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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #1781
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Icke is a dangerous lunatic. Removing him from Youtube in no way infringes his free speech.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #1782
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    No its a dumb post full of Letters usual whataboutism.
    Can you point out the whataboutism?

    Free speech is about opinions, everyone can have an opinion and should be free to espouse it whether some deem it stupid, surreal or bizarre. The lame "FIRE" allegory is not an example of an opinion. That is premeditated act of harm.
    It could be, or maybe I'm deluded and I really think there is a fire, then it is my opinion. And this is the thing with Icke. I don't know whether the things he spouts are really his opinions or whether he's a troll/attention seeker. Either way, he has been free to spout his opinions for years without censorship. But when he spouts "opinions" which are not true - or at best he has zero evidence for - and have potentially harmful consequences then there's a danger.
    There is also a danger of someone being the arbiter or truth which makes this a tricky area.

    We all need to be smart, have a healthy skepticism of everything we hear especially in these times.
    Agreed. But a lot of people are not smart.
    Ricky Gervais lamented that it used to be "my opinion is as good as your opinion", now it's "my opinion is as good as your fact".
    It's increasingly difficult to discern what is true.

    Governments around the world depend on our stupidity an innate sheep herd mentality. People who have started wars on complete bogus claims should no longer enjoy the benefit of the doubt. My guess is we are heading towards a so called vaccine that everyone MUST take. If you refuse, you will be declared persona non grata. Your job taken and your assets frozen, while people like Letters cheer them on.
    And now you're straw-manning. No, if they did that then I would not "cheer them on".

    If Icke is inciting people to take up arms against government or its institutions, then maybe there is a case. I dont see flat earthers being banned on any platform. What they say is patently not true. They ban you when you are starting to worry them. No other reason.
    Flat Earth videos are being affected by YouTube algorithms although I don't think they are being actively banned.
    But again, it's about consequence. There is no consequence to people believing the earth is flat - aside from a depressing dumbing down of humanity.
    Other baseless opinions which are demonstrably false can have consequence.

  3. #1783
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    No its a dumb post full of Letters usual whataboutism. Free speech is about opinions, everyone can have an opinion and should be free to espouse it whether some deem it stupid, surreal or bizarre. The lame "FIRE" allegory is not an example of an opinion. That is premeditated act of harm. We all need to be smart, have a healthy skepticism of everything we hear especially in these times. Governments around the world depend on our stupidity and innate sheep herd mentality. People who have started wars on complete bogus claims should no longer enjoy the benefit of the doubt. My guess is we are heading towards a so called vaccine that everyone MUST take. If you refuse, you will be declared persona non grata. Your job taken and your assets frozen, while people like Letters cheer them on.

    If Icke is inciting people to take up arms against government or its institutions, then maybe there is a case. I dont see flat earthers being banned on any platform. What they say is patently not true. They ban you when you are starting to worry them. No other reason.
    well the way i read it, at the end of Letters' post he was saying that the problem with censoring is who's doing the censoring, i didn't read it as a complete defence of taking Icke off air, but just an explanation of why what Icke's saying is on another level from his usual lizard theories

    but as for "They ban you when you are starting to worry them." well there's cause to be worried if its's leading to pitchfork-wielding attacks on mobile phone masts, as Letters says what if Icke starts blaming it on Jewish people, would you let him do that?

  4. #1784
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    My point remains. If a man is being stupid. Let his stupidity remain there as his legacy. Sooner or later history will judge just as it did for Copernicus and others. Censoring people by authorities is just totalitarian or a self defence mechanism. Im sure the Pope would have liked to censor Martin Luther when he railed against selling papal forgiveness for cash. We are the same human beings as existed 1000 years ago. No smarter,,,,,or maybe just a little bit. Totally just as gullible, thats for sure.
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  5. #1785
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    The issue I see is that 50 years ago you could shout what you liked on a street corner, most people would probably think you were mad - if you were spouting mad things - maybe a few would think "Hey, he's on to something, the royals ARE lizard people!", but you wouldn't influence many people.
    Now you can shout things across the internet and, with a fair wind, you've got a million followers who are buying into what you say.

    Which is kinda fine if what you're spouting is that the earth is flat. It's depressing how many people have bought into that but it doesn't really affect anything.
    But if you're spouting something about how coronavirus is spread by 5G and a load of people buy into that and start vandalising phone masts then there's an issue there. Or, worse, says something which could incite violence against Jews - or any group.

    People should be able to hold and express whatever opinion they like, we are potentially heading into dangerous territory where it feels like you aren't even allowed to hold certain opinions these days. But if you express those opinions in a way which could lead to other people being harmed then I'd suggest there's an issue. What the response to that issue should be isn't obvious.
    But Icke wasn't silenced because he was "on to something".

  6. #1786
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  7. #1787
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  8. #1788
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The "philanthropist" who gave away his money and received twice back in profits.
    That isn't really what that video says.
    It simply notes that since he gave away a load of money his worth has doubled.

    Is that because he's making money in profits from all the vaccines? No evidence for that is presented in that video.
    Isn't it simply that when you've got billions it's not hard to accrue more billions. He's got investments all over the place:

    He's worth about $100bn. But Microsoft is worth about a trillion so he could be worth a lot more. Obviously when it gets to that level what is the difference between $10bn and $100bn. His plan is to "only" give his kids $10m each and give the rest away. Even if you think he's giving money to the wrong things or you think he's got his finger in too many pies, his intention seems to be to use his money to help people.
    Obviously neither of us know him, we don't know what his real intentions are. But he certainly doesn't have to be giving his money away.

    (I do know someone who knew him a bit btw, friend who was senior enough in an organisation that he would sometimes talk to Gates directly. He seems to think Gates was a decent chap)

  9. #1789
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    “Just” the 204 deaths today. Does seem like this thing has levelled off now, surely we will see some sort of relaxing of the lockdown measures announced this week.

  10. #1790
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    I doubt I'll be going to the office for a long time, or not regularly.
    But hopefully they'll let us go and meet friends and family and that soon.

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