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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #1561
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    You're not getting this.

    If one or more of these women have a problem - they should go to the police and report it. That will start the legal ball rolling and that's the route to justice, if these claims are true and can be proven. This is how our western law works. Anything else is irrelevant. This rapid descent into instantly believing everything women say and demanding punishment without trial is not law. It's political hysteria. A blight that could fall on you, me, anyone in the future if it is allowed to advance unchecked.

    But proper, legal recourse is not what the left is advocating. Instead they are calling for in-house, political investigations. Why? If crimes have been committed then let them be handled as crimes. If crimes have not been committed, or if they can't be proven then there's nothing here. Even if Trump did any of this. That's how the law works. You face your accusers in a court and the court makes a decision based on the available evidence. If there is no evidence there is no case.

    I can assume with a good degree of confidence you are unaware of the avalanche of fake news coming out of the left these past few weeks. It won't have been reported in fake news outlets such as the BBC. But you should look into it. We have reached a stage where the left doesn't really care what it claims, provided it harms Trump. Fact checking, sourcing, investigation, verification, everything has been dropped. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, all caught up in outrageous fake news stories that have tumbled markets, launched bombing raids, actually caused regular people to suffer losses and some to lose their lives. They don't care. These are the sources you are casually trotting out as if they carry an ounce of credibility.

    What happened to the Russia "scandal"? What happened to Meuller's "investigation"? You talk about patterns and multiple examples of wrongdoing. So does your standard apply in all cases, or just select cases?

    Seriously, you need to dig a lot deeper. Sure, you can be a repeater if you want, it's still a free world. The trouble is, the more repeaters we have the more power the fake news media retains. And maybe Trump will be be nipped to death by these jackals, and maybe you'll consider that some sort of victory for reasons you think you understand (based on the very same fake news that has "informed" your opinion). But what happens after that? I've seen you on here complaining about the assault on your religion, on common sense, on political correctness, on liberty (in selective cases). Well how do you think the insanity has developed? Ignorance, complacency and an acceptance of what should never be acceptable, for expediency and political preference. This is why I say regular people who lie down and accept this shit are far more dangerous than the perps who are serving it up.
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  2. #1562
    It’s funny that you are nowhere near as litigious about accusations about people being nonces when it’s people you happen to dislike.
    The amount of times you accuse an overt liberal agenda of making paedophilia acceptable. But when someone who isn’t a liberal is accused of it, it’s a smear campaign.

    This is what I dislike. The politicisation of these accusations. The left defended Al Franken and the right defend Roy Moore.

    It’s actually both pathetic and troubling. I couldn’t give a fuck that Roy Moore hates queers and believes people should live their lives according to Bronze Age scribblings, in my view that just makes him a moron. And there’s plenty of morons about on both sides of the aisle.

    But kids?. And as to the timing of the accusations. If you had someone nonce you up as a kid you might just want to forget about it and not relive it. But if your attacker runs for office, you might just think “fuck this guy, I have nightmares about him and he’s being treated like some great guy”
    Last edited by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie; 13-12-2017 at 12:41 PM.

  3. #1563
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    It’s funny that you are nowhere near as litigious about accusations about people being nonces when it’s people you happen to dislike.
    The amount of times you accuse an overt liberal agenda of making paedophilia acceptable. But when someone who isn’t a liberal is accused of it, it’s a smear campaign.

    This is what I dislike. The politicisation of these accusations. The left defended Al Franken and the right defend Roy Moore.

    It’s actually both pathetic and troubling

  4. #1564
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Seriously though. Doesn't it bother anyone that 16 people are accusing the President, who has already admitted assault on tape and has made some creepy at best comments about his own daughter, of sexual assault.
    Are we all good with that?
    Depends how hot they are.

  5. #1565
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What evidence do you think that these women can provide apart from their testimony?
    Aren't all these cases one person's word against another? Especially in historic cases when no forensic evidence is available.
    When it's 16 people it's worth investigating, I'd say.

    As for the timing, someone running for president is a fairly clear time when someone who never felt able to speak out about historic abuse might finally step forward. Suddenly this person who abused you could become the most powerful person in the world, I can see why that might want someone to let people know what that person is really like. And when one person steps forward that might embolden others to do so.

    We have seen this a lot over the last few years, Saville, Harris, now Weinstein et al. Are all those people lying too?

    The fact that Trump has been recorded boasting about being able to sexually assault women because of his position adds credence to their claims, as well as the way he generally objectifies women, including his own daughter.
    I don't think he's a paedophile or has really abused his own daughter but the way he talks about her at times...well, it's a bit odd to say the least.

    And no, I don't believe in guilty until proven innocent, or in "no smoke without fire". But there is a hell of a lot of smoke here, I think some investigation is warranted.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  6. #1566
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    It’s funny that you are nowhere near as litigious about accusations about people being nonces when it’s people you happen to dislike.
    The amount of times you accuse an overt liberal agenda of making paedophilia acceptable. But when someone who isn’t a liberal is accused of it, it’s a smear campaign.

    This is what I dislike. The politicisation of these accusations. The left defended Al Franken and the right defend Roy Moore.

    It’s actually both pathetic and troubling. I couldn’t give a fuck that Roy Moore hates queers and believes people should live their lives according to Bronze Age scribblings, in my view that just makes him a moron. And there’s plenty of morons about on both sides of the aisle.

    But kids?. And as to the timing of the accusations. If you had someone nonce you up as a kid you might just want to forget about it and not relive it. But if your attacker runs for office, you might just think “fuck this guy, I have nightmares about him and he’s being treated like some great guy”
    Oh, have we progressed to pedo accusations against Trump now? That was fast.

    As I said, there's not one shred of evidence to support these claims against Trump. There was no evidence against Moore either, apart from the (now admitted) forged yearbook entry the lawyer refuses to release for examination. Conyers has admitted guilt already, he paid to make it go away. There was minimal but some evidence against Franken, he didn't need to resign (and hasn't actually resigned yet) but was thrown under the bus in a vomit inducing attempt by the liberals to gain the moral high ground.

    I also am happy to make a distinction between women and slags. Women stripped to their underwear parading in front of men WANT to be gawped at, whistled at, and whatever else moves their career along. The coy suggestion a certain breed of women maintain their virtue around money is humorous, but beyond the political fantasies we all might laugh but would never take claims by these women seriously. Feminists are the main problem. They demand all women be assumed virtuous by default, especially the ones who had virtue bypasses at birth. Somehow they've wrangled it to the stage where treating a whore like a whore is abuse.

    So a motley crew of pole dancers, pageant contestants and assorted flashers and teasers have lined up to accuse a millionaire tycoon of being rowdy. Big deal. That's what they want, isn't it? Or are we all as brain fucked as your typical feminist now? Everyone knows the rule. You want respect, you earn it. When did that change and why?

    There is that ugly mare who claims Trump groped here, despite the guy sitting beside her saying it never happened. I'm wondering why Trump would lower his standards, doesn't seem plausible. But maybe he did it and if so he needs to get a chequebook out, right? Isn't that what these things usually amount to?

    Oh the moral posturing of all these champions. The great pretenders.

    Well let me make myself clear. Even if Trump did touch up a few bimbos, and there's zero proof he did, I couldn't care less. Such trivialities pale compared to the real issues at play here. And if the liberals want to overturn elections they'll need to stop mirroring back their own crimes and misdemeanours and come up with something of substance. No luck so far. Not a sniff.
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  7. #1567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vieira View Post
    Depends how hot they are.
    In a funny way, it does. Trump always used money to get grade A merchandise. You'd never find him bargain dipping with some of the hags that have pitched up to stake a claim.
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  8. #1568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    If one or more of these women have a problem - they should go to the police and report it. That will start the legal ball rolling and that's the route to justice, if these claims are true and can be proven.
    Agreed to an extent, although historic allegations are very hard to prove. It's one person's word against another's. Well, in this case it's 16 people's word. Convictions are notoriously difficult to achieve.
    I don't think Trump is a serial rapist or paedophile but I do believe these women, I believe he has used his position to assault women, he has admitted on tape doing so and his objectification of women including his own daughter make me believe that what these women say is probably true. And yes, I don't like Trump which maybe makes me more inclined to believe it, conversely I was a big fan of Rolf do didn't want to believe ill of him but there you go. There does seem to have been quite a culture of this sort of thing among men in certain positions of power or celebrity. Probably still is but women are feeling more able to come forward which can only be a good thing.
    It's not about instantly believing everything women say or demanding punishment without trial. My gut feel is that what these women are saying is true, I've explained why I feel that. I may be wrong. I don't know how this could ever be either proven or shown to be false. It's one person's word against another. But when it's 16 times and with the other things I've mentioned I'm inclined to believe them. But I do think these allegations should be investigated. Agreed that should be done by the police, not the media.

    I can assume with a good degree of confidence you are unaware of the avalanche of fake news coming out of the left these past few weeks.
    It won't have been reported in fake news outlets such as the BBC. But you should look into it.
    I wouldn't know what to put in Google to do so but I found this comment interesting:

    We have reached a stage where the left doesn't really care what it claims, provided it harms Trump. Fact checking, sourcing, investigation, verification, everything has been dropped. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, all caught up in outrageous fake news stories that have tumbled markets, launched bombing raids, actually caused regular people to suffer losses and some to lose their lives. They don't care. These are the sources you are casually trotting out as if they carry an ounce of credibility.
    So do you think "the left" are peddling lies and "the right" are paragons of truth? Why would that be? Both sides have an agenda, both have biases. What are your sources and are they rigorous in fact checking, sourcing, investigation and verification?
    And Trump definitely does none of these things. He constantly lies about pretty much everything. He lies like a child lies when you see them push his brother over and when you tell him off he says "didn't", despite you seeing him.
    And his attempt to deflect from that is to claim that it's everyone else who are the liars.

    Seriously, you need to dig a lot deeper. Sure, you can be a repeater if you want, it's still a free world. The trouble is, the more repeaters we have the more power the fake news media retains.
    You really need to stop pretending that you have an original thought in your head. You just trust different sources and repeat those.

  9. #1569
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Well let me make myself clear. Even if Trump did touch up a few bimbos, and there's zero proof he did, I couldn't care less.
    That is pretty clear, to be fair

  10. #1570
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    So do you think "the left" are peddling lies and "the right" are paragons of truth?
    Good question.

    No, I don't think that. I think they are the same. Sometime I say "left" when I mean "globalist", so I misspoke there.

    There is no left and right anymore, as we can see here in the UK and we can see in stark detail in the US. There is only globalist and everyone else. The globalists are the enemy of mankind, everyone else is many different things. Everyone else is a mixed bag, but the globalists are, to a person, evil. With no exceptions.
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