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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    I know some people who were on that march and it's not as you describe - it sounds like all the marches I’ve been on - people walking along in solidarity with placards and maybe singing a song or two but trust me a lot of them were liberal-minded people who wouldn’t in a million years chant songs which implied death to Israel or whatever - if you got out a bit more you’d know that

    kettling is rightly not used anymore because it actually does what it describes and raises the heat of the situation and causes the very trouble it's supposed to prevent - it's also fundamentally inhumane - if you think it's ok to have women and children forced to p*ss themselves in the street surrounded by thousands of people then fine but for most people it's unacceptable (except Paula Radcliffe of course )

    The only problems at the weekend were caused by right-wing thugs incited to cause trouble by the (ex) Home Secretary
    I’m quite sure that a lot of so called liberal people were on that march and I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise that it’s the kind of thing you’d find yourself on. Five years ago I’d say I find it strange that supposedly liberal people would throw their lot in with Islamist fanatics but nothing surprises me anymore. I just find it ironic that you people are supposedly the whistleblowers to fascism and yet you march with actual fascists.

    People who say I didn’t see anything like that at these marches, are for me no different than the German citizens who lived next to a concentration camp and claimed they had no idea what was going on. You’ve seen what goes on at those marches and as far as I’m concerned if you are still prepared to go on them you’re just as bad as those who carry the worst openly racist kind of placard.

    It’s the kind of playing deaf and blind that Jeremy Corbyn frequently gets up to

    Decent people wouldn’t bring children to a hate march. So there we are

  2. #4212
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    It’s precisely why I am ashamed to call myself a liberal anymore, because people that do have become brain dead tribalists prepared to contort to any level of hypocrisy. The joke is you’re not even the enemy of blood and soil hard right authoritarians, you are their greatest gift.

  3. #4213
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    People who say I didn’t see anything like that at these marches, are for me no different than the German citizens who lived next to a concentration camp and claimed they had no idea what was going on
    Oh DO piss off.
    And a well deserved Godwin’s Law klaxon.
    Maybe, and I’m just throwing this out there, maybe they are saying they didn’t see anything like that because they…didn’t see anything like that.
    The people I know who were on the march are liberal types. I suspect most of the people on the march were.

    You’re acting like this was some hardline march which a few liberals turnup to. I suspect the reality is the reverse was true.

  4. #4214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Oh DO piss off.
    And a well deserved Godwin’s Law klaxon.
    Maybe, and I’m just throwing this out there, maybe they are saying they didn’t see anything like that because they…didn’t see anything like that.
    The people I know who were on the march are liberal types. I suspect most of the people on the march were.

    You’re acting like this was some hardline march which a few liberals turnup to. I suspect the reality is the reverse was true.
    I’m not acting like anything that’s exactly what it is. Calls for Intifada, calls to destroy Israel….people so full of their own sense of self righteousness of course will claim it’s all about concern for what’s going on in Gaza when on a March with people who celebrated October 7th like football fans.

    There are groups like Hizb-ut-Tahrir which is a full on Islamist group there, the group organisers are full throated supporters of Hamas. A liberal march would be calling for a two state solution, calling for the hostages to be released and condemning Hamas…there is a complete absence of this.

    The most charitable thing I can say about left/liberals on this march is that they are too embarrassed to admit who they’ve got into bed with and therefore have to pretend. Well pretend to yourselves if you like, but don’t fucking lie to the rest of us.

  5. #4215
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    And no it’s not Godwin’s law, I leave that to the brain dead idiots who accuse this government of behaving like Nazis yet walk around with their eyes closed when they attend fucking marches with actual Nazis.

    And as far as I’m concerned anyone who attends these Marches now is an Islamist apologist as simple as that
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 13-11-2023 at 08:45 PM.

  6. #4216
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    The thing about these marches for a ceasefire is they seem to forget there was a ceasefire until October 7th, you mess with the Jew you get the horns.

    I'm willing to bet a bunch of these libtards on these marches are the same morons who think abos in Australia/US/Canada should get "their land back" kinda hypocritical as Canaan is the Jewish homeland and they were forced from there.

    Anyway, the way I see it if it means there are less Isreali tourists worldwide cos they're at war its a good thing, if it means there are more Isreali tourists worldwide cos they're avoiding the war it's a bad thing, that's about the extent of my concern.

    As for Dodgy Dave coming back, Jesus just shows how little "talent" there is in the Tory party, hopefully the rumours of Farage joining come to fruition and he takes over the leadership, the politicians in this country are a total embarrassment on all sides, Farage is the only one with something about them.

  7. #4217
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    The thing about these marches for a ceasefire is they seem to forget there was a ceasefire until October 7th, you mess with the Jew you get the horns.

    I'm willing to bet a bunch of these libtards on these marches are the same morons who think abos in Australia/US/Canada should get "their land back" kinda hypocritical as Canaan is the Jewish homeland and they were forced from there.

    Anyway, the way I see it if it means there are less Isreali tourists worldwide cos they're at war its a good thing, if it means there are more Isreali tourists worldwide cos they're avoiding the war it's a bad thing, that's about the extent of my concern.

    As for Dodgy Dave coming back, Jesus just shows how little "talent" there is in the Tory party, hopefully the rumours of Farage joining come to fruition and he takes over the leadership, the politicians in this country are a total embarrassment on all sides, Farage is the only one with something about them.
    Thanks so much for undercutting my point with racism and comparing apples to bowling balls. Aboriginals actually have far greater claim to taking back the land in Australia than the Arabs do in the Levant….Jews as you’ve stated lived there for centuries and the diaspora came there not just to escape nazi persecution but the pogroms and expulsion they faced long before hand in the Middle East and North Africa. The difference is the Aboriginals aren’t demanding a white colonialist free country, whilst I disagreed with the Voice proposal put forward in the referendum which would have created a two tier system in Australia…I do think Aboriginals are subject to marginalisation and racism, it’s only recently that the Australian government apologised for forcefully taking Aboriginal children from their birth parents and giving them to white adoptive parents.
    Also children were taken from this country without their parents consent and sent across the world to outpopulate the indigenous races, where they ended up being sexually abused by Nonce priests and treated like second class citizens.

  8. #4218
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    I cross examined my mate who was there. He said:

    It depends where you’re coming from
    1. There were more women than men on Saturday & a lot of children. Nobody was beered up although obviously we went to the pub when we exited in Vauxhall
    2. Lots of boisterous chants that need serious improvement - 2/4/6/8 Israel is a terrorist state etc. Although i liked ‘Richi Sunak is wasteman’
    3. There were half a million people and negligible trouble - we certainly didn’t see any. Overall atmosphere was delightful; i was so happy i went
    4. I saw 1 horrible sign and 1 i was dubious about ( in arabic ). the others were predictable.
    So, overall, it doesn’t sound like the extremist filled circle-jerk you’re claiming.

  9. #4219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I cross examined my mate who was there. He said:

    So, overall, it doesn’t sound like the extremist filled circle-jerk you’re claiming.

    I didn’t accuse anyone of being beered up, Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol for a start…so the PSC (which lets call it what it is an Islamist organisation) is hardly going to suggest bring your own bottle.

    It’s interesting that he mentions women and children, because the mosques it has coordinated with have made a point of seperating men from women and children (brothers only they call it) which tells you everything about the way they view the world.

    What I’m saying is that after four weeks they’ve had significant media saturation (well apart from bbc and itv which has sanitised it and itv have interviewed Hamas cheerleaders) to tell them not only about the people that organised the marches but a significant amount of people on the March. People like your mate put their own sense of warm virtuousness over the cold realisation that they are on a march with extremist antisemites, so even if they didn’t see any of these placards themselves or interact with the numerous dregs of society that were fellow travellers (which I don’t believe) that they are choosing to continue on these particular marches makes them apologists for extremists.

    Do I think that because of this they should be on a terrorist watch list? No (though I think a lot of people at that march should be). But do I think they are vile hypocrites who make claims to be decent liberal people whilst conveniently ignoring that which in front of their faces negates the very values they claim to hold? Yes unquestionably.

  10. #4220
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    hopefully the rumours of Farage joining come to fruition and he takes over the leadership.
    He’s a bit busy at the moment

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