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Thread: The next manager..

  1. #961
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    I just don't get the clamour for Arteta, he's never managed, was probably one of the worst captains we had and a very average player for us, he was also part of a time when we bottled it regularly, so what that's he's been working at Man City as assistant manager, it's a completely different role and doesn't qualify him to be manager in any way.

    He's be a complete novice, his first job should be at some lower league team, like Lampard for example, not a big club.

    He's the reason I wanted Emery in the first place, because this guy was the alternative. No thanks, let him go and manage Aldershot FC or something like most first time managers.
    We need a completely fresh start, a reboot beginning with the most basics of basic. I don't think the majority of fans realise how much Wenger took from this club. The team has to be rebuilt as a competitive sporting unit from the ground up. As I said before, it doesn't really matter who we get provided they are laser focused on the absolute basics. I can see fans thinking we'll bring in Mr X and suddenly 10 years of catastrophic mismanagement will just be washed away. Well I hope there's a magician like that out there and he wants to come to Arsenal. But assuming there's not...
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  2. #962
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  3. #963
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    With the power of hindsight, he should have been sacked after Baku. From the position we were in with 7 or 8 games to go last season, it was a travesty to miss out in the way we did. The season so far is just a continuation of around 20-25 games were we've just been atrocious.

    He started well enough but even during that 22 game unbeaten run the team still had little shape to it, goals were still being conceded and in some cases we were lucky to turn games around thanks to some individual brilliance.

    He was just awful for us and even managed to do the unthinkable and make our defence worse than it already was! What a waste of 18 months.
    I agree with everything you said except the power of hindsight bit.

    The truth is if you had a Dein, Levy, Perez or the kind of setup they've got in Bayern running this club, Emery could plausibily have lost his job last season, immediately after the EL final.

    I really do think that this Emery saga should prove to every Arsenal fan that just worrying about the manager and development of young players shouldn't be foremost in our mind. How many of us cared about the experience or the antecedents of Gazidis, Raul and all the other idiots that have run the club since the old Etonians effectively pushed Dein out? Silly decision after silly decision has been made since that fateful day and we continue to reap the effects of pushing out a true football man for corporate scientific charlatans.

    We the fans need to focus our energies and do something about this board no matter how little. We're in the same hole as Man U, but we're worse off because we've got less money and no legends able to exert influence like they do. Their has to be some way we get some Arsenal DNA back at the top?
    Last edited by 21_GOONER_SALUTE; 30-11-2019 at 10:25 AM. Reason: ..

  4. #964
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    Proves what I've been saying about leadership, the silly Yank still needed to be convinced despite the fact all football fans in the country knew Emery was a lost cause. Obviously his bottom line wasn't affected so that must have slowed his thought process.

    Also confirms the semi- football people wanted Mourinho and an interesting bit about Allegri expecting us to beg him to manage us. That instantly takes him off the list for me, anyone who feels entitled can sod off.

  5. #965
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    Did we really want Mourinho? so waited till he took over another club before we sacked Emery so him not being in the running? (me just hoping) I wouldn't have ever wanted him in charge of our club oh and the last time we rejected someone because of his demands (I think) was Ibrahimovic and look how that turned out...

  6. #966
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    The more I read about Allegri the less bothered I am about him tbh. Not sure he would be a good fit for us.

  7. #967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Emery had the goodwill because he hadn't been fully backed financially and he was dealing with "Wenger's squad" last year.

    Those excuses went and he was exposed. Fair game really.
    Any new manager by default comes with some good will unless they’re, say, Mourinho.
    But most new managers will be given time, no one was expecting miracles last season.
    The collapse at the end last year when Spurs were holding the door open for us to finish top 4 was...Wengeresque.
    The Europa League final...well, that was disappointing but cup finals are all on the day, I’m not going to completely hammer a manager for losing that.
    Overall, Emery’s first season didn’t bowl me over but I don’t think many people were calling for Emery to be sacked after it. I certainly wasn’t, I was just looking for some improvement and there was some - a somewhat disappointing amount but Emery did enough to earn another transfer window and season to sort things out.
    But it’s been a car crash this season.
    It’s our worst start since long before Wenger.
    He’s completely mismanaged the Ozil situation.
    He made Xhaka captain!
    He’s contrived to make our defence worse than it was.
    And despite our attacking options which are the envy of most clubs we aren’t even scoring goals.

    Football fans are notoriously fickle and knee jerk but I don’t think anyone is overreacting here. I bear Emery no ill will. I’m sure he was doing his best. But he clearly wasn’t a good fit for us and I’m just glad the board have been decisive and got rid before more damage is done.

    I refuse to believe that the right manager can’t come in and immediately make some difference.

  8. #968
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    Quote Originally Posted by 21_GOONER_SALUTE View Post
    I agree with everything you said except the power of hindsight bit.

    The truth is if you had a Dein, Levy, Perez or the kind of setup they've got in Bayern running this club, Emery could plausibily have lost his job last season, immediately after the EL final.

    I really do think that this Emery saga should prove to every Arsenal fan that just worrying about the manager and development of young players shouldn't be foremost in our mind. How many of us cared about the experience or the antecedents of Gazidis, Raul and all the other idiots that have run the club since the old Etonians effectively pushed Dein out? Silly decision after silly decision has been made since that fateful day and we continue to reap the effects of pushing out a true football man for corporate scientific charlatans.

    We the fans need to focus our energies and do something about this board no matter how little. We're in the same hole as Man U, but we're worse off because we've got less money and no legends able to exert influence like they do. Their has to be some way we get some Arsenal DNA back at the top?
    I'm not sure I agree with some of this. We can agree that David Dein was instrumental to our most successful years, and it's logical to assume that had he stayed the inertia of Wenger's last years would have been avoided. But it was principally the disagreement over Kronke being introduced to the club that caused Dein to leave IIRC, and its pointless to speculate over what might have been. Could the club have avoided an outside investor coming in over the long term? Maybe and maybe not - but we are where we are.

    Looking at the actual decisions made by the club hierarchy - most were prepared to roll with Emery's appointment to deal with a transitional period, and most fans wer happy enough with the first 3 quarters of last season. The drop off at the end was alarming and I'm not sure that anyone can adequately explain the reasons for this. The question for me is whether its fair to criticise the club for keeping Emery on this season, and I think that much of the criticism is unfair and revisionist. We were very close to Emery fulfilling his remit of a top 4 place after a season in charge - via 2 routes - and the club very much backed him to better that in the signings made over the Summer. The club also tried to make progressive changes at board level, and anyone who denies that there wasn't a general feeling of optimisim going into this season is very much using hindsight to justify a point.

    Like many others - I saw that the situation with Emery was going wrong irretrievably a short time into this season based on the performances, and decisions he was taking on the pitch. But if you want to look at history, Arsenal have never been a hire and fire club, and I am not going to go overboard in criticising a delay in getting rid of the manager until now. There are many perople praising Spurs for decisive action in sacking Pochettino, but Arsenal only took a week longer to take action in getting rid of Emery, and Spurs were below us in the table when they did so. We are very fond of judging our own club by different standards to others, or only looking at the success stories elsewhere and ignoring the horror ones.

    Which brings me to your comparisons with Manure. Are we worse off? Really? The decision they took to appoint Solskjaer on a permanent basis was more screwed up than anything Arsenal have done over the past few years. It was totally unnecessary and ridiculously knee jerk. They are now on their 5th manager since Ferguson, and in more of a mess on the pitch than we are.

    I agree 100% with NQ above when he says that looking for a magician now who will solve all our problems is a pipe dream. We have a lot of work to do to address the issues that are affecting our team, and IMO it makes more sense to realise this and start with the basics than expecting us to be 'cured' overnight by a dream manager.
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  9. #969
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    Sutton says Ljungberg isn't right for Arsenal, he's spot on to be fair, he's been around the people who made those weird selections, used weird tactics and just generally didn't know what they were doing. His 1st match was a real disappointment, I know it was only the 1st match but it's just a conitnuation of the same old stuff really, we just need someone who is going to do things differently and recognise when players just don't fit or aren't good enough.

  10. #970
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    Call me a crazed procrastinator, but I’m going to let more than two days pass before judging Freddie.

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