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Thread: Emery's Arsenal

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    Member I am invisible's Avatar
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    Emery's Arsenal

    What are we expecting / hoping for from our shiny, new first team coach then?

    Any thoughts about likely formation, playing style and tactics?

    Looking at his previous teams, are there any consistent attributes that he looks for in certain players, and does that give us any clues about who he'll want to bring in?

    What about the current players? Who will he be impressed by and who do we think might find themselves frozen out?

    Who do we think we might see an improvement from? He supposedly turned up to his interview with a detailed dossier on the whole squad, with a lot of ideas about how to develop certain players, so is there anyone who we think he'll be viewing as a special project? Maybe there's a bunch of players there who would look infinitely better with little more than a bit of structure and proper instruction?

    How do we think the players will respond to the new training methods? It certainly sounds like they're going to have to put a lot more hours in!

    What are we expecting to see after year 1? Year 2? Year 3? How long are we prepared to give him and how do we define success?

    Loads to talk about there already, and I'm sure I've only just scratched the surface...

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    I'm hoping to see an improvement in all of the players, but mostly I want us to grow a backbone, if we're going to lose a match, at least go down fighting. Get rid of the schoolboy defensive errors and get a grip in midfield so that our striking line up can do their job, we have some good forward players. It's exciting going into the new season with some hope.

    I don't know if he can get us in top four in his first season, but consistency could be a big factor. I hope to be in Top 4 by his second season. I don't think we have a god given right to win the League, but I hope we can at least be challenging into April in future seasons, and hopefully win it at some point. I also think that some players will be gone over time too.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermerree View Post
    I'm hoping to see an improvement in all of the players, but mostly I want us to grow a backbone, if we're going to lose a match, at least go down fighting. Get rid of the schoolboy defensive errors and get a grip in midfield so that our striking line up can do their job, we have some good forward players. It's exciting going into the new season with some hope.

    I don't know if he can get us in top four in his first season, but consistency could be a big factor. I hope to be in Top 4 by his second season. I don't think we have a god given right to win the League, but I hope we can at least be challenging into April in future seasons, and hopefully win it at some point. I also think that some players will be gone over time too.
    Yeah, my immediate hopes are just to be taken seriously again really, and not go into every season knowing exactly where we're going to finish (and how and when we're going to collapse) before we've even kicked a ball. I don't necessarily mind finishing 6th out of a very strong top 6, as long as we're genuinely pushing the teams who end up above us all the way and there's not much separating any of us going in to the final weeks. Having said that, I'll obviously be hoping for a higher finish than 6th and being a serious threat in the cups.

    In all honesty it looks like Man City and Liverpool might take a few years to catch up with anyway, so that buys us a bit of breathing space to get our house in order before anyone expects anything serious from us. However, I do think that Man U, sp**s and Chelsea are there to be caught - that feels like an achievable goal to set.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermerree View Post
    I'm hoping to see an improvement in all of the players, but mostly I want us to grow a backbone, if we're going to lose a match, at least go down fighting. Get rid of the schoolboy defensive errors and get a grip in midfield so that our striking line up can do their job, we have some good forward players. It's exciting going into the new season with some hope.
    Yeah that's the most important thing for me. We have been pushovers for a long time and that's one thing I absolutely can't stand. I want other teams to fear us again.

  5. #5
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    Emery's already given us a few clues about what we might expect in some of his interviews...

    He seems to favour a 4231 formation - he's talked a lot about intensity and a high press, so I think he'll need 4 attacking players to really make that tick.

    That being said, if he hasn't got the players he needs to make it work straightaway it sounds pragmatic enough to adapt to the players he has, so I think he might go 433 (or 4312) to begin with, and then work his way up to a 4231.

    Regardless of formation, it looks like there's a couple of consistent themes in all of his sides...

    A GK who's good with his feet, and CBs who can pass look standard, as do fullbacks who get up and down the flanks, providing width for the attack and overloads for the high press).

    And, from what I've read, he likes to play with a DM who sits almost between the 2 CBs - I guess that helps balance out the fullbacks when they push forwards? Not sure what he looks for in the other 1/2 CMs - I guess it will be the usual, high-energy, B2B type, with a more attack-minded midfielder if we have a central 3?

    Interesting to hear his thoughts on DMs in general - his aim is to dominate possession and win the ball back early, from the front, so tends to value more of a deep-lying play-maker in that area than a pure midfield destroyer. I'm guessing the attacking players end up doing most of the destroying and ball-winning in a high press, and if that's true for us then it will also be true for any opponents who implement a high-press too - with that in mind, I'm starting to think that the most important defensive contribution that deep midfielder can make is helping us to evade an opposition press, and provide an outlet for our CBs when they're being pressured?

  6. #6
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I'm just hoping that we'll play football I enjoy watching more regularly, that we'll go into big games expecting to get something rather than hiding under our beds and that we'll add a bit of steel both mentally and physically. And for the love of God can we have a strong captain? It's embarrassing how long it's been since we've had one.

    I don't expect us to be sweeping all before us, quite honestly no manager could achieve that these days, too much money sloshing around. City have spent half a billion pounds to "achieve" what they did last year. But we have the money and infrastructure to be up there competing, combine that with playing decent football and I'll be content enough.

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    Gazidis has clearly told the new manager the remit

    Pressing off the ball
    Attacking football
    Set up well tactically

    So those are 3 main things for me. Time to move from the dark ages.

  8. #8
    Goat Balls fakeyank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I'm just hoping that we'll play football I enjoy watching more regularly, that we'll go into big games expecting to get something rather than hiding under our beds and that we'll add a bit of steel both mentally and physically. And for the love of God can we have a strong captain? It's embarrassing how long it's been since we've had one.

    I don't expect us to be sweeping all before us, quite honestly no manager could achieve that these days, too much money sloshing around. City have spent half a billion pounds to "achieve" what they did last year. But we have the money and infrastructure to be up there competing, combine that with playing decent football and I'll be content enough.

    Agree with Letters here. I just want us to play decent football and compete. Sick of going into big games never looking like we have a chance.
    Arsene Wenger, the only football manager that got paid 8 million quid to do nothing but sit on his arse..

  9. #9
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    So... Emery has said that he wants to build around Ramsey (and Auba), we've nearly wrapped up a deal for Torreira, and we've just tied Xhaka down to a lengthy new contract... I guess we're starting to get a clearer idea of how the midfield will look next season. (Big new contract for AMN too, who the club obviously have plans for.)

    I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Xhaka does next season - tactics and instruction, defined structure, a high-energy DM, a lightening-fast CF and proper wing backs are all things that will compliment his game, and I'll be disappointed if I don't see him move up a level...

  10. #10
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I am invisible View Post
    So... Emery has said that he wants to build around Ramsey (and Auba), we've nearly wrapped up a deal for Torreira, and we've just tied Xhaka down to a lengthy new contract... I guess we're starting to get a clearer idea of how the midfield will look next season. (Big new contract for AMN too, who the club obviously have plans for.)

    I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Xhaka does next season - tactics and instruction, defined structure, a high-energy DM, a lightening-fast CF and proper wing backs are all things that will compliment his game, and I'll be disappointed if I don't see him move up a level...
    The trouble is, he needs to move up several levels to be good enough, but fair enough, let's see what Emery can do with him

    Am more pleased about AMN, we've a really good player there

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