since they were made. Although i think warner brothers have it right when they screen a warning before old shows saying that they were made in a time with different opinions etc.

However, i cannot see the reason why little britain is being removed. This was made 10 years ago and i really dont think we have changed that much since then. What isn’t acceptable now, wasn’t acceptable ten years ago.

i'm not advocating it but what's changed is the sensitivity around black people - tbh i never watched Little Britain because it looked terrible and I only have to look at Matt Lucas to want to throw up, so banning it sounds good to me

11-06-2020, 09:45 AM
Eventually we'll have a great catalogue of books, movies, comedy, games and TV shows that are all safe to watch and carry no possibility of offending anyone. Can't wait.

I'm off to get Dr Who banned because, obviously.


11-06-2020, 10:20 AM


How far are we going to go with this?

11-06-2020, 10:37 AM

These people should know their place.

11-06-2020, 10:39 AM
Eventually we'll have a great catalogue of books, movies, comedy, games and TV shows that are all safe to watch and carry no possibility of offending anyone. Can't wait.

I'm off to get Dr Who banned because, obviously.


those were the days... :drool:

11-06-2020, 10:44 AM
You think that's offensive? Check this out:

11-06-2020, 10:47 AM


How far are we going to go with this?

If it's on a target list for attack why don't the coppers keep an eye on it and then seriously fuck up any wanker that tries to deface it? I'm not so sure on the new rules. Am I now allowed to throw a brick through a window in front of a copper? Or do I have to be pulling down a statue or spray painting shit all over the road to get away with it?

11-06-2020, 10:51 AM
At least the debate on guns is over, once and for all. They should be immediately made legal again, so people can defend themselves and their property against rampaging zombies herds, given the police have decided not to bother.

11-06-2020, 10:55 AM
I don't know what "he was very open about his views against homosexuality" even means when used about someone who lived in an era where it was literally illegal to bum someone :doh:
The Nazi stuff, fine. But someone can have dodgy views and still, overall, make the world a better place.

Marc Overmars
11-06-2020, 10:55 AM
I do think there’s a case for arming our police. Seen so many clips of people taking the absolute piss and the cops looking totally helpless.

11-06-2020, 10:56 AM
If it's on a target list for attack why don't the coppers keep an eye on it and then seriously fuck up any wanker that tries to deface it?

that's far too advanced a strategy for our British bobbies I'm afraid - it's the same as how there's young tossers speeding up and down our nearest straight long road every evening and the cops don't think to just stake it out and nick everyone as they zoom past.

11-06-2020, 10:56 AM
I do think there’s a case for arming our police. Seen so many clips of people taking the absolute piss and the cops looking totally helpless.

that will just escalate violence and fatalities a hundred-fold

11-06-2020, 10:57 AM
I do think there’s a case for arming our police. Seen so many clips of people taking the absolute piss and the cops looking totally helpless.

There is a case for that. Not something I agree with personally but I do see the argument.
I don't want to go all 2nd amendment and start letting people buy machine guns in ASDA though.

Marc Overmars
11-06-2020, 11:03 AM
that will just escalate violence and fatalities a hundred-fold

Possibly but there’s also a higher chance of keeping order. I wouldn’t be in favour of arming them in low risk scenarios but for things like protests which are likely to involve violence then maybe.

11-06-2020, 11:09 AM
I don't know what "he was very open about his views against homosexuality" even means when used about someone who lived in an era where it was literally illegal to bum someone :doh:
The Nazi stuff, fine. But someone can have dodgy views and still, overall, make the world a better place.

Not sure he was being honoured for any of that. If we're going to dig into every last detail about anyone with a statue, only Wenger's will be left standing.

But that's the point of this, isn't it? To erase the history of the nation. That's commie playbook 101. A brave new world where he who controls the past controls the future.

So far this "justice" movement wants to:

Burn books
Burn unapproved film and TV
Tear down historical monuments
Sack anyone who doesn't agree with them
Defund the police
Destroy the atomic family
Destroy religion
Pack every position of authority and influence with minorities, regardless of merit
Censor all opposition off the Internet
Have white people kneel and apologise

It's an interesting manifesto, to be sure. But I suspect 99.99% of the population, including the vast majority of the black community, doesn't support it, doesn't want it and doesn't think it's at all sane.

Nevertheless, it's a free country so let them form a party and stand on that manifesto. Surely they have thought all this through and are confident enough in their own ideals and objectives to put it to the people?

I mean, they aren't suggesting we do all this shit WITHOUT the consent of the people, are thy? Because if so, we know what that makes them. And we know how to deal with that. And history has shown us repeatedly what happens when you don't deal, decisively, with that.

11-06-2020, 11:11 AM
that will just escalate violence and fatalities a hundred-fold

Yep. Ideal. Shoot the bastards. Deal with them now rather than later. It's just easier that way.

11-06-2020, 11:13 AM
Possibly but there’s also a higher chance of keeping order. I wouldn’t be in favour of arming them in low risk scenarios but for things like protests which are likely to involve violence then maybe.

don't agree - you do know the effect of just an ordinary bullet on the body? it's not like on TV where they get a little scratch and just keep on - it's an injury that will totally affect someone's whole life - and all because they're shouting and waving placards? and remember it's not always the person they were trying to shoot that gets hit - how about if you're just nearby and get hit - or your wife? or kids? still support it?

seriously you guys, think about what you're saying

that's the next step to fascism and a police state, plus you're giving every criminal the excuse to carrhy a gun and start shooting police and bystanders - it just escalates everything

anyway the cops are more than capable of killing people with what they already have - there's multiple cases of people being killed with truncheons, tasers etc - imagine the guy who killed tomlinson if he had an SMG - he'd be gunning down tens of people at a time

11-06-2020, 11:17 AM
There is a case for that. Not something I agree with personally but I do see the argument.
I don't want to go all 2nd amendment and start letting people buy machine guns in ASDA though.

And if this spreads and the cops are too busy pandering? If the herd comes down your street, what will you do about it? Get a knife and fork out?

You know the US chapter of this lunatic fringe is already openly threatening to march on suburban America? They'll get a high velocity welcome if they do, which is how it should be. Over here I guess we'h have to invite them in for tea and hope for the best.

11-06-2020, 11:25 AM
And if this spreads and the cops are too busy pandering? If the herd comes down your street, what will you do about it? Get a knife and fork out?

You know the US chapter of this lunatic fringe is already openly threatening to march on suburban America? They'll get a high velocity welcome if they do, which is how it should be. Over here I guess we'h have to invite them in for tea and hope for the best.

Right. You understand that in the US if that happens both sides will be armed?
That isn't going to end well for anyone.

11-06-2020, 11:25 AM
don't agree - you do know the effect of just an ordinary bullet on the body? it's not like on TV where they get a little scratch and just keep on - it's an injury that will totally affect someone's whole life - and all because they're shouting and waving placards? and remember it's not always the person they were trying to shoot that gets hit - how about if you're just nearby and get hit - or your wife? or kids? still support it?

seriously you guys, think about what you're saying

that's the next step to fascism and a police state, plus you're giving every criminal the excuse to carrhy a gun and start shooting police and bystanders - it just escalates everything

anyway the cops are more than capable of killing people with what they already have - there's multiple cases of people being killed with truncheons, tasers etc - imagine the guy who killed tomlinson if he had an SMG - he'd be gunning down tens of people at a time

Nobody is talking about shooting twats that are shouting and waving cardboard around. Protest is legal. In the main I suppose most people support the right to protest even when they don't agree with the reasons. But when they start chucking stuff, stick a couple of snipers on the roof and pick them off. What's wrong with that? You think they'd be so keen to smash stuff up and terrorise people if they though they might get dropped in an instant?

In a real instance where the state went full fascist there would be too many people on the streets to be stopped. But in this case it's a bunch of punks with stupid, impressionable kids in tow, probably unaware of what they are protesting about. Last I heard it was a pandemic of racism. So they're literally fighting against a fantasy of their own making. Come down hard on them and they'll piss off pretty quickly.

11-06-2020, 11:26 AM
Right. You understand that in the US if that happens both sides will be armed?
That isn't going to end well for anyone.

One side will be trained, the other won't. It'll end very well indeed.

11-06-2020, 11:34 AM
Nobody is talking about shooting twats that are shouting and waving cardboard around. Protest is legal. In the main I suppose most people support the right to protest even when they don't agree with the reasons. But when they start chucking stuff, stick a couple of snipers on the roof and pick them off. What's wrong with that? You think they'd be so keen to smash stuff up and terrorise people if they though they might get dropped in an instant?

In a real instance where the state went full fascist there would be too many people on the streets to be stopped. But in this case it's a bunch of punks with stupid, impressionable kids in tow, probably unaware of what they are protesting about. Last I heard it was a pandemic of racism. So they're literally fighting against a fantasy of their own making. Come down hard on them and they'll piss off pretty quickly.

so like i say how about one your snipers misses and hits one of the 'kids in tow' and not the unarmed protestor who you think is fair game?

11-06-2020, 11:41 AM
so like i say how about one your snipers misses and hits one of the 'kids in tow' and not the unarmed protestor who you think is fair game?

Okay, so I'm not talking about firing a Browning into the crowd on full auto and hoping for the best. Snipers shoot when they have a shot. Take that twat trying to burn the flags the other day. Easy shot for a marksman, absolutely no risk to anyone else. The prick was literally trying to burn the memory of those who faced endless hails of bullets so that little punk could go and protest freely in a free country. So let him face just the one bullet, what's wrong with that? He's made a free choice. The response can either be decisive or absent. In the latter case it's an open invitation for more of the same and on a larger scale. If that's what everyone wants then okay, but if you want to put an end to it - act.

11-06-2020, 06:54 PM
Holy shit! It really is THE PURGE



11-06-2020, 06:58 PM
Who ever saw “Papa Lazerou” and thought
“Yeah! That’s sticking it to them black people!”

Honestly. Loonies completely taken over the asylum.

11-06-2020, 08:28 PM
Easy solution, cancel Netflix. Get woke, go broke. It's mostly full of shit anyway.

The Wengerbabies
12-06-2020, 02:32 AM

This will get removed from Instagram for violating hate speech.

The MSM and dems are trying to start a phony race war.

Did Floyd deserve to die the way he did? No.

Was he a good person? No.

Are white cops hunting black Americans? No.

There is also the possibility that this may have been entirely personal, the officer and Floyd knew each other. I have seen no evidence that this was racially motivated, yet the dems and fake news run with that narrative.

Then because everyone wants to be America we have bullshit protests in Europe/Australia, it's vacuous virtue signalling. These people don't care about racial injustices or black lives if they did why aren't they protesting about how Africans are treated in China?

I'll tell you why because they don't know or care, they only follow what they see on social media, remember KONY 2012?

We truly are living in a clown world.

12-06-2020, 07:23 AM
If it was 'violating hate speech' it would be applauded - i think you mean 'promoting'...

I don't know what to say, I dislike bandwagons when they're right-wing and based on lies and prejudice (vote leave) and applaud them when they're responding to genuine facts (climate emergency) but this feels like somewhere inbetween

There's still a lot of underlying racism in society, as called out by sterling when he talked about how the Scum and other papers describe people differently, it's not all about just murder.

Equally the Floyd thing was police brutality plain and simple, just like Tomlinson, maybe that should have been the focus

McNamara That Ghost...
12-06-2020, 08:36 AM
Holy shit! It really is THE PURGE




Oh dear.

12-06-2020, 08:44 AM

Oh dear.

Oh Fuck OFF!

12-06-2020, 08:49 AM

12-06-2020, 09:11 AM

This will get removed from Instagram for violating hate speech.

The MSM and dems are trying to start a phony race war.

Did Floyd deserve to die the way he did? No.

Was he a good person? No.

Are white cops hunting black Americans? No.

There is also the possibility that this may have been entirely personal, the officer and Floyd knew each other. I have seen no evidence that this was racially motivated, yet the dems and fake news run with that narrative.

Then because everyone wants to be America we have bullshit protests in Europe/Australia, it's vacuous virtue signalling. These people don't care about racial injustices or black lives if they did why aren't they protesting about how Africans are treated in China?

I'll tell you why because they don't know or care, they only follow what they see on social media, remember KONY 2012?

We truly are living in a clown world.

It's almost as if the social justice warriors are the most racist scum we have seen since the long gone days of slavery in the west.

Of course the slavery has moved elsewhere now, but no need to report that. Especially when the same globalists funding this "protest" benefit so greatly from it.

Looking out my window now. A black guy in chains is running down the road with cops on horseback with whips chasing him. The KKK is marching. Episodes of Fawlty Towers are being shamelessly watched on the TV screens that haven't been looted yet.

Awful, racist country that ended the global slave trade, stood alone against actual fascists and has virtually turned over its capital city to minorities.

12-06-2020, 09:13 AM
Oh Fuck OFF!

If the BBC is going to remove half the catalogue - it can send us all a refund, can't it?

They're shooting themselves in the face. It's good new in the long run. This is them, dying.

12-06-2020, 09:15 AM

Oh dear.
This is the kind of thing that has exactly the opposite effect of what they're trying to achieve,, it just gives ammunition to the 'political correctness gone mad' brigade

Anyone can see that the joke in that episode is on Fawlty, not the Germans

12-06-2020, 09:22 AM
And why can't we take the piss out of Nazis? Confusing. Antifascists (lol) getting offended because a white guy takes the piss out of a fascist white guy?

Let's just chuck all these soppy cunts in the sea for their own benefit. It's getting boring having to put up with them. They're obviously dumb fucks who haven't read up on what happens to cunts that finally manage to piss the ever so patient Brits off. Keep poking, prodding, whining,.. then BANG. It's coming.

12-06-2020, 09:26 AM
Chart-topping US pop group Lady Antebellum have changed their name to Lady A because Antebellum has connotations with the slavery era.The Nashville trio have won five Grammys and had seven US top 10 albums, including three number ones.
The word antebellum is used to refer to the period and architecture in the US South before the Civil War.
They say they took the name from the architectural style, but are "deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused".


Justice has been done.


12-06-2020, 09:28 AM
Can we all do the offended thing? Or is it a blacks only club?

Respectfully, could blacks stop saying nigger every second word? It offends me, in a pretend way.

(Before I press submit, I wonder if I'll be allowed to type that word?)

EDIT: YAY!!! Now there's a rare thing. GW :bow:

12-06-2020, 09:32 AM
Here's a harmless little quiz:

Next week:
Who is the only dead black guy NOT to be ignored during BBC coverage of the peaceful riots?

12-06-2020, 09:38 AM
I see and speak to black people all the time and none of them ever have or ever would use the N word,

Don't confuse a few tossers with their caps on backwards and jeans hanging half way down their arse with the vast majority

12-06-2020, 09:41 AM
I see and speak to black people all the time and none of them ever have or ever would use the N word,

Don't confuse a few tossers with their caps on backwards and jeans hanging half way down their arse with the vast majority

Yeah - they ALL do. (made up fact)

It's a genocide.

Everywhere I go, black people chanting the word over and over and over again. Something needs to be done about it. I also need a new TV so I'm off to peacefully loot and burn.

Ollie the Optimist
12-06-2020, 10:06 AM
Removing statues or episodes of Fawlty towers etc does not achieve much in my opinion.

While i can understand not wanting statues of slave traders, removing them doesn’t right any of the wrongs they did but, surely these companies & protestors who are all promising to do more to combat racism etc can use this as spring board to try and abolish modern day slavery. That would deliver lasting change.

Let’s take the Qatar World Cup for example. It’s being built by modern day slaves. So if all the black players (well all players) refused to participate in the tournament over the slavery links & all the sponsors like MasterCard, Visa, Addidas all boycotted it etc because of the use of slaves. Wouldn’t that deliver lasting change?

There is nothing we can do about the historical use of slaves hundreds of years ago apart from educating the younger generations about the wrongs we committed. However, we can do something to make lasting changes to completely abolish all forms of slavery.

12-06-2020, 10:16 AM
Removing statues or episodes of Fawlty towers etc does not achieve much in my opinion.

While i can understand not wanting statues of slave traders, removing them doesn’t right any of the wrongs they did but, surely these companies & protestors who are all promising to do more to combat racism etc can use this as spring board to try and abolish modern day slavery. That would deliver lasting change.

Let’s take the Qatar World Cup for example. It’s being built by modern day slaves. So if all the black players (well all players) refused to participate in the tournament over the slavery links & all the sponsors like MasterCard, Visa, Addidas all boycotted it etc because of the use of slaves. Wouldn’t that deliver lasting change?

There is nothing we can do about the historical use of slaves hundreds of years ago apart from educating the younger generations about the wrongs we committed. However, we can do something to make lasting changes to completely abolish all forms of slavery.

That's a logical and reasonable response to the situation.

But you aren't dealing with logical or reasonable people, quite the opposite.

12-06-2020, 10:18 AM

My favourite part of this is where one bloke's example of racism is while in a very well paid job someone made some comment which invoked a racial/national sterotype.
That's it, is it? That's your example of systemic racism? You got a very good job but then someone made a (probably jokey) comment.

I get comments about being short. That's a physical attribute I can't control. SHORT LIVES MATTER! I demand that the song "Short People" be immediately expunged from history. Short people statistically earn less (actually true). Or, I could just get over it and stop assuming that every slight or bad experience is because of my stature.

Some of the examples in that are more serious although yeah, racial profiling is a thing because of the crime statistics. Just like when I've been stopped in customs going through an airport it's been when I've been travelling alone on work trips, never with the family. Profiling is based mostly on statistics.

I'm not saying that racism isn't a thing now, but holy shit get things in perspective. Black people aren't being hunted down, they're not being rounded up, cops in the US aren't routinely killing black people for no reason. And the one that did recently was put in prison and charged.

12-06-2020, 10:21 AM
You're not allowed to have an opinion on this because you aren't black. You've never experienced being black. So your opinion is worthless.

12-06-2020, 10:22 AM
There is nothing we can do about the historical use of slaves hundreds of years ago apart from educating the younger generations about the wrongs we committed. However, we can do something to make lasting changes to completely abolish all forms of slavery.
Right. I'm a bit fed up of people demanding that this generation apologise for the slave trade.
Sod off.
I don't owe you or your great-great-great grandfathers an apology for what my great-great-great grandfathers may have done to them.
I don't expect this generation of Germans to be ever apologising for the Holocaust.
Mindful of it and careful not to repeat mistakes of the past certainly, but those are in the past and are not the fault of this generation or the previous one.

12-06-2020, 10:27 AM
That's a logical and reasonable response to the situation.

But you aren't dealing with logical or reasonable people, quite the opposite.

It's really frustrating having debates with people on FB who are just not thinking logically or rationally.
One person said something to me and used the phrase "you white people". Wow... So "you black people" = racist, "you white people" = fine and dandy.
When I gently point out that if you look at the numbers there aren't piles of bodies of black people on every street corner, mercilessly gunned down by a systematically racist police force I just get shouted down, no attempt to actually engage with the real numbers and facts.

12-06-2020, 10:28 AM
IBM, Microsoft and Amazon have finally had enough of facial recognition technology. For the good of mankind they have stepped in to halt the march of the surveillance state. They claim the software is racist.

Coincidentally, this happens at a time when leftie criminals are running rampant, demanding the police be defunded.

Cuomo, the butcher of OAPs, has warned education faces a 20% cut in funding.

Sounds to me like there's a downturn in the economy?

Defund the police? Because WACIST!!!!

Or because these leftie governors and mayors always intended to defund the police, and everything else, because they have run their cities into the ground and this recession is going to finish them off.

If true, the lefties out "protesting" have literally rolled out the red carpet for the politicians to fuck them over even more than they have fucked them over historically.

Ollie the Optimist
12-06-2020, 10:30 AM
Right. I'm a bit fed up of people demanding that this generation apologise for the slave trade.
Sod off.
I don't owe you or your great-great-great grandfathers an apology for what my great-great-great grandfathers may have done to them.
I don't expect this generation of Germans to be ever apologising for the Holocaust.
Mindful of it and careful not to repeat mistakes of the past certainly, but those are in the past and are not the fault of this generation or the previous one.

Exactly that.

That’s the point i was making in my earlier post. Instead of demanding we all apologise for the sins of our fathers which achieves fuck all, why dont people demand the use of modern day slaves is abolished? Surely taht is a better way of making up for the historical mistakes

Ollie the Optimist
12-06-2020, 10:40 AM
The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.

12-06-2020, 10:43 AM
Exactly that.

That’s the point i was making in my earlier post. Instead of demanding we all apologise for the sins of our fathers which achieves fuck all, why dont people demand the use of modern day slaves is abolished? Surely taht is a better way of making up for the historical mistakes

Yeah, you know I go to Dubai most years with work (Not this year, fun you, Covid). I've seen teams of construction workers beavering away in 45+ degree heat. It's horrible to even go outside, let alone try and do manual work in it. Technically not slave labour, they are being paid, but the conditions are bloody awful. There's little or no outcry about that. But someone made a comment to a highly paid colleague which invoked a stereotype? SYSTEMATIC RACISM!


12-06-2020, 10:43 AM
It's really frustrating having debates with people on FB who are just not thinking logically or rationally.
One person said something to me and used the phrase "you white people". Wow... So "you black people" = racist, "you white people" = fine and dandy.
When I gently point out that if you look at the numbers there aren't piles of bodies of black people on every street corner, mercilessly gunned down by a systematically racist police force I just get shouted down, no attempt to actually engage with the real numbers and facts.

It's the biggest failure and the worst social consequence of the Internet and particularly social media. When you don't have to sit opposite another person and debate in person you can take all sorts of liberties and avoid several, vital aspects of human communication. Facial reactions and hand gestures, body posture, replaced by mere letters on a screen. It's half a language, missing half the human element. And it's immediate, throwaway, and on to the next thing. It's a significantly inferior form of communication and this will become an even bigger problem with social distancing, part time schools and work, etc.

And 2 million people can be on the conversation at once, all shouting. It's easy to form tribes. It's easy for an idea or opinion to be shouted down by volume alone, not argument, facts or reasoned opinion required.

That's why I don't and have never used social media, beyond that FB account for the local street in time of emergency (which I'll soon be shutting down - not the street, the FB account).

Forums like this are a halfway house. Smaller groups, the removal of the immediacy and the swamping of a million voices. Still missing many aspects of genuine debate, but better. Even then, how many people use TLDR because they realise that large body of text is going to be skipped. And it's not that large a body of text, compared to actual speech. We can speak a thousand words in casual conversation, but put it on a screen and the old attention span (that companies like FB openly admit to disrupting as a tactic) wanders.

So encounter a person who only ever engages on social media and you're up against somebody who is seeing an interface purposely designed to move all the confirmatory biases to the top of their view, and a million voices then confirming those biases. On a daily basis. Which makes them KNOW they are absolutely right and anyone who disagrees with them is absolutely wrong - because look at all the "evidence".

You're talking to a brainwashed repeater at that point and there's nothing you can ever say that will convince them otherwise.

12-06-2020, 10:44 AM
The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.

Black people can't be racist.
Scientific fact.

12-06-2020, 10:46 AM
The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.

Well you know the answer already, I suspect. The anti-racists are the most racist of all.

12-06-2020, 10:46 AM
Aslo, Jews aren't really people.

12-06-2020, 10:52 AM
Aslo, Jews aren't really people.

I saw your little link about Antifa being innocent - they ain't done nufink! Which you may not have read all the way through, because it went on to explain away the premise. Anyway, it wasn't the story that interested me. It was the fact you posted it up at all. Which demonstrates you are invested beyond the usual disposable one-liners.

12-06-2020, 11:03 AM
I'm bang against antifa. Or pro-fa, if you like.

12-06-2020, 11:18 AM
How do you feel about fa?

12-06-2020, 11:24 AM
Well, anti-fa is bad, so fa = good, I suppose.

12-06-2020, 11:45 AM
I'm bang against antifa. Or pro-fa, if you like.


12-06-2020, 02:55 PM


12-06-2020, 03:04 PM
So basically this thread called Black lives Matter has culminated in white people agreeing amongst themselves that there really is no racism and its just a figment of black peoples imagination. Oh Ok!. Case closed. Thread closed too I guess.

12-06-2020, 03:10 PM
I don’t think anyone has said that.
But this is a good example of what us white folk are talking about.
All I’m saying is that yes, racism is a thing, but is it really true that black people cant go out in the US for fear of being gunned down by a systematically racist police force?
Looking at the stats no, no it isn’t.
But saying that is usually met by claims that black people face a tsunami or daily racism, or comments like the above:
“Oh, so you’re saying racism doesn’t exist”.

No. No I’m not.

12-06-2020, 03:26 PM
So basically this thread called Black lives Matter has culminated in white people agreeing amongst themselves that there really is no racism and its just a figment of black peoples imagination. Oh Ok!. Case closed. Thread closed too I guess.

I'm not white.

12-06-2020, 04:21 PM
I'm not white.


Which colour are you a person of?!

12-06-2020, 04:25 PM
Oh please fuck off.



McNamara That Ghost...
12-06-2020, 04:30 PM
Beatles to re-record it as Racist Lane. :bow:

12-06-2020, 04:42 PM
Maybe you mods want to do a quick review of GW to make sure there's nothing lacist on here? I'd particularly check Letters' posts.

12-06-2020, 04:51 PM
In Racist Lane there is a barber showing photographs
Of the black people he’s turned away
And all the people that pass them by
Spit them in the eye.

12-06-2020, 05:08 PM
Two popular dancewear companies, Capezio and Block, have announced their intentions to start producing their ballet shoes — also known as pointe shoes — in additional skin tone-inclusive colors.

Mission accomplished!

12-06-2020, 05:45 PM
NQ, look away now...


McNamara That Ghost...
12-06-2020, 05:47 PM
I was just going to post that. :lol:

Only 12 games then we can forget about it apparently.

12-06-2020, 05:51 PM
Statistics will show whatever you want it to show. If you dont look it its origins. Black people in America live amongst black communities mostly in a society with guns and drugs. So you are surprised after watching programmes like the Wire. That black people are shooting blacks. Tell me how many Mexicans are shot by Mexicans in Mexico. How many Glaswegians are assaulted by Scots in Scotland.
A man had his life extinguished by a white cop kneeling on his neck and a month before that a retired redneck cop and his bloated son hunt down a black jogger and kill him. But still like you said. Nothing really to see here. Limeny Snickets. A set of curious circumstances. That's all folks

12-06-2020, 06:02 PM
Mission accomplished!

You mean you were after some new ballet shoes all along? - bless, you should have told us, we'd have had a whip-round

12-06-2020, 06:04 PM
Yes, and the white cop has been arrested and charged, as have the officers who stood by watching.
I don’t think anyone is making the argument that these things never happen. But they are rare.
14 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019 and 25 white.
That does disproportionately affect black people looking at the population distribution, but it’s hardly gangs of rogue police hunting down and killing black people.
I’d suggest the bigger issues are with historic zoning laws which meant black families were not able to accrue as much wealth as white, that has trickled down the generations and is not an easy problem to solve.

12-06-2020, 06:05 PM
How do you feel about fa?

I hate them, especially since they brought in VAR

12-06-2020, 06:33 PM
NQ, look away now...


Cruciate ligament ruptures all around :pray:

12-06-2020, 06:39 PM
Yes, and the white cop has been arrested and charged, as have the officers who stood by watching.
I don’t think anyone is making the argument that these things never happen. But they are rare.
14 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019 and 25 white.
That does disproportionately affect black people looking at the population distribution, but it’s hardly gangs of rogue police hunting down and killing black people.
I’d suggest the bigger issues are with historic zoning laws which meant black families were not able to accrue as much wealth as white, that has trickled down the generations and is not an easy problem to solve.

Seems easy enough. Whoever doesn't like the racist genocide in the west, fuck off to the tolerant continents of Asia, Africa or South America. Go and live in paradise.

12-06-2020, 06:45 PM
Statistics will show whatever you want it to show. If you dont look it its origins. Black people in America live amongst black communities mostly in a society with guns and drugs. So you are surprised after watching programmes like the Wire. That black people are shooting blacks. Tell me how many Mexicans are shot by Mexicans in Mexico. How many Glaswegians are assaulted by Scots in Scotland.
A man had his life extinguished by a white cop kneeling on his neck and a month before that a retired redneck cop and his bloated son hunt down a black jogger and kill him. But still like you said. Nothing really to see here. Limeny Snickets. A set of curious circumstances. That's all folks

There's a million miles of context between zero and black genocide. There are countless crimes committed all across the planet every day. We could cherry pick any of them and call it a national crisis. But unless you can see the pattern with anything less than an electron microscope, the crisis is manufactured. Maybe blacks should look closer to home to figure out what's the real problems are.

12-06-2020, 07:47 PM
Seems easy enough. Whoever doesn't like the racist genocide in the west, fuck off to the tolerant continents of Asia, Africa or South America. Go and live in paradise.

I think you’re mixing up two things here.
There is no racist genocide, black people aren’t being hunted down.
I don’t doubt some racist sentiment exists and that has an effect, but overall if you’re from a stable, affluent family then I believe your opportunities for success in the US aren’t significantly affected by your race.
Happy to be proven wrong if anyone has some stats to show I’m wrong.

But...what are your chances of coming from a stable, affluent family?
Significantly less if you’re black in the US. And that’s because of historic zoning laws and segregation the effects of which persist to this day. A bit like how kids today have far less opportunity to own a house than my generation, and my generation have less opportunity than my parents. Not because of any “war on the young”, but simply because of how prices have gone. But fixing that problem to redistribute wealth more fairly is tricky.

12-06-2020, 08:04 PM
Black people are not being hunted down. Thats what you are going with?. Ive long learnt on here that whatever you make up your mind is true is the fact. The issue is not whatever phrase you have latched on to but the real kernel of the matter which is inordinate Police brutality where black people are concerned. Jumpy trigger happy white cops who decide to shoot first and ask questions later
Tamar Rice a 12 year old kid on a playground with a toy gun who was shot by police within 3 mins of them arriving on site

Philando Castile who was gunned down sitting in his car with his girlfriend and daughter in the back seat. He was stopped and told the police he had a licenced gun in the glovebox but was shot without even reaching for it all the while his girlfriend was livestreaming the incident on Facebook

Eric Garner who was choked to death on a sidewalk because he was selling ciggies in singles on the street

Michael Brown

Trayvon Martin

And of course the latest incident where a man was choked out by a policemans knee on his neck.

But Letters has not seen bands of police hunting for black people in packs so no pattern here really.

Case closed and dismissed

Listen to this if you wish to understand


12-06-2020, 08:17 PM
Tamar Rice a 12 year old kid on a playground with a toy gun who was shot by police within 3 mins of them arriving on site

2 seconds.


12-06-2020, 09:09 PM
Black people are not being hunted down. Thats what you are going with

It’s not what I’m going with, it’s what the numbers say.
Your counter argument is a short list of cases. That isn’t a counter argument.
If you said “winning the lottery is rare”, is me reeling off a list of lottery winners - as I certainly could - a counter argument?

I do think there’s a police brutality issue in the US. That doesn’t just affect black people although it does disproportionately so. And yes, I’m sure there are issues with racism too and the recent incident was an example of one. But the person who did it is in prison as are the police officers who stood by while it happened.

I agree the police are too jumpy and trigger happy although I would say that if I had to police a population that was largely armed then I’d be jumpy too. But yeah, it’s their job not to be.

I’m not saying issues don’t exist but 14 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019 (and 25 white).
You can argue that’s 14 too many and I wouldn’t disagree, but I’m pretty sure more than 14 people died in car crashes in 2019, that doesn’t mean that cars are unsafe, statistically speaking.

I’m not saying that no issues exist but the idea that unarmed black people are being routinely gunned down by police in the US is a myth. Not because I say so but because the numbers do.


The reason these things disproportionately affect black people is black people commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. That causes them to be profiled. And is that because black people are inherently more violent? No. It’s because crime is correlated with poverty and black people are more likely to come from poor families.

And the root cause of that is the zoning and segregation laws I mentioned before.
And I don’t know how you fix that.

12-06-2020, 09:36 PM
I think you’re mixing up two things here.
There is no racist genocide, black people aren’t being hunted down.
I don’t doubt some racist sentiment exists and that has an effect, but overall if you’re from a stable, affluent family then I believe your opportunities for success in the US aren’t significantly affected by your race.
Happy to be proven wrong if anyone has some stats to show I’m wrong.

But...what are your chances of coming from a stable, affluent family?
Significantly less if you’re black in the US. And that’s because of historic zoning laws and segregation the effects of which persist to this day. A bit like how kids today have far less opportunity to own a house than my generation, and my generation have less opportunity than my parents. Not because of any “war on the young”, but simply because of how prices have gone. But fixing that problem to redistribute wealth more fairly is tricky.

I'm not levelling that accusation at you, I'm speaking in concert with you.

This idea that the UK is racist is preposterous. Just look around. People have to snap out of this now and actually look at the world with their own eyes, rather than through the prism of an utterly corrupted media and political class. I've been telling you about this for a long time, but you won't accept it. Now you are seeing the results. Absolute insanity.

Racist exists in specific individuals. It absolutely does not exist in the collective psyche of the people of this nation. Absolutely does not. Look around. Show me. If anything it's the opposite. People who may or may not believe in the virtue of positive discrimination are bending over backwards anyway.

You have to be super careful with these leftists cunts. They'll accuse you of all the things they are doing themselves and then they'll ask you to apologise.

Fuck them. I'm up for a fight. Let's go.

12-06-2020, 09:38 PM
Black people are not being hunted down. Thats what you are going with?. Ive long learnt on here that whatever you make up your mind is true is the fact. The issue is not whatever phrase you have latched on to but the real kernel of the matter which is inordinate Police brutality where black people are concerned. Jumpy trigger happy white cops who decide to shoot first and ask questions later
Tamar Rice a 12 year old kid on a playground with a toy gun who was shot by police within 3 mins of them arriving on site

Philando Castile who was gunned down sitting in his car with his girlfriend and daughter in the back seat. He was stopped and told the police he had a licenced gun in the glovebox but was shot without even reaching for it all the while his girlfriend was livestreaming the incident on Facebook

Eric Garner who was choked to death on a sidewalk because he was selling ciggies in singles on the street

Michael Brown

Trayvon Martin

And of course the latest incident where a man was choked out by a policemans knee on his neck.

But Letters has not seen bands of police hunting for black people in packs so no pattern here really.

Case closed and dismissed

Listen to this if you wish to understand


Fuck off.

Isolated incidents in a population of millions.

Not buying into the bullshit. Will never buy into the bullshit.

The segment of society that is killing most blacks is - BLACKS.

Sort that out and come back to me. Then we'll talk.

12-06-2020, 09:40 PM
It’s not what I’m going with, it’s what the numbers say.
Your counter argument is a short list of cases. That isn’t a counter argument.
If you said “winning the lottery is rare”, is me reeling off a list of lottery winners - as I certainly could - a counter argument?

I do think there’s a police brutality issue in the US. That doesn’t just affect black people although it does disproportionately so. And yes, I’m sure there are issues with racism too and the recent incident was an example of one. But the person who did it is in prison as are the police officers who stood by while it happened.

I agree the police are too jumpy and trigger happy although I would say that if I had to police a population that was largely armed then I’d be jumpy too. But yeah, it’s their job not to be.

I’m not saying issues don’t exist but 14 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019 (and 25 white).
You can argue that’s 14 too many and I wouldn’t disagree, but I’m pretty sure more than 14 people died in car crashes in 2019, that doesn’t mean that cars are unsafe, statistically speaking.

I’m not saying that no issues exist but the idea that unarmed black people are being routinely gunned down by police in the US is a myth. Not because I say so but because the numbers do.


The reason these things disproportionately affect black people is black people commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. That causes them to be profiled. And is that because black people are inherently more violent? No. It’s because crime is correlated with poverty and black people are more likely to come from poor families.

And the root cause of that is the zoning and segregation laws I mentioned before.
And I don’t know how you fix that.

The police are NOT trigger happy. They are the opposite, to an ASTOUNDING degree. 10 unarmed blacks shot in 2019. From a population of 325 million. How is that trigger happy? They should be shooting loads more of them, and white scumbags too. Shoot the lot of them and give society a break.

12-06-2020, 09:42 PM
2 seconds.


Do you want me to pick out a terrible crime at random and then make a huge conclusion based on it? Jamie Bolger. Therefore all children are evil.

That's what you are doing.

It's bullshit.

12-06-2020, 11:03 PM
So I'm listening to Chapelle, and I'll break it down AS I LISTEN. Chapelle being the guy who they tried to fuck up because he called out Jessie the Faker. But we'll leave that alone for now.

Anyway, opens up with jungle music, the new black. Replaced the classic R&B when blacks had a soul.

Moving on.

As he starts, I was wondering if a white guy would be allowed to do a show? I'll have to check that out.

He gives the answer, no, nobody else has been allowed to do this, this is the first. Which I don't have a problem with, but it's another RGB 000000 (because you can't say the actual word, right?) against this idea of oppression.

Moving on.

so far Dave is selling out, but I'm hoping he turns it around into something intelligent. I get that he's talking about the humanity of that one situation, but making that one event special above all the other atrocities that are committed daily in this world is discriminatory in itself. If we don't care about ALL of them, then we might as well care about NONE of them.

Dave is now talking about the theft of dignity that occurred when one man took total control and power over anther. I get that. I hate that. It must have been similar to Floyd when he terrorised and beat that pregnant woman. One doesn't forgive the other, but we must always remember we are talking about an interaction between the very dregs of society in this one incident. And absolute piece of shit cop, and an absolute piece of shit perp who, unexpectedly for him no doubt, was on the other end of the deal in that instance. Do I feel sorry for him? No way. You reap what you sow. Live by it, die by it. Bye. Do I feel any kind of sympathy for a cop who can slowly kill another human being? Nope. You live by it, now serve your term by it. When they come for you, it will be deserved. I'm sleeping peacefully enough meanwhile. Two pieces of garbage hauled away. Works for me.

He's now drinking out of an empty cup, which shows how nervous he is. These are dangerous times for people who want to speak their mind.

Cuts to two black hoes in the audience, both in masks. Can I just label them as whores, without a single shred of reference? Not really? Not unless I'm black. So let's call them ladies. They are laughing, but I don't think they get it. It's a kind of nervous laughter. From the hoes. I mean bitches. I mean ladies. Let's remember who the typical racist, misogynists are, in reality, shall we? Ain't me. I'll use words to demonstrate a point. But I don't actually go out there and do that shit. If I see a black lady all I care about is how she's interacting with me. I don't call he a whore. I don't call her a botch. I leave that to "enlightened" folks.

Dave uses the word "nigger". Because he can. I can't. I find that to be discriminatory, but I don't care enough to steal shoes and TVs over it.

Dave plays down celebrity and tried to pretend he's not one himself. He doesn't deny he's a celebrity. He instead tries to imply he's different to the rest of them - "They don't need me right now." Not the street. And yet, this performance is finely tuned for the street and for the celebrity classes, a delicate fence sitting exercise. So far. I'm not judging him yet, because I've seen many, many of his performances and I know he can swing shit around quite brilliantly. But will he. Or has he had his cock cut off this time?

Let's play on.

We now learn that Dave has a special relationship with the piece of shit perp. The latter was disposed of at 8:46, Dave was born at 8:46. That may or may not answer a lot of questions, but I don't think so. Let's see where he takes this.

Candice Owens gets a shout out. Dave doesn't care if the perp kicked her in her stinky pussy. Hmmm. That's not as funny as some of his other stuff. This is still a comedy routine, right? Or is it something else. Dave, being such a stand-up guy (no pun) should be able to handle people having different views, because he's a very reasonable guy, right? But not this time. This time is the time to virtue signal and lay down, hands behind back, in front of the baying mob. But, never fear, Dave's going to draw them in, get them all convinced he's been 100% cucked, and then slap them into Sunday. Wait and see.

I actually think that's going to happen at this point, having experiences Chapelle so many times. But nervousness is creeping in. If Chappelle is gone then nothing but Stanhope stands between us and the zombie apocalypse. Need to have a little faith. Go Dave.

Dave is laughing at his own jokes now. That's the one bit I never liked about his routines. Especially the mic drop when it didn't warrant it. That shit should be reserved for special occasions.

Dave now setting himself up as the one person who never lies. Everyone else lies. But not him. And that's why people trust him.

Well, I fucking hope so. Actual facts coming up soon, no doubt. If this is about truth and lies.

This is intriguing now. Talk has turned to a spurned black cop who couldn't get justice inside the department, so he turned vigilante and started gunning down cops and their families. Is this the bait and switch?

Ah. Dave has tried to compare a crazed black man gunning down cops with rouge cops who kill blacks. He's drawing an equivalency. On bad cop and one spurned cop, and it sounds like that spurned cop might have had a case, are equivalent and explain away the behaviour of blacks smashing, burning and looting. The cops rallied around their own by sending 400 bodies to shoot up the black perp, therefore the riots are legitimate because all those perps were just sticking up for their black comrade, who they didn't know. It's a terribly weak argument that leads to unbridled tit-for-tat anarchy (of the bad kind), but Dave will pull this around to make a point. I'm sure of it. He's going to make that audience think. Wait and see.

Now he calls Laura Ingraham a cunt. Is that funny? I'm not sure. She is a cunt, to be sure. But that's not the point. Dave is supposed to be an intelligent comedian. He may be letting himself down a bit here.

Dave confirms that Lebron James is a good man. Calls him a nigger, nonetheless. I think that may be a term of endearment amongst the uneducated classes. They know not what they say. But Chappelle is educated. So I wonder what he's doing here. Trying to be in with the street maybe? From his million dollar mansion? Maybe they'll buy it.

Dave says he uses the word "bitch" all the time, because "this is black". I think he's right. A minority of blacks are very sick in the head people who have no respect for women. It's just a thing. Acceptable. Apparently.

Dave is cycling through the vanishingly low number of cops shooting blacks. He's making a big deal of each one, as if an uncounted millions of cases don't result in a killing. But let's pretend. We take one CRIME, yes it's a crime, and we say this is normal. I suppose people who are easily influenced will believe that. Shame on you Dave. You were always bigger than that.

I've got to say - not ONE funny moment in this "comedy" sketch so far. Come on Dave, time's ticking.

Now Dave's talking about isolated incidents where white nutters have killed blacks. Goes on and on, apparently. All three of them. His pants are on fire now, but he's so cool he'll put out the flames by sheer presence. This is why we love celebrities of colour. They can mislead with impunity.

I'm getting a bad felling about this. I'm thinking one of my favourite comedians has gone. But I still wait in anticipation of the great sting in the tail.


He's now latched on to the murder of a black kid to suggest he was in contact with the same office who pulled the trigger. Well, maybe he was. I don't know. I just have to trust him, I suppose. Which I would have done in the past. But not now. Anyway, you get the point. The multi-millionaire, celebrity Chappelle is one of you due, bitch, nigger, hoe, whatever. Get that? This chauffeur driven dude feels your pain. And never forget that. He''s been in the heart of it. Wherever injustice has occurred, he's there. Sounds a bit like Superman. And, you know, if you scrubbed that black skin off, fitted him with glasses, took the glasses off - he COULD be superman. Which just goes to show ban the film, blah, blah, blah, time for your medication.

Let's just assume Dave was there, before every major race event.

"Am I boring you?"

I that a prelude?

Come on Dave. I genuinely am rooting for you. Please let this be the hook.

Jesus, he's still going through the TINY number of cases where NON-WHITES (the important thing here is NON-WHITES) are shot. Even though MORE white are shot by cops. I mean really - shut the fuck up Dave. Unless you are prepared to present the whole picture.

Okay, okay. He's finally got a point. What doesn't the NRA stand up against illegal shootings?

But now he's blown it and gone back to insulting Candice Owen. I'm getting embarrassed for him. Stop it Dave. Save it.

"This is not funny at all."

Even he realises he's wandered a million miles from the plot.

Apparently the "nigger" Cobe Bryant is important, but he doesn't in any way land it.

Now he's wandered off into a historical story about South Carlolina and his great grandfather. Apparently he's a descendent of a slave. That's supposed to be enough to make me believe in BLM racism. Dave's show is apparently the last space for civil discourse.


No punchline.

Fuck you, you COWARD, Dave Chappele.


12-06-2020, 11:06 PM
Black people are not being hunted down. Thats what you are going with?. Ive long learnt on here that whatever you make up your mind is true is the fact. The issue is not whatever phrase you have latched on to but the real kernel of the matter which is inordinate Police brutality where black people are concerned. Jumpy trigger happy white cops who decide to shoot first and ask questions later
Tamar Rice a 12 year old kid on a playground with a toy gun who was shot by police within 3 mins of them arriving on site

Philando Castile who was gunned down sitting in his car with his girlfriend and daughter in the back seat. He was stopped and told the police he had a licenced gun in the glovebox but was shot without even reaching for it all the while his girlfriend was livestreaming the incident on Facebook

Eric Garner who was choked to death on a sidewalk because he was selling ciggies in singles on the street

Michael Brown

Trayvon Martin

And of course the latest incident where a man was choked out by a policemans knee on his neck.

But Letters has not seen bands of police hunting for black people in packs so no pattern here really.

Case closed and dismissed

Listen to this if you wish to understand


Dude. That was the most PATHETIC Chapelle moment in his career. Why would you want to highlight that? It's fucking embarrassing. I'm going to try to forget that shit, and remember the other stuff. So fucking sad. They even got him.

And you are swallowing it. An intelligent guy.

I wish I could slap you around the fucking face and wake you up.

12-06-2020, 11:31 PM
Black scum matters will be compulsory at Starbucks:


I just want a coffee dude. I couldn't give a shit about black lives, or any other lives. If those lives aren't prepared to sort out their own lives then fuck, who cares? Fuck them. Are you SERIOUSLY thinking differently? Tell me if you are. I'm being honest, can you be?

My only problem is how to avoid Starbucks when I already avoid them like plague. Basically, shit coffee. Does that still enter into the HELLO REAL WORLD discussion?

13-06-2020, 12:05 AM

Racists trying to blame you for being as racist as they are. Let's kick these racists out, or kick them to death. Either's just as good.

13-06-2020, 12:12 AM

Which colour are you a person of?!

I'm mixed. A mongrel. From here and there and everywhere. And if somebody wants to make a big deal of it, I laugh at them because they are ignorant. This is why I love this country. Nobody ever make any kind of deal of it. This is a fucking brilliant country and I won't have any cunt saying otherwise. Lying bastards.

13-06-2020, 12:38 AM
In the late 70s and early 80s, every day I had to run home from school and skulk around corners. Because there was a gang of skinheads in my neighbourhood who wanted to kick my head in because I had slightly different colour skin. I'm like a white guy with a sun tan? But that was enough for them. But it was part of life. I could run fast. I didn't resent it, I didn't make a deal of it. It was just life. Taught me how to look after myself. I don't regret it. I like being able to stand on my own two feet and I don't want handouts. I especially don't want a pity party from a gated community 3,000 miles away - fuck those virtue signalling cunts who are never on the ground. Life was just life. Right or wrong, I just got on with it. What's the fucking problem? There's always some cunt who wants to take what you have. Be a man, stand up. If you cower then don't complain about what you end up with. Don't ask for others to fight your battles. I'm alive. I got through it. People at school used to ask me what I thought about other "pakis", given I was a paki myself - according to them. It was a regular cloakroom discussion. They weren't going to do anything to me, they were just ignorant of other races. English people living in their own fucking country. If they had been over in Pakistan asking the same question, I'd have a problem with that. But it's their fucking country. I'm the guy coming in. I don't condone their ignorance, but I understand their inquisitiveness. It didn't make any difference in the long run. I fucked up my exams, not because WACIST!!!!!! but because I didn't revise. Can you imagine that? Thick kid fails exams. WACIST!!!!!

Anyway, I did the exams later and passed. No organisation leaped in and asked for my grades to be boosted because I was a guest in somebody else's land. It's easier today. If you are black, you get the job. Well done. In my day, you had to earn it.

There was definitely racism back in my day. I experienced it, my heart pumped to it as I outran the skins. But compared t today - no really - give me a fucking break. SHUT UP YOU CUNTS! You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

In terms of dignity, and I watch dignity very, very, fucking closely. I was walking down the street with my dad and the rest of the family this day. He was black, you know, dark. He's dead now. Sorely missed, super cool, decent bloke. These skinhead fucks started insulting him from across the street. Well, really started insulting my white mum because she was with a "coon". And my dad was a fighter, that's where I got it form. But he knew, he saw the group sizes, he knew he could take a few out but the rest would get to us. So he had to walk on by, silently, and take it. That's when I understood human dignity and the true effect of racism. The real deep stuff.

So I don't listen to these cunts today. Fuck the, I hope they get shot. Useless air-breathers.

13-06-2020, 12:50 AM
I was ready to fight btw. It's just my dad didn't know yet how well he taught me. I wish he was still here.

13-06-2020, 01:01 AM
M25 junction with the A13. A white van cuts us up, swerving into the left lane.

My dad bangs on the horn and leaves it there.

Van bangs on the brake and these 4 tasty chavs jump out. Now they see a darkie. The language starts flowing.

I'm in the passenger seat, shitting myself. My dad jumps out - come on you fuckers, let's go!

They all crumble. They figure the numbers won it by default, but this paki nigger is making moves.

So they come over to my window and plead, hey, control your dad.

To my eternal fucking shame, I get out, walk over and say dad, let's cool it down now.

We should have smoked those mothersfuckers.

The only thing that stood between them and the apocalypse was my cowardice. But I learned a lesson. Now I fight, every time.

If you are in a minority and somebody shits on you, stand up. Do it with dignity. Don't be joining racist, political fucks like black votes matter. They are just using your pain for their gain. Fucking shun those bastards. Stand on your own feet. You don't need to apologise to a living fucking being for who you are. And if they don't like it, and they want to make a deal of it, fuck them up.

13-06-2020, 07:32 AM
You alright man?