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McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:25 PM
Rashford just dropped the Ashes. :lol:

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:27 PM
Benzema hauled off, Ronaldo on.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:35 PM
Foul throw from Lukaku. :haha:

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:35 PM
Seven added minutes. :blink:

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:35 PM
Navas saves from Fellaini.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:36 PM
De Gea saves from Asensio.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-08-2017, 08:42 PM
2-1 FT!

Man Utd. :haha:

08-08-2017, 08:51 PM

08-08-2017, 08:59 PM
Mourinho :pal:

20-08-2017, 09:25 AM
Sam Wallace on Sunday Supplement, discussing the FA discrimination case:

"We are 4 white men sitting around a table, maybe we're not in the best place to...", and then he twigged what he had just said.

Same brain slave said, in response to the hyped up media story and an alleged comment related to the case, "That made me wince..."

When reminded there is no evidence the comment was ever made...

"Okay, so we're in the difficult situation of there being no proof this was said..."

Martin Samuel then agrees, "I take your point, we are four white men..."

And doubled down, "They were not going to get white guys in to judge this case."

And as the icing for the cake, Samuel claimed the FA was desperate to be seen to be saying the right thing.

Unlike these self hating white men, I suppose.

20-08-2017, 09:36 AM
And then they move onto Rooney.

Is it time to build the England team around him?

20-08-2017, 09:39 AM
Can Rooney have a "second coming"?

Martin Samuel wonders, is it maybe time to start talking about Kane and Rashford and other players?

LOL - don't be stupid!

20-08-2017, 05:02 PM
Terror state Qatar builds a giant hat to host the World Cup tournament awarded by the terrorist collaborators at FIFA. As of today, FIFA officials are still at large and are rumoured to be plotting a new round of bribe taking and mass corruption in advance of the next World Cup bid.


21-08-2017, 10:46 AM

What the actual fuck??

21-08-2017, 12:28 PM

What the actual fuck??

Just reeks of corruption. If the chinks are involved then it's rigged from top to bottom.

21-08-2017, 01:22 PM
Terror state Qatar builds a giant hat to host the World Cup tournament awarded by the terrorist collaborators at FIFA. As of today, FIFA officials are still at large and are rumoured to be plotting a new round of bribe taking and mass corruption in advance of the next World Cup bid.


To be fair most of their designs look like vaginas

23-08-2017, 12:59 PM
A sad day for the English press.


23-08-2017, 01:16 PM
A sad day for the English press.


One giant leap for mankind.

Don't be too sad for Ashton and Samuel though. Now they get to do the whole, if only we had Rooney, is it time for Rooney to come back, cycle.

25-08-2017, 01:10 PM
Current PL title odds

Manchester City: 12/1
Manchester United: 14/1
Chelsea: 16/1
Liverpool: 25/1
Spurs: 33/1

I guess we're such overwhelming favourites the bookies have refused to give odds.

Xhaka Can’t
26-08-2017, 11:14 AM
If those were the odds I'd go mad betting on all of those listed. Done right, you'd never have to work again.

26-08-2017, 11:21 AM
If those were the odds I'd go mad betting on all of those listed. Done right, you'd never have to work again.

How so? We're definitely winning it, so a bet on any of those other clubs, in any combination, is money down the drain.

I think you fail to realise how much spirit and togetherness our contract rebels have.

27-08-2017, 09:31 AM
Heads Up!

The regular Wayne Rooney segment will be on Sunday Supplement after the break.

29-08-2017, 04:33 PM


But really? Barry Lineker named his son Gary?

01-09-2017, 04:17 PM
Rooney :bow:


01-09-2017, 04:23 PM
Rooney :bow:


Just give me some time to come up with an excuse would you, FFS?

Okay, okay, if I have to go with something immediately. It's perfectly understandable. He's got a lot going on right now. There's no way he should be thrown in jail, like Adams was.

McNamara That Ghost...
01-09-2017, 04:37 PM
What will Martin Samuel say?

01-09-2017, 04:54 PM
What will Martin Samuel say?

I think he will order gravy with his pie, as usual.

11-09-2017, 10:37 AM
Frank de Boer sacked after 4 games.

Will be replaced by Owlie McOwlface.

11-09-2017, 10:46 AM
The same thing happened last year to him with Inter.

Makes you wonder if it's more than just results

"Frank if the results were better we could take your impromptu exposing yourself with more good humour"

"How dare you insult my penis"

AFC Leveller
11-09-2017, 12:02 PM
His confidence must be shattered. Sacked twice within the first few weeks, cant be accidental.

11-09-2017, 01:13 PM
Well it won't be accidental. They didn't accidentally sack their manager, otherwise I'd be sitting here praying the same happy accident happened at our place. This is most likely due to the ridiculous demands in the PL to satisfy a thousand requirements in no time flat. Three losses and your job is under threat. Better to make the change early than wait for the rot to set in. Unless it's Arsenal, in which case the rot is carefully cultivated.

12-09-2017, 08:50 AM

12-09-2017, 08:55 AM



The Emirates Gallactico
12-09-2017, 01:03 PM
Palace really are hopelessly run. I mean what were Parish & co expecting - you could tell from the outset that they didn't have the players or culture to play Ajax football straight from the go.

The only excuse I can see is if De Boer had promised them "evolution rather than revolution" but instead decided to go for revolution.

Oh well, Roy should be a safe pair of hands and steer to lower mid table mediocrity.

12-09-2017, 05:40 PM
Liverpool fail with Mane ban appeal.

I could have saved them the £50 it cost to file the papers.

They can play Coutinho in his place till his ban is over...See this football managers lark is easy.

18-09-2017, 12:22 PM


19-09-2017, 08:44 AM


I'd pay to watch him being punched in the face, tbf.

19-09-2017, 08:51 AM
Rooney's courtroom sketch is hilarious.


25-09-2017, 06:16 AM
FIFA lift poppy ban


17-10-2017, 03:19 PM
Shakespeare sacked by Leicester after 4 months in the job. What the Dickens is going on with football?

17-10-2017, 03:23 PM
Shakespeare sacked by Leicester after 4 months in the job. What the Dickens is going on with football?
:lol: Bravo, if that was deliberate.

McNamara That Ghost...
17-10-2017, 04:34 PM
Ideal opportunity for someone in a temp(est) job.

17-10-2017, 04:43 PM
Ideal opportunity for someone in a temp(est) job.

That club's words worth nothing.

17-10-2017, 04:47 PM
A tale of two cities, Tempest at Leicester after 8 games...alls well that ends well at Arsenal after 13 years of crap.

18-10-2017, 07:38 AM
Oi, Hamlet you Danish nonce, the answer is "not to be" it seems...

The Emirates Gallactico
23-10-2017, 12:38 PM
Don't think we have a Koeman the muppet thread but Koeman SACKED!!!


Fuck of you orange clown! :wave:

23-10-2017, 12:43 PM
Don't think we have a Koeman the muppet thread but Koeman SACKED!!!


Fuck of you orange clown! :wave:

The normal business of football. Fuck up and you are out.

Except at one club. Fuck up and you get an extension and a pay rise.

23-10-2017, 12:53 PM

23-10-2017, 01:02 PM
The normal business of football. Fuck up and you are out.

Except at one club. Fuck up and you get an extension and a pay rise.

Yeah no big surprise, standard stuff manager doesn't deliver what's expected so he's sent on his way, makes sense after the results and the poor start.

Things we can only dream of.

23-10-2017, 01:36 PM
Koeman :haha: :haha:

23-10-2017, 01:58 PM

Wenger :bow:

23-10-2017, 02:04 PM
I have no idea why Arsenal fans are laughing at this. Yes, Koeman has been a prick and there's a black humour to him being shown the door while Wenger sits there grinning. But the real joke's on us because Wenger still sits there grinning. Everton will get a new manager now and will almost certainly improve and progress, unless they do something mental like bringing Moyes back. But here at Arsenal, nothing will change. Regardless of results Wenger is rooted. The opposition fans all sing they want him to stay. Of course they do. The whole thing is hilarious if you aren't an Arsenal fan. The biggest and funniest joke in football. If you aren't an Arsenal fan.

Marc Overmars
23-10-2017, 02:12 PM
Koeman had it coming, you can’t expect to stay in a job long if you spend that much and don’t hit the ground running. Well, unless you’re a certain someone.

23-10-2017, 02:18 PM
I have no idea why Arsenal fans are laughing at this. Yes, Koeman has been a prick and there's a black humour to him being shown the door while Wenger sits there grinning. But the real joke's on us because Wenger still sits there grinning. Everton will get a new manager now and will almost certainly improve and progress, unless they do something mental like bringing Moyes back. But here at Arsenal, nothing will change. Regardless of results Wenger is rooted. The opposition fans all sing they want him to stay. Of course they do. The whole thing is hilarious if you aren't an Arsenal fan. The biggest and funniest joke in football. If you aren't an Arsenal fan.

Pretty much, everyone outside Arsenal can't believe what they are seeing and to the outside we are ridiculous, opposition fans singing for him to stay on says it all really.

It's not funny at all, it's reality everywhere except at Arsenal, spend too much and perform too poorly and you're out on your ear, different rules at Arsenal though, here it doesn't matter how you do, there's more money and an extended contract waiting round the corner for you as a reward for failure whether you're a manager, player or chief excutive.

23-10-2017, 03:09 PM
It does matter how you do, but the board's definition of success isn't the same as yours.

23-10-2017, 03:11 PM
It does matter how you do, but the board's definition of success isn't the same as yours.

Why do you seem to always be defending him?

23-10-2017, 03:14 PM
How. The fuck. Is that defending him? :blink:

23-10-2017, 03:16 PM
Why do you seem to always be defending him?

Its a WUM. Ignore him and he will go away...for a while.

23-10-2017, 03:18 PM
Its a WUM. Ignore him and he will go away...for a while.

Same question to contestant number two.

How. The fuck. Is that defending him? :blink:

23-10-2017, 03:24 PM
It does matter how you do, but the board's definition of success isn't the same as yours.

The Board being just Kroenke because if the rumours are to be believed Keswick & Gazidis wanted shot of Wenger and he only got extended as he went grovelling directly to Kroenke begging to be kept on.

23-10-2017, 03:25 PM
How. The fuck. Is that defending him? :blink:

You always seem apologetic when it comes to wenger or provide a positive spin when someone is criticising wenger or pop up and provide a devils advocate scenario.

Does it really hurt that much that he's completely past it?

23-10-2017, 03:33 PM
Seriously. This is an example of why this place has gone to shit and serious debate on here is almost impossible. The conversation went like this. Zim said:

"[At Arsenal] it doesn't matter how you do, there's more money and an extended contract waiting round the corner for you as a reward for failure whether you're a manager, player or chief excutive [sic]."

So Zim's suggestion is it doesn't matter how someone does at Arsenal, they are rewarded for failure. So I said:

"It does matter how you do, but the board's definition of success isn't the same as yours."

I thought this was pretty clear, but to clarify for the hard of thinking. Of course it matters how the manager does, but the board don't care how we do on the field. They care how we do in the bank balance. By that metric Wenger has done splendidly. Their criteria for success is not the same as the fans. It wasn't a defence of Wenger, or anyone else. It was a pretty clear dig at the board and their priorities. Then you chip in with

"Why do you seem to always be defending him?" and then Globalgunner replies
"Its a WUM. Ignore him and he will go away...for a while."

What the fuck are you both on about?

23-10-2017, 03:35 PM
It's gone to sh*t cause over the years you banned a load of posters with different opinions to yours. It's bought the place to a stale standstill.

23-10-2017, 03:40 PM
Says the man who joined in May 2017, apparently :lol:
And, obviously, completely untrue. If I banned posters because they had different opinions to mine then there wouldn't be anyone left. Why haven't I banned Zim or NQ who I agree with about virtually nothing?
The stagnation at Arsenal has been part of bringing this place to a standstill, but your bullshit above is another reason why people who actually want to have some decent debate would be put off.

23-10-2017, 03:41 PM
Its gone to shit because it was apparently set us as a worship forum where we would all genuflect respectfully on cue from Letters. He is upset that no one else sees the man`s iridescent glory.

23-10-2017, 03:43 PM
Says the man who joined in May 2017, apparently :lol:
And, obviously, completely untrue. If I banned posters because they had different opinions to mine then there wouldn't be anyone left. Why haven't I banned Zim or NQ who I agree with about virtually nothing?
The stagnation at Arsenal has been part of bringing this place to a standstill, but your bullshit above is another reason why people who actually want to have some decent debate would be put off.



23-10-2017, 03:44 PM
Yes. It's definitely me who is the WUM in this conversation :yawn:

23-10-2017, 03:45 PM
Its gone to shit because it was apparently set us as a worship forum where we would all genuflect respectfully on cue from Letters. He is upset that no one else sees the man`s iridescent glory.


23-10-2017, 03:46 PM


Meh. Well if you are an old returning poster then you'll know what you've said is bollox.

23-10-2017, 03:54 PM
Fair's fair guys. Nobody here gets banned for having a dissenting opinion to the mods. Blame the other members for those bannings. When enough complaints come in from enough members, that's when the bans are enforced. We all fought over this when the last purge occurred and the members who wanted Cripps out of here were unapologetic about it. Cripps was a WUM for sure, and he was good at it. Which is why several members got pissed and complained, which in my opinion is bullshit but each to their own. Because, for sure, Cripps was not the only WUM in town.

23-10-2017, 03:55 PM
Its gone to shit because it was apparently set us as a worship forum where we would all genuflect respectfully on cue from Letters. He is upset that no one else sees the man`s iridescent glory.

Apart from the fact that
a) I didn't set this place up and
b) It's one of the most anti-Wenger forums I've seen
You're spot on :good:

23-10-2017, 03:56 PM
It's not anti-Wenger enough. That's the problem. Too many fans still prepared to give this fraud an inch. Even when the bloke shows zero respect in return and even tries to blame the fans for his failings.

23-10-2017, 03:57 PM
Should I set up a "plots to kill Wenger" sub-board? :unsure:

23-10-2017, 04:02 PM
Should I set up a "plots to kill Wenger" sub-board? :unsure:

I think we should stick to PMs as usual for that sort of stuff.

23-10-2017, 04:05 PM
Apart from the fact that
a) I didn't set this place up and
b) It's one of the most anti-Wenger forums I've seen
You're spot on :good:

It doesnt really matter who set it up. What matters is that you are always there to drip your Cyanide words on any discussion that calls out Wenger for his lack of forward progression. Have a word with yourself man.

23-10-2017, 04:22 PM
It doesnt really matter who set it up. What matters is that you are always there to drip your Cyanide words on any discussion that calls out Wenger for his lack of forward progression. Have a word with yourself man.

The key argument remaining for the pro-Wenger lot goes as follows:

There are no managers available out there who are better than Wenger;
So nothing would change or get better if we replaced him, in fact it might get worse;
Therefore, Wenger in.

So it's super important to limit the true scope of Wenger's fuck-ups or suddenly there are a whole lot of managers who would be suitable and Wenger's position becomes untenable. In their minds of course, because Wenger's record is what makes Wenger's position untenable, not the opinions of fans.

That's why we are having a let's all laugh at Klopp and Koeman day today, because added to our first decent performance of the season, brought about by a childishly obvious team selection that was 8 games overdue, this is the best position we've been in under Wenger since the FA Cup win. What was last May. And that includes another royally fucked up transfer window. So focus on the FA Cup, focus on yesterday's performance, focus on Klopp and Koeman and ignore absolutely everything else, except maybe a few mentions of the board and how they have handicapped poor Arsene, and suddenly you have a Cup winning manager who just trounced Everton in the league, while Klopp struggles and Koeman gets the boot.

Not so bad after all. And, guess what, it goes to prove there are no managers available out there who are better than Wenger. So nothing would change or get better if we replaced him, in fact it might get worse. Therefore, Wenger in.

The Emirates Gallactico
23-10-2017, 04:32 PM
Not to get in the way of Letters vs NQ Part 26909353 but given how ambitious Everton's new owner seems to be, there's a good chance he'll go for a big name like Ancelotti or Tuchel who are both available.

It'd be dangerous for us if one of them could actually sort them out as they have the potential to at least displace us given our current trajectory.

McNamara That Ghost...
23-10-2017, 05:14 PM
Koeman can fuck off.

I don't know why this has to involve Wenger for the millionth time.

Also there's not a chance in Hades we will fall behind Neverton.

23-10-2017, 05:20 PM
Not to get in the way of Letters vs NQ Part 26909353 but given how ambitious Everton's new owner seems to be, there's a good chance he'll go for a big name like Ancelotti or Tuchel who are both available.

It'd be dangerous for us if one of them could actually sort them out as they have the potential to at least displace us given our current trajectory.

Which is a potential double whammy because Everton's new owner is one of our, now ex, owners. Usmanov's partner who grew tired of being shut out by that cunt Kroenke and has taken his money elsewhere to invest. Not wisely, it seems, but if Kroenke gave a fuck about Arsenal, and even if the miserly pig didn't want to kick in a cent of his own cash, he'd have accommodated his fellow owners and, surely, happily taken their money to improve the club. Plainly Kroenke the rat bastard would rather see fuck all go into Arsenal than allow any other voices apart from Saint Wenger's and his own.

23-10-2017, 05:24 PM
Koeman can fuck off.

I don't know why this has to involve Wenger for the millionth time.

Also there's not a chance in Hades we will fall behind Neverton.

Why shouldn't it involve Wenger? For one, there's the bad blood between himself and Koeman that has been resolved by us pounding Everton and seeing Koeman out the door. Wenger is certainly a relevancy in that respect.

But mainly because Wenger has made every fucking thing at this club about him. He's done it himself. So everything Arsenal is connected to connects to the egomaniac Wenger.

23-10-2017, 05:46 PM
It doesnt really matter who set it up. What matters is that you are always there to drip your Cyanide words on any discussion that calls out Wenger for his lack of forward progression. Have a word with yourself man.

Except that's not true, is it? In this thread I was actually calling out the board for their lack of forward progression.
And you accused me of WUMing.
You're either not actually reading my posts or you're too stupid to understand them. I have literally no idea which.

23-10-2017, 05:49 PM
It doesnt really matter who set it up. What matters is that you are always there to drip your Cyanide words on any discussion that calls out Wenger for his lack of forward progression. Have a word with yourself man.

So you’re saying your anti Wenger arguments are unable to deal with scrutiny?

I think people who still support the manager are Nuts but
A) I don’t think Letters is a Wenger Knows Best by any stretch
B) I’m not interested in denying them a voice

23-10-2017, 05:51 PM
The key argument remaining for the pro-Wenger lot goes as follows:

There are no managers available out there who are better than Wenger;
So nothing would change or get better if we replaced him, in fact it might get worse;
Therefore, Wenger in.
Actually, that isn't the argument LDG put forward. His argument was:

There are some managers out there who are better than Wenger.
Our current board don't care about that or us succeeding, they just want to see the money keep rolling in.
That money would keep rolling in if we were in mid-table so the board could and probably would replace Wenger with almost anyone.
Therefore, Wenger in, the board out, then Wenger out.

And let me make this very clear for the more stupid people in this thread:
That is an argument LDG put forward, not me (I note that no-one jumped down his throat when he did so).
I don't necessarily agree with it but I see some logic in it.

23-10-2017, 05:52 PM
So you’re saying your anti Wenger arguments are unable to deal with scrutiny?

I think people who still support the manager are Nuts but
A) I don’t think Letters is a Wenger Knows Best by any stretch
B) I’m not interested in denying them a voice

So you endorse racism?

McNamara That Ghost...
23-10-2017, 05:53 PM
Why shouldn't it involve Wenger? For one, there's the bad blood between himself and Koeman that has been resolved by us pounding Everton and seeing Koeman out the door. Wenger is certainly a relevancy in that respect.

But mainly because Wenger has made every fucking thing at this club about him. He's done it himself. So everything Arsenal is connected to connects to the egomaniac Wenger.

Nah it's just tiresome, I'd rather we didn't but at least if the same cycle of words is in Arsenal debate, well at least it's in the Arsenal section.

I just don't think this should end up another thread descending to the same thing we know already about, at least not the main emphasis.

I can't imagine anybody enjoys seeing this.

23-10-2017, 05:55 PM
So you endorse racism?

Not sure where that comes from

But if you’re asking If I think racists should have the same freedom of speech as non racists than yes

23-10-2017, 05:56 PM
Actually, that isn't the argument LDG put forward. His argument was:

There are some managers out there who are better than Wenger.
Our current board don't care about that or us succeeding, they just want to see the money keep rolling in.
That money would keep rolling in if we were in mid-table so the board could and probably would replace Wenger with almost anyone.
Therefore, Wenger in, the board out, then Wenger out.

And let me make this very clear for the more stupid people in this thread:
That is an argument LDG put forward, not me (I note that no-one jumped down his throat when he did so).
I don't necessarily agree with it but I see some logic in it.

I'm not talking about LDG's argument. His was an assessment worth thinking about based on the catastrophic situation the Kroenke/ Wenger clown act has led the club to and the hopeless realities we now face as a result. A bit like the band playing on on the Titanic, to sooth the souls of those about to drown, themselves included. The only difference being that band could actually play.

23-10-2017, 05:57 PM
Not sure where that comes from

But if you’re asking If I think racists should have the same freedom of speech as non racists than yes



23-10-2017, 06:06 PM



23-10-2017, 06:10 PM
I'm not talking about LDG's argument. His was an assessment worth thinking about based on the catastrophic situation the Kroenke/ Wenger clown act has led the club to and the hopeless realities we now face as a result. A bit like the band playing on on the Titanic, to sooth the souls of those about to drown, themselves included. The only difference being that band could actually play.

I haven't actually heard anyone making the argument you suggested the "pro Wenger lot" put forward.
Not on here anyway. Well, not for years.

23-10-2017, 06:15 PM
I haven't actually heard anyone making the argument you suggested the "pro Wenger lot" put forward.
Not on here anyway. Well, not for years.

You haven't heard the, "Who do we get that will improve things and not make them worse?", non-argument? The Wenger lot fed off that one all last season, once the, "We owe him", argument fell out of fashion.

23-10-2017, 06:24 PM
Fair's fair guys. Nobody here gets banned for having a dissenting opinion to the mods. Blame the other members for those bannings. When enough complaints come in from enough members, that's when the bans are enforced. We all fought over this when the last purge occurred and the members who wanted Cripps out of here were unapologetic about it. Cripps was a WUM for sure, and he was good at it. Which is why several members got pissed and complained, which in my opinion is bullshit but each to their own. Because, for sure, Cripps was not the only WUM in town.

You have a mod that antagonises, mocks and pokes until others react then he has the power to ban them. His behaviour is not one of a mod, a moderator should try and set an example but he fuels arguments. He's here because of virtue of being one of the first on this forum. Why is he still here? The forum has evolved, it's a different era, he's basically the arsene Wenger of this forum. He's past it and divides opinion. He's still here because he's a control freak.

Arsene letters:bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
23-10-2017, 06:35 PM
I don't think Letters has banned anybody for years. :lol:

You must be talking about me.

23-10-2017, 06:42 PM
You have a mod that antagonises, mocks and pokes until others react then he has the power to ban them. His behaviour is not one of a mod, a moderator should try and set an example but he fuels arguments. He's here because of virtue of being one of the first on this forum. Why is he still here? The forum has evolved, it's a different era, he's basically the arsene Wenger of this forum. He's past it and divides opinion. He's still here because he's a control freak.

Arsene letters:bow:

Most of my arguments with Letters are sparked by him being the exact opposite of a control freak. It annoys me how compliant he is.

Shaqiri Is Boss
23-10-2017, 06:43 PM
What a shame. Their problems seemed so obvious from the very beginning, and it hasn't improved at all.

The favourite seems to be Dyche.

23-10-2017, 06:45 PM
What a shame. Their problems seemed so obvious from the very beginning, and it hasn't improved at all.

The favourite seems to be Dyche.

I thought the Dyche thing was a joke. A bit like the Phil Brown thing or that other guy who the Wenger Out lot were threatened with every time they stuck up a banner. So anonymous I can't remember his name. Nobody actually hires these guys. Surely?

23-10-2017, 06:52 PM
What a shame. Their problems seemed so obvious from the very beginning, and it hasn't improved at all.

The favourite seems to be Dyche.

That’d be shit news for Burnley but you couldn’t blame Dyche. Taken them as far as he can really.

23-10-2017, 06:59 PM
You have a mod that antagonises, mocks and pokes until others react then he has the power to ban them. His behaviour is not one of a mod, a moderator should try and set an example but he fuels arguments. He's here because of virtue of being one of the first on this forum. Why is he still here? The forum has evolved, it's a different era, he's basically the arsene Wenger of this forum. He's past it and divides opinion. He's still here because he's a control freak.

Arsene letters:bow:

You are talking out of your festering hole.

Letters has banned about 2 posters in 10 years.

23-10-2017, 07:03 PM
Oh here comes his girlfriend :handbags:

Shaqiri Is Boss
23-10-2017, 07:04 PM
I can sort of see both sides. He has done and is doing a good job with Burnley, and you'd think he'd get them defensively organised, but you can easily see parallels with the likes of a Phil Brown, or Owen Coyle. At Burnley you can go 9/10 games without a win and get away with it or not win away all season or whatever it was; even at Everton the fans would be coming down hard on him as we've already seen. It'd be interesting to see how he'd cope with the change in expectations, actually having a bit of money to spend and even how he'd adapt to the way teams will play against them, as opposed to how they approach Burnley.

At the very least though, Dyche's heart would be in it. With Koeman it most definitely wasn't.

Unsworth, the U23 coach is second favourite with the bookies. Third favourite is.... Moysey :lol: That would go down brilliantly.

Though those names are a tad more realistic than Ancelotti.

23-10-2017, 07:04 PM
When it descends to personal attacks, you know you've lost.


23-10-2017, 07:07 PM
Owen Coyle, that's the one.

23-10-2017, 07:07 PM
When it descends to personal attacks, you know you've lost.


Fuck off twat!

23-10-2017, 07:08 PM
Fuck off twat!

So's your face.

23-10-2017, 07:09 PM
So's your face.

Fat bastard

23-10-2017, 07:09 PM
So's your face.

23-10-2017, 07:10 PM
I'll be back with better insults.

23-10-2017, 07:12 PM
When it descends to personal attacks, you know you've lost.



23-10-2017, 07:14 PM

It's not an insult if it's true

23-10-2017, 07:17 PM

Lighten up.

Arsenal fans have got to stick together.

Against Letters.

23-10-2017, 07:20 PM
Letters :haha:

What a homo

23-10-2017, 07:48 PM
Letters Out :sulk:

Although...there are no better mods out there and if they did sack Letters Maccy would only replace him with a worse mod, so...

Letters in!

Letters :bow:

Master Splinter
23-10-2017, 07:49 PM
Letters :haha:

What a homo

You'd love that because then you could be his boyfriend as well as his girlfriend.

23-10-2017, 07:51 PM
You'd love that because then you could be his boyfriend as well as his girlfriend.

Did you just assume my gender???

Master Splinter
23-10-2017, 07:51 PM
More importantly: Koeman :haha:.

Stupid, fat, Tin-Tin-faced, cocky fuck.

He's also fat.

23-10-2017, 07:51 PM
You'd love that because then you could be his boyfriend as well as his girlfriend.

And his in-between, weird transgender freakoid friend.


23-10-2017, 07:51 PM
He looks like the autopilot from Airplane.

23-10-2017, 07:53 PM
He looks like the autopilot from Airplane.

That was his brother, who later became his sister.

McNamara That Ghost...
24-10-2017, 05:40 AM

I'm not saying anything.

24-10-2017, 08:38 AM
Giant dick.

And what the hell is he holding?

29-10-2017, 01:47 PM
Troy Deeney being a complete cojones head again.


His team went on to secure another gutsy loss.

29-10-2017, 08:25 PM
Quite fast...



McNamara That Ghost...
29-10-2017, 08:31 PM
Troy Deeney being a complete cojones head again.


His team went on to secure another gutsy loss.

The Mountain. :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
30-10-2017, 06:34 PM
And he has been charged with violent conduct.


06-11-2017, 11:27 AM
Bilic is gone

Marc Overmars
06-11-2017, 11:48 AM
Moyes is favourite to replace him. :lol:

06-11-2017, 11:53 AM
Moyes is favourite to replace him. :lol:

Parachute payments for relegation must be lucrative

06-11-2017, 12:05 PM
Moyes is favourite to replace him. :lol:

Out of the frying pan, into the grey gloop.

I'd have Bilic at Arsenal. Give him the rest of the season. He couldn't possibly do worse than Wenger. At least he'd stop benching our striker and might play defenders in defence and midfielders in the midfield. Won't happen but it would be great for us if it did.

Mind you, wouldn't want to be an Everton fan today. Or ever.

06-11-2017, 12:33 PM
Out of the frying pan, into the grey gloop.

I'd have Bilic at Arsenal. Give him the rest of the season. He couldn't possibly do worse than Wenger. At least he'd stop benching our striker and might play defenders in defence and midfielders in the midfield. Won't happen but it would be great for us if it did.

Mind you, wouldn't want to be an Everton fan today. Or ever.

You think of Koeman and Bilic as disciplinarians who don’t take shit from players (I do anyway)

Yet it seems clear both lost the dressing room. Sad inditement of the state of football that if you don’t belly scratch these overpaid little cunts and tell them how special they are constantly, they will revolt.

It’s arguably why Wenger has never lost the dressing room at Arsenal

06-11-2017, 01:13 PM
Moyes :lol:

Proof that things can always be worse.

Marc Overmars
06-11-2017, 10:47 PM
Fat Sam in the running for the Everton job. :lol:

1. I thought he called it a day?

2. Why the fuck would a club like Everton consider him? Have some self-respect, jeez.

07-11-2017, 07:09 AM
You know how there is a conspiracy theory that there is some secret organisation running the wold in the shadows and sharing its resources amongst themselves. There must also be a secret lodge of club owners who pass these shithead managers around. Moyes just relegated Sunderland, before that stank the place out at Sociedad and crapped all over the pitch at OT. How he gets work still is beyond me. West Ham are sure to get relegated now.

Allardyce maybe slightly better in terms of technical ability, but not much. If he was as cocksure as he would like us to believe, why doesnt he pitch up somewhere in Europe and make Deportivo la Coruna contenders again?. Nah they prefer the safety of the EPL where they can continue to spout crap on TV and surf for new clubs to fill their nest egg.

07-11-2017, 09:11 AM
Fat Sam in the running for the Everton job. :lol:

1. I thought he called it a day?

2. Why the fuck would a club like Everton consider him? Have some self-respect, jeez.

I don’t like him not at all, but in my mind I’d much rather he was England manager than Gareth Southgate

07-11-2017, 09:15 AM
You know how there is a conspiracy theory that there is some secret organisation running the wold in the shadows and sharing its resources amongst themselves. There must also be a secret lodge of club owners who pass these shithead managers around. Moyes just relegated Sunderland, before that stank the place out at Sociedad and crapped all over the pitch at OT. How he gets work still is beyond me. West Ham are sure to get relegated now.

Allardyce maybe slightly better in terms of technical ability, but not much. If he was as cocksure as he would like us to believe, why doesnt he pitch up somewhere in Europe and make Deportivo la Coruna contenders again?. Nah they prefer the safety of the EPL where they can continue to spout crap on TV and surf for new clubs to fill their nest egg.

People look for conspiracy when they fail to appreciate the depth of human fallibility

It’s not to say conspiracies and clandestine power figures don’t exist, they clearly do

But they aren’t the explanation for everything that makes no sense

Moyes still has his reputation from managing Everton in the same way Wenger has his somewhat intact because of achievements well over a decade ago.

They shouldn’t have, they are both burnt out (in Moyes’ case, mainly from drink)

07-11-2017, 09:52 AM
Martin Samuel trolling for hits:

I loved Arsenal legend Thierry Henry but he doesn't make my top five list of foreign Premier League stars

To save you clicking on it.

Here's why Henry doesn't make the list:

Henry scored 30 goals or more in five consecutive seasons for Arsenal. He was Footballer of the Year three times. His technique was out of this world, his poise sublime, his game intelligence gave him an extra yard, as if any were needed. I loved watching Henry. I wouldn't trust a soul who didn't.

But here is why he is absent. This list needs a deciding factor. There is too much talent, too much greatness to make it just about the player alone. This is the clincher: I want revolutionaries. I want players who were the pioneers; who changed the culture at their club; who made such a difference here the game wasn't the same again.

Martin then goes on to say... having ranked Cantona, Aguero, Kante (not a typo) above Henry and as he gets to...

Transformed Arsenal. Yes, so did Henry in his time. Even more so, it could be claimed, so did Patrick Vieira.

Ronaldo wins it. I guess Rooney must be unavailable for selection.

Marc Overmars
07-11-2017, 10:09 AM
Any list of the best foreign players in the PL that doesn’t include Henry isn’t worth shit.

The Emirates Gallactico
07-11-2017, 10:55 AM
Martin Samuel :lol:

Daily Fail :lol:

Henry is number one out of any list. The number of goals & assists he ratcheted up every season was unbelievable - god what I'd give to have a player like that at the club right now.

07-11-2017, 11:24 AM


West Ham :pal:

07-11-2017, 11:24 AM
Some of the fat has broken off from his belly and has travelled up to his brain and is strangling his last vestige of common sense

Henry is the best foreign player to have played in the premier league. No ifs, ands or buts

07-11-2017, 11:43 AM
Some of the fat has broken off from his belly and has travelled up to his brain and is strangling his last vestige of common sense

Henry is the best foreign player to have played in the premier league. No ifs, ands or buts

Are you sure he was better than Kante? I'm not 100% certain of that, and if you click on my advertising laden link I'll tell you why. I guarantee you'll be surprised and even shocked at my answer.

But hurry! This offer can't last! Get in now while you have the chance.

07-11-2017, 11:48 AM
Are you sure he was better than Kante? I'm not 100% certain of that, and if you click on my advertising laden link I'll tell you why. I guarantee you'll be surprised and even shocked at my answer.

But hurry! This offer can't last! Get in now while you have the chance.

Martin, look over there a Double Whopper with extra Bacon!!

07-11-2017, 12:46 PM

Turns out we aren’t the only club that fucks it’s fans in the arse

08-11-2017, 03:13 PM


08-11-2017, 03:30 PM


News Thump is poor mans Daily Mash

08-11-2017, 03:32 PM

“It’s just nice to be indoors for the winter” :haha:

08-11-2017, 04:13 PM
News Thump is poor mans Daily Mash

I think they are both top, top quality but I tend to look at NT more for some reason.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-11-2017, 05:41 PM
Martin Samuel doesn't think Henry changed how wide forwards are thought of?

08-11-2017, 06:23 PM
Martin Samuel doesn't think

I’d argue he’s more incapable of it

08-11-2017, 06:47 PM
Martin Samuel doesn't think Henry changed how wide forwards are thought of?

Samuel has a two bit brain. One bit is to register clicks, which in turn triggers his vital organs. The other is to flag his fat mouth to operate when there's a pie in range.

08-11-2017, 09:56 PM
The biggest dickhead in world football? Or more desperate media nonsense? Hard to say. All we can say for sure is Neymar is the most overrated footballer of all time.

Neymar is lacking in motivation to pull on the Paris Saint-Germain jersey to the point that he sat out the club's 5-0 win over Angers in order to keep himself fresh for international duty, it has been claimed.

The forward, who joined the Ligue 1 club in the summer for a world-record £198million, missed Unai Emery's side's latest walkover on Saturday with a knock.

Emery told reporters before the game: 'Neymar had a small blow to his muscle and didn't feel well this morning. I spoke with the doctors and with him and we decided it's best if he stays in Paris.'

However, on reporting for training with Brazil on Tuesday the 25-year-old's fitness was not even mentioned, with the team doctor, Rodrigo Lasmar, revealing Philippe Coutinho to be his only concern.

And according to Spanish publication Sport, Neymar has little interest in playing for his club outside of the Champions League, such is his disillusion with the level he has found himself playing against.

08-11-2017, 10:01 PM
The gypos have moved to the top of the league in terms of the cash mountain they dump on their mercenary squad. They also cruised past us in terms of turnover. But profits sank to 1 mill. Apparently the arab bloke in charge calls this sustainability. For sure. Provided those nonsense TV revenues hold up.

United - £581m
City - £473.4m
Arsenal - £422.8m
Liverpool - £301m
Chelsea - £329.1m
Tottenham - £209.8m

Btw - we can't compete. We don't have any money.

09-11-2017, 11:46 AM
The Pie Man has come in for some flak.

Just be honest Martin. You did it for the clicks. Stephen, London.

This is an article whose sole objective is to create controversy and get clicks. Rebel66, Vienna.

This is just your typical click bait controversial article. Thierry Henry would 100 per cent make a top five list of any normal person. Looger5, Liverpool.
Click bait king. JohnnyG, Melbourne.

Clickbait. Henry is in the top five all day long. Mr Herbert, Manchester.

Why are you stooping to this level of clickbait? This article reeks of desperation to appear edgy and controversial. Henry oozed class and terrorised defences with blistering pace, in what was an extremely physical league. Bewildered Civilian, Wirral.

So fatty now has even more clicks.

Oh, don’t flatter yourselves. Clickbait? You really think I care? If I wanted to, I could do one of these an hour, in my sleep. The fact is, I never go near them. My sports editor teased me about it after I filed this. That he loves list articles, and I never write them, and he hates baseball and American sports and I always reference them. And long before the internet was a thing, newspapers ran list columns. There were no personal computers, nobody to click. It was just interesting. It got people talking.

And tomorrow he'll get more. So job well done. If you can call it a job.

Would love for there to have been a bit FAT zero click count in his click count alert hot bar when he crawled out from under the table the morning after.


09-11-2017, 11:54 AM
Everyone who works for the Daily Mail is a paedophile.

09-11-2017, 11:59 AM
Everyone who works for the Daily Mail is a paedophile.

Fucking Tories.

And boys.

09-11-2017, 12:25 PM
Fucking Tories.

And boys.


10-11-2017, 04:56 PM
And an Eric Cantona...



20-11-2017, 10:29 AM
Pubis gone:haha: :haha:

20-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Taxi for Pulis

20-11-2017, 11:03 AM

20-11-2017, 07:21 PM
Carragher reckons no other manager in the world could do what dyche has done at Burnley this season :blink:

20-11-2017, 08:03 PM
Carragher reckons no other manager in the world could do what dyche has done at Burnley this season :blink:

He's right. Burnley have only had one manager this season, Dyche. So he's the only guy who has been in a position to do what he's done. Big deal. Statement of the obvious. Meanwhile, literally anyone could do what Carragher does.

20-11-2017, 11:57 PM
How long before Pulis joins some other shit kicker club? West Ham job will probably be available in a few months.

21-11-2017, 11:27 AM
Banned footballer Joey Barton has caused more turmoil within talkSPORT after his latest comments on the station outraged radio colleagues.

Barton said on Alan Brazil's breakfast show on Monday that Everton's plight was comparable to being left with the fat bird at the end of the disco. This prompted newsreader Sandy Warr to say on Facebook that it was: 'mind-blowing misogyny even by talkSPORT standards,' adding: 'glad to be on my way out of the door soon'.

Former host Mick Brown also commented: 'It is quite unbelievable the way the place is just left rudderless to allow things like that.'

Joey Barton is a tosser, a fellow who's very easy to dislike, no doubt about it. But compared to the two mega twats that have collapsed into a pile of jelly, he's positively lovable.

21-11-2017, 11:54 AM
He made similar reference on Question Time in reference to UKIP.

It’s just possible that he has a limited repertoire or he has been saddled a lot with fat or ugly birds in his time

21-11-2017, 12:29 PM
He made similar reference on Question Time in reference to UKIP.

It’s just possible that he has a limited repertoire or he has been saddled a lot with fat or ugly birds in his time

Disgraceful. You should be ashamed but I know you won't be.


McNamara That Ghost...
21-11-2017, 01:33 PM
Niasse has been charged for his dive against Palace.

I wonder when exactly an English player will be charged like this?

21-11-2017, 01:49 PM
Niasse has been charged for his dive against Palace.

I wonder when exactly an English player will be charged like this?


21-11-2017, 01:51 PM
Niasse has been charged for his dive against Palace.

I wonder when exactly an English player will be charged like this?

English player? Charged? Seriously? Wenger needs to apologise to Sterling, remember?

21-11-2017, 02:58 PM
Disgraceful. You should be ashamed but I know you won't be.



21-11-2017, 03:53 PM

MrsL :bow:

Before someone else says it <_<

21-11-2017, 04:14 PM
MrsL :bow:

Before someone else says it <_<

You married her fuck face

21-11-2017, 04:17 PM
MrsL :bow:

Before someone else says it <_<

She's not even that fat.

21-11-2017, 06:25 PM
She's not even that fat.

Weve all seen the wedding photos so I beg to differ

21-11-2017, 07:08 PM
Weve all seen the wedding photos so I beg to differ

I've had worse.


McNamara That Ghost...
21-11-2017, 07:38 PM
English player? Charged? Seriously? Wenger needs to apologise to Sterling, remember?

A written apology and should be considering himself lucky he isn't being sued for deformation.

21-11-2017, 08:28 PM
A written apology and should be considering himself lucky he isn't being sued for deformation.

Deformation?. I know he’s old, wrinkly and ugly but there’s no law against it

21-11-2017, 08:29 PM
I've had worse.


You didn’t marry it though did you?

21-11-2017, 08:36 PM
You didn’t marry it though did you?

I ain't no mug

McNamara That Ghost...
21-11-2017, 09:53 PM
Deformation?. I know he’s old, wrinkly and ugly but there’s no law against it

Me. :lol:

23-11-2017, 08:32 AM
The usual suspects being considered for the West Brom vacancy.

McNamara That Ghost...
23-11-2017, 07:04 PM
Robinho sentenced for nine years imprisonment from a sexual assault.


Where's mellofellow now?

23-11-2017, 07:16 PM

Where's mellofellow now?

In prison for 9 years.

23-11-2017, 07:21 PM
We're lucky that so-called striker Cologne have up there is laughably bad.

23-11-2017, 07:21 PM
And the connection between that last message and Robinho is they're both black.

McNamara That Ghost...
23-11-2017, 07:57 PM
We're lucky that so-called striker Cologne have up there is laughably bad.

Robinho should get used to going down easily...

23-11-2017, 09:28 PM
Robinho sentenced for nine years imprisonment from a sexual assault.


Where's mellofellow now?

What do six out of seven people enjoy?

23-11-2017, 09:47 PM
What do six out of seven people enjoy?

Laughing at Letters when they see how tall he is? :unsure:

McNamara That Ghost...
23-11-2017, 10:25 PM
What do six out of seven people enjoy?

Snow White?

25-11-2017, 10:58 PM
MK Dons lost.

26-11-2017, 11:37 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/11/25/23/05AAD56F000003E8-5117531-Alan_Shearer_s_documentary_on_possible_links_betwe en_heading_and-a-40_1511650952684.jpg

Explains a lot.

McNamara That Ghost...
27-11-2017, 07:40 PM
Fat Sam is the main contender for the Everton job say BBC.


Just. Fuck. Off.

Shaqiri Is Boss
27-11-2017, 07:58 PM
I guess Simeone doesn't want the job after all.

Or Ancelotti.

Or Rangnick.

McNamara That Ghost...
27-11-2017, 08:03 PM
Even though Marco Silva doesn't know anything about the Premier League he still knows enough to give Neverton a miss.

Shaqiri Is Boss
03-12-2017, 12:23 PM


Stadium of Shite etc

03-12-2017, 12:37 PM
No one is ever going to want to sit in that row again

03-12-2017, 12:39 PM
No one is ever going to want to sit in that row again

Same was true before somebody shat in it tbf. Awful team, awful town.

05-12-2017, 01:36 PM
Staveley and Ashley in deadlock over Newcastle selling price

Can she buy us instead?

Marc Overmars
07-12-2017, 11:36 PM
Ronaldo wins the Ballon d’Or again. 5th time to equal Messi.

I reckon this will be the last one Ronaldo/Messi have between them.

Someone new next year.

07-12-2017, 11:50 PM
Jack :bow:

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
08-12-2017, 05:00 PM
Ronaldo wins the Ballon d’Or again. 5th time to equal Messi.

I reckon this will be the last one Ronaldo/Messi have between them.

Someone new next year.
Don't hold your breath......

Though I'd like Messi to nip back ahead and put a bit of distance between him and that preening greasepot Conaldo again.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-12-2017, 07:24 PM

Humble too.

08-12-2017, 07:30 PM
He is a wanker.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-12-2017, 07:51 PM
The best wanker in history.

08-12-2017, 08:49 PM
They can give him all the awards ever invented, but he's still one of the biggest cheats in history and one of the worst examples ever of a sportsman. Have always hated the cunt and will always hate the cunt.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
11-12-2017, 09:41 PM
Nope. You still haven't quite communicated what a cun* he is. It's too difficult.

11-12-2017, 09:44 PM
Nope. You still haven't quite communicated what a cun* he is. It's too difficult.

Okay. The bloke's an utter Ronaldo.

11-12-2017, 10:44 PM

Humble too.

I hope he dies in a fire.

12-12-2017, 12:13 AM
I hope he dies in a fire.

Misogynist :sulk:

13-12-2017, 02:36 PM
Staveley close to taking over toon

Please save us :(

15-12-2017, 02:19 PM
BREAKING: Jose Mourinho confirms @ManUtd defender Eric Bailly will have ankle surgery and faces up to three months on the sidelines.


17-12-2017, 11:00 AM
Neymar's move to Real Madrid could be more concrete than many first thought, after his dad has reportedly had dinner with President Florentino Perez to discuss a potential €250million (£220million) deal.

The Paris Saint-Germain superstar is less than six months into his £600,000-a-week deal – following the world-record £198million move from Barcelona in the summer – but is already said to be unsettled in the French capital.

Neymar is a new and hugely unwelcome phenomenon in football. The mobile advertising and merchandising asset. A horribly mediocre talent hyped beyond belief and with a reputation built entirely on the back of genuine talent positioned around him to (mostly) hide his almost comical inadequacies. Like Sterling at the gypos. Or Alli at the spuds. Pure hype and steadfast refusal to ignore the evidence of eyeballs. Neymar is the king though. The world champion of exploiting football. The poster trannie for everything that is wrong with the game.

Shaqiri Is Boss
17-12-2017, 02:08 PM
Celtic getting beat 4-0 :lol:

Only 69 domestic games unbeaten. Shit.

17-12-2017, 02:19 PM

Fawning nonsense from the BBC. This is getting ridiculous now. Half a season and they are supposedly among the greats. Even though their football is nothing special by any measure of the great teams of the past. It's a cut above the rest of this dismal league, but does it get you out of your seat furiously applauding? Not a chance. They are highly efficient, but could never be accused of being entertaining - as with all Pep's teams if we settle on the truth rather than the hype. It was excruciating sitting through the boring tippety tap of his Barca teams. Not much has changed at the gypos, still boring in the main even though it is impressive enough in its efficiency, work rate, consistency. A machine rather than a work of art.

But the elephant in the room is the money. Of course Pep has built a good team. Who wouldn't, given the insane amount of cash that has been thrown at it? What is it now, a billion quid or something? 50 million quid players on the bench. International talent 3 layers deep for every position? If they weren't running away with the league it would be a massive indictment, an epic failure. They're doing what should be expected of a money no object team determined to buy as many prizes as possible in Pep's latest 3 year showpiece. He, as a manger, obviously has good organisational and motivational skills. But he's never been tested under adverse conditions, so we have no idea how he'd perform if faced with a challenge that hadn't already been smoothed out by a chequebook. He deserves credit for what he's done, that's fair enough. Give a manager like Wenger that chequebook and he'd fuck the whole thing up. So credit where due, but this ridiculous fawning and hype?

All people need to do is ask a simple question to get an obvious answer. Who would you rather watch, a flowing Arsenal or Utd team at the peak of their powers or ANY Guardiola team, take you pick? Anyone choosing the latter is a follower of fashion, not football.

19-12-2017, 02:18 PM
A man has been arrested in connection with an alleged racist attack on the Manchester City and England forward Raheem Sterling, police have announced.[guardian]

NQ :doh:

19-12-2017, 02:31 PM
Griezmann :doh:

19-12-2017, 02:43 PM
Griezmann :doh:

It's hard to believe retard levels in this day in age.

19-12-2017, 03:08 PM
It's hard to believe retard levels in this day in age.

You've obviously been away from GW for too long.

19-12-2017, 03:51 PM
A man has been arrested in connection with an alleged racist attack on the Manchester City and England forward Raheem Sterling, police have announced.[guardian]

NQ :doh:

Get out. I wouldn't be able to stand straight from laughing at this massive fraud.

19-12-2017, 03:52 PM
It's hard to believe retard levels in this day in age.

Who was hurt by it? Nobody at all. That should always be the standard. If it causes no harm then it's fine. If people are offended, honestly, who cares?

Shaqiri Is Boss
20-12-2017, 08:01 PM
Swansea sack Clement :rose:

21-12-2017, 01:36 AM
Was wasting time on YouTube, in between bouts of diligent work, and somehow got watching videos of "famous" free kicks.

Ronaldo, Beckham, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos, more Ronaldo, Messi, Ronaldo again (I guess that accounts for all 3 he ever scored), Messi, Messi, Honda, Mitsubishi, Toyota.

The usual suspects. Over and over.

There's very little memory or desire to look at the history of the game with the modern fan I think. At least with the modern fan who posts video on YouTube.

Because, you know... Zico. The all time, surely undisputed master of the free kick? Anyone remember him? It's not as if it was all in the black and white era. But if it's not part of the modern hype factory it's like it no longer exists.

A free kick anywhere near the goal was as good as a penalty for Zico. And it wasn't blasted. He wasn't using a ball that does everything bar fly true. He didn't have the pristine pitches, the modern boots, the pre-game iPad with all the goalie stats. Instead he'd stroke it into the net. If the keeper was set up one way, he'd go the other. Which usually meant the keeper ended up standing there, watching the ball go past him. Floated into the top corner, left or right, made no difference.

He was also a world class player in just about every other respect.

Was also watching one of those silly "best ever" videos. Arsenal midfielders. No Liam Brady. What the fucking fuck?

However, I did come across a video of the real Ronaldo. What a player. Magical.

It's pretty obvious to me that football was much better a couple of decades back and beyond, or even a decade back. Much better players. Trouble is, they are rapidly being forgotten, erased by this ridiculous hype that has Raheem Sterling hailed as a world beater.

Money ruins everything it touches.

Apologies on behalf of the cunt that put music over this. And I'm pretty certain these aren't all the goals, I remember a good few more when he was playing for Brazil.


21-12-2017, 07:22 AM
Some papers speculating that Pulis is favourite to take over at Swansea.
How stupid can you get?

21-12-2017, 07:35 AM


NQ. Told Ya. Now yr footie is gonna cost even more.

21-12-2017, 10:11 AM
Brexit :haha:

21-12-2017, 10:28 AM
The assumption was that Britain was the supporting column that once removed would see the whole organisation tumble

21-12-2017, 10:38 AM
You lost, get over it.

21-12-2017, 11:49 AM
The assumption was that Britain was the supporting column that once removed would see the whole organisation tumble

No, the assumption was we'd get out just in time. But the fifth column in this country might end up leaving us in dangerous proximity.

21-12-2017, 12:12 PM
Now even Walcott and Ramsey will want to be paid in Euros, Dollars or Bitcoin.

21-12-2017, 12:42 PM
We pay Walcott :lol:


21-12-2017, 01:06 PM
These players are more like investment funds (and most of them are as exciting). Dummies on which to hang the latest kit (available at the club store for crazy money). And on top you add a whole batch of hangers-on who get their cut. Fine if half these sods could play, which they can't. Most of them should be paid in peanuts, which is what they give back to the fans every week.

05-01-2018, 09:01 AM
@pauljoyce: Ross Barkley to have medical today at Chelsea. Fee in region of £15m

Marc Overmars
05-01-2018, 09:11 AM
Apparently Amazon are considering a bid for the PL TV rights next year. :lol:

05-01-2018, 09:24 AM
BREAKING: Juventus reach agreement to sign Emre Can from Liverpool on free transfer this summer, according to Sky in Italy. #SSN https://t.co/Lvb78nUqb5

05-01-2018, 09:39 AM
Apparently Amazon are considering a bid for the PL TV rights next year. :lol:

I'm all for it as long as it's included in my Prime subscription.

It's the next logical step. Broadcast TV is fucking dead.

McNamara That Ghost...
06-01-2018, 08:15 PM
Sparky sacked. :haha:

About time.

06-01-2018, 08:17 PM
Sparky sacked. :haha:

About time.

Only happens once a year.

07-01-2018, 12:10 PM

07-01-2018, 12:52 PM
I believe the Wales job is currently vacant.

08-01-2018, 01:13 PM
Countinho ruled out for 3 weeks with injury :haha:

Welcome to the Barca treatment room.

08-01-2018, 01:57 PM
Harry Kane: Tottenham need to start winning trophies to keep me | @Matt_Law_DT reports

It begins:pray:

08-01-2018, 03:15 PM
Harry Kane: Tottenham need to start winning trophies to keep me | @Matt_Law_DT reports

It begins:pray:

Dumbledore the anarchist. When are you going to get yr old name back?

08-01-2018, 05:00 PM
When I stop schooling Lettuce.

So never.

Me :bow:

08-01-2018, 06:38 PM
After Coutinho's sale, Liverpool have the lowest net spend in the Premier League over the last 2 years,at -£34 million

The next lowest is Swansea with -£19 million, while the two highest are Man City with £292million & Man Utd with £257million.

12-01-2018, 11:43 AM

That is the ludicrous fee being thrown about should the most overrated footballer in the history of the game move from the comedy club PSG to the marketing company in Madrid. One third of a billion quid.

Can you imagine what a pig farm this Euro league is going to be once the greedy scumbags who are destroying the game get their wish?

12-01-2018, 11:24 PM
Liverpool have emerged as favourites to sign Atletico Madrid star Antoine Griezmann - and fans on Twitter are all saying the same thing.

The Frenchman, who reportedly has an £89million release clause in his contract, has long been a target for Manchester United, but according to Sky Bet their bitter rivals are now the front runners in the race for the striker's signature.

Following Philippe Coutinho's departure earlier this week, the Reds of course now have a cool £142million to play with, and could look to bolster their attack with a surprising bid for La Liga star.

Maureen's recent track record won't help in attracting signings.

14-01-2018, 11:36 AM
Thibaut Courtois criticises attitude of Chelsea fans

Imagine thinking chelsea fans are decent people :lol:

14-01-2018, 07:17 PM
O'Neill rejects Stoke :lol:

What's that 3 managers now? :lol:

15-01-2018, 08:58 AM
Cyrille Regis :rose:


15-01-2018, 12:12 PM
Stoke have hired Paul Lambert :lol:

Is this the year they go down?

15-01-2018, 01:08 PM
Hope so.