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Thread: Wenger and the Board at Loggerheads

  1. #1
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    Wenger and the Board at Loggerheads

    According to an unnamed source Arsene Wenger is at loggerheads with the Board over how the transfer budget should be spent. I am not at liberty to name that source, but I believe the information I received explains the current impasse at Arsenal. Before I explain what the differences between them are, let me make it clear that there is a substantial transfer budget that has to not only cover transfer fees but wages of incoming players and contract improvements of those already here.

    The Board and Wenger are both in agreement that , to avoid the situation the club has encountered with Clichy and Nasri this summer, star men like Van Persie and Vermaelen and others with only two years left on their contract need to be offered new long term contracts with big pay rises.

    And this is where the first difference of opinion has arisen between manager and club, The Board believe that offering to rise a players wage from £60K - £70K a week to £90K or £100K is more than enough, but Wenger believes that this is not enough, when City, Utd and Chelsea are paying their best(£180K - £250K), and that if we want to keep our best players we have to go to the next level, he wants the pay scale risen to £150K for our best.

    This brings us neatly on to the next bone of contention between manager and club, the calibre of signing we can make. Both Wenger and the Board agree that to even maintain a top four spot, let alone win the title, several new signings are required.

    The Board are willing to pay big transfer fees, as is Wenger (he is not lying when he says he would pay £30M - £40M), it is also where the difference of opinion comes. The Board would willingly meet the transfer fee, but will not meet the sort of wage demands a £30M signings asks for.

    Wenger had a four pronged squad plan this summer,

    *Keep our best players
    *Buy in top level players to improve the team
    *Sign young players with big potential
    *Promote from within

    Wenger has done parts 3 and 4. He wanted to do part 1 and 2 by Nasri being offered a massive contract so he would stay, and he hoped to persuade Cesc to stay one more year, with not only a new contract but with the calibre of player he signed. Wenger wanted Mata and Benzema, he still wants Hazzard, wages more than anything else are ruling out Mata and Benzema.

    The Board had no problem meeting the Juan Mata transfer fee, but once Chelsea let it be known to his agents what they would offer, it blew Arsenal’s contract offer out of the water. We ran into the same situation with Jones and Utd.

    People ask why have Arsenal not signed Cahill, Dann or Samba etc, well its simple really, Wenger wants better players, the Board want him to sign the above level of player, as it sits with their wage scale, Arsene wants the next level up, a Subotic, a Hummells, but they come with not only high transfer fees but with massive wage demands.

    Wenger would rather not sign a player at all, than sign someone for a big fee who he considers no better than what we have, the board have asked him to reconsider this stance, and that is why Cahill and Dann have been scouted this late in the window, Arsene sees them as not as good as Koscielny, and thinks it is the wrong way to use his budget, he wants better quality for the first 11, the board just want him to make signings to appease the fans.

    Wenger had a major discussion with Kroenke and the Board on Members day. He was told in no uncertain terms that Nasri would have to be sold if he did not sign a contract, and between them they came to the decision to let Cesc go for less than his worth. But Wenger fought his corner, and made it clear the sort of player he wants and that our star men have to be given contract that will keep them, as you can not build if every year there is doubts who are staying and who are going. Arsene also reiterated his view that we need top quality players, not just one as good or possibly slightly better, and that these players come at a premium cost and that the club has to go up a level not only on fees but on wages.

    Arsene Wenger is a company man, and will not come out with any of this, while under contract, no matter how much flack he takes, and that is why his comments in the media, since the Members day meeting, have been more for the ears of Stan and Ivan than for the fans, he is warning them. He wont’ walk, and it will cost the club dear to sack him, and even more to shut him up if he is sacked, if they thought the deal David Dein struck with Bruce Rioch to keep him quiet was expensive, they will be blown away by what it will take to buy Arsene Wenger’s silence.

    Who wins this battle of wills may define not only what happens to Arsenal’s season, but for many seasons to come.
    Formerly rockyrocky... the other one

  2. #2
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    They'd better get their shit together in the next 10 days or we're dropping down the league like a stone and then nobody has any money.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #3
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Pretty much. Wenger or the board, it doesn't matter anymore, the squad is in terrible shape and needs reinforcements. Do whatever the fuck it takes.

  4. #4
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    How long ago were things this bad? Its madness at the club at the mo.

  5. #5
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    Unfortunately that stinks of bull$shit to me. I honestly don't believe a word of it.

  6. #6
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Tuesdays View Post
    Interesting reading. While it is not a 'proven' piece of info, it has a ring of truth in that it makes sense of all the comments that we have had in the past from Wenger and the board and the apparent contradictions. The wages factor definitely makes sense - Wenger was the guy who originally got the Arsenal to pay better wages for the players when he joined - until then, the players had not got as much as those at other clubs and he put that right for a time. With player wage inflation due to the likes of chavs and citeh, we need to make sure our wages are comparable and I can well believe the board have dragged their heels.

    It would also account for Wenger's obvious frustration at the results - if he wants to do things to improve the squad but is stopped from doing so, and has to take all the crap from the media as well as hearing the crowd booing his team off the pitch, no wonder he is getting irritable and annoyed.

  7. #7
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    I also read this from another forum. I don't know how true this is, but judging from the recent 'Wenger claims'
    from interviews, it looks to me that the board are to blamed. Not that Muta has signed for Chelsea for not a very high
    price, why didn't we sign him in the beginning? It is just absurd. Wenger knew that Fabregas was going, we need
    a decent replacement at least. And after the Liverpool game, I must say I have entirely lost faith.

  8. #8
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    We all bash Wenger but make no bones about it, the board are a disgrace and only after their own respective pockets.
    What other cunts would raise the ticket prices by 6% even when we already pay shit loads...on top of that the stupid cunts keep fucking up contract negotiations dating all the way back to A.Cole.

    They sit on their fucking perch, preaching all sorts of shit, yet look at Man Utd, they spend money, pay their players high wages and do not completly rip off their fans....and they fucking win trophies.

    Wenger is blatently a company man and will never admit to the shit, but you only have to look at how little these board cunts said when we moved and the first few years of selling our best players....again Wenger got all the stick yet none of these cunts spoke a word.

    Fucking cunts.

  9. #9
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    whether true or not, if wenger doesn't see that the current state of our squad would at least be improved with the bracket of signings the board want, then he's gone maaaad.

  10. #10
    Member Fats's Avatar
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    bullshit spin TBH

    Wenger would leave if things did not go his way, end of.

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