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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20831
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    So am i to understand that Assad is not barrel bombing his own people and is a wise and enlightened ruler, and regardless of the American geopolitical/financial interests in the region (which I don't care about), that the wonderfully good thing to do will be to help him and the Russians turn the country into a vassal state?

    Funny how all the sane and most reasonable solutions always seem to work to Russia's advantage, that woefully misunderstood and benevolent power.
    See what you did there?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #20832
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Because if the yanks stop bombing Assad's forces and stop funding ISIS and start bombing ISIS then the civil war they started in Syria can be quickly concluded and order restored. Otherwise it will drag with the ever increasing possibility of direct confrontation with Russia. The Turks have been trying to provoke that for months, another surrogate for the US of course. If there's another way to put ISIS back in the bottle then tell me.

    And we DO know the history of this because we've seen it all before. Afghanistan in the 80s, the Iran/ Iraq war. All conflicts engineered and enabled by the US and Russia. So in fact history is of crucial importance. You know, or should do, that the neoliberal fucks who infested the Bush and then Obama camps actually wrote all this down. It's not a secret, they are quite open about it. Seven countries in five years. Wesley Clark (that well know tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist) disclosed this on TV. Bolton and his merry gang of lunatics publicly published a paper outlining their aims and objectives. This is what a Clinton presidency represented. More of that shit. And that's why the ridiculous Podesta was desperately trying to stick the Wikileaks revelations on Russia, tarnishing Trump by association. Because it's actually sane to suggest the US and Russia stabilise relations and cooperate to remove the threat of ISIS. Unfortunately the neocons don't do sane. It offends them. No bombing of anyone would be required if it wasn't for their warmongering bullshit. And THAT's where the goalposts are located. With the people responsible for this shit in the first place, Hilary Clinton and her Bush buddies being notable among them.
    So's ok to bomb and kill Syrians as long as the US are in bed with Russia?

    So the voters weren't easy with Clinton killing Syrians, but it's ok for Trump? And as long as it's done with Russia? Is this progress?

  3. #20833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    They'll find a way to distract everyone from that. Some new crisis the government has to save us from. All depends how many times they can do that without the majority saying fuck that shit. Too many people are trying to write off the average guy as thick as shit. And yet, look how hard it has been for them to get their war in Syria. And they failed totally to get a war going with Iran. People learned from Iraq, at least enough people did. And more have now learned from the Obama deception. And even more will learn from the Trump deception. Then one bright morning...
    Iran? Isn't Trump threatening to mess up the good terms by ripping up the nuke agreement? I really don't understand where it is you're coming from.

  4. #20834
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    See what you did there?
    I admit it's a trifle sarcastic, but it might as well be true if the solution is to give these people cooperation

    I have no doubt the US is responsible both through incompetence and malfeasance of destabilising Syria, but the refugees flooding away from the country aren't just escaping from ISIS.

    The Neo con solution was always direct intervention and leave a vacuum behind, but the Neo cons are relatively a new force...American foreign policy was largely using the military to back the potentates or better still put our fingers in our ears and say "sorry i can't hear you" when Russia fighters are "provoked and backed into a corner by NATO aggression" into bombing Aid convoys.

    That seems to be the bottom line, American imperialism bad, Russian Imperialism? meh.....what you gonna do?

  5. #20835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    So am i to understand that Assad is not barrel bombing his own people and is a wise and enlightened ruler, and regardless of the American geopolitical/financial interests in the region (which I don't care about), that the wonderfully good thing to do will be to help him and the Russians turn the country into a vassal state?

    Funny how all the sane and most reasonable solutions always seem to work to Russia's advantage, that woefully misunderstood and benevolent power.
    So it seems.

  6. #20836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    However, because you do believe in the system, for whatever reason (and I can guess), then you should at least be bound by your own rules.
    I don't know what you mean by 'believe in the system'. It's not a matter of belief. It's like me saying you believe that Wenger is Arsenal manager, or saying that you don't.
    It really isn't a matter of what you believe, the fact is he is. Whether you think he should be or you or I think our system is a good one is a different matter. It is what it is.
    I don't see any way of changing it right now, you may think you do but for now it is what it is, what I think about the system doesn't matter and that doesn't mean I endorse it.

    And no, I won't stop whining. Well, I will at some point but our system gives me free speech, free enough to shake my head at the result. I'm not going to be rioting about it or throwing rocks at police, I don't approve of people who are doing that. The
    result is what it is and yes I accept it but I don't have to be happy about it or keep quiet about it. You have poured scorn on people who voted for Clinton, you're entitled to that view and to express it.

    As for what will happen to me under a Trump presidency, well maybe nothing. But even if it isn't the car crash I'm concerned about, I'm still concerned that people voted en masse for someone who spouted such bile and bigotry. Even if it is a big "screw you" to the system and the establishment, do people really think he's a better alternative? Really?

  7. #20837
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I admit it's a trifle sarcastic, but it might as well be true if the solution is to give these people cooperation

    I have no doubt the US is responsible both through incompetence and malfeasance of destabilising Syria, but the refugees flooding away from the country aren't just escaping from ISIS.

    The Neo con solution was always direct intervention and leave a vacuum behind, but the Neo cons are relatively a new force...American foreign policy was largely using the military to back the potentates or better still put our fingers in our ears and say "sorry i can't hear you" when Russia fighters are "provoked and backed into a corner by NATO aggression" into bombing Aid convoys.

    That seems to be the bottom line, American imperialism bad, Russian Imperialism? meh.....what you gonna do?
    It's a change.

  8. #20838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Reynholm View Post

  9. #20839
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Did all of those people die in 2016? Add my little dog to that list. She was a yank, found her on the road in Feb 2005 and brought her to the UK for a better life. Beautiful she was, but she died in June. I'm still devastated about it.

  10. #20840
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    Did all of those people die in 2016? Add my little dog to that list. She was a yank, found her on the road in Feb 2005 and brought her to the UK for a better life. Beautiful she was, but she died in June. I'm still devastated about it.

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