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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #901
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    Cesc has got a lot to answer for

    Great pizza, shame about the sex crimes
    Last edited by Kano; 24-11-2016 at 08:52 AM.

  2. #902
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Turns out it's the mainstream that wears the thickest tinfoil hat of all.

    I don't think Stein raised that much for her entire campaign, despite being a serious person. Now suddenly she finds it easy to whistle up the cash.

    The Russian thing is very sad, very desperate, the only play they have for this limited hangout that runs a very serious risk of giving the entire election game away. Because US elections are always rigged. Vote rigging is rampant, documented, blatant in many cases - and completely ignored. Pre-vote rigging is also widespread with Bush a key beneficiary in recent years.

    This time around it appears the Bush operation, playing for Clinton, was outgunned by the Republican vote scrubbing effort. But it's the Bush clan that controls the electronic voting machines, not the Repugs. So if anyone was fixing up those results it would have been the Clinton gang. That's how they operate. Commit fraud or some other crime and then blame their opponent for it. Every time you hear a Clinton make an accusation, treat it as a confession.

    Now suddenly, years after these issues were highlighted by independent (real) journalists, long after the start of the consistent calls for the restoration of audit trails, the mainstream finds a reason to pay attention. But they can't tell the whole story because that might result in lampposts and nooses. So it was the Russians wot done it. Honest.

    Trump has already done a great service to America and the western world (probably inadvertently). His campaign has flushed all the cockroaches into the open and exposed them for what they are. I suspect many will refuse to see this, but many will pay attention. Progress. Who'd have know trump would end up as a progressive? Not him, I'm sure. But congratulations anyway. Look at those cockroaches go.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #903
    I thought the result automatically went to a recount if it turns out the winning margin is less than half of a percent (that would rule out Wisconsin which was 0.9%) but Michigan and New Hampshire (Trump won Michigan, and Clinton won New Hampshire) would be eligible.

    Exit polls are still just polls at the end of the day, and my understanding is that the exit polls in a lot of states were subject to variance because the people declining to answer which probably didn't give them the right samples (people that voted for Trump but didn't want to be open about it for instance).

    But a state where the winning margin is as high as it is in Wisconsin, the chances of error or malfeasance on such a scale that it would make a difference to who won is incredibly unlikely (and by incredibly unlikely.....i mean risible).

    "Every time you hear a Clinton make an accusation, treat it as a confession"

    Largely that works both ways, as Trump equally culpable deleting of e-mails, conflicts of interest etc. But I severely doubt that he is capable of the scale of electoral fraud that he would have to be culpable of for him not to have won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania at least, and I doubt a very divided GOP would have been minded to do it on his behalf.

  4. #904
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I thought the result automatically went to a recount if it turns out the winning margin is less than half of a percent (that would rule out Wisconsin which was 0.9%) but Michigan and New Hampshire (Trump won Michigan, and Clinton won New Hampshire) would be eligible.

    Exit polls are still just polls at the end of the day, and my understanding is that the exit polls in a lot of states were subject to variance because the people declining to answer which probably didn't give them the right samples (people that voted for Trump but didn't want to be open about it for instance).

    But a state where the winning margin is as high as it is in Wisconsin, the chances of error or malfeasance on such a scale that it would make a difference to who won is incredibly unlikely (and by incredibly unlikely.....i mean risible).

    "Every time you hear a Clinton make an accusation, treat it as a confession"

    Largely that works both ways, as Trump equally culpable deleting of e-mails, conflicts of interest etc. But I severely doubt that he is capable of the scale of electoral fraud that he would have to be culpable of for him not to have won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania at least, and I doubt a very divided GOP would have been minded to do it on his behalf.
    Trump wasn't the Secretary of State and he wasn't handling classified information. There's no law against you deleting your own email but there's certainly a law against handling classified and confidential state information in an unauthorised manner and then deleting it following a subpoena to retain it. There's no comparison at all between the two cases.

    It wasn't Trump or the Trump campaign rigging elections. As you say, they wouldn't have the machinery to do that. It was the RNC who still have everything in place following the grand fraud committed during the Bush campaigns. Scrubbing blacks from the register is their speciality. And the Clinton vote rigging effort would have been handled by Obama's highly fraudulent operations, last time it was Acorn, this time we don't know. Plus Clinton had the Bush gang and all their capabilities in terms of rigging the electronic machines. The trouble for the Clinton's is, unless they have another way of rigging things, they'll lose rather than gain votes on a recount. I doubt they'll go there. Nobody in the establishment is going to want to dig too deeply into this issue. It's unlikely Stein has any official support beyond the hoards of butthurt libtards who are seemingly happy to give their cash away so lawyers can pocket it.

    Madsen and have all the details, going way back. If this gathers pace then these sources will gain publicity and I can't see anyone in authority wanting that to happen.

    I wonder what came of our own election scandals? Did that investigation into the Tories dumping unauthorised cash into the campaign ever come to anything? I suppose not. I guess it quietly went away.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #905
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Trump wasn't the Secretary of State and he wasn't handling classified information. There's no law against you deleting your own email but there's certainly a law against handling classified and confidential state information in an unauthorised manner and then deleting it following a subpoena to retain it. There's no comparison at all between the two cases.

    Well first of all Clinton has not accused Trump of rigging the election, and for the veracity of any electoral fraud that exists. Trump stated that the election was rigged because he thought he was going to lose, and even on the night of the election his surrogates thought he was going to lose. Second of all when you are being brought up in court on your business dealings and you are deleting e-mails that is clear act of destroying evidence, that Trump was guilty of it in the private sector is the only difference, and it suggests that if he is more than happy to conduct business fraudulently than I think he would be just as prepared to do it as a Federal employee

    It wasn't Trump or the Trump campaign rigging elections. As you say, they wouldn't have the machinery to do that. It was the RNC who still have everything in place following the grand fraud committed during the Bush campaigns. Scrubbing blacks from the register is their speciality. And the Clinton vote rigging effort would have been handled by Obama's highly fraudulent operations, last time it was Acorn, this time we don't know. Plus Clinton had the Bush gang and all their capabilities in terms of rigging the electronic machines. The trouble for the Clinton's is, unless they have another way of rigging things, they'll lose rather than gain votes on a recount. I doubt they'll go there. Nobody in the establishment is going to want to dig too deeply into this issue. It's unlikely Stein has any official support beyond the hoards of butthurt libtards who are seemingly happy to give their cash away so lawyers can pocket it.

    Madsen and have all the details, going way back. If this gathers pace then these sources will gain publicity and I can't see anyone in authority wanting that to happen.

    I wonder what came of our own election scandals? Did that investigation into the Tories dumping unauthorised cash into the campaign ever come to anything? I suppose not. I guess it quietly went away.
    No idea and i'm not really sure i care, if i thought it would have made any significant difference to the outcome of the last election i might.

    Don't get me wrong the rules are the rules and if one of the major parties can't abide by it, than there should be punishment for those responsible. But no personally i don't really feel that strongly about it.
    Last edited by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie; 24-11-2016 at 03:32 PM.

  6. #906
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    Steven Mnuchin (definitely his real name), Trump's new Treasury Sec. And that's all you need to know to be able to predict Trump's entire presidency from here on in.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #907
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    Steven Mnuchin (definitely his real name), Trump's new Treasury Sec. And that's all you need to know to be able to predict Trump's entire presidency from here on in.
    Yep sounds good (rubs hands in glee)

    Seriously though I don't expect much to change, the same people on shit wages will continue to be on shit wages, same people who can't afford the cost of their prescription drugs will still not be able to afford them.

    Same people still won't be able to afford a college education for their kids etc

    The only thing that will change is that Trump won't be able to use his Twitter account anymore

  8. #908
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    Steven Mnuchin (definitely his real name), Trump's new Treasury Sec. And that's all you need to know to be able to predict Trump's entire presidency from here on in.
    Yep sounds good (rubs hands in glee)

    Seriously though I don't expect much to change, the same people on shit wages will continue to be on shit wages, same people who can't afford the cost of their prescription drugs will still not be able to afford them.

    Same people still won't be able to afford a college education for their kids etc

    The only thing that will change is that Trump won't be able to use his Twitter account anymore

  9. #909
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    I think a load of insignificant shit will change, it has to or else there'll be a riot. A blizzard of meaningless shit wrapped up as fundamentalism and decried by this Munchkin bloke's buddies on the left. Some real theatre, bigger, brasher than before.

    But as they don't intend to do anything about the banks and the Fed then behind the curtain it's back to the deck chairs and the Titanic.
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  10. #910
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    Globalists hang on to Austria, but dealt a crushing blow in Italy. Allied forces look to France as next crucial step in liberation of Europe. Meanwhile Trump starts delivering on campaign pledges - globalist controlled media fumes. In other news, globalist warmist agenda starts to collapse as more scientists snap out of trance and notice the data. In UK, old establishment buffers will set aside their kiddie fiddling for the day in a doomed attempt to derail Brexit.
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