@EmmanuelF4: “Sorry bout sending off just wanted to give everything to win it was stupid of me nd promise to learn from it.”

@piersmorgan: “@EmmanuelF4 I don’t care if you want to look like Mr T’s kid brother. I do care that you got sent off on debut and cost us the match.”

@EmmanuelF4: “@piersmorgan if u don’t like my hair its kool but don’t start chatting on twitter like that ur a big man show it”.

@piersmorgan: “@EmmanuelF4 You’re a good player, you just need to calm down. On the pitch, and on Twitter. Kind regards, ‘Big Guy’. #Arsenal”

@EmmanuelF4: “@piersmorgan U should be ashamed to call urself an arsenal fan all u do is moan about ur team y don’t u do ur job and i will do mine waste”

@piersmorgan: “@JackWilshere I like Frimpong’s aggression and spirit. But I predicted he’d be sent off half an hour before he was. Needs to wise up a bit.”

@piersmorgan: “@EmmanuelF4 Easy, Tiger. Try winning some games (when you’re allowed to play again) and trust me, my mood will soon improve. #Arsenal”

@EmmanuelF4: “@piersmorgan Come Off twitter and tone that Big Belly.”

@piersmorgan: “@JackWilshere I rather like @EmmanuelF4 sticking it to me on Twitter. Shows some fire in the belly. And boy, do we we need that. #Arsenal”

@piersmorgan: “@EmmanuelF4 I’ll tone down my belly if you tone down your mad tackles. Deal?”

@piersmorgan: “Tell you what @EmmanuelF4 – take all this commendable bravado into Wenger’s office and get him to sign five experienced players, could you?”