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Thread: Summer Transfer Speculation and Shit

  1. #481
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Yes, I've made this up!

    Please stop trying to twist my words. I never said Wenger didn't deserve his wages. Please reread, check the arguments again and please tell me how it's possible to exempt Wenger from wrong doing but pin everything on the board for thievery in light of this? Is he turning a blind eye?

  2. #482
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    I really don't understand how you can blast our owners for being crooked and not see that Wenger quite happily serves them.

  3. #483
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Last question first then. I have absolutely no doubt you have twisted what he said and paraphrased the result to meets your needs, because that's what you do. But even then, if he said it is necessary to raise prices to bring in more revenue to compete with the comedy clubs then what of it? What's the great ah-ha conclusion being reached in relation to the original supposition that Wenger doesn't deserve his wages? And even more so, now you've reversed and said he does deserve them, what am I missing here? Explain it.

    I'll take a guess at deciphering based on the claim you make the the fans have had nothing. Well if there was never an intention to deliver on the reasons for undertaking the stadium project in the first place, I'd agree. Ticket increases would be outrageous, salaries at the executive level would be outrageous. But for this to be the case there would have to be no signs of delivery. And yet there are clear signs. So why not take the price increases in the context of the overall plan rather than suggest they are a further means to milk the fans? You understand I'm not even saying with certainty these guys will deliver and it is not their aim to rob everyone. Maybe it is. None of us knows for sure this isn't the end game. What I'm saying is they have delivered some of what they promised they would deliver, a world class signing for big money, much improved sponsorship deals. So the evidence goes in their favour at the present time. We genuinely seem to be on the verge of moving into a sustainable period where we can compete at the top level of the game, in a business sense at least.

    Of course we cannot ever compete with some barbaric monarch with endless funding, nobody can. Business doesn't work like that, normally you have to invest and build a business. Very few have the means to run their pseudo-business at a perpetual loss, pumping more money all the time to fund the loss. But it's also true you can only put eleven players on the pitch at any given time, so we now have the means to attract eleven such players who may not fancy sitting it out on the comedy club benches. And of course you need more than eleven and if it's true we will have up to £70mill a year to fund transfers we can start to build a squad with sufficient quality to counter the huge financial advantage of the dopers.

    Some of the money I hope we'll spend will come from sponsorship deals, money attracted to the club because those investing it think they can make more money back. The rest will come straight from the pocket of the fans, more fans given the increased stadium capacity. This is when the fans get their money back, when they see better quality - expensive assets - on the pitch. This in turn improves the chances of delivering those trophies. I'm assuming ticket prices are set in relation to the budget and other variable factors such as inflation and the continually rising cost of transfer fees, player wages and so on. And I suppose because the nation runs a debt based, inflation based economy ticket prices will always increase. The fans will then have to weigh the cost of a ticket against what is being delivered on the pitch in terms of entertainment and results. Some will find the balance in their favour, others won't. Unfortunately many will be priced out entirely, but that's a general ailment with modern football and not specific to Arsenal.

    Finally, on that first point, there's a more simple reason Wenger might justify a price increase. Because the club owners say that's the way it's going to be. Simple as. He's an employee. How was the question framed? Was he asked if he likes the price increases? If he disagrees with them? I can't recall and I go back to the first sentence in my response.

    On your other points, you are revisiting the Wenger runs everything and controls everything argument. That's your opinion,, based on nothing. It's almost certain this isn't the case, as no businesses run like that and no investors would tolerate such a state of affairs if for nothing more than prudence. If you mean Wenger has a say in everything then probably he does and that makes sense, he's been there for almost two decades. It's odd he couldn't save his friend Dein if he has such overwhelming control.

    Regarding the players, there's no doubt Wenger has delivered many times over. We may not agree with the priorities that have been set, we may hate certain aspects of the finances and the business plan, but Wenger has delivered what the board has demanded with unerring consistency. There's no genuine dispute about him earning his salary. The players on the other hand, they have a task to achieve too. On the pitch. On the training ground and, because they are in a position of great privilege, in their personal lives too. Some have delivered, often under difficult circumstances. Some have not. It's not black and white like Wenger's delivery, and there's a degree of subjectivity. But some players can rightly be criticised for failing to deliver a return on the amount invested in them. A lot of them were cleared out last summer. Some have jumped ship in search of more money without ever providing an equitable return for the money they took from Arsenal. In these cases it's legitimate to criticise the player.

    The departed board members invested little and took a fortune. They started the project to enhance the revenues of the club, so fair enough if you are generous and say they had the best interests of the club at heart. From their antics in the boardroom and the fact they cashed out there's strong evidence to suggest their motivation was purely selfish. But no solid proof admittedly. Legally speaking they were entitled to do what they did. I mention them in response to the ludicrous idea it has been Wenger on the take.
    Ive not seen as much dedication to a personal cult outside of North Korea..Disinformation, deflection, dis ingenuity, avoidance, assassination of character. You convince no one but yourself so stop trying so hard.

  4. #484
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post

    Yes, I've made this up!

    Please stop trying to twist my words. I never said Wenger didn't deserve his wages. Please reread, check the arguments again and please tell me how it's possible to exempt Wenger from wrong doing but pin everything on the board for thievery in light of this? Is he turning a blind eye?
    Didn't say you made it up, please stop trying to twist my words. I said you undoubtedly twisted his words and paraphrased what he said to fit your argument. And so you have:

    “I am really worried they are high for our supporters. For the visitors, it only happens once per year so that is less a concern. [But] ideally you want ticket prices to be affordable to everybody. It is a very delicate subject.”
    I've answered the other question I think 3 times now, I assume it's not the answer you want to hear which is probably why you keep asking the question as if it has not been answered.
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  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    I really don't understand how you can blast our owners for being crooked and not see that Wenger quite happily serves them.
    The old switcheroo again. I was responding to those who were accusing Wenger of robbing the club and advised them to look at more likely candidates. If you mean the stuff about Usmanov, I call him crooked because he is a crook.
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  6. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Ive not seen as much dedication to a personal cult outside of North Korea..Disinformation, deflection, dis ingenuity, avoidance, assassination of character. You convince no one but yourself so stop trying so hard.
    Here you see him avoiding every counter argument so he can reach a conclusion that wouldn't otherwise be viable. And notice the reflection, even going as far as to throw out an accusation of character assassination.
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  7. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Here you see him avoiding every counter argument so he can reach a conclusion that wouldn't otherwise be viable. And notice the reflection, even going as far as to throw out an accusation of character assassination.
    The viable conclusion is that Wenger must stay...Innit?

  8. #488
    Member Maestro's Avatar
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    every single thread on here has descended into a wenger in/out, pro/anti and associated fuckery

    is anyone still modding on here

  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The old switcheroo again. I was responding to those who were accusing Wenger of robbing the club and advised them to look at more likely candidates. If you mean the stuff about Usmanov, I call him crooked because he is a crook.
    You don't hate rich people but continually lambaste the previous shareholders who sold to Kroernke......You keep reminding us they took money out of the club , How so?. If you bought your own house for 150k and it came to time to sell. Would you accept a higher price or still sell at 150k
    First we should say it's now a £500mill house that needs renovation. If I dearly loved the family moving in and and they were short a few quid for wallpaper I wouldn't really have a huge problem dropping the margin. Especially if the initial cost had been £150k - and I wonder how far from the truth that isn't?
    Here is your original response to Globalgunner just to jog your memory.

    In short, Wenger preaches financial prudence and spending within our means model. His policies and actions have helped prop up the valuation of the club so the previous shareholders could cash out, so why is he exempt from your criticism? Stan Kronke idolises Wenger and is right there along side him and applauding when he makes such comments...

    You've often accused Stan and the previous owners of doing nothing to invest in the club but we have Wenger here saying that he doesn't like that model or want interference from billionaire owners. Stan's happy with that model so he can sit and watch his pot grow without spending his own money. Something is amiss. Why are they the only ones at fault but not Wenger?

    Because the club owners say that's the way it's going to be. Simple as. He's an employee.
    Yes, he's an employee but is he turning a blind eye to it? Who is he serving and you've also got to question his character if we're looking at the picture as a whole. If he's against outside investment then what's the alternative model? If he's defending a ticket price hike, whose interests is he looking out for? It's a model that will keep Stan from investing in the club. Also, I'm not suggesting we take Stan and Usamov's money but you may want to rethink your criticism of the current and old Board members then throw Wenger in the mix. He's bent over backwards to please them and it's not just an employer/employee relationship.

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Here is your original response to Globalgunner just to jog your memory.

    In short, Wenger preaches financial prudence and spending within our means model. His policies and actions have helped prop up the valuation of the club so the previous shareholders could cash out, so why is he exempt from your criticism? Stan Kronke idolises Wenger and is right there along side him and applauding when he makes such comments...

    You've often accused Stan and the previous owners of doing nothing to invest in the club but we have Wenger here saying that he doesn't like that model or want interference from billionaire owners. Stan's happy with that model so he can sit and watch his pot grow without spending his own money. Something is amiss. Why are they the only ones at fault but not Wenger?

    Yes, he's an employee but is he turning a blind eye to it? Who is he serving and you've also got to question his character if we're looking at the picture as a whole. If he's against outside investment then what's the alternative model? If he's defending a ticket price hike, whose interests is he looking out for? It's a model that will keep Stan from investing in the club. Also, I'm not suggesting we take Stan and Usamov's money but you may want to rethink your criticism of the current and old Board members then throw Wenger in the mix. He's bent over backwards to please them and it's not just an employer/employee relationship.
    "His policies and actions have helped prop up the valuation of the club so the previous shareholders could cash out"

    Are you saying that was Wenger's intention when embarking on the stadium project? To build value so the existing board could cash out? What information have you used to reach this conclusion? I'm not saying you are wrong, but isn't it more likely Wenger was working to build the financial power of the club regardless of who owned it? That's the basis on which I'll answer unless some sort of evidence is available to the contrary. Why doesn't Wenger deserve criticism for doing his job? Well, if it's true we are now in a stable position with the stadium debt under control and a healthy budget each year for investment on the pitch then I'd say what Wenger has done has been very beneficial for the club. So that's why I don't criticise him. I'm not going to repeat that again, I have said it enough times now. I do criticise him in other areas, but that's a different argument.

    With Kroenke, who knows? It may well be he's sitting waiting for the pot to grow, as a business investor that's highly likely to be the case because that's generally the reason investors acquire assets, for growth and a bigger return. I criticised him for not sticking anything bar the minimum in from the outset. Just my opinion, I thought he could have done more - or reached an agreement with the previous bunch not to suck out every last drop. Wenger is an employee and a non-shareholder I don't see where he is involved in this side of things. I think you argued once he had some moral obligation to resign if he didn't agree with what was going on in the boardroom. I don't see that either, he has a job and he's done it. I assume he's been doing it in the best interests of the club. I base this on the fact he's been here for so long, transformed the place in so many ways, presided over many successes and turned down the advances of other clubs where he could have earned more. It appears to be more than just a case of money for Wenger.

    Based on the evidence I don't question his character at all. Whose interests is he looking out for? Like any of us, there will be an element of him serving his own personal interests - this is entirely normal. But serving them in conjunction with a wider service to the club, which is the best way to serve personal interests I would have thought because when the club does well he will do well, as will everyone connected. Where we seem to differer is the definition of "doing well". I see a 10 year project reaching it's conclusion that should allow us to cement ourselves at the top of the game - maybe, because more chavs could arrive at any time. Isn't this what Wenger argues against? The dumping of cash to circumvent the natural steps required over time to build financial stability? Well if the authorities care so little about the game they allow any character to pitch up and start dumping cash then nobody can do anything about it except point out the long term disadvantages to sport in general. Nevertheless, we have done what it is possible to do within the confines of a genuine business model. Others argue the last 10 years has been about a lack of trophies. That's fine, argue it. I'm happier with having had some time at the top and then restructuring to build the environment for more of the same. Provided it hasn't been a giant scheme to first enrich the bunch that just left and then fill the pockets of the current lot with no return for the fans. Under the latter outcome of course I'd protest as loudly as you do. I see something else at the present, a more positive possibility.
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