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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #471
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    Are you suffering from synesthesia ?
    I'm going to look that up right now and if it's bad you are in some serious shit
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  2. #472
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Al the Baptist and his crackpot science that "is not up for debate".

    What does this prove?


    When you measure environmental progression over such short time periods (in this case since 1979) you can conclude NOTHING from the findings. However, let's do what the warmists have done and plug this data into a purpose built model that extrapolates almost instantaneous time snaps over a geological period, and let's ignore EVERYTHING that went before. Now I have PROOF that a new ice age is just around the corner.

    So guys! I'm selling new coats and cold weather survival gear and you can bet you're going to need my shit. For a limited time only (because that's all we have left before everyone is dead) I have FROZEN prices at a 500% markup. I'm also negotiating with government to make it compulsory to buy my shit. How do you like that? We'll never know because I'm talking to the courts about having your opinion banned. So shut the fuck up and get your wallets out.

    DISCLAIMER: The above data came from NASA rather than Wikipedia, so it's probably not true.
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  3. #473
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    Which one? This is what I mean by being vague...

    EDIT: That was in response to "read a book"

  4. #474
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Which one? This is what I mean by being vague...

    EDIT: That was in response to "read a book"
    Voltaire's Bastards by John Ralston Saul.
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  5. #475
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    Ok, I Googled it and the data is true, and wasn't predicted by a lot of the models. But so what? As I said, the climate is complicated and not all predictions will be correct. That doesn't mean the general point that the world is warming is false and that we have contributed to it

    But Dr Claire Parkinson, a senior scientist at Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Centre, says increasing Antarctic ice does not contradict the general warming trend. Overall the Earth is losing sea ice at a rate of 35,000 sq km per year (13,514 sq miles).

    “Not every location on the Earth is having the same responses to climate changes. The fact that ice in one part of the world is doing one thing and in another part ice is doing another is not surprising. The Earth is large and as the climate changes it is normal to see different things going on,” says Parkinson.
    She's from NASA though so it's probably not true.

  6. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Ok, I Googled it and the data is true, and wasn't predicted by a lot of the models. But so what? As I said, the climate is complicated and not all predictions will be correct. That doesn't mean the general point that the world is warming is false and that we have contributed to it

    She's from NASA though so it's probably not true.
    What you actually said was none of this data on the ice pack "is up for debate". The conversation began with a link to an article describing how the warmists are lobbying to have debate shut down by law. The point of the discussion was not to attack or defend the scientific (such as it is) position of the warmists. It was to highlight the extreme cynicism of a group that proclaims the "truth" but can't stand scrutiny. But you instead took this as an opportunity to reinforce your beliefs (not your knowledge, but your beliefs). "Not up for debate", you are unwittingly your own worst critic. I recommended that book because it will explain the symptoms and pitfalls of unbalanced reason, which is what you suffer from. Reason is not a virtue, it's a tool to be used where appropriate and in careful balance with all the actual virtues of humanitarianism. You use reason as an escape route to what is laughingly referred to as the middle ground, a euphemism for the ignorance of majority. Ignorance by majority is safe and it's convenient. This subversion of reason and the supposed virtue it conveys is nothing more than fear of being separated from the pack. You should read that book.
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  7. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    What you actually said was none of this data on the ice pack "is up for debate".
    That isn't really what I said. What I said (or meant) was the warming of the earth isn't up for debate. It's measurable. And there have been noticeable and measurable consequences. I did mention the ice caps and overall the ice is reducing even if it's not doing so uniformly. The causes of that warming are up for debate but there is a lot of scientific evidence which indicates we're a factor.
    Maybe the doom-mongers exaggerated things but that's mostly the media doing what they do.

    The point of the discussion was not to attack or defend the scientific (such as it is) position of the warmists.
    Really? So why do you keep calling them "warmists"? In your initial message about this you called it as 'religion' and you put the word 'facts' in double quotes.

    I recommended that book because it will explain the symptoms and pitfalls of unbalanced reason, which is what you suffer from.
    And you don't? You're the one who knows the truth, are you?
    Everyone thinks they're reasonable and that what they believe is right - that's why they believe it. I actually am reading a book right now about the way people think and reason, the way people delude themselves - things like confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance. I'm not immune to these things of course but maybe being aware of them helps a bit when thinking about things.

    You should read that book.
    Maybe I will.

  8. #478
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  9. #479
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    That isn't really what I said. What I said (or meant) was the warming of the earth isn't up for debate. It's measurable. And there have been noticeable and measurable consequences. I did mention the ice caps and overall the ice is reducing even if it's not doing so uniformly. The causes of that warming are up for debate but there is a lot of scientific evidence which indicates we're a factor.
    Maybe the doom-mongers exaggerated things but that's mostly the media doing what they do.

    Really? So why do you keep calling them "warmists"? In your initial message about this you called it as 'religion' and you put the word 'facts' in double quotes.

    And you don't? You're the one who knows the truth, are you?
    Everyone thinks they're reasonable and that what they believe is right - that's why they believe it. I actually am reading a book right now about the way people think and reason, the way people delude themselves - things like confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance. I'm not immune to these things of course but maybe being aware of them helps a bit when thinking about things.

    Maybe I will.
    The mention of the warmists in the context of religion is a highly appropriate reference to the most notable bunch of "learned" men and their "facts" which could only be upheld by torturing the doubters into compliance.

    The reference to unbalanced reason is in relation to the second half of the sentence which you missed, the virtues of humanitarianism. This has nothing to do with truth. By constantly heading for the middle or approved ground you see yourself as reasonable and virtuous, or rather you hope others will see you that way. Truth therefore becomes immaterial, propriety is the paramount importance. You'll disagree no doubt, so I refer you to everything you have ever posted here.

    You are absolutely right, you are far from immune to delusion and all its baggage. The sad thing is we can't begin a proper debate on global warming or climate change or whatever they are calling it today, because all that baggage has you so far down the wrong road I can't shout that far.

    You should realise it IS possible for a genuine crisis (pollution, the word that shall not be mentioned) to be used as a vehicle for corruption. That's the real debate. Of course we should protect our environment, it's not you and I who disagree about that basic idea, is it? But should we protect it by placing it into the hands of those who have benefited so greatly by destroying it in the first place? That's the debate. You have filth like the political whores and their government subsidised, long since debased science hacks for hire, the largely unquestioning mainstream media and the prophets like Gore all singing the same song and coming up with the same solutions. The consensus is the science, a replacement for real science. Anyone who questions it or seeks clarification is a denier - that word carefully chosen as it draws a pejorative association with another group of deniers who have been censored by law. Deniers in bed with the oil polluting Nazis - why not? This is the cleverest scam I have seen in a long time.

    My solution for environmental preservation, btw, is to make the polluter pay. NOT the company - the actual people involved. That would clean up our planet in a year. But it isn't really about cleaning up the planet. That's just the banner headline.

    Also, and warmists hate talking about this but I'm going to do it anyway before the law says I can't, I want to make you aware of the fact there's a star at the centre of our solar system. Going back to religion, as a related aside, that's where your Jesus comes from - sun worship. So it's ironic the warmist religion is based on complete denial of the object that has seeded every religion since the dawn of mankind - it really is a whole new religion with man as god and God apparently too thick to participate. But anyway, we have this immeasurable energy resource that literally dumps radiation down on the planet every second of every minute of every hour of every day for every moment this planet has existed and will continue to exist. So let's say there is a God. He must have thought, okay they'll need energy so I'll give them free light, free heat and the means for free power generation - for ever. I can only imagine the size of his head slap when he saw us scrabbling around in the dirt digging up dead stuff to burn. So there's another debate - why are we ignoring free energy? I can tell you - it's for the same reason as above. The slime pushing the warmist agenda. They aren't properly positioned to exploit it yet and turn the reality of free energy into another profit pulling monopoly.

    You're in the wrong camp, hurting yourself. You don't know it and all you want to do is lob stuff over your wall at the people outside who are showing you how to get out.
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  10. #480
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    Fucking sand nigger, I hope the Russians drop a nuke on them.

    I'm talking about the sunbed cunt and her BBC mates of course.
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