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Thread: Black Lives Matter

  1. #201
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    That's a logical and reasonable response to the situation.

    But you aren't dealing with logical or reasonable people, quite the opposite.
    It's really frustrating having debates with people on FB who are just not thinking logically or rationally.
    One person said something to me and used the phrase "you white people". Wow... So "you black people" = racist, "you white people" = fine and dandy.
    When I gently point out that if you look at the numbers there aren't piles of bodies of black people on every street corner, mercilessly gunned down by a systematically racist police force I just get shouted down, no attempt to actually engage with the real numbers and facts.

  2. #202
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    IBM, Microsoft and Amazon have finally had enough of facial recognition technology. For the good of mankind they have stepped in to halt the march of the surveillance state. They claim the software is racist.

    Coincidentally, this happens at a time when leftie criminals are running rampant, demanding the police be defunded.

    Cuomo, the butcher of OAPs, has warned education faces a 20% cut in funding.

    Sounds to me like there's a downturn in the economy?

    Defund the police? Because WACIST!!!!

    Or because these leftie governors and mayors always intended to defund the police, and everything else, because they have run their cities into the ground and this recession is going to finish them off.

    If true, the lefties out "protesting" have literally rolled out the red carpet for the politicians to fuck them over even more than they have fucked them over historically.
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  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Right. I'm a bit fed up of people demanding that this generation apologise for the slave trade.
    Sod off.
    I don't owe you or your great-great-great grandfathers an apology for what my great-great-great grandfathers may have done to them.
    I don't expect this generation of Germans to be ever apologising for the Holocaust.
    Mindful of it and careful not to repeat mistakes of the past certainly, but those are in the past and are not the fault of this generation or the previous one.
    Exactly that.

    That’s the point i was making in my earlier post. Instead of demanding we all apologise for the sins of our fathers which achieves fuck all, why dont people demand the use of modern day slaves is abolished? Surely taht is a better way of making up for the historical mistakes

  4. #204
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    The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

    For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

    On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

    Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Exactly that.

    That’s the point i was making in my earlier post. Instead of demanding we all apologise for the sins of our fathers which achieves fuck all, why dont people demand the use of modern day slaves is abolished? Surely taht is a better way of making up for the historical mistakes
    Yeah, you know I go to Dubai most years with work (Not this year, fun you, Covid). I've seen teams of construction workers beavering away in 45+ degree heat. It's horrible to even go outside, let alone try and do manual work in it. Technically not slave labour, they are being paid, but the conditions are bloody awful. There's little or no outcry about that. But someone made a comment to a highly paid colleague which invoked a stereotype? SYSTEMATIC RACISM!


  6. #206
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's really frustrating having debates with people on FB who are just not thinking logically or rationally.
    One person said something to me and used the phrase "you white people". Wow... So "you black people" = racist, "you white people" = fine and dandy.
    When I gently point out that if you look at the numbers there aren't piles of bodies of black people on every street corner, mercilessly gunned down by a systematically racist police force I just get shouted down, no attempt to actually engage with the real numbers and facts.
    It's the biggest failure and the worst social consequence of the Internet and particularly social media. When you don't have to sit opposite another person and debate in person you can take all sorts of liberties and avoid several, vital aspects of human communication. Facial reactions and hand gestures, body posture, replaced by mere letters on a screen. It's half a language, missing half the human element. And it's immediate, throwaway, and on to the next thing. It's a significantly inferior form of communication and this will become an even bigger problem with social distancing, part time schools and work, etc.

    And 2 million people can be on the conversation at once, all shouting. It's easy to form tribes. It's easy for an idea or opinion to be shouted down by volume alone, not argument, facts or reasoned opinion required.

    That's why I don't and have never used social media, beyond that FB account for the local street in time of emergency (which I'll soon be shutting down - not the street, the FB account).

    Forums like this are a halfway house. Smaller groups, the removal of the immediacy and the swamping of a million voices. Still missing many aspects of genuine debate, but better. Even then, how many people use TLDR because they realise that large body of text is going to be skipped. And it's not that large a body of text, compared to actual speech. We can speak a thousand words in casual conversation, but put it on a screen and the old attention span (that companies like FB openly admit to disrupting as a tactic) wanders.

    So encounter a person who only ever engages on social media and you're up against somebody who is seeing an interface purposely designed to move all the confirmatory biases to the top of their view, and a million voices then confirming those biases. On a daily basis. Which makes them KNOW they are absolutely right and anyone who disagrees with them is absolutely wrong - because look at all the "evidence".

    You're talking to a brainwashed repeater at that point and there's nothing you can ever say that will convince them otherwise.
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  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

    For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

    On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

    Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.
    Black people can't be racist.
    Scientific fact.

  8. #208
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    The other thing i find odd about this whole protest is how the rules change depending on who does what.

    For example, Roseanne Barr called Obama’s press secretary an Ape (or something along those lines) on twitter last year and was sacked, rightly, within hours from her tv shows etc and to my knowledge, has not really worked again since then because of her racist tweet.

    On the weekend, Ice Cube tweeted a vile anti Semitic image yet nothing has happened. He hasn’t been sacked from his roles, sponsors walked away etc. He then followed this up with some other anti Semitic conspiracy theories over the last few days.

    Now, both are guilty of racism yet only one was sacked & had the mob set on her? My point here is how can the two incidents not be treated the same? You cant have one person sacked for racism and yet allow another actor to keep his jobs. One can only assume it’s because sacking a black actor for racism in the middle of all this might cause a few problems but given he has tweeted out anti Semitic stuff, it shouldnt be an issue.
    Well you know the answer already, I suspect. The anti-racists are the most racist of all.
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  9. #209
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Aslo, Jews aren't really people.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  10. #210
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Aslo, Jews aren't really people.
    I saw your little link about Antifa being innocent - they ain't done nufink! Which you may not have read all the way through, because it went on to explain away the premise. Anyway, it wasn't the story that interested me. It was the fact you posted it up at all. Which demonstrates you are invested beyond the usual disposable one-liners.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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