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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #911
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Fake news pedlar the Independent ran the following today:

    Fake 'pizzagate' news story alleging Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring led man to open fire in Washington pizza parlour
    Pizzagate is not about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring. It's about her campaign chief Podesta running a child sex ring with his brother, or at least being up to his neck in it as the leaked evidence from their own email servers neatly lays out. Hence the Russians under every bed, yawn. So it looks like Clinton's reward for being front creature for these deviant scumbags will be a quick shove under a bus.

    Notice how Pizzagate is a "conspiracy theory" despite being backed by a stream of emails to and fro in Podesta's own hand. The reds under the bed, Russian scare stories, well those aren't conspiracy theories despite being backed by precisely zero evidence. No, these are "conspiracy facts", and that's why the legacy media and their longstanding fakery has finally hit the buffers. Even the village idiot can see through it now.
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  2. #912
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    Labour is to set up an inquiry into fake news and recommend ways it could be managed. Social media could create a code of ethics for sharing news, for example, and we could even see the emergence of online communities like Wikipedia to check news

    Let's hope we do see fake news come under increasing scrutiny. About time the BBC was held to some sort of account. Meanwhile, the establishment answer to the ever increasing challenge of news escaping through the cracks is taking steps to do what it always does - censor. Because any non-establishment approved news source is, of course, fake news. Paddy Powers says there's a 99.97% chance that all bar the most gullible will see straight through to the 6% approval rating the legacy media enjoys, as a direct result of its sordid history of pushing bullshit and calling it news.
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  3. #913
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    Globalists hang on to Austria, but dealt a crushing blow in Italy. Allied forces look to France as next crucial step in liberation of Europe. Meanwhile Trump starts delivering on campaign pledges - globalist controlled media fumes. In other news, globalist warmist agenda starts to collapse as more scientists snap out of trance and notice the data. In UK, old establishment buffers will set aside their kiddie fiddling for the day in a doomed attempt to derail Brexit.
    For me it sounds utterly ridiculous that the Americans have for so long ignored Taiwan (diplomatically anyway sold them tons of military hardware over the decades) just because Beijing insist it's part of China (The natives don't feel that way at all).

    Will be interesting to see how they respond to a president-elect calling them out for currency manipulation and their aggressive attitude in the south china seas

    The Five Star movement in Italy are a bit of an anomaly, whilst they are definitely populist they aren't really the populist right, whilst they are euroskeptic and protectionist they aren't really a Nationalist movement like UKIP, Le Front Nationale or the Freedom Party in Austria.....far more of a big tent anti-establishment movement where both the left and the right can find something they like.

  4. #914
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    For me it sounds utterly ridiculous that the Americans have for so long ignored Taiwan (diplomatically anyway sold them tons of military hardware over the decades) just because Beijing insist it's part of China (The natives don't feel that way at all).

    Will be interesting to see how they respond to a president-elect calling them out for currency manipulation and their aggressive attitude in the south china seas

    The Five Star movement in Italy are a bit of an anomaly, whilst they are definitely populist they aren't really the populist right, whilst they are euroskeptic and protectionist they aren't really a Nationalist movement like UKIP, Le Front Nationale or the Freedom Party in Austria.....far more of a big tent anti-establishment movement where both the left and the right can find something they like.
    Doesn't really matter that much who believes what or why. The marriages will have to be of convenience for the time being with a common goal to pile on the public pressure until this EU thing becomes untenable. Hard to know what the political landscape will look like once Europe has been renationalised. History repeating I suppose, but this time for the common good if people don't relax once the EU is done and resolve to keep up the pressure on whatever else emerges. You never know, we might get some real politics by the time this is over.
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  5. #915
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    You never know, we might get some real politics by the time this is over.
    I think you are backing the wrong horses for that i'm afraid

    What is more likely to happen is that people won't feel any better off or happier than they were before, but instead of taking responsibility for it it will be more "blaming traitors for doing down their country"

    That's generally what happens when people win power on vague, simplistic promises. I can understand the draw of giving people who claim to be anti globalist a chance (and by claim I mean disingenuously) but ultimately charlatans are always with us and when for so long people have been ignored and left behind they are going to start listening to these frauds.

    Ultimately as much as i think predictions can make you look stupid, taking things from your political perspective I imagine a year or so from now you will be just if not more contemptuous of the people who currently posit themselves as agents of anti globalisation as those they have electorally defeated.

    Because we will be as far away from a system (or indeed lack of) that you find to be correct as we ever were.

  6. #916
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I think you are backing the wrong horses for that i'm afraid

    What is more likely to happen is that people won't feel any better off or happier than they were before, but instead of taking responsibility for it it will be more "blaming traitors for doing down their country"

    That's generally what happens when people win power on vague, simplistic promises. I can understand the draw of giving people who claim to be anti globalist a chance (and by claim I mean disingenuously) but ultimately charlatans are always with us and when for so long people have been ignored and left behind they are going to start listening to these frauds.

    Ultimately as much as i think predictions can make you look stupid, taking things from your political perspective I imagine a year or so from now you will be just if not more contemptuous of the people who currently posit themselves as agents of anti globalisation as those they have electorally defeated.

    Because we will be as far away from a system (or indeed lack of) that you find to be correct as we ever were.
    Perhaps that's true for the UK, but don't underestimate the depth of feeling in the rest of Europe. Greeks and French and Italians are not afraid to take to the streets and Ireland is tipping towards open revolt. It takes a while for these things to sink in but a lot of people have now twigged how the system works and realise they aren't part of the plan. They have everything to lose, including the futures of their kids, if significant change does not occur.

    Here in the UK you are probably right. We pride ourselves on being subservient. Hell, half the people still adore the monarch, Gawd bless 'er.
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  7. #917
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    Perhaps that's true for the UK, but don't underestimate the depth of feeling in the rest of Europe. Greeks and French and Italians are not afraid to take to the streets and Ireland is tipping towards open revolt. It takes a while for these things to sink in but a lot of people have now twigged how the system works and realise they aren't part of the plan. They have everything to lose, including the futures of their kids, if significant change does not occur.

    Here in the UK you are probably right. We pride ourselves on being subservient. Hell, half the people still adore the monarch, Gawd bless 'er.
    It's got nothing to do with the electorate and everything to do with the people making the promises

    You contend they offer a slight shift in the right direction, my contention is that they offer no such thing. I don't necessarily count the Five Star movement in this as I don't think they are being compelled to go for the lowest common denominator to make their point, and they have existed for a while as a genuine anti establishment movement.
    I think the others are authoritarian movements disguised as anti establishment movements

  8. #918
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    It's got nothing to do with the electorate and everything to do with the people making the promises

    You contend they offer a slight shift in the right direction, my contention is that they offer no such thing. I don't necessarily count the Five Star movement in this as I don't think they are being compelled to go for the lowest common denominator to make their point, and they have existed for a while as a genuine anti establishment movement.
    I think the others are authoritarian movements disguised as anti establishment movements
    It has everything to do with the electorate (for want of a better word). Trump could never happen without a significant shift in the attitude of a large enough segment of the citizenry. Whether Trump is a charlatan or not is almost irrelevant. Unless he and his equivalents elsewhere deliver what a growing number of the planet's population is demanding, a narrowing of the chasm between the super rich and their lackeys and the rest of us, the tide will turn faster and in more unpredictable ways. And if delivery occurs, to whatever greater or lesser degree, then it will simply embolden demands for further delivery. Who knows, in time the people might realise that delivery itself is the problem. Don't ask these fuckers to deliver anything. Get rid of them and go self service. And this is where you seem to be coming from, affording the authorities the same degree of control as they have always had. Maybe these nationalists movements are a great ruse and we're playing merrily into the hands of the globalists. Extremely unlikely, but not impossible. In the absence of that theory what you have left is the growing reality of authority starting to feel the first stirrings of a backlash. Smart politicians will ride this, those tied hopelessly to the old agendas will try to stand against it.
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  9. #919
    Quote Originally Posted by Noel_Quinn View Post
    It has everything to do with the electorate (for want of a better word). Trump could never happen without a significant shift in the attitude of a large enough segment of the citizenry. Whether Trump is a charlatan or not is almost irrelevant. Unless he and his equivalents elsewhere deliver what a growing number of the planet's population is demanding, a narrowing of the chasm between the super rich and their lackeys and the rest of us, the tide will turn faster and in more unpredictable ways. And if delivery occurs, to whatever greater or lesser degree, then it will simply embolden demands for further delivery. Who knows, in time the people might realise that delivery itself is the problem. Don't ask these fuckers to deliver anything. Get rid of them and go self service. And this is where you seem to be coming from, affording the authorities the same degree of control as they have always had. Maybe these nationalists movements are a great ruse and we're playing merrily into the hands of the globalists. Extremely unlikely, but not impossible. In the absence of that theory what you have left is the growing reality of authority starting to feel the first stirrings of a backlash. Smart politicians will ride this, those tied hopelessly to the old agendas will try to stand against it.
    No of course the election of these individuals is caused by massive dissatisfaction, my point is that this will lead to a greater sense of authoritarianism is not to do with the electorate though. My argument is that with the possible exception of the five star movement, all these people who have won are authoritarians dressed up as anti-establishment.....they don't dislike the establishment, they just want to impose their own one.
    It's not about playing into the hands of globalists, it's about the harm the globalists have done playing into the hands of people who are arguably even worse.

  10. #920
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    That's funny because that's the exact point i make about people like Pilger you point out atrocities committed in non western alligned gulf states, russia, china etc and it's "Yes but the United States".

    I don't think i have made myself clearer, I have no time for people who seem to think the only problems in this world are Occidental.

    And the difference is I don't and never have denied that Western states are guilty of atrocious acts, the way people like Pilger and Chomsky do with Non Western imperialists.

    We had this discussion two weeks ago, you think living in the west is equivalent to living in any of these regimes i criticise I don't and I don't think people who lived in these states who now live in the west think so either. The west is as far from perfect as you can get, Guantanamo for example is an absolute mockery of the principle of justice, so are the historical examples of the US Clandestinely allowing US friendly dictators to take power in other countries.....but I do think it's relative and you don't.
    Well I'm not sure you're doing the same thing as Pilger, but you are doing the same thing as you accuse Pilger of doing.

    I didn't say living in the west is the same as living in the east. I said in principle there's no difference. The difference is in the method. Both east and west are domains of extremist regimes. To find the extremism you have to look at the conditions that have become normalised. Such as the great inequality between the rich and the poor. Condemning a whole sector of a society to live as slaves with no hope of reprieve beyond a one in a million lottery shot while a minority live off the backs of rest and make rules for the rest they don't follow themselves - what does it remind you of? In fact, what is it? It's your eastern regime but without the term communist applied. Of course the poor in the west are free to say what they want, especially considering nobody is listening.

    Did you see the EU ordering the major online service providers to crack down on "fake news" within 24 hours? Well hello China.
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