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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6191
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Like i said...
    And I'm supposed to be the guy talking to myself.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #6192
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You think repetition of of a lie is a foolproof recipe for truth.
    Well, obviously I don't think that.
    But it's interesting you say that when some of your claims have been shown to be false and it doesn't stop you repeating them anyway

    Even in the last couple of pages on this thread your bullshit is laid bare.

    Your continued belief that so many people are lying to you or out to get you is bizarre. It's the root of a lot of your false predictions.

    I asked a simple question - one which I don't believe you have answered on here before. As I said, you alluded to having an answer about the practicalities of who builds the roads but I don't believe you ever elaborated. So can you? Or can you point me to the post where you did if you have already.

    You said recently that "honest debate" is impossible. That is true while you continue your determination to think the worst of people and refuse to answer a straight question with a straight answer.

  3. #6193
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well, obviously I don't think that.
    But it's interesting you say that when some of your claims have been shown to be false and it doesn't stop you repeating them anyway


    Your continued belief that so many people are lying to you or out to get you is bizarre. It's the root of a lot of your false predictions.

    I asked a simple question - one which I don't believe you have answered on here before. As I said, you alluded to having an answer about the practicalities of who builds the roads but I don't believe you ever elaborated. So can you? Or can you point me to the post where you did if you have already.

    You said recently that "honest debate" is impossible. That is true while you continue your determination to think the worst of people and refuse to answer a straight question with a straight answer.
    No, you didn't ask a simple question. You asked a loaded and framed question that didn't at all reflect what I have repeatedly said. Same as your girlfriend. And then you loaded up an argument on the back of that dishonesty and challenged me to support the opposite position to that I endorse. Because that's what you do. We've had this discussion, so don't for a second play the innocent.

    If you want to be a mindless sheep and follow the decrees of thieves, murderers and liars I have always said that's up to you. My position has always been, leave me out of it. Stop imposing your bullshit on me. Your girlfriend even accused me of trying to impose liberty on him, it's fucking hysterical how incomprehensible the concept of liberty is to you people.

    I'm not pointing you to posts you already know exist. Do your own work. But, if memory serves, the last time we spoke about it wasn't that long ago. You advised I should get with your agenda or get the fuck out. You gave me a whole list of options that I could use to secure your hive mind interpretation of liberty. I could homeschool, provided I paid you. I could get health insurance, provided I paid you. You remember the post, don't say otherwise because this is about the 50th time you've recycled the poor innocent act. Go and find it yourself and get the answers for yourself. I've long advised you to do that too, as opposed to being a repeater for the thieves, murderers and liars I mentioned earlier.

    Then your other lie which you have been carefully constructing over time. Everyone is out to get me. The passive, aggressive Mr Christian asking oh so reasonable a question riding on the back of the usual pejoratives. I already told you I'm not fooled or moved, so I guess you must be playing to the audience for some reason. Am I the guy telling you what you must do? Or is it the other way around? And how many people like you are out there, demanding conformity and obedience? You're not out to get me, you already got me. I pay your shitty taxes, I send my kids to your indoctrination camps, I pay for your dysfunctional "health" service, I seek your permission to drive my car, or have a child, or die in peace. Or is none of that happening? Is it the other way around? Is it me making demands of you?

    I'll tell you why it's so important for you to shoot down all notion of personal liberty. Because, if it was an option, millions would want it. And then you might be forced to stand on your own two feet and make your own decisions and take personal responsibility. And that terrifies you, right? You need to be protected and cared for like a child, although the parents are somewhat abusive. But not as abusive as elsewhere on the planet, so you think you are onto a winning deal. But it all depends on you keeping people like me under the boot, working, so you can steal the proceeds and redistribute to recipients nominated by murderers, thieves and liars. Hence the wars, hence the globalised corporate criminality, hence the rapacious banking cartels, hence all of the shit you claim is the only option.

    But, just for you, one more time (so next week you can claim I never said it). Leave me alone, that's my whole plan. Do not provide me with the services you force me to consume. None of them. I will pay you by choice if I want anything from you, as should always be the way with a legal contract. I'll look after myself, I'll look after my family and I'll take care of my own affairs. And I'll obey your common laws when interacting with you, not your bullshit unlawful statute of course, but the real law. I won't kill you. I won't steal from you. I won't do any of that stuff that God was so hot on.

    What's your problem with that?

    Oh, I already told you.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 04-10-2021 at 12:04 PM.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #6194
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Kind of implies you think 1/3 are actually represented then? How do you come to that conclusion based on all the evidence?
    Well, there is that.

    Where there is power and money (essentially the same thing), you get a cesspit of corruption - and not just in politics.

    Football has never been so awash with money.

    It has also never been so shit.

    There are a few in the game with principles, but the system just chews them up and spits them out.

    Unless they abandon their principles. Which ultimately, they have to.

    But first past the post is utter shit and almost completely cancels out the chances of someone not stuck with their heads firmly in one of the major parties’ trough, getting elected.
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  5. #6195
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    I see Arden has said new Zealand have to abandon zero Covid strategy and just learn to live with the virus.

    Took her long enough to realise

  6. #6196
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    If only she could have had 10s of thousands die first.
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  7. #6197
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Yeah! What an idiot!

    Honestly, the lenghs Tories will go to to excuse their incompetence.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  8. #6198
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Maybe it's just the language barrier that has made him look a complete idiot here and caused him to contradict himself?

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  9. #6199
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    Just having a look at the case numbers and death numbers, coincidentally there were as many reported deaths yesterday as there were on the same day last year (33). We all know what happened last winter.

    Of course, we have the vaccine now, so that's born out in the case numbers: last year, on the 4th of October, there were 33 deaths from 9,716 cases. This year, it's the same number from 33,317 cases.

    My worry is that the vaccine might only be as effective as lockdowns, i.e. that we'll still have the same number of deaths as we did during the height of the pandemic if we don't lock down again.

    I really, really don't want to go back into lockdown, I fucking hated it (apart from the first one where I was able to sit in my parents' garden in the summer next to the pond, but that's by the by).

    I just hope we don't get the same number of people dying as before.
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  10. #6200
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    My gut feel is there will be some restrictions over this winter but I don't know what that will look like.
    Tbh I'm surprised the numbers aren't worse. I've been out and about in town a couple of times over the last couple of weeks and it was pretty busy.
    We went to see the Back To The Future musical (you really should see it btw, it's a little bit awlsome), and very few were wearing masks. And the trains were busy on the way home.
    So maybe the vaccine is doing its job and with booster jabs we'll get away with it.

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