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Thread: General Football Nonsense

  1. #5151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    sounds good to me so again, why not?
    How far back do you want to go?. 2004 old Trafford game, 2011 champions league match against Barcelona where Van Persie was sent off for no reason?. 2001 fa cup final where we were denied at least two stonewall penalties?

    Fuck it, let’s scrub all future fixtures in all sports and have a do over of every single fucking game where someone feels slightly aggrieved by the result

    Or we could get serious and actually address ways in which we can find to improve officiating in the future?

  2. #5152
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Or we could get serious and actually address ways in which we can find to improve officiating in the future?
    Which is exactly how making a game be replayed would help, if the officials knew they couldn't just get away with apologising after a match and then everyone just moves on it might focus their mnds a bit

  3. #5153
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Spain, Portugal and Morocco will host the 2030 World Cup. There will also be 3 opening games played in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay to celebrate the 100th anniversary.

  4. #5154
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Which is exactly how making a game be replayed would help, if the officials knew they couldn't just get away with apologising after a match and then everyone just moves on it might focus their mnds a bit
    Replaying the game and them saying "oops, soz" aren't the only two options.
    There could be proper consequences for poor performance, like in most other professions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Which is exactly how making a game be replayed would help, if the officials knew they couldn't just get away with apologising after a match and then everyone just moves on it might focus their mnds a bit
    I’m not sure how replaying games would sharpen their minds

    In fact surely it would be, well fuck it if we don’t get it right this time the team will ask for a replay

    You can approach this anyway you like it doesn’t make it a better idea. If you want people dismissed from post for big fuck ups like Saturday? Absolutely fine I’m all for it. I think that would do far more to “sharpen their minds” rather than replays which would be open season for every shit Cunt of a manager to overlook his own failures because they get do overs.

  6. #5156
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I’m not sure how replaying games would sharpen their minds

    In fact surely it would be, well fuck it if we don’t get it right this time the team will ask for a replay

    You can approach this anyway you like it doesn’t make it a better idea. If you want people dismissed from post for big fuck ups like Saturday? Absolutely fine I’m all for it. I think that would do far more to “sharpen their minds” rather than replays which would be open season for every shit Cunt of a manager to overlook his own failures because they get do overs.
    To be clear, i know replays won't happen and I agree it would be very difficult to draw the line as to what deserved one and what didn't - plus there are very significant practicalities

    however it does amuse me that both you and Letters said 'do you want to go back and have a chance to to win the League last year?' 'do you watn us to have won the CL?' as though that's a question to which there's more than one sane answer...

    so fine let's find another way of making these people make the kind of simple clear and common-sense decision that any old idiot off the street could make in one of thoes situations - I honestly think they need to sack everyone and bring in younger more clear-minded people, we're still working with the crap officials we've had for decades in some cases

  7. #5157
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    Reverse Ferret (I googled Ferret because I wasn’t 100% sure whether it was one or two t’s )

  8. #5158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Spain, Portugal and Morocco will host the 2030 World Cup. There will also be 3 opening games played in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay to celebrate the 100th anniversary.
    What an absolute dog’s breakfast

    Personally I’d have given it to the South Americans (because I like watching football games late at night and I think if FIFA are doing the whole rotation thing, Europe has hosted a tournament more recently than South America. Giving the opening three games to one continent and then having the rest of the tournament straddled between two completely separate continents is rather than fair a sign that FIFA is more out of touch than it ever was.

    How would it work, you’ve got six teams whose fans play in South America for one game and then have to fly to Europe/North Africa for the remaining games….and that’s not even considering the effect on players.

    If you wanted to be fair, make the 2030 World Cup the centenary tournament and allow it to be co hosted by Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile…I think that would have been good.

    Give Morocco 2034….it’s a big enough country to host it by itself (well certainly if Fucking Qatar is)

    And then give it to the Iberian countries in 2038. Not this utter shit show

  9. #5159
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Reverse Ferret (I googled Ferret because I wasn’t 100% sure whether it was one or two t’s )
    no reversal in that post, I stand by everything I said above it - you're just too binary to realise - and sorry my pointing out you were mispronouncing Tomiyasu's name is still hurting

  10. #5160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    no reversal in that post, I stand by everything I said above it - you're just too binary to realise - and sorry my pointing out you were mispronouncing Tomiyasu's name is still hurting
    No you completely conceded my point (whether you realise that or not I couldn’t say)

    It’s a bit like a snooker player shaking hands with their opponent after a frame and then arguing that they weren’t conceding the frame.

    You accepted that it would be almost impossible to determine what deserved a replay or not. So I’m not sure at all what argument you think I was making other than where do you draw the line and how do you determine what is deserving

    However yes you haven’t conceded my argument that it’s a sore losers charter, but as you are a sore loser yourself….I completely understand that

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