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Thread: Clown World thread: for all the non-thread worthy bullshit going on in today's brave new world

  1. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I don't just "have a point", I'm just stating the fact that this statistic is being misinterpreted and misrepresented, possibly deliberately, by people with a certain agenda.

    There's no "might be" about it, that's just a statistical fact.

    I don't know if it's alarming, but anyone who is trying to use that statistic as part of some "there's more of them than us these days!" narrative is incorrect.

    Given how much of the map used to be pink I think we're on dodgy ground with that one.

    This I'd largely agree with. And there's more brainwashing and indoctrination in Islamic culture than in the Western ones. Obviously we are teaching our kids what we believe but we also believe that they should come to their own faith (or not) and we do adult Baptism, not child Baptism, because we recognise that it has to be a personal choice. I don't think asking questions of making a personal step of faith is much of a thing in Islamic culture.

    TL;DR, The name stats do say something about the demographic shift in the UK, something which I can see may be of concern. It's just not quite the seismic shift certain people are imagining because of the way different cultures pick names. Names in general have diversified a lot since I was a kid because of immigration. Many of the names in our kids classes I've not even heard before.
    In fairness the counter argument to we are being replaced is a straw man argument, because apart from someone who is a clear troll no one is really making that argument. The argument I’m making is that even if we accept that by some way Muslim parents call their children Mohammed than parents from any other demographic group call their child any individual name, the fact is it’s probably not the majority of Muslims who call their son Mohammed it’s a plurality. Therefore as I said the whole 2.5% thing is not statistically insignificant. It needs to be looked at in the broader context that 10% of children born in this country are born to Muslim parents. Now when you consider that currently the UK Muslim population expressed as a percentage is 6%. This suggests that Muslims are having children at almost twice the rate of any other demographic group in the country, and this creates the potential for exponential growth in the UK’s Muslim population. Which could well be troubling if they are born into communities that are not sufficiently integrated

  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Go to Southall or Tower Hamlets and tell me what country you think you're in.
    If we take Whitechapel Road as a microcosm for Tower Hamlets, if you walk out of the station you might think you were in Sylhet or Dakar rather than London, but you only need to walk then a minute up the road and it becomes the East End again.

    Southall you’re unmistakably in England, there’s just a lot of Indian people there. It’s actually interesting that you mention both of these places as they are very different in terms of the people living there in terms of their attitudes towards integration.

  3. #173
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Southall you’re unmistakably in England

  4. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Go to Southall or Tower Hamlets and tell me what country you think you're in.
    Do they all go "durka, durka, durka"?

  5. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    I don’t know maybe you’ve spent time in India, but do they generally go in for terraced houses, high rise tower blocks etc

    I know you get upset by seeing people with different skin colour but again as I say if you can’t tell the difference between superficial difference and an area that might feel like you’re living in a foreign country because of the cultural atmosphere I don’t know what to tell you.

  6. #176
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    Round my way it's certainly a lot of the white European people who seem less English than a lot of the black kids who have clearly grown up here.

  7. #177
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I don't just "have a point", I'm just stating the fact that this statistic is being misinterpreted and misrepresented, possibly deliberately, by people with a certain agenda.

    There's no "might be" about it, that's just a statistical fact.

    I don't know if it's alarming, but anyone who is trying to use that statistic as part of some "there's more of them than us these days!" narrative is incorrect.

    Given how much of the map used to be pink I think we're on dodgy ground with that one.

    This I'd largely agree with. And there's more brainwashing and indoctrination in Islamic culture than in the Western ones. Obviously we are teaching our kids what we believe but we also believe that they should come to their own faith (or not) and we do adult Baptism, not child Baptism, because we recognise that it has to be a personal choice. I don't think asking questions of making a personal step of faith is much of a thing in Islamic culture.

    TL;DR, The name stats do say something about the demographic shift in the UK, something which I can see may be of concern. It's just not quite the seismic shift certain people are imagining because of the way different cultures pick names. Names in general have diversified a lot since I was a kid because of immigration. Many of the names in our kids classes I've not even heard before.
    A photograph of a London street in 1924 compared to a photograph today can be explained away because Mohammed is a common name in Islamic culture (sic). Same goes for snapshots of Paris, Stockholm, Dublin, and all. Some have argued mass, uncontrolled and uncalled for immigration over recent decades has transformed, in short order, what took centuries to methodically build and nurture. Some say wars were fought for the preservation of cultural and national identity in the face of alien ideologies that flew in the face of the fundamentals on which European societies developed. But those who say it haven't examined the "facts", because Mohammed is a very popular name. Also, there's this one Muslim bloke who runs the local shop and I get my paper there on Sunday mornings. He's a very nice man.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    A photograph of a London street in 1924 compared to a photograph today can be explained away because Mohammed is a common name in Islamic culture (sic).
    Or, you could respond to what I actually said (and what you actually quoted) rather than what your fevered imagination thinks I said.
    I'll add this to the dossier of examples of you not being able to understand what you're reading - which is why I ask you for sources so I can look myself and see what they actually say and/or determine how credible the source is.

  9. #179
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    A street in london looking different today than it did in 1924?


    We are just not the same country as we were then, without the handlebar moustaches, the flat caps, the collarless shirts and there being more horses and carts on the road than cars

  10. #180
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    A street in london looking different today than it did in 1924?


    We are just not the same country as we were then, without the handlebar moustaches, the flat caps, the collarless shirts and there being more horses and carts on the road than cars
    Stop dog whistling, you know exactly what the difference is.

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