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Thread: 2020 US General Election

  1. #631
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    everything Trump says and does is a gaffe - he's one big gaffe

    btw i see you've talked some other sucker here into voting for Trump - do you get a bonus for that?
    You can answer everything with TDS if you want to, we can still pretend it's a free country, or you can take a look at what you are endorsing and see it, rather than run from it. And maybe wonder what it means for the world if a dementia stricken puppet is ushered in as a front for... Who btw? Who are you hoping will be the power behind the puppet? Not Harris surely? Nobody likes her. Who?
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  2. #632
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    it's your definition of evil that's the issue - the fact you can't see how bad a person Trump is and support any right-wing lunatic who wants to privatise everything, leaving us even more in the hands of the nasty dark corporate forces you then also talk about

    you also attack any moderate institution, news source or individual who actually stands against such things, dismissing everyone as commies

    it's you who are completely deluded
    Says the guy who stands on the other side of the road with as crazy a gang of crackpots that has likely ever existed. Fanatics that want to throw everything in the air and shut down the very basics of society and social discourse, who will use sustained and unapologetic violence to obtain their political ends - the classic definition of terrorism. The cancel culture, censorship, race agitating, biology hating, child abusing, lunatics who model reality instead of recording it, and then sow panic with their unerringly false conclusions.

    You are the "moderates" are you? Harbingers of the brave new world to be delivered mere decades after Orwell wrote the instruction manual?

    WellI'm happier over here with the "delusional" lot - although we have no delusions or illusions about you and your kind. Because we read your game plan in the history books you'll be burning next week. Same old plan.
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  3. #633
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Says the guy who stands on the other side of the road with as crazy a gang of crackpots that has likely ever existed. Fanatics that want to throw everything in the air and shut down the very basics of society and social discourse, who will use sustained and unapologetic violence to obtain their political ends - the classic definition of terrorism. The cancel culture, censorship, race agitating, biology hating, child abusing, lunatics who model reality instead of recording it, and then sow panic with their unerringly false conclusions.

    You are the "moderates" are you? Harbingers of the brave new world to be delivered mere decades after Orwell wrote the instruction manual?

    WellI'm happier over here with the "delusional" lot - although we have no delusions or illusions about you and your kind. Because we read your game plan in the history books you'll be burning next week. Same old plan.
    once again you're lumping my views in with supposed hordes of commies etc, just because you can't accept that everyone sits somewhere unique on the political spectrum

    tbh apart from the lunatic right, most people are not sure what the best solution with but in the absence of any personal knowledge it's not surprisign if they support the medical advice

    as you know from my previous comments i don't take part in test and trace, also i will be as far back in the vaccine queue as possible - i don't trust either of those things - but no, for you there's just your youtube army versus the commies, anything else is just too complicated for you to compute isn't it?

  4. #634
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    once again you're lumping my views in with supposed hordes of commies etc, just because you can't accept that everyone sits somewhere unique on the political spectrum

    tbh apart from the lunatic right, most people are not sure what the best solution with but in the absence of any personal knowledge it's not surprisign if they support the medical advice

    as you know from my previous comments i don't take part in test and trace, also i will be as far back in the vaccine queue as possible - i don't trust either of those things - but no, for you there's just your youtube army versus the commies, anything else is just too complicated for you to compute isn't it?
    I already know all that, because I have a memory and remember you telling me.

    But I go ahead and accuse you of shit anyway, and refuse to acknowledge what you have said. I thought that would be okay, because it's what you do when talking to me. We can do it the other way, if you prefer.
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  5. #635
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I already know all that, because I have a memory and remember you telling me.

    But I go ahead and accuse you of shit anyway, and refuse to acknowledge what you have said. I thought that would be okay, because it's what you do when talking to me. We can do it the other way, if you prefer.
    the other way being i just agree with you and your youtbe ranters - no thanks

  6. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    the other way being i just agree with you and your youtbe ranters - no thanks
    No. You engage with what is being said and provide counter argument. For example, the "YouTube ranters". What's that supposed to mean? Ranting, whispering, singing, chanting, what would it matter? YouTube? Would you prefer a different video platform? But do you have any opinion on what has actually been said? I don't think so, not so far.
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  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    No. You engage with what is being said and provide counter argument. For example, the "YouTube ranters". What's that supposed to mean? Ranting, whispering, singing, chanting, what would it matter? YouTube? Would you prefer a different video platform? But do you have any opinion on what has actually been said? I don't think so, not so far.
    I've offered plenty of opinions:

    - I'm not a doctor or a scientist but would broadly go with their advice, I've no time for libertarian right-wing ranters whether on youtube or anywhere else (your claim not to understand what I'm meaning by ranters is absurd btw)

    - Bill Gates is genuinely trying to help

    - the libertarian right'obsession with 'freedom' is nothing of the kind - it's simply an assertion of their belief that they can be as obnoxious as possibel adn damage others' lives without facing consequences. They are simply against government intervention of any kind, even when it's an intervention to protect people and give people the 'freedom' to be healthy - a classic example is the smoking ban which has demonstrably decreased smoking-related disease, given people the freedom to enjoy indoor events, pubs and restautants without breathing other peoples' smoke and thereby potentially losing their freedom through contracting lung cancer etc etc etc adn yet teh libertarian right still think it's an imposition on 'freedom'

    - Corbyn was a left-wing loser

    - Starmer is not perfect but he's better

    - The Governmetn is being run by the Leave movementt, a bunch of liars and frauds, aided and abetted by the right-wing media

    i could go on but can't be bothered

    but you know what - i came up with all of the above all by myself - not because it's written in Das Kapital...

  8. #638
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    I can't vote, but I've put my money where my mouth is.

    £100 on Biden to win at 4/7.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    I've offered plenty of opinions:

    - I'm not a doctor or a scientist but would broadly go with their advice, I've no time for libertarian right-wing ranters whether on youtube or anywhere else... but you know what - i came up with all of the above all by myself - not because it's written in Das Kapital...
    So it was the Corbett series on the history of Gates that riled you? That's the YouTube ranter? He showed you a history of Gates' abuses and monopolistic practices, he showed you how he uses a charitable foundation to evade tax and rehabilitate his reputation, he shows you where he invests and how he then uses those investments to influence policy and he showed you the family fascination with eugenics. If any of it is untrue you can always point it out. But you haven't done that, you've brushed it away unanswered. You are not obliged to counter the carefully stated and evidence backed arguments, but by failing to do so your subsequent claims of "ranting" will carry little weight with the observant. I just find it a bit strange, given your staunch political leanings, that you'd become so offended when a textbook example of an exploitative monopolist is exposed.

    Your argument on smoking is weird too. And the rather strange misconception of libertarianism. A libertarian stance would never seek to dictate what individuals may do on their own private property. If people don't want smoking on their property I can't see how anyone would oppose that. Other individuals could then choose whether they wanted to frequent that property, or not. That's how a free society might operate. But when the state comes along and issues a decree that blanket bans everyone from running their own affairs on their own property that is quite obviously a different thing and can't possibly be justified in a free and choice based society. Only an authoritarian who believes he has more rights than others could condone such behaviour.

    Which is maybe why you align with Starmer, who also believes he has a right to dictate to people, even when it causes them great harm. Today and tomorrow this unsavoury character will use fake and debunked modelling data (the justification) and excuse the absence of any meaningful review of associated costs in terms of life, liberty and the economy, to vote with a discredited government that simply cannot and will not accept what thousands of prominent scientific, medical and legal voices are clearly stating. At a time when an opposition was most urgently needed, Starmer abandoned his post and willingly joined the ranks of the establishment against the interests of the working (soon to be non-working) man. This is just the reality on the ground. You can blame me for it, like you blame me for Gates' duplicity, but it does seem to be you, rather than me, that speaks up in support of these dubious characters who routinely undermine the political ideology you seem aligned to. It's strange. You tend to compensate for this dilemma by calling me conflicted.

    Finally, this idea of the government being run by the Leave movement doesn't hold much water. Even if it were true, we voted to leave so it wouldn't be entirely strange to see a government that reflected this outcome. But it's rather more obvious the government is being run by unelected bureaucrats such as Witty and Vallance and the people behind them who provide the funding (Bill Gates being a prime example). Even the WHO has said, don't lock down. But these bureaucrats are determined and will even use demonstrably fake modelling data in broad daylight to achieve their presently unspoken aims. This is not to excuse Johnson for being such a weakling, nor his rather pathetic cabinet that trots along with the insanity and make fools of themselves trying to justify it on national TV. But there is a brewing rebellion within the party at least. Not that it will mean anything considering the so-called opposition is happily being led along by the very same bureaucrats dictating to the "Leave" Tories.

    I'm not sure you could go on, in my honest opinion. I would say that's a fair enough summary of your entire contribution over 5K posts. Which is fine, because it's a football forum after all. But I think it's ambitious of you to claim there's other material out there we are not being treated to.

    Still, this is a lot better, isn't it?
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  10. #640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    I can't vote, but I've put my money where my mouth is.

    £100 on Biden to win at 4/7.
    Good for you. Only one here with the guts to own up to it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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