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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #491
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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  2. #492
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    "In this case, officers tried their utmost best to engage with Dinou."

    except they could have just, like left her the fuck alone instead of turning on the gestapo act

    why her? is it because she was the only person around, in which case she wasn't breaking social distancing rules

    Or, if there were lots of people around, why did they single her out?


  3. #493
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    At least they aren't doing it by race now so progression there.
    actually with a name like Marie Dinou she was clearly one of them foreign types an' shoulda been kicked out of OUR cuntry innit?!?!

  4. #494
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Federer to keep his Slam record by default.

  5. #495
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    No Euros.
    No Wimbledon.
    No Olympics.

    Worst summer of sport ever

  6. #496
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    We'll have the Premier League summer tournament to enjoy.

  7. #497
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    Business Secretary on Press Conference duties.

    Not much to say other than businesses have started receiving their grants apparently.

    Good news for the Spud staff.

  8. #498
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well yeah. Because if you're going to say that <this source> is unreliable and you know better then it's only fair to ask what your alternative source is and why you regard it as more reliable.

    The fact is all people have biases, including you. Most if not all of the sources you mention will be subject to biases.
    OK, so someone wrote a book. Did they have an agenda? Are their sources reliable? How do you know? And so on.
    It's weird you list scientific papers when the ones you choose to accept there are very highly cherry picked to suit your world-view.

    It's interesting you mention this as the story about the 21 year old which you keep pouring scorn on. The source there is the girl's family.
    Now, the doctors might not agree that it was the cause of death, they're probably not allowed to say because of confidentiality, but if the family of the girl aren't "directly connected" to the story then who are?

    Sure, there are lots of other places to get information, but that doesn't magically make them more reliable places.
    The FE movement has grown in popularity because any idiot can shout stupid ideas across the internet now. Back in the day you had to find a street corner and a sandwich board. Now you can post nonsense on YouTube and with a fair wind get a load of views.

    Your ability to discern what is true is undermined by the fact that you have twice recently called the BBC "fake news" in response to things they said - both of which were true. And you so rarely provide your own sources it's impossible to assess how reliable they are.

    You seem to view yourself as some "independent thinker" when actually all you do is read and listen to other sources which better suit your biases.
    That doesn't make you enlightened.
    Looks like we got us a book reader!

    Yes, I am an independent thinker. Aren't you? You make it sound like an unobtainable ideal rather than a simple choice.

    You've used a straw man army above in an attempt to disguise the simple fact that you asked where I get my "sources" from if not the mainstream media, or as well as the mainstream media. I answered. And look what you did. You even threw in an illustrative lie about the fake news on the BBC which you are intent to defend, even though I showed you the historical record in that instance. I made a joke yesterday, "I don't care what your latest excuse is, my original point stands", or words to that effect. Obviously you didn't get it. And so you recycle the same chain of events but with a conclusion at odds with the facts and then use that as "proof" in a subsequent argument. Just like the mainstream media in fact. And even then, you're missing the point. In the case of the fake news story about the 21 year old girl, the fear porn is their objective, not the facts. If the facts fit then even better, but if not, get the fear porn onto the screens, job done, clean up the mess afterwards. Issue an apology on page 99 if necessary and then on to the next thing. It's the difference between news and propaganda.

    As for reading books and the danger it brings, I agree, the writers will almost certainly have their own opinions and biases. The simple solution is to read more than one book. And by a similar logic I watch the mainstream media, not all of it, some of it, in order to find out what the bias and agenda happens to be in that quarter.

    It sounds as if you treat authority and the corporate funders as entities to either be believed or disbelieved. I treat them as interested parties following their own profit motives, sometimes/ often at the expense of mine and many others. Of course they will lie, by "fact" or omission. Lying and misleading people is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of any profit motivated organisation. Little lies, white lies, blatant lies, long campaigns of one lie after another that results in millions of people being killed or made refugees. They will also tell the truth if that's the most profitable avenue. Context is everything if you want to extract the purpose of the story. It ought to be to inform, but usually it is to dumb down or mislead entirely.

    Then your lie about me never providing sources. IIRC when you last used that one it was very unfortunate because on the very same page I'd listed a bunch of sources in another post. And I looks like you've rushed into the same unhappy outcome this time. I gave 10 million potential sources in a single link, but you'd have to do some work on your own to gain any benefit. I feel like you'd prefer it if I spoon-fed you in the same manner as the legacy media. I can't see how that would help you.

    Just as I can't see the point in going over all of this again. I've detailed the way you operate many times in the past. That's sufficient, so instead just know I will continue to call the mainstream media out as being fake news, an easily confirmable statement of fact based on the historical record, and I leave it up to you if you want to keep defending their behaviour - which has cost millions of lives across the globe. Although I suppose you view the consistent stream of evidence as unintentional and coincidental mistakes.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    "In this case, officers tried their utmost best to engage with Dinou."

    except they could have just, like left her the fuck alone instead of turning on the gestapo act

    why her? is it because she was the only person around, in which case she wasn't breaking social distancing rules

    Or, if there were lots of people around, why did they single her out?

    They can't even have a laugh about it in the pub later, because the fucking pubs are shut.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    They can't even have a laugh about it in the pub later, because the fucking pubs are shut.
    they'll still be having drunken orgies down the station - what do you think those handcuffs and truncheons are really for...?

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