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22-08-2021, 05:37 PM
Meh. Not unsurprising.

Marc Overmars
22-08-2021, 05:57 PM
Very surprised we weren’t heavily beaten to a pulp.

I’d say things are looking positive guys.

22-08-2021, 06:12 PM

22-08-2021, 06:19 PM
Very surprised we weren’t heavily beaten to a pulp.

I’d say things are looking positive guys.

At least we have got a relegation dog fight to look forward to :popcorn:

22-08-2021, 07:42 PM
At least we have got a relegation dog fight to look forward to :popcorn:

The team is record breakers. First time ever arsenal have lost the first two games without scoring. Impressive

22-08-2021, 07:48 PM
The team is record breakers. First time ever arsenal have lost the first two games without scoring. Impressive

Ever ever? Or just in the PL era?

22-08-2021, 08:46 PM
Ever ever? Or just in the PL era?

Proper ever apparently

23-08-2021, 06:33 AM
That may be the case but would double check if I could be bothered but people still think football started in 1992 <_<

WGC Goon
23-08-2021, 07:08 AM
City away on Saturday, we'll probably be bottom of the league with zero points after 3 games, not sure I want to watch it to be honest.

Ollie the Optimist
23-08-2021, 07:17 AM
Someone on twitter described Arteta in the following way:

He has the ego of mourinho, the playing style of Alladyce & the managerial ability of Tim Sherwood.

You cant really argue with that

23-08-2021, 07:28 AM
City away on Saturday, we'll probably be bottom of the league with zero points after 3 games, not sure I want to watch it to be honest.

The issue isn't that we'll lose to City - most teams will go there and lose this season. The issue is we all know we will lose.
The fans know we'll lose. The players know they'll lose.
We used to go in to these games thinking we could mix it with anyone. Sure, we might end up getting beaten but we'd give them a game. We know this is just going to be men vs boys and we will be simply swept aside by a much better side. And for all City's money, we've hardly been frugal. It's nowhere near good enough with our resources.

Marc Overmars
23-08-2021, 07:57 AM
Said it before but pound for pound we are the worst team in the league. I struggle to accept the idea that it doesn’t matter who the coach is because the results would still be the same. To me that is just the same defeatist, unambitious nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place.

Arteta looks the part and talks a good game, however there is little evidence in practice of him being anything other than a bog standard coach. It’s scary how little he actually manages to get from his players, players who we all believe have the capability and potential of doing much more.

Ollie the Optimist
23-08-2021, 08:11 AM
Said it before but pound for pound we are the worst team in the league. I struggle to accept the idea that it doesn’t matter who the coach is because the results would still be the same. To me that is just the same defeatist, unambitious nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place.

Arteta looks the part and talks a good game, however there is little evidence in practice of him being anything other than a bog standard coach. It’s scary how little he actually manages to get from his players, players who we all believe have the capability and potential of doing much more.

Even a bog standard coach surely would have realised yesterday that leaving Reece james the entire left hand side of the pitch was not a great idea and done something to change it.

Everyone else bar Arteta it seems noticed it after about 4 minutes

23-08-2021, 08:27 AM
Just read that we have 20 defeats from 60 league games under Arteta. That is just nowhere near good enough.

I desperately wanted him to do well, but it's virtually impossible to defend the results and performances now. We look as shambolic as we did under Emery and the late Wenger years. Arguably even more so given the lack of goals under Mikel.

Better players will come back in and hopefully we will start picking up points, but it is increasingly clear the job is too big for the manager.

Xhaka Can’t
23-08-2021, 08:38 AM
I wanted to believe there was something more to Arteta. That someone had an inside understanding he was on the road to success.

I wanted to give him that chance to demonstrate his capabilities to those who doubted him.

He’s had that chance. He doesn’t measure up. It is crystal clear that he has to go.

And he has to go now - voluntarily or sacked - I don’t care which. I just want rid because I’m genuinely coming to the point, may even be past it where I don’t GAF about this ‘club’ any longer.

23-08-2021, 08:43 AM
Someone on twitter described Arteta in the following way:

He has the ego of mourinho, the playing style of Alladyce & the managerial ability of Tim Sherwood.

You cant really argue with that

a few more performances like we have had and we might be needing an Alladyce to rescue our season!!!.

i still dont think he will be sacked, spent alot of money on your players. any new manager would need to accept the players we have and work with them which probably rules out most experienced top managers. so we would need to be looking at a manager who views us as a step up.

23-08-2021, 08:46 AM
The issue isn't that we'll lose to City - most teams will go there and lose this season. The issue is we all know we will lose.
The fans know we'll lose. The players know they'll lose.
We used to go in to these games thinking we could mix it with anyone. Sure, we might end up getting beaten but we'd give them a game. We know this is just going to be men vs boys and we will be simply swept aside by a much better side. And for all City's money, we've hardly been frugal. It's nowhere near good enough with our resources.

that is a good point no one expects us to get anything better than a 2-0 defeat. the worry is then Norwich who probably had a harder start to the season than we have with City, Liverpool and Leicester. So might be viewing our game as a chance to get some points on the board.

23-08-2021, 09:16 AM
Even a bog standard coach surely would have realised yesterday that leaving Reece james the entire left hand side of the pitch was not a great idea and done something to change it.

Everyone else bar Arteta it seems noticed it after about 4 minutes

:gp: 'bog standard' is far too kind - 'totally useless' is nearer the mark...

23-08-2021, 09:20 AM
a few more performances like we have had and we might be needing an Alladyce to rescue our season!!!.

i still dont think he will be sacked, spent alot of money on your players. any new manager would need to accept the players we have and work with them which probably rules out most experienced top managers. so we would need to be looking at a manager who views us as a step up.

Don't agree, Arsenal still has all the trappings of a big club and a good manager would welcome the chance to have such a wealth of young talent.

All they'd have to do is get the team playing with better tactics and stopping the defeats to get the fans on their side (oh and drop Xhaka)

23-08-2021, 09:21 AM
that is a good point no one expects us to get anything better than a 2-0 defeat. the worry is then Norwich who probably had a harder start to the season than we have with City, Liverpool and Leicester. So might be viewing our game as a chance to get some points on the board.

Definitely Norwich will see us as a real opportunity and why not

23-08-2021, 09:34 AM
Oh and after Norwich we've Bumley away (a defeat obvs tho' we might get a silver lining of a Xhaka dismissal) and then we play Spuds (:sick:)

23-08-2021, 10:39 AM
If we are still rock bottom after that run of games he has to go surely. The atmosphere at the Emirates will be rancid if we lose to the Spuds.

I am invisible
23-08-2021, 02:14 PM
About the only thing that Arteta has going for him right now is this mysterious sense of FOMO that seems to surround him - this nagging, completely irrational fear that, if we sack him, he'll 100% go on to another club, and everything will just click, and we'll end up looking like the idiots. Again. Because that's just what happens to Arsenal.

Honestly though, we're fast getting to the point where it doesn't matter. Idiot or misunderstood genius, us or him, the result is still the same - it's not working. If the theory doesn't start turning in practice pretty bloody sharpish after we get all our missing first-teamers back then we've got to be thinking about a change.

23-08-2021, 03:59 PM
Right. It doesn't matter. Maybe he is secretly a genius (although he's keeping it a secret very well) but for whatever reason it's not happening for us. So get rid and let's see if someone else can get this lot going.

I am invisible
23-08-2021, 05:12 PM
I’m not quite at ‘get rid’ just yet - I still think he should get a few games to work with all of the players that he’s literally only just bought - but I’m really not far off. He’s got until the second international break to show me something. Thin ice, Mikel.

23-08-2021, 06:48 PM
The signs are all there, he hasn't got a clue, every match is just a waste of time until he goes

23-08-2021, 08:36 PM
The signs are all there, he hasn't got a clue, every match is just a waste of time until he goes


I am invisible
23-08-2021, 08:45 PM
It’s literally nothing more than morbid curiosity at this point - I just want to see what he does with all these players that he’s asked for. If he gets his marching orders first, though, I won’t lose any sleep over it.

WGC Goon
24-08-2021, 10:38 AM
There will be none until Stan Kroenke has sold up, hopefully to someone who actually gives a f*ck about the club.
Until then we're in deep sh*t, I really fear for the first time in my Arsenal supporting life that we might actually get relegated, I really do.

I am invisible
24-08-2021, 10:54 AM
There will be none until Stan Kroenke has sold up, hopefully to someone who actually gives a f*ck about the club.
Until then we're in deep sh*t, I really fear for the first time in my Arsenal supporting life that we might actually get relegated, I really do.

Kroenke ain't going anywhere - at this point I just want him to appoint a competent CEO and a board with at least a couple of people on it who love the club to oversee things. There's literally nothing above Arteta and Edu right now...

02-09-2021, 09:26 AM
I’m not quite at ‘get rid’ just yet - I still think he should get a few games to work with all of the players that he’s literally only just bought - but I’m really not far off. He’s got until the second international break to show me something. Thin ice, Mikel.

He should be fired right now before he does any further damage, Edu should go too, yes right now in the middle of the International break!!! Arteta brings nothing to this club, he's a lousy coach and I suspect Per Mertesacker or whoever else we can get to do an interim job would be no worse an appointment than Arteta.

I am invisible
02-09-2021, 10:13 AM
He should be fired right now before he does any further damage, Edu should go too, yes right now in the middle of the International break!!! Arteta brings nothing to this club, he's a lousy coach and I suspect Per Mertesacker or whoever else we can get to do an interim job would be no worse an appointment than Arteta.
Don’t get your hopes up - not after Vinnai’s annual appearance yesterday.

He can fuck off too, btw - maybe if we had a competent CEO there’d be someone at the club who could see that we need a new TD and Head Coach and had the bottle to pull the trigger.