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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #29141
    Pat Rice LDG's Avatar
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    That makes no sense.
    It's better to burn out, than to fade away.

  2. #29142
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Still trying to be the popular kid at all costs? Personal dignity no obstacle?
    Another very telling post.
    You just can't wrap your head around the idea that I and other people on here sometimes post things which we find amusing and hope others will too for no other reason than to pass the time of day. For you it always has to be about wanting to be the "popular kid" or to win internet points.
    How strange to go through life thinking so many people have ulterior motives or are even out to get you - this vague paranoia is the root of a lot of your errors.

    Oh and yes, Heller does have load of those videos. That would be Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard, the well known and respected climatologist who has many published peer reviewed scientific art...nah, just kidding. He's got no credentials in climate science at all and certainly doesn't have any published peer reviewed papers. He's just a conspiracy theorist bloke who started a YouTube channel and writes blogs denying climate change but what he's saying confirms your agenda so you lap it up. It's good confirmation bias, isn't it?

  3. #29143
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Another very telling post.
    You just can't wrap your head around the idea that I and other people on here sometimes post things which we find amusing and hope others will too for no other reason than to pass the time of day. For you it always has to be about wanting to be the "popular kid" or to win internet points.
    How strange to go through life thinking so many people have ulterior motives or are even out to get you - this vague paranoia is the root of a lot of your errors.

    Oh and yes, Heller does have load of those videos. That would be Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard, the well known and respected climatologist who has many published peer reviewed scientific art...nah, just kidding. He's got no credentials in climate science at all and certainly doesn't have any published peer reviewed papers. He's just a conspiracy theorist bloke who started a YouTube channel and writes blogs denying climate change but what he's saying confirms your agenda so you lap it up. It's good confirmation bias, isn't it?
    And here you are doing just about the only thing you are capable of, beyond posting trivia. Shooting the messenger, second handed of course, whilst trying to pretend you were in possession of the facts before hitting Google. Yes, I know you well. And it comes across as obvious, btw, just in case you stop to congratulate yourself for your subtlety.

    What Heller does, which drives the warmist nuts right out of their shells, is to take the past words of propagandists and compare them to what is being said today. That's it. It's super effective, anyone could do it and it ought to be mortally embarrassing for so-called scientists and journalists to be starkly exposed in such a manner, but they have no shame anyway, much like yourself. If Kermit the Frog was presenting the video instead it would be just as valid because it's not about Heller, it's about the weasel words and blatant contradictions that plague these scientists and journalists for hire. Of course you know that, but because being a warmist if popular right now - that is the way, of course, you'll go.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking I view everyone as a massive arsehole like you, btw. I know plenty of people whose word I respect and pay notice to.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #29144
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Here's another one from the crackpot warmists. Man made warmism is a fact because the outer layers of the atmosphere are colder than the inner layers - this proving (using The Science) the warming originates from the earth and not the sun. Ta-da! They don't go on to explain the man-made bit, but neither does the boy describe the colour of the dog that ate his homework.

    Literally, that's the level of "science" these nutters operate on.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #29145
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yes, I know you well.
    No, you don't. I've met quite a few of the gang on here and none of them have been exactly what I imagined from their online posts. At best you know an online version of me. But even then you are once again overestimating your abilities here. You have made lots of incorrect assertions about my motivation behind certain posts. I know those assertions are incorrect because, well, I'm the one making the posts and I know what my motivation is - I've even explained it, it's mostly to pass time when I'm bored at work. But you continue to believe you have me pegged. I do find it interesting how rock solid your faith in your abilities is when you have demonstrably got many predictions wrong. Nothing wrong with that of course, but you somehow manage to claim you were right all along and so it doesn't shake your faith in your abilities. You don't seem to do much introspection.

    What Heller does, which drives the warmist nuts right out of their shells, is to take the past words of propagandists and compare them to what is being said today. That's it.
    Well, that's not it. I've looked him up a bit and another thing he does is write about and comment on climate science - a subject he is not an expert on.
    As for past words compared to current words - I'm sure you can cherry pick some more alarmist comments from the past. But this is a pretty good video about past models and how they matched up against what has happened. It even deals with why people think that past models weren't accurate - they cherry pick one forecast from a model which made a certain assumption, a worst case scenario, and ignore a different forecast from the same model making a different assumption in terms of CO2 output which is pretty close to what has happened

    because being a warmist if popular right now - that is the way, of course, you'll go.
    I could equally claim that you're going against it because it's "popular"
    Although I don't know if it's popular, it just happens to be the prevailing view amongst scientists who are experts in the relevant field - I think that's pretty relevant. And the climate has noticeably changed in my lifetime.

  6. #29146
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I'm stealing that video to send everywhere. It's perfect, the best example of reflection I've seen to date.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #29147
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    Yeah, he's got a PhD in climate physics, I didn't think you'd like it.

  8. #29148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah, he's got a PhD in climate physics, I didn't think you'd like it.
    Which, as we know, automatically erases all the bullshit people like him have been spouting in the past which Heller casually exposes. Having letters kills 99.9% of history stone dead. I mean who needs history anyway? Just do what the clever people tell you. No need to see, hear or even think.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #29149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Which, as we know, automatically erases all the bullshit people like him have been spouting in the past which Heller casually exposes. Having letters kills 99.9% of history stone dead. I mean who needs history anyway? Just do what the clever people tell you. No need to see, hear or even think.
    So this is interesting. You think what he's saying is bullshit because he has qualification in the relevant field.
    As for the history, he deals with that in the video. He goes through all the historic models and how they have been more accurate than some people with a certain agenda are making when they dishonestly take the worst case scenario forecast and ignore the other forecasts in the same report. Another tactic is they take a short term trend which goes in the direction which fits their agenda and dishonestly ignore the much longer trend which very much goes in the opposite direction.
    It's not about just doing what the clever people tell you, but expertise in a certain field is surely relevant.
    Think you might have a touch of the Dunning Krugers, dude.

  10. #29150
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    So this is interesting. You think what he's saying is bullshit because he has qualification in the relevant field.
    As for the history, he deals with that in the video. He goes through all the historic models and how they have been more accurate than some people with a certain agenda are making when they dishonestly take the worst case scenario forecast and ignore the other forecasts in the same report. Another tactic is they take a short term trend which goes in the direction which fits their agenda and dishonestly ignore the much longer trend which very much goes in the opposite direction.
    It's not about just doing what the clever people tell you, but expertise in a certain field is surely relevant.
    Think you might have a touch of the Dunning Krugers, dude.
    And here's letters ignoring what I said and instead framing a new argument which he then uses to change the subject. The actual topic is about letters shooting the messenger and ignoring what that messenger delivers. The new argument he has created is about me shooting the messenger. It's a very progressive thing.

    Heller takes THEIR facts from yesterday and compares them to THEIR facts today. That's the part that gets him shot, not the fact he's a geologist - the profession that built the body of climate science before it was perverted.

    As for the part about taking short term trends... that's just priceless. They very essence of modern climate science.

    Rule of thumb with letters. Whenever you see him pointing the finger, stick a mirror in front of him and then his words suddenly become honest.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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