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Thread: Rant

  1. #1
    Cat give me a paw!! Flavs's Avatar
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    Well folks this is it, the most important 20 days in Arsene Wengers Arsenal career. After what has been happening at the club gradually over the past 3 or 4 years and how this was accentuated by last season collapse we were promised a summer of great transfer activity and of “working on the issues in the team” Well has it happened? We seem to still have the stiffs here, we have signed one player for the first team and another two kids. In the pre season friendly we were still playing the same tactic and still getting undone by a poor line and the fact our central defenders have a turning circle larger than the QE2.

    On top of this we have Clichy gone, and 95% sure than Fabregas and Nasri wil be gone by the end of the day. Many will feel its good business to get rid of Nasri, a terribly inconsistent player who has loked good ro maybe 35% of the time he has been here (And yet still had the nerve to ask for £100k a week wages) Clichy was a different story, many felt he had reached the end of the road here due to the lapses in concentration and overall poor displays of late, i could have taken this if he had been replaced but he hasn’t, we now have Keiran Gibbs who’s injury record makes Van Persie look more like the iron giant and has always looked out of his depth and Almond(sic) Traore, a player we haven’t seen for 2 seasons. Nasri’s replacement as it stands is a 18 year old Japanese kid who has never played a game for the club and a fat Russian who always looks like he can’t be bothered.

    I feel many people will be gutted by the Fabregas transfer, some for the loss of a player of true world class ability, our captain and arguable best and most important players 2 days before the season starts, however more will feel we have been robbed if the amounts coming in are believed. £27mil plus £5mil in add on’s and £2mil from the player in waved clauses? £34mil for a world class, 23 year old player? Compare this to the Andy Carroll and Fernando Torres transfer and it seems we have had our pants pulled down I appreciate only one club wanted him and he wanted only one club, and that they have been being absolute cocks around the whole thing for that log its worn us down but he is a European and World cup winner and has 3 years left on his contract?.

    And you know what? I don’t believe for one second that we are now going to go out and buy 3,4,5 quality players to reinforce the team and replace those who have left. And this returns me to the top, should Wenger not fulfil the PR bullshit and not bring in the players we desperately need then we are on trouble, as a club, as fans and as a team, remember next summer RVP and Walcott could well do what Clichy and Nasri have done this year . So should we fail in recruiting and then the team goes on to struggle and find results i can’t see a way Wenger can stay? The refusal to spend, the ever increasing number of kids we have to pin our hopes on and the fact the likes of Rosicky, Bendtner, Eboue etc are still here all add to this.
    The only salvation I can see here is for him to buy and well we know how that normally goes...
    Finally our starting line up for Toon away, the site of last year’s most ridiculous result. (With injuries)

  2. #2
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I'm clinging on to the hope that Wenger has been waiting to see how the Nasri/Cesc situations would turn out, so if they go he'll spring into action.
    If they go and he doesn't do anything then I sodding give up.

  3. #3
    Member milla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    I'm clinging on to the hope that Wenger has been waiting to see how the Nasri/Cesc situations would turn out, so if they go he'll spring into action.
    If they go and he doesn't do anything then I sodding give up.
    somebody put something in my milk

  4. #4
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    cant buy before we sell.

    already have eboue, bender, almunia and had denilson on the books. we were offering nascunt a pay hike.

    signing players would have seen our wages go through the roof (more than they currently are) esp if we couldnt get rid of any of those.

    now cesc, nascunt and bender are fucking off, and so has denilson, we are free to sign some players.

    we'll get 50m for cesc and nascunt.

    we'll spend some of that.

  5. #5
    Member Ironing's Avatar
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    Why the fuck are eboue / bendtner / almunia still here?

  6. #6
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    because no ones bought them

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironing View Post
    Why the fuck are eboue / bendtner / almunia still here?
    2 reasons

    1 - They are shit

    2 - Even if clubs dont think they are shit, they are on ridiculous wages here which they wont get anywhere else

  8. #8
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    OP is a good summary of another bag of empty promises from the board and Wenger. Yes, they still have until the 31st of the month to do what they have consistently failed to do for years. But a lot of damage has already been done. The players don't have the stoutest hearts at the best of times and I wonder what their true feelings are going into this season. I'm pretty sure they would have all signed up with expectations of playing at the top of the game and winning medals. Now they see the best players rushing for the exit (and even paying out of their own pocket to leave), the board and manager still dithering around and they must be deaf and blind (like Wenger) if they haven't picked up on the sentiment of the fans. Can we seriously pretend this club is likely to move up? Everything, and I mean everything, points to us continuing to slide down. Finishing in the top four will be a massive task this season. And when Euro football vanishes (Europa cup hardly counts) the dangers will start to compound as more players will want away and fewer will want to come. Who the hell knows what goes on in Wenger's mind? Surely this can't be going according to even his plan? We're the new Liverpool from a year back, stuck with a Woy in charge and with a featherweight roster. Liverpool made the changes when they saw the writing on the wall. I don't think we will. I think the board will blindly follow Wenger down the hole Liverpool were disappearing into before they decided to halt the slump. It's hard to believe, we've only ever been 3-4 decent signings away from being competitive but Wenger and the board simply wouldn't take the step. It was never about Chelsea's and City's billions, that was just a shitty excuse. It was always about the board's and Wenger's reluctance to invest what was required in the team. They never had any problems investing elsewhere though, provided it lined their pockets. The only winners here are the board members and we still don't know how Stan has paid them their millions - or at least it's as clear as mud to me. It's shocking what these bastards have done to the club. Lying, theiving shit bags.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #9
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    It's been a shambles of a summer. I can't see RVP and Theo signing new deals anytime soon.

    If the atmosphere at the Emirates gets any worse, Wenger will walk. The fans are frustrated and the season hasn't even kicked off yet.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    It's been a shambles of a summer. I can't see RVP and Theo signing new deals anytime soon.

    If the atmosphere at the Emirates gets any worse, Wenger will walk. The fans are frustrated and the season hasn't even kicked off yet.

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