Quote Originally Posted by The Emirates Gallactico View Post
Really don't think it's such a small minority tbh especially when the Leave campaign had that racially tinged poster of all those middle eastern refugees which drew ire from all quarters. Not to mention the front page of the Daily Mail & The Sun for the past few days have been various images of Afghan's boarding lorries trying to come over here or camping out in Calais. As noted in the other thread and by various commentators a large chunk of the leave campaign's tactics have be to appeal to xenophobia and people's worst instincts.

The absolute joke in all of this is that being in or out of the EU isn't in any way going to stop Syrians, Afghan's etc jumping on lorries or trying to run through the Eurotunnel in order to try and get into Britain (in fact it could get a lot worse). But hey a picture speaks a thousand words and get's old people all riled up.
What leaving the EU does those is allows you to control your borders, that's not to say you don't let people in, of course you do, but it has to be done at a manageable, sustainable rate, there's a shortage of housing in the UK so if you let endless amounts of people in all it does is drive prices up and make it more difficult for people to live.

Problem with the EU is that people will invariably want to come to the more affluent countries (understandable), so the burden isn't shared as it should be, this creates its own problems with regards resources.