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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #25421
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Have you ever considered not being a cunt?
    You can do better than that.
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  2. #25422
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    The more dead fetuses the better, I say!

    This is one of those things which whichever opinion people take, they pretend that it's a nice black and white issue with no grey areas or debatable points.
    Little bit more complicated than that.
    Speeding train. You. Option 1 - step in front of it. Option 2 - don't step in front of it. No complexities anywhere. The kids are killed or they aren't killed. Granted, there's a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with the kid that can be going on, but the kill the kid, don't kill the kid choice has zero complexity. Alive. Dead.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #25423
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    Also, re your previous post, no. 24.
    Bloody hell.
    I'm so old!

  4. #25424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Speeding train. You. Option 1 - step in front of it. Option 2 - don't step in front of it. No complexities anywhere. The kids are killed or they aren't killed. Granted, there's a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with the kid that can be going on, but the kill the kid, don't kill the kid choice has zero complexity. Alive. Dead.
    Well yes, and it's the bit in bold which makes it more complex. I read this analogy/thought experiment which I thought was rather good.
    You're in a building which catches fire. As you're running out you go past two open doors, on the left there's a device with a thousand frozen embryos for IVF, on the right there's a 2 year old child.
    If you can save only one, which do you save?
    My answer is the child. Because when push comes to shove the potential life isn't equivalent to an actual life. People might pretend it is but in a thought experiment like that I'd be surprised if they really opt to save the embryos because it's potentially 1000 lives.

    For me:

    Some girl who gets herself knocked up and wants an abortion because it doesn't suit her lifestyle: not OK.
    Some girl who has health complications which means she wouldn't survive the pregnancy...that's more complex and most people would not demand the woman go through with the pregnancy.
    There are lots of scenarios here, a girl who gets raped and finds herself pregnant. Not the embryo's fault, not the girl's either. Do you insist the girl go through with it?

    Agree with WMUG's comment above about the limit, I don't know how 24 weeks came about but that does seem too late, these days it's borderline viable. Then you are very much in the territory of killing a child.

  5. #25425
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    You can do better than that.
    You don't know me.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  6. #25426
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well yes, and it's the bit in bold which makes it more complex. I read this analogy/thought experiment which I thought was rather good.
    You're in a building which catches fire. As you're running out you go past two open doors, on the left there's a device with a thousand frozen embryos for IVF, on the right there's a 2 year old child.
    If you can save only one, which do you save?
    My answer is the child. Because when push comes to shove the potential life isn't equivalent to an actual life. People might pretend it is but in a thought experiment like that I'd be surprised if they really opt to save the embryos because it's potentially 1000 lives.

    For me:

    Some girl who gets herself knocked up and wants an abortion because it doesn't suit her lifestyle: not OK.
    Some girl who has health complications which means she wouldn't survive the pregnancy...that's more complex and most people would not demand the woman go through with the pregnancy.
    There are lots of scenarios here, a girl who gets raped and finds herself pregnant. Not the embryo's fault, not the girl's either. Do you insist the girl go through with it?

    Agree with WMUG's comment above about the limit, I don't know how 24 weeks came about but that does seem too late, these days it's borderline viable. Then you are very much in the territory of killing a child.
    The analogy is correctly expressed as:

    You're in a building which catches fire BECAUSE YOU SET FIRE TO IT... And so on. Solution is to not set fire to the building.

    The woman with health complications MAY kill in self defence. Anyone can kill in self defence.

    The woman who got raped ideally would have had a gun so she could have killed the rapist in self defence, rather than kill the child later when no such self defence case exists. But, assuming she lives in a society that is too irresponsible to practice self defence, she is the victim of a crime much like many people are the victims of crime. Crime has consequences and in the case of rape it can be the unwanted generation of life. That's a real consequence, not a theoretical or "out of sight out of mind" social talking point. The life exists and has a potential. Life either exists or it doesn't. There is no middle ground. Victims of robbery lose their possessions. Victims of assault might lose life or limb. Victims of fraud might lose their life savings. Victims of rape might become pregnant. There are remedies to all these consequences without having to resort to killing. In the case of pregnancy, adoption is a much needed remedy.

    Unlike liberalism, libertarianism is not wooly and malleable for the sake of expediency. The right to life is inalienable. It cannot be bestowed or revoked, it can only be defended or violated, as is the case with abortion.

    This isn't about morals either, it's about human rights. The big mistake society has made is it believes rights can be given, taken away and otherwise legislated. They are confusing rights with power and the abuse of power. I guess you could say abortion is the worst abuse of power imaginable, with the victim defenceless in every way imaginable.

    The Irish used to have a (very) decent society filled with mostly decent people. I know from longstanding experience. Now it is a shit hole burdened with stupid and dreadful people who wouldn't be recognised by their grandparents. The change has been rapid and can't be reversed. It's not a surprise they are busy continuing to fuck up their nation. They embraced the European project with open arms and lost everything that was of value. They replaced their culture with consumer baubles, and now they have consumer babies.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #25427
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    That changes the analogy too much. The original was intended to make you think about whether you really value potential life the same as actual life.
    Your version is more from the woman's point of view who has got herself in a certain position and whether she then has the right to extricate herself from it.

  8. #25428
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    Also, not a fan of Sheran but he's right about this

  9. #25429
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Also, not a fan of Sheran but he's right about this
    Wait how are there new tickets to be sold on the gate? Surely they're all sold out by that point, or they'd have no need to go on viagogo?
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  10. #25430
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Good question

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