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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #29421
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #29422
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    You have got so much wrong there. I don’t know where to begin.

    I’d go point by point, but that would be a waste of time. So,I’ll just post this:
    Canada was very much embroiled in the Vietnam war. It profited from selling arms and equipment to the belligerents, like all the other war profiteers before and after. Plenty of Canadians crossed the border to sign up and there were dead Canadian bodies to prove involvement. Did the government officially participate beyond making a buck? No. So the media propagandist is partly right and partly wrong, same as the bubblehead he's talking to.

    There are no clean hands. Ever.
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  3. #29423
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Canada was very much embroiled in the Vietnam war. It profited from selling arms and equipment to the belligerents, like all the other war profiteers before and after. Plenty of Canadians crossed the border to sign up and there were dead Canadian bodies to prove involvement. Did the government officially participate beyond making a buck? No. So the media propagandist is partly right and partly wrong, same as the bubblehead he's talking to.

    There are no clean hands. Ever.
    That is quite a stretch to prove a point. But it isn’t even just Vietnam where he is wrong. Or Coulter for that matter.

    @ Global - To be clear however, I’m not comparing you Coulter.

    @ NQ of course there are no clean hands ever. There never will be. Especially amongst those that rise to power. There are no altruists out there - just con artists with promises that are only designed to manipulate the vast majority that only want to hear what they believe and want. And within that, there is a subset that are far more dangerous. People joining political parties are by far the worst - particularly the intelligent. They know that a party will have to appeal to their base, so they manipulate and ultimately rise in the ranks. The stupid that join are just that - stupid. They’ll never get influence, just crumbs and a feeling of elation when their team wins. Then they get bent over and fucked like the rest of us.

    My entire voting life has been dominated by voting for who I think is going to fuck me less.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  4. #29424
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    That is quite a stretch to prove a point. But it isn’t even just Vietnam where he is wrong. Or Coulter for that matter.

    @ Global - To be clear however, I’m not comparing you Coulter.

    @ NQ of course there are no clean hands ever. There never will be. Especially amongst those that rise to power. There are no altruists out there - just con artists with promises that are only designed to manipulate the vast majority that only want to hear what they believe and want. And within that, there is a subset that are far more dangerous. People joining political parties are by far the worst - particularly the intelligent. They know that a party will have to appeal to their base, so they manipulate and ultimately rise in the ranks. The stupid that join are just that - stupid. They’ll never get influence, just crumbs and a feeling of elation when their team wins. Then they get bent over and fucked like the rest of us.

    My entire voting life has been dominated by voting for who I think is going to fuck me less.
    My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

    I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

    Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.

    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  5. #29425
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

    I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

    Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.

    They did the same to Russia when the wall came down.

    I've been realising a few things too. Or reinforcing what I already realised. At some point, Now, later, but eventually, we MUST have a revolution in this country and the yanks must do the same. It's the only way to stop lunatics who have locked themselves into an unsustainable cycle (and I'm not talking global warming) from taking the whole species down. When you compare the Russian and Chinese leaders to ours it's terrifying. Because greed is now the only attribute required in the west to qualify as a leader and elite, the stupidest, most undisciplined, reckless, self absorbed, immoral and unethical edge cases of humanity have ended up steering a ship that was the work of millennia. Plainly they have absolutely no idea what they are doing or why and it doesn't seem they care provided they get paid. This can't be allowed to continue for very obvious reasons.

    Only today the monumental idiots are talking about disconnecting Russia from the Swift system. The implications for every man, woman and child in the west should such a blind stab of idiocy occur are incalculable. The only thing holding up this slow motion shipwreck is the petrodollar and if that goes down we won't even get a controlled beaching, it'll be full speed impact into the rocks. The mere fact these idiots even contemplate such a move confirms to me they are ignorant, unfit and criminally irresponsible. Just as Trudeau confirmed they are instinctive and emotional fascists at heart.

    These are fucking dangerous people, as in nuclear war dangerous. Drunk drivers racing down the road to the next free drink. They absolutely need to be removed and it's our duty to remove them.

    Then I look around at the brave men and women standing up in the face of looming crisis, stiff upper lip, prepared to sacrifice for the greater good, safe in their ability to choose what's right no matter what.

    And I wake up from the dream and I see them all watching the BBC and realise, we are going to sleepwalk into catastrophe and there's nothing anyone can do about it because nobody is in the least bit aware or bothered.

    But it only takes 3% to stage a revolution. Can we even get that many? It must happen. I don't know how, but somebody out there must have a clue and that's the leader I want to talk to.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 26-02-2022 at 06:57 PM.
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  6. #29426
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    Thank fuck for Aaron Mate. And Glen Greenwald. And the other lefties that have enough spine to speak the truth and mention history. Here you can listen to Mate calmly deconstruct western propaganda and expose the endless efforts to provoke the war they now have.

    It's safe to watch. Mate hates Trump and condemns Putin. So it's safe. Totally safe. It's okay. You'll be fine. Nothing bad will happen if you listen and then (if I may be so bold) think for yourself.

    Meanwhile, on the right, who do we have? Carlson. I think that's it. Even he's censoring himself such is the bloodlust and armchair heroism in the US and the UK.
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  7. #29427
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    Even so, I still don't hear Mate discussing the stolen election in 2020. He has to know that that's how these neocon crazies managed to seize the levers in the first place. 2020 is a live wire that still can't be touched. At the time explained what would happen and now here we are. Not that it's wasn't entirely obvious given Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. But whatever. Most people have goldfish memories and have no trouble fighting imaginary Nazis on their street while cheering for heroic Nazis in Ukraine.
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  8. #29428
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    Just watched the Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall fight and the judges will surely get jobs in VAR they are just as incompetent. Tayor never won that fight.

  9. #29429
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

    I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

    Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.

    I don’t know what to say to you if you can’t understand why I and pretty much everybody on the planet is demonising Putin. I mean, he is severely psychotic - look how terrified he had his own head of spying (who I’m assuming would be quite the bastard himself) and look how much he was enjoying the fear he unleashed.

    Canada has a lot of skeletons in its closet, look in to how the railway was built and the crushing of the Metis if you want to learn a bit more - more recently Rwanda. But that is completely outside the scope of what is happening now in Ukraine.

    We aren’t heading to a Unipolar world - far from it. The US is well past peak power and when China takes the mantle, we will see a very different world. With the technology that will be available to them once they achieve their potential - I hope not to be around to witness that.

    Your point you think that still stands despite being engulfed by a quicksand of inaccuracy isn’t even relevant to what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  10. #29430
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    I don’t know what to say to you if you can’t understand why I and pretty much everybody on the planet is demonising Putin. I mean, he is severely psychotic - look how terrified he had his own head of spying (who I’m assuming would be quite the bastard himself) and look how much he was enjoying the fear he unleashed.

    Canada has a lot of skeletons in its closet, look in to how the railway was built and the crushing of the Metis if you want to learn a bit more - more recently Rwanda. But that is completely outside the scope of what is happening now in Ukraine.

    We aren’t heading to a Unipolar world - far from it. The US is well past peak power and when China takes the mantle, we will see a very different world. With the technology that will be available to them once they achieve their potential - I hope not to be around to witness that.

    Your point you think that still stands despite being engulfed by a quicksand of inaccuracy isn’t even relevant to what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.
    Supporting a war with materials and tech that you didnt send troops to is at best a cop out and seriously disingenious. The Canadians that volunteered to fight the Vietnam war. Were they prosecuted on return or lauded as veterans. Id like to know. Does Canada have any war Vets, If so. In which war were they active. My statement was that you piled on in a war where you were not attacked. What part of that is untrue, even if no detachment of soldiers were sent. Each countries military is supposed to be defensive. Soon as you fight on far away shores its not defence
    Putin is a psychopath on the basis of one 5 min video which enables you to make a clinical diagnosis of his mental make up. Dont give up your day job Dr Freud

    The same press you claim are demonising Putin were just a few weeks ago demonising Truckers who simply didnt want to take a medical procedure that almost everyone is now disavowing. Outside the western bubble no-one round here is demonising Putin. Most are clowning the comedian Zelensky who thought Biden and the other NATO club had his back. He didnt check with Georgia to see how it went when they thought picking a fight with Russia would bring the cavalry up behind them. NATO doesnt fight when the other guy can hit back
    Last edited by Globalgunner; 27-02-2022 at 01:16 PM.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

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