I'll never forget my disappointment when I was told their was a group of Swedish girls in a bar on holiday, I went to the bar they were not Swedish.
It's multiple dead in Sweden now, another school shooting.
Sometimes I wonder if it was worth it, destroying European culture so we could bring in all these other, apparently equal, cultures? Dead kids on the one hand, bombings, exploding buses, suicide vests, McDonalds burgers, no-fault divorces and apple pie. On the other hand, celebrities and media trolls telling us all how virtuous they are. A good trade?
Though didn't we have apple pie long before? Probably better apple pie too.
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To be fair, London prefers knives.In all of 2023, 53 people were killed in shootings across Sweden, which is home to around 10.5 million people. In 2022, that figure stood at 62 - and Stockholm's per-capita murder rate was roughly 30 times that of London.
Experts say the violence has been driven by a number of factors: Turf wars between gangs, a growing drugs market, an influx of guns into the market, growing inequality, high level of immigration and also a failure of migrant integration into society.
Mafia groups abroad have called the country a 'haven' for their activities, while organised crime groups have infiltrated business sectors and found ways to smuggle military-grade weapons into the country.
There is growing evidence that rapidly changing the culture of a nation, particularly without the consent of the people, is not always beneficial. Well, at least not for the poor bastards who lived there before their cultures were enriched.
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Modern Britain https://x.com/MythoYookay/status/1886910089904447909