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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20701
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    I thought they had a record turn out. They did in rural areas which are definitely likely to vote for Trump. And some of Trump voters would have been racist, I watched a programme where a white supremacist was interviewed and he and his cronies were definately for Trump

  2. #20702
    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Hence my whole stance.

    You may not be so harsh on the assessment but anyone that voted in Trump needs their head testing. It's a stupid decision. I suspect some people chose not to vote because they're unimpressed by both candidates and had enough of the system on a whole.
    My issue is that the longer we hold onto the impression that they need their heads examining, the further this spread of the populist right will be.

    Trump did promise to stand up against free trade in favour of creating domestic jobs, now I don't think he has any intention of keeping that promise and the GOP congress wouldn't allow him to even if he did. It doesn't matter what Trump is or what he appears to represent, when people are desperate they will offer the hand held out....even if it's the orange hand of a confidence trickster.

  3. #20703
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    Well, Letters said something here when we had the Brexit vote and the same applies here. Not all Trump voters are racists but all racists would have voted for Trump. All that hot air doesn't bother me to be honest.

    But yeah, if we had record voters all going out to support Trump, despite the crazy rhetoric...people lack common sense and will fall for anything.

  4. #20704
    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    I thought they had a record turn out. They did in rural areas which are definitely likely to vote for Trump. And some of Trump voters would have been racist, I watched a programme where a white supremacist was interviewed and he and his cronies were definately for Trump
    Well yes of course if you run a campaign on racist rhetoric you are going to appeal to actual racists, but i don't think that was the actual reason the majority of people voted for Trump.

  5. #20705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    Well yes of course if you run a campaign on racist rhetoric you are going to appeal to actual racists, but i don't think that was the actual reason the majority of people voted for Trump.
    Of course! I'm not saying all Trump voters were racist, just that he appealed to them.

  6. #20706
    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Well, Letters said something here when we had the Brexit vote and the same applies here. Not all Trump voters are racists but all racists would have voted for Trump. All that hot air doesn't bother me to be honest.

    But yeah, if we had record voters all going out to support Trump, despite the crazy rhetoric...people lack common sense and will fall for anything.
    And this is one of the instances where i agree with NQ, although i think he adds too many irrelevancies that are more reflective of his own political opinions than what is actually going on. We are in danger of looking at this as a localised phenomenon and not a global trend.

    There isn't a great deal of difference between these small town midwestern state voters and those from semi-rural post industrial areas in Northern England.

  7. #20707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Knock it off, NQ. If this were a campaign based on progressive politics and not the usual spin, I'd hear your argument. Seems like you're the one getting caught up in the Hilary vs Trump thing now.
    I didn't say anything about progressive politics or candidates. Progressive as used by the political classes is a euphemism. There hasn't been a progressive candidate who made it to the grand finale in decades. This time around Clinton played the part of the progressive liberal, so that's how ridiculous that term really is.

    I absolutely am caught up in the election, why else would I have stayed up through the night to watch it? This was a very important election that saw the defeat of a very serious and dangerous criminal and her criminal gang and threw a wrench in the spokes of the warmongering neoliberal loonies. Which is what I have said all along, despite the different angles you have taken to try and ignore Clinton's past by blowing Trump's relative misdemeanours into some sort of global threat.

    I think, as with Brexit, those people who are comfortable with the status quo get frightened when there's a ripple in what they see as normality, no matter how fucked up that normality is in reality. Therefore you get people bouncing around, panicking about a guy they know absolutely nothing about and proposing the familiar, comfortable war criminal, mass murderer, fraudster crook alternative would have been the safest bet.

    I'm not "admitting" anything about Trump. I'm not and never have defended him. I'm simply questioning the defence of a vile creature like Clinton and expressing satisfaction she couldn't continue the Bush/ Clinton crime wave. And there's a huge difference between people who have woken up and see the system for what it is (who I doubt voted because that would just be silly) and those who are sick to the back teeth of it but still believe it is real. Last night we saw an awful lot of people try what they imagine will be a different option (just as the degenerate Obama was supposed to be) and my belief is if you can even get to the point where you desire an alternative to the status quo (real or imagined) then that's preferable to yearning for the typical establishment shit. Yes these people are going to get conned but some good could come of that when some of them at least figure they got conned. But what can you do with the sheep who think nothing needs to change? There's no hope for that lot.
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  8. #20708
    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    Of course! I'm not saying all Trump voters were racist, just that he appealed to them.
    Again you're missing my point, Racism is totally irrelevant here, that he appealed to racists was a by-product. If you blow a dog whistle, your dog might come running over and so might another dog.

    If he was smarter and more sophisticated he could have done it without the crass racism, but he isn't.

  9. #20709
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    Of course! I'm not saying all Trump voters were racist, just that he appealed to them.
    That's the mainstream narrative from both Brexit and this election. The educated, informed, literate, caring and attractive people vote to Remain and for Mrs Clinton. The unwashed, thicko, racist, sexist, mysogynist, illiterate, cousin marrying clansmen vote for Little Britain or Hitler Trump.

    Everybody knows that. In fact some of the more informed, literate, caring and attractive posters here have already framed events using the same language and in this thread (and the Brexit thread).

    This is how the mainstream media trains people to think and speak and so many people are obliging.
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  10. #20710
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    Again you're missing my point, Racism is totally irrelevant here, that he appealed to racists was a by-product. If you blow a dog whistle, your dog might come running over and so might another dog.

    If he was smarter and more sophisticated he could have done it without the crass racism, but he isn't.
    But you're the one that brought up racism.

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