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    22 84.62%
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  1. #3291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    No, but srsly. It does feel like another example of someone rich and powerful getting away with something which a "normal" person wouldn't have.
    Honestly a normal person wouldn’t have been charged with this as a felony to begin with

    It’s not to say you’re wrong that someone of his status has got away with things that ordinary people wouldn’t…because he has. This is just not an example of it

  2. #3292
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    A particularly brave justice department could have brought indictments against Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger on charges of Treason, against Bill Clinton on charges of fraud, conspiracy and arguably Rape.

    For the American people, the difference between Trump and your mainstream politician is that Trump seems to practically admit his dodgy behaviour….which makes him in their eyes a honest crook.

    The main thing to remember is that the worst things Trump does are arguably not crimes. They are political offences that should be dealt with politically. Trump himself isn’t the same figure that ran for president eight years ago, the cognitive decline is not as pronounced as with Biden but he isn’t firing on all cylinders.

    January 20th onwards will largely be an internecine battle between sycophants and others to pull his administration in one direction or the other. So largely you’ll have the same inertia as before, because America is a federal republic and things will keep ticking away at state level regardless.

    All this Project 2025 stuff is the boogeyman for people on the left inclined to be as credulous as those who believe QAnon. I’m sure amongst some quarters there is the intent, but I doubt there’s the ability or the singular purpose.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 10-01-2025 at 05:20 PM.

  3. #3293
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    A particularly brave justice department could have brought indictments against Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger on charges of Treason, against Bill Clinton on charges of fraud, conspiracy and arguably Rape.

    For the American people, the difference between Trump and your mainstream politician is that Trump seems to practically admit his dodgy behaviour….which makes him in their eyes a honest crook.

    The main thing to remember is that the worst things Trump does are arguably not crimes. They are political offences that should be dealt with politically. Trump himself isn’t the same figure that ran for president eight years ago, the cognitive decline is not as pronounced as with Biden but he isn’t firing on all cylinders.

    January 20th onwards will largely be an internecine battle between sycophants and others to pull his administration in one direction or the other. So largely you’ll have the same inertia as before, because America is a federal republic and things will keep ticking away at state level regardless.

    All this Project 2025 stuff is the boogeyman for people on the left inclined to be as credulous as those who believe QAnon. I’m sure amongst some quarters there is the intent, but I doubt there’s the ability or the singular purpose.
    WTF you talkin 'bout Willis?

    What does ANY of that mean?

    Are you seriously claiming Trump is in cognitive decline. for example? Why? Because he did what all you precious arseholes told him he had to do to be a "serious" politician? Yeah, he toned it all down and now talk as much shit as the rest of them. Thought that would make you kneelers happy?
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  4. #3294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Trump sentenced...unconditional discharge. That'll learn him!

    Learn him for what? Do you actually know ANYTHING about this topic that hasn't come direct from the BBC?

    If one of your girfriends in government had been charged in this way youd be all over it, highlighting the ridiculous bullshit dance moves of the so-called legal system. These are the same people that DIDN'T kill Epstein. You get that, right?
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  5. #3295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    WTF you talkin 'bout Willis?

    What does ANY of that mean?

    Are you seriously claiming Trump is in cognitive decline. for example? Why? Because he did what all you precious arseholes told him he had to do to be a "serious" politician? Yeah, he toned it all down and now talk as much shit as the rest of them. Thought that would make you kneelers happy?
    Yes he’s in cognitive decline. He’s 78 apart from anything else

    Ask yourself why that is a red rag to a bull for you

    Also Toned it down? Telling Canada they should be the 51st state because America has a trade deficit with them instead of maybe asking why if we buy more from them than they do from us why is that the case. They could alternatively flood the country with opium the way the British did when we had a trade deficit with China, there’s enough fentanyl knocking around
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 11-01-2025 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #3296
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Yes he’s in cognitive decline. He’s 78 apart from anything else

    Ask yourself why that is a red rag to a bull for you

    Also Toned it down? Telling Canada they should be the 51st state because America has a trade deficit with them instead of maybe asking why if we buy more from them than they do from us why is that the case. They could alternatively flood the country with opium the way the British did when we had a trade deficit with China, there’s enough fentanyl knocking around
    You're a fool? Trump is easy to understand but you haven't managed it for some reason. Do you SERIOUSLY think Trump intends to pursue Canada as the 51st state, or invade Panama? Or do you think he's sending a message to the Chinese who are SERIOUSLY trying to effectively own Canada and effectively annex Panama. There's a global war in progress, the bullets aren't flying yet - but the pieces are all moving. China is doing almost exactly what the US did after WWII. Did you think it was only the USA that was entitled to have hundreds of bases across the globe?

    You can't keep relying on the mainstream media to tell you how the orld works. You have to use your own brain and work with the 20% or so we are allowed to know to try to get an estimation of what's going on. You'll still be far from the truth of it, but at least you'll be on a path that allows you to see relevant scenery. If you keep relying on the tour guides in the media you'll let the whole trip pass without seeing any of the sights.
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  7. #3297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You're a fool? Trump is easy to understand but you haven't managed it for some reason. Do you SERIOUSLY think Trump intends to pursue Canada as the 51st state, or invade Panama? Or do you think he's sending a message to the Chinese who are SERIOUSLY trying to effectively own Canada and effectively annex Panama. There's a global war in progress, the bullets aren't flying yet - but the pieces are all moving. China is doing almost exactly what the US did after WWII. Did you think it was only the USA that was entitled to have hundreds of bases across the globe?

    You can't keep relying on the mainstream media to tell you how the orld works. You have to use your own brain and work with the 20% or so we are allowed to know to try to get an estimation of what's going on. You'll still be far from the truth of it, but at least you'll be on a path that allows you to see relevant scenery. If you keep relying on the tour guides in the media you'll let the whole trip pass without seeing any of the sights.
    No I don’t think he has any serious plans to take Canada or the Panama Canal. I think this is the kind of querulous nonsense that he comes out with a lot that amounts to nothing. It’s not exactly proof of him toning it down. And as for this your explanation that it’s a game of three dimensional chess. No it’s the fact that the guy is zero sum. He obsesses on things that he learns from briefings….and thinks having a trade deficit with a country is a result of that country taking advantage rather than the fact that your own country isn’t producing a lot of these raw materials itself.

    Also if he wants to fight off Chinese influence he can start at home with the amount of Chinese money in the US economy. China stretches its influence across the globe financially, it has a controlling influence economically in countless countries in Africa as well as Pakistan (which has exacerbated the antagonistic sentiments between itself and India).

  8. #3298
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    No I don’t think he has any serious plans to take Canada or the Panama Canal. I think this is the kind of querulous nonsense that he comes out with a lot that amounts to nothing. It’s not exactly proof of him toning it down. And as for this your explanation that it’s a game of three dimensional chess. No it’s the fact that the guy is zero sum. He obsesses on things that he learns from briefings….and thinks having a trade deficit with a country is a result of that country taking advantage rather than the fact that your own country isn’t producing a lot of these raw materials itself.

    Also if he wants to fight off Chinese influence he can start at home with the amount of Chinese money in the US economy. China stretches its influence across the globe financially, it has a controlling influence economically in countless countries in Africa as well as Pakistan (which has exacerbated the antagonistic sentiments between itself and India).
    What do you think the outrageous tariffs are all about? Trump has ONE game plan and it's an old one that has been used by all the best negotiators over the centuries, you start high and come down to a compromise. If you look at Trump's first term it was all about compromise in the end, partly because that's his game but also because the so-called representative of the people in opposition betrayed their own nation in an attempt to recapture power (which they eventually did through covid and the rigged election, but not before they undermined the nation at every opportunity). The Chinese play the same game - go larfge and then step back, but they don't do it in public. That's what they "experts" hate most about Trump, he exposes their silly game as one any idiot can play, there's nothing special about it. Self-interests riding on the back of a general compromise that allows both sides to scatter crumbs to the working masses and claim political victories? America is weak right now, so is China, but together they influence the rest of the planet (mainly because European politicians are genuinely unintelligent). Together they'll carve up the world and feed their respective corporations, as is the way of it until the people grow a pair. Obama and his cronies like Biden consider the beneficiaries of the crumbs won in the game to be the property of the globalist movement that has hired them, Trump is old-fashioned enough to still believe the nation should benefit. That's about all there is to it. Everything else, all the distractions that capture the media and memory hole what went before, these are to keep the people fed on the regular diet of bullshit in case they notice how basic the theft and corruption is. Just petty criminals but with the power to create laws, that's the trick. And like any gangs, they'll claim and protect their respective turf. This is who Europe allowed in when it destroyed itself with two "world" wars which never saw a bomb drop on America, apart from Pearl Harbour which they participated in as a profit leader. To be talking about Trump's cognitive decline is to suggest the game depends on his mental state. What? You mean like it depended on Biden's mental state - the guy with the stutter? How obvious can it be before people see?
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  9. #3299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    What do you think the outrageous tariffs are all about? Trump has ONE game plan and it's an old one that has been used by all the best negotiators over the centuries, you start high and come down to a compromise. If you look at Trump's first term it was all about compromise in the end, partly because that's his game but also because the so-called representative of the people in opposition betrayed their own nation in an attempt to recapture power (which they eventually did through covid and the rigged election, but not before they undermined the nation at every opportunity). The Chinese play the same game - go larfge and then step back, but they don't do it in public. That's what they "experts" hate most about Trump, he exposes their silly game as one any idiot can play, there's nothing special about it. Self-interests riding on the back of a general compromise that allows both sides to scatter crumbs to the working masses and claim political victories? America is weak right now, so is China, but together they influence the rest of the planet (mainly because European politicians are genuinely unintelligent). Together they'll carve up the world and feed their respective corporations, as is the way of it until the people grow a pair. Obama and his cronies like Biden consider the beneficiaries of the crumbs won in the game to be the property of the globalist movement that has hired them, Trump is old-fashioned enough to still believe the nation should benefit. That's about all there is to it. Everything else, all the distractions that capture the media and memory hole what went before, these are to keep the people fed on the regular diet of bullshit in case they notice how basic the theft and corruption is. Just petty criminals but with the power to create laws, that's the trick. And like any gangs, they'll claim and protect their respective turf. This is who Europe allowed in when it destroyed itself with two "world" wars which never saw a bomb drop on America, apart from Pearl Harbour which they participated in as a profit leader. To be talking about Trump's cognitive decline is to suggest the game depends on his mental state. What? You mean like it depended on Biden's mental state - the guy with the stutter? How obvious can it be before people see?
    All I can say to this is whilst I understand and appreciate to a degree your contempt for the mainstream political establishment. You are attributing things to Trump that simply aren’t there. Trump may have got elected on this anti-establishment wave, but accusing me of only reading a certain kind of news outlet doesn’t change the fact that you are trying to plug the gaps to explain away someone who is exactly how he appears. Venal, full of resentment, proudly ignorant, zero sum. This isn’t a media hit job this is the account of people who worked with him, many of whom shared some of his stated goals of breaking through the Washington machine.
    The reason he went on about China was because he has such a simple and basic take on things, USA have a trade deficit with China they are winning we are losing. I fully supported his anti China stance in the belief that it would amount to something but it was totally insubstantial. He had a chance to invest in US steel and cut off Chinese steel dumping at the knees, but instead all his tariffs did were put the squeeze on US manufacturers who were overdependent on Chinese steel.
    To be honest with a lot of these so called Anti-Establishment politicians, their vacuousness is a feature and not a bug as it means people are able to fill the vaccum by projecting their own desires into the void.
    The best thing I can hope for from Trump is that he does the right thing for the wrong reason (Revoking the Iran Nuclear Treaty or having Quasem Sulemaini assassinated) or that because of his lack of interest he delegates things to others (The Abraham accords, which his son in law had a lot of influence over)
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 14-01-2025 at 09:26 AM.

  10. #3300
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