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Thread: Wenger's inconsistent standards

  1. #1
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    Wenger's inconsistent standards

    Wenger has been talking about AOC, and how despite having a good game against Milan, there are still many things he needs to improve upon:

    “He had a good game but he still has many things to add to his game. That is the purpose now for his work, especially the fitness, the physical intensity to add to his game. That will certainly come if he works hard.

    “You are not a star after five or 10 games, let's let him play 100 times and then we will talk again.”
    This is the right thing to do, because you expect the manager to set high standards for our young players and not to get carried away after a few good performances, to ensure that their feet remain on the ground. However, why didn't Wenger apply the same rigorous standards to mediocre young players like Denilson, Bendtner, Vela etc? They never reached the level of performance of AOC, and yet Wenger kept playing them in the first team, never publicly demanding more from them.

    AOC has been criticised by Wenger for his fitness and physical intensity, and while that may be true and something to work on, no one can fault his commitment to the cause. Against Milan, despite carrying an injury, he was still tracking back, following runners and trying to block crosses when necessary. He was playing with the most maturity, a lot of the time being the deepest lying midfielder in the first half despite being an attacking minded player.

    The aforementioned failures like Bendtner never showed the commitment levels of AOC, and yet Wenger persevered with them despite them showing no signs of improvement. Why didn't Wenger use the same standards then? Perhaps we'd have got rid of Bendtner, Diaby, Denilson, Vela, Eboue much earlier then, and had the chance to rebuild earlier.
    Last edited by Joker; 09-03-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    He mightve fucked over a few players that were good-but-not-great, but when it comes to handling very special talent, I think Arsene tends to know what he's doing.

  3. #3
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    So, what you're saying is, he's learnt from previous mistakes and will be demanding more in the future?

    Awesome. Everyone's happy.

  4. #4
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    I dont understand the question.

  5. #5
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    The question, as far as I can make it is:

    Q. Why has Wenger sought to dampen the hype surrounding The OC when he didn't do so around Denilson et al?

    A. There was no hype surrounding Denilson et al.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fist of Lehmann View Post
    The question, as far as I can make it is:

    Q. Why has Wenger sought to dampen the hype surrounding The OC when he didn't do so around Denilson et al?

    A. There was no hype surrounding Denilson et al.
    I think it was more to do with;

    Why did Denilson, Bendtner, Vela etc have so much faith and game time invested in them and yet players like AOC get minimum game time and their ability played down publicly?

  7. #7
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignev View Post
    I think it was more to do with;

    Why did Denilson, Bendtner, Vela etc have so much faith and game time invested in them and yet players like AOC get minimum game time and their ability played down publicly?
    when he has been here for the same amount of time as those mentioned, only then can you compare the faith and time invested in them.

    secondly, they didn't have the whole nation watching with baited breath on how they would develop, so a ridiculous amount of pressure could be piled onto them.

    it's a shit thread basically

  8. #8
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Probably all down to the psychological testing. Some players may respond better to public pressure than others.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignev View Post
    I think it was more to do with;

    Why did Denilson, Bendtner, Vela etc have so much faith and game time invested in them and yet players like AOC get minimum game time and their ability played down publicly?
    probably because the media talked them down and siad they were shit etc so he talked them up to help them and with the ox and others everyone has talked them up and said they are the next messi etc etc so he talks them down to lower expectations and pressure etc.

    good management imo

  10. #10
    Member Unai Tea's Avatar
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    Ox - English, hence the media cares about his development or at the least being able to correctly gauge how high they can set the bar for him so they can then later viciously attack should their artificial standard not be met within their own fanciful timeframe.

    Bendtner, Denilson, Vela, etc etc etc - Foreign so no one in the media gives a shite

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