View Full Version : Random Arsenal Shit (When it's not worth starting a thread)

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09-01-2013, 11:50 AM
Ambrobitch wrote most of the debt of through equity a couple years back as did Man City, so it is not a question of making their money back.

To say the owners of those clubs deserve 'credit' is taking the complete and utter piss.

McNamara That Ghost...
09-01-2013, 12:03 PM
Abramovich is a genius.


I think I actually agree with Joker on this, well to an extent, the ticket prices will keep rising just like our wages will keep rising. There is only one choice to make if you can't justify the cost and the Citeh fans have made that decision. And it's fair enough because it's not just £62, you'll have to add at least another £40 on top of that for travel and then you need to have food also.

09-01-2013, 12:06 PM
I don't think they do. Abramovic is NEVER going to get his money back, nor are the people who own City.
I don't think they care. They've got more money than God, they're playing a real-life game of fantasy football, having a bit of fun.
'Cos they can.
But you can't just say he's just writing the money off, he cares about get some back otherwise why bother ever increasing prices?

09-01-2013, 12:10 PM
Ambrobitch wrote most of the debt of through equity a couple years back as did Man City, so it is not a question of making their money back.

To say the owners of those clubs deserve 'credit' is taking the complete and utter piss.
Clearly in the future they want their clubs to be financial powerhouses, they may not get their money back now but in the long term if the clubs become big enough they'll become a licence to print money with the potential in the Asian market for example.

Gervinho's Forehead
09-01-2013, 12:10 PM
I posted in another thread my dad has paid £125.15 for a ticket to watch the lolerhoof game :lol:

It's just a normall seat in the upper tier :lol:


I also find it unfair where the away allocation is, that home fans should be in the lower corner and move the away fans to the upper tier to provide the cheaper tickets for the home supporters.

09-01-2013, 12:17 PM
Sol's wage was artificially high because of the huge signing-on fee. We don't even pay anyone that much now.

Other than Wenger of course.

09-01-2013, 12:20 PM
But you can't just say he's just writing the money off, he cares about get some back otherwise why bother ever increasing prices?Football clubs are businesses. It's simple supply and demand to raise prices to what the market will bear.
I don't believe he sees Chelsea as a charity and will fund it completely, even he couldn't afford to do that indefinitely, of course he's going to get what money back he can. I don't think he ever expects to see all his money back either though and I don't think he wants to.
He's bought the CL and a load of other trophies, hooray, well done him! I think the reflected glory of that is what he's interested in, I don't think he's expecting to see a profit from it.

I may be wrong of course, but that's how I've always seen it.

09-01-2013, 12:22 PM
Clearly in the future they want their clubs to be financial powerhouses, they may not get their money back now but in the long term if the clubs become big enough they'll become a licence to print money with the potential in the Asian market for example.
they will not be claiming back a billion plus in dividends at any point in the future - so forget any idea of a profit. roman is not in it for that clearly - you just have to look at his employment policy to understand this is just a toy for him and chelsea fans are finally waking up to that fact too.

and credit? for ruining the game and creating an even bigger division between those 'with' and those 'without'? no thanks, i'm not about to pat any business man on the back whose only interest is to ruin the game i love for their gain. i don't have a huge problem with the money being spent as it takes far more than that to sustain success (although it makes it a lot easier) but i won't be congratulating any of them either.

these are business men, not football men, so as far as i'm concerned they can foad.

09-01-2013, 12:46 PM
they will not be claiming back a billion plus in dividends at any point in the future - so forget any idea of a profit. roman is not in it for that clearly - you just have to look at his employment policy to understand this is just a toy for him and chelsea fans are finally waking up to that fact too.

and credit? for ruining the game and creating an even bigger division between those 'with' and those 'without'? no thanks, i'm not about to pat any business man on the back whose only interest is to ruin the game i love for their gain. i don't have a huge problem with the money being spent as it takes far more than that to sustain success (although it makes it a lot easier) but i won't be congratulating any of them either.

these are business men, not football men, so as far as i'm concerned they can foad.
I was more interested in the ticket prices argument, we don't really have a leg to stand on on that issue...we charge the most and deliver the least of all the top clubs, both in terms of transfer spend and results/success.

Our model isn't one of "football men" either, football didn't use to be about not giving a sh*t about what happens on the pitch and only caring about what's coming into the bank, I hate our model and nothing about it gives me any satisfaction at all, at least the fans at those clubs with mega rich owners gets something back for their money, we get nothing but BS and patronising opinions.

09-01-2013, 12:50 PM
i wouldn't dream of using our directors as the shining light of football fans in the boardroom - they are ****s, absolute massive ****s of the highest order running my club into the ground for their gain. although, the idea they are hiding behind is the correct one.

i believe ticket prices would have continued to go through the roof without these guys anyway, simply because of the way the premiership has been marketed over the past 20 years and everyone wants to grab as much money as they can.

11-01-2013, 11:49 AM

Bendtner has changed since he went to Juve.

11-01-2013, 11:52 AM
He has had a lot of time to work on his tan, tbf.

11-01-2013, 01:06 PM

Arsenal :bow:

13-01-2013, 10:16 AM
Interesting discussion on Sunday Supplement about the flaws of Arsenal's socialist wage structure. Nothing we haven't discussed on here of course but interesting nonetheless. I'm convinced Letters is that Barclay fella.

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 11:05 AM
Someone got me an Arsenal desk calendar for Christmas. The photo for May is Alex Song.

14-01-2013, 11:07 AM
Someone got me an Arsenal desk calendar for Christmas. The photo for May is Alex Song.


I told everyone that I didn't want any Arsenal products this year.

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 11:11 AM
:lol: So did I. Not everyone got the memo.

I even made a last minute request to Santa to make a change on one of my son's presents. He got no Arsenal merchandise this year.

14-01-2013, 11:21 AM

Just didn't want to put any further money in that **** of a yank's pockets.

14-01-2013, 12:48 PM


Marc Overmars
14-01-2013, 12:56 PM
Oh dear. :lol:

Little bit embarrassing.

14-01-2013, 01:03 PM

Couple of morons shouting at a couple of morons.

14-01-2013, 01:09 PM

Qualii'eeeeee :lol:

14-01-2013, 01:13 PM
:lol: What a bunch of pr*cks to be honest, they shout insults and then say they need to be respected....scumbags!

14-01-2013, 01:56 PM
Oh dear what a bunch of idiots.

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 02:09 PM
If you find yourself out in public accostinng someone like that, you need psychiatric attention.

Marc Overmars
14-01-2013, 02:17 PM
Would have been funnier if Nasri had trolled them by whipping out a wad of notes.

14-01-2013, 02:32 PM
The woman (as they passed the box office): "That's where you buy your tickets!"





14-01-2013, 02:53 PM
"If you wanna walk wivah people walk wivah people"

Erm I don't think he wanted to walk with you luv. :coffee:

Ollie the Optimist
14-01-2013, 06:48 PM
nasri is a fucking idiot for walking with Arsenal fans to the ground, i mean what did he expect?

however, those fans who accosted him are wankers who played up to the camera to look cool to their mates. basically, everyone in that video is a wanker

14-01-2013, 06:50 PM
Harsh on Chamakh.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
14-01-2013, 06:51 PM
i felt uneasy and uncomfortable watching that. nothing to be proud of tbh.

why is it acceptable to shout abuse like that at someone in the street just because they're a footballer earning 100k a week? money doesn't devalue respect.

writing it on a messageboard is one thing but shouting it at someone on a public road goes beyond a joke. if you do that on a friday in the town centre you get locked up for the night. im not sure why its different when footballers are concerned.

the mother should be ashamed of herself for instigating it too.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
14-01-2013, 06:53 PM
plus, wasnt he giving it his all for us a few days before his departure in the liverpool game? at least he didnt sit and sulk or fake injuries like cesc.

McNamara That Ghost...
14-01-2013, 06:54 PM
"I like your shoes pal".

Bet that hurt him.

How come nobody asked why he wants to be a benchwarmer for them?

14-01-2013, 07:13 PM
I honestly doubt a single fuck was given that day.

No need to feel sorry for him.

14-01-2013, 07:37 PM
Its not even the Nasri song

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 07:59 PM
Harsh on Chamakh.

Not something you'll hear too often.

14-01-2013, 08:07 PM
plus, wasnt he giving it his all for us a few days before his departure in the liverpool game? at least he didnt sit and sulk or fake injuries like cesc.
no, no you're right. he was there every game, when we needed him, giving his all, bleeding arsenal through every pore. he gave us infinitely more than cesc.

14-01-2013, 08:13 PM
I think the fact is those people were total losers, the type of people that act all tough in a group but who on their own would run away like cowards....easy to play the big man when your pals are around.....those people are bunch of d*cks who give Arsenal fans a bad name, the guy whose face is on camera should be banned from Arsenal games as a lesson to people like him.

Nasri might have left for another club but the behaviour portrayed in the video is unacceptable, noone wants scumbags like that around.

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Nasri might have left for another club but the behaviour portrayed in the video is unacceptable, noone wants scumbags like that around.

Harsh on MOe.

14-01-2013, 09:18 PM
I think the fact is those people were total losers, the type of people that act all tough in a group but who on their own would run away like cowards....easy to play the big man when your pals are around.....those people are bunch of d*cks who give Arsenal fans a bad name, the guy whose face is on camera should be banned from Arsenal games as a lesson to people like him.

Nasri might have left for another club but the behaviour portrayed in the video is unacceptable, noone wants scumbags like that around.
too right, i agree whole heartedly with all of that.

plus nasri is a sniveling little **** bag.

14-01-2013, 09:58 PM
I think the fact is those people were total losers, the type of people that act all tough in a group but who on their own would run away like cowards....easy to play the big man when your pals are around.....those people are bunch of d*cks who give Arsenal fans a bad name, the guy whose face is on camera should be banned from Arsenal games as a lesson to people like him.

Nasri might have left for another club but the behaviour portrayed in the video is unacceptable, noone wants scumbags like that around.

Only in The UK will you get away with that. In other country, you'll be lucky to get away with a scratch. :coffee:

Chakma standing up for his friend :bow:

14-01-2013, 10:21 PM
Nasri oh Nasri, why would you want to be a benchwarmer for them
Nasri oh Nasri, you're just a bench warmer for them

Lesbian ****.

14-01-2013, 10:22 PM
Nothing wrong with shouting abuse at people tbh. Sticks and stones n all that.

The abuse however was piss poor. At least put some effort in if you're going to shout shit at people.

I always get annoyed at slags dishing out abuse who then get all uppity when the abused retaliates.

14-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Nothing wrong with shouting abuse at people tbh. Sticks and stones n all that.

The abuse however was piss poor. At least put some effort in if you're going to shout shit at people.

I always get annoyed at slags dishing out abuse who then get all uppity when the abused retaliates.


This surely what the main problem. Poor banter.

Gooners :rose:

14-01-2013, 10:36 PM
Nothing wrong with shouting abuse at people tbh. Sticks and stones n all that.

The abuse however was piss poor. At least put some effort in if you're going to shout shit at people.

I always get annoyed at slags dishing out abuse who then get all uppity when the abused retaliates.
True and when you get chinned you just got to shake hands with them and say well done.

14-01-2013, 10:38 PM
True and when you get chinned you just got to shake hands with them and say well done.

Well no, it's illegal to chin someone.

14-01-2013, 10:42 PM
Well no, it's illegal to chin someone.
Sorry but it's pr*cks like those people who try and intimidate people and start fights, scumbags the lot of them, can't stand people like that.

What they did is totally wrong.

14-01-2013, 10:48 PM
Sorry but it's pr*cks like those people who try and intimidate people and start fights, scumbags the lot of them, can't stand people like that.

What they did is totally wrong.

Yup I agree, Nasri and Chamspak are proper chebs.

14-01-2013, 10:55 PM

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 10:59 PM
Ask yourself, if you were in that situation - would you even consider acting that way and spewing such brain dead shit? Would you seriously lower yourself to that?

14-01-2013, 11:00 PM
Ask yourself, if you were in that situation - would you even consider acting that way and spewing such brain dead shit? Would you seriously lower yourself to that?

No, I'd never sign for Man City.

McNamara That Ghost...
14-01-2013, 11:02 PM
They shouldn't be wearing such provocative shoes.

Xhaka Can’t
14-01-2013, 11:04 PM
No, I'd never sign for Man City.


ba dum tish!

14-01-2013, 11:09 PM
Ask yourself, if you were in that situation - would you even consider acting that way and spewing such brain dead shit? Would you seriously lower yourself to that?

Tbh I'd certainly shout 'wanker'. It would feel so good. 'Waaaaanker'

I certainly would not shake his hand and then give him abuse, that's a bit silly.

14-01-2013, 11:14 PM
Tbh I'd certainly shout 'wanker'. It would feel so good. 'Waaaaanker'

I certainly would not shake his hand and then give him abuse, that's a bit silly.

The idea is to jam your hand inbetween your arse cheeks first, give him the old stinkpalm.

14-01-2013, 11:16 PM
Gervais Lombe Yao Kouassi scored twice against Egypt in an ACN warmup game.

Master Splinter
14-01-2013, 11:19 PM
Lombe scored a pelanty too. :lol:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
14-01-2013, 11:27 PM
no, no you're right. he was there every game, when we needed him, giving his all, bleeding arsenal through every pore. he gave us infinitely more than cesc.

you missed the point, again.

14-01-2013, 11:54 PM

I've just had a fucking great idea.

Arteta-Frimpong-Cocquelin midfield.

Özil's Panoramic View
15-01-2013, 12:15 AM

I've just had a fucking great idea.

Arteta-Frimpong-Cocquelin midfield.

Bloody genius you are. Your folks must be massively disappointed to see you waste away like this.

15-01-2013, 12:17 AM
Bloody genius you are. Your folks must be massively disappointed to see you waste away like this.

No idea, they disowned me years ago.

Özil's Panoramic View
15-01-2013, 12:19 AM
No idea, they disowned me years ago.

Sadly, a price one must always be prepared to pay for being a dick.

15-01-2013, 12:21 AM
Sadly, a price one must always be prepared to pay for being a dick.

You'd know.


Özil's Panoramic View
15-01-2013, 12:23 AM
You'd know.


This after being very observant of course.

15-01-2013, 12:27 AM

15-01-2013, 12:28 AM
you missed the point, again.
if you had one, ever, i'd ignore it.

Özil's Panoramic View
15-01-2013, 12:29 AM

Özil's Panoramic View
15-01-2013, 12:29 AM
if you had one, ever, i'd ignore it.


15-01-2013, 12:31 AM
if you had one, ever, i'd ignore it.

:haha: Brilliant

15-01-2013, 11:00 AM
Serves this filth right.


She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
15-01-2013, 12:10 PM
if you had one, ever, i'd ignore it.

yeah course, thats why you made an attempt to counter the nasri argument :haha: :doh:

15-01-2013, 03:47 PM
Ladies :tiphat:

21-01-2013, 04:22 AM

Wonder who fines Wenger for being so deluded. He should be fined 10,000 quid every time he says "little bit, spirit, togetherness, hand brake, top top player" (Add more as you please)

Here is the picture mentioned in the article:

21-01-2013, 08:03 AM

Wonder who fines Wenger for being so deluded. He should be fined 10,000 quid every time he says "little bit, spirit, togetherness, hand brake, top top player" (Add more as you please)

Here is the picture mentioned in the article:

What a stupid article.

EVERY club in the world will have pretty much exactly the same thing.

McNamara That Ghost...
21-01-2013, 08:51 AM
BFG is the trustee? Suppose he can hold the money higher than anybody else can reach.

21-01-2013, 10:07 AM
What a stupid article.

EVERY club in the world will have pretty much exactly the same thing.
:lol: Obviously, but let's not let that get in the way about pointless moaning.

Marc Overmars
21-01-2013, 10:31 AM
I did chuckle reading that Merts is the debt collector. :lol:

21-01-2013, 12:00 PM
I would have thought a kid who's lucky enough (and it's 90% luck) to be paid the equivalent of a successful businessman (who has clawed his way up through real sweat) would need no incentive to give back the comparatively insignificant effort required to be a professional (the key word being professional) footballer. Shame they can't be flogged through the street as well as fined. What an embarrassment and humiliation it must be to be fined for non-performance when the whole world is set on a silver platter at your feet. But I bet they whine about injustice and slavery nonetheless. Football players - horrible ****s.

Apart from Jack.

21-01-2013, 12:09 PM
Anyone got the link to the London Colney insider photos? (other than the fine policy pic)

Marc Overmars
21-01-2013, 12:39 PM
There are more? :popcorn:

21-01-2013, 01:14 PM
Yeah there's pic of Wenger's office with team news on there etc according to this article. I'd just like to have a nosey around our training ground. I guess they've been removed now.


21-01-2013, 01:22 PM
Found em: http://colneypictures.imgur.com/all

Pretty dull tbh. Although it says Gervinho is on loan on the white board....


McNamara That Ghost...
21-01-2013, 01:58 PM
One of the players probably moved his name over from the 'away' section.

Power n Glory
21-01-2013, 02:02 PM
Yeah there's pic of Wenger's office with team news on there etc according to this article. I'd just like to have a nosey around our training ground. I guess they've been removed now.


Yep, we'll pay off our stadium debt in no time!

But not a bad idea to fair.

Ollie the Optimist
21-01-2013, 07:47 PM

Wonder who fines Wenger for being so deluded. He should be fined 10,000 quid every time he says "little bit, spirit, togetherness, hand brake, top top player" (Add more as you please)

Here is the picture mentioned in the article:

these fines have been around for a long time. alumina used to do it about 4 years ago. its a nonesense story. loads of places have fines in place for lateness etc.

21-01-2013, 08:27 PM
Should have been fined £500k each for turning up to the CC final as if it was mufti day.

Power n Glory
21-01-2013, 08:34 PM
More like they should be fined £500k for NOT turning up during the CC final. That's when we hit rock bottom.

Ollie the Optimist
21-01-2013, 09:02 PM
Should have been fined £500k each for turning up to the CC final as if it was mufti day.

i read a quote from gazidas at one of these meetings he has with the fans a few weeks ago, saying vermaelen has insisted they wear suits to games from next year onwards and the club are buying them for next season.

missing a trick though, we could easily get sponsored for them

Injury Time
21-01-2013, 09:32 PM
i read a quote from gazidas at one of these meetings he has with the fans a few weeks ago, saying vermaelen has insisted they wear suits to games from next year onwards and the club are buying them for next season.

missing a trick though, we could easily get sponsored for them
Don't worry he's struck a tax right off with MenCap charity shop...we get first refusal on all white suits :trophy:

Ollie the Optimist
22-01-2013, 07:37 PM

22-01-2013, 09:58 PM

McNamara That Ghost...
22-01-2013, 09:59 PM
Wilshere. :lol:

Injury Time
22-01-2013, 10:21 PM

Wenger confirms new signing little bit out 3 weeks.

23-01-2013, 12:05 AM
i read a quote from gazidas at one of these meetings he has with the fans a few weeks ago, saying vermaelen has insisted they wear suits to games from next year onwards and the club are buying them for next season.

missing a trick though, we could easily get sponsored for them

Clown suits.

Injury Time
23-01-2013, 12:07 AM
Tiger suits.


Injury Time
23-01-2013, 12:08 AM
Little bit squeezing one out or uncanny Frank Spencer impression?

23-01-2013, 12:08 AM
Tiger suits.
Those are extinct, talk is there might be one in Turkey, but that's pure speculation.

23-01-2013, 10:05 AM
Not sure why he can't score like this for us <_<


23-01-2013, 10:11 AM
Ha, total fluke, like most of his goals to be fair...sometimes it works and sometimes it...doesn't work.

23-01-2013, 10:21 AM
That was his attempt at a first touch so he could put in a shit cross.

23-01-2013, 10:37 AM
Not sure why he can't score like this for us <_<

Pot luck only happens once in a blue moon.

23-01-2013, 10:43 AM
However, on a brighter note at least he's over there and not over here. Hopefully they reach the finals and it goes to a sudden death shootout and they are tied for the next few years. How long is his contract?

23-01-2013, 11:18 AM
luck or not, let's hope it gets his confidence up and he returns to at least chip in with something for the run in.

i think we'd all prefer that.

23-01-2013, 11:26 AM
luck or not, let's hope it gets his confidence up and he returns to at least chip in with something for the run in.

i think we'd all prefer that.

Seem to remember him scoring a beautiful goal in last year's tournament too - took it all the way down the wing beating players and finished sublimely - didn't really do much for his confidence when he came back sadly. Though, I hope like you it's does this time...we don't need any more under performers.

23-01-2013, 11:32 AM
Gervinho scored a good goal for us this season against...Southampton, I think?
It looked good but basically he just closed his eyes and thumped it as hard as he could and it happened to go in which is what he did here too.
A real striker (and Theo is increasingly looking like one) doesn't usually welly it but just passes it into the net.

25-01-2013, 10:56 AM
Cazorla has joined Twitter and seems to re-tweet every fan http://www.arsenal.com/news/player-tweets

Shaqiri Is Boss
25-01-2013, 10:59 AM
Not Arsenal-related, but Fabio Borini has also joined twitter.

fabio borini ‏@borinifabio29
Happy birthday my little sister!!!!! You are the best!!!! I love you!!!! ❤❤❤ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBXOPZOCAAEJZSc.jpg

Must be a close family :unsure:

And fabio borini ‏@borinifabio29
..pizza is a lot like sex. When it's good it's really good, when it's bad it still pretty good..����


25-01-2013, 11:12 AM
lol that's funny :lol:

Our Santos would tweet something like that. He's constantly tweeting shite pictures.

26-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Pot luck only happens once in a blue moon.


Twice in a blue moon? :coffee:

Marc Overmars
28-01-2013, 07:31 PM

Wenget's long jacket. Absolute bargain!

28-01-2013, 07:42 PM
I hear the zips a bit dodgy.

Özil's Panoramic View
28-01-2013, 07:51 PM
Penguin coat :bow:

Must get.....new zippers ie.

Master Splinter
28-01-2013, 08:28 PM
Doesn't look like an official Doom Coat to me. Far too short.

Or does Wenget get his extended by the sewing lady?

Japan Shaking All Over
29-01-2013, 10:40 AM
Whats with the story of the Russian mafia having the backing of TH14 for a take over bid? sorry couldnt be bothered trolling through thread titles

29-01-2013, 10:47 AM
Whats with the story of the Russian mafia having the backing of TH14 for a take over bid? sorry couldnt be bothered trolling through thread titles

Basically we're a racist bunch. We struggle with the thought of Usmanov owning the club because he's an ugly, fat, Eastern European gangster. The fact that he's worth a gazillion quid and is an Arsenal fan doesn't count for anything.

We'd rather sit back and watch our club be asset stripped by an ugly American hustler instead because he's American and well educated on covering up his path to obscene wealth. Usmanov doesn't give a fuck who knows about how he got so rich.

We should be burning the American flag outside the ground and forcing this fucker out and welcoming the fat fucker with open arms.

29-01-2013, 11:03 AM
Basically we're a racist bunch. We struggle with the thought of Usmanov owning the club because he's an ugly, fat, Eastern European gangster. The fact that he's worth a gazillion quid and is an Arsenal fan doesn't count for anything.

We'd rather sit back and watch our club be asset stripped by an ugly American hustler instead because he's American and well educated on covering up his path to obscene wealth. Usmanov doesn't give a fuck who knows about how he got so rich.

We should be burning the American flag outside the ground and forcing this fucker out and welcoming the fat fucker with open arms.

In all fairness I think the general consensus is we'd like to see them both dead in a pit, piled on top of Abramavich and a bunch of Arabs with body pieces of Hicks and Gillett, the Glaziers, Platini and Blatter strewn around. At least that's what I take from the general chat on here. Unfortunately this is football so sensible steps like this are hardly likely.

29-01-2013, 11:08 AM
either way we are fucked. you think being owned by some fat russian prick is going to work out any better in the long run than the road chelsea are heading towards right now?

and there is nothing to say he is an arsenal fan.

29-01-2013, 11:16 AM
Basically we're a racist bunch. We struggle with the thought of Usmanov owning the club because he's an ugly, fat, Eastern European gangster. The fact that he's worth a gazillion quid and is an Arsenal fan doesn't count for anything.

We'd rather sit back and watch our club be asset stripped by an ugly American hustler instead because he's American and well educated on covering up his path to obscene wealth. Usmanov doesn't give a fuck who knows about how he got so rich.

We should be burning the American flag outside the ground and forcing this fucker out and welcoming the fat fucker with open arms.


29-01-2013, 11:18 AM
In all fairness I think the general consensus is we'd like to see them both dead in a pit, piled on top of Abramavich and a bunch of Arabs with body pieces of Hicks and Gillett, the Glaziers, Platini and Blatter strewn around. At least that's what I take from the general chat on here. Unfortunately this is football so sensible steps like this are hardly likely.

Pretty much


29-01-2013, 11:20 AM
Twice in a blue moon? :coffee:
He scored from 3 yards? :o


29-01-2013, 11:33 AM
He scored from 3 yards? :o


He's missed from closer.

29-01-2013, 11:55 AM
Usmanov is more of an Arsenal fan then any of our current board. I doubt any of them pay six figures a year to watch our games like he does.

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2013, 01:11 PM



Still just seems weird.

server too busy!
29-01-2013, 01:26 PM
Podolski looks like a kid thats being pictured next to his idol

29-01-2013, 01:27 PM
Teach them how to cross :angry:

Fist of Lehmann
29-01-2013, 01:31 PM
Usmanov is more of an Arsenal fan then any of our current board. I doubt any of them pay six figures a year to watch our games like he does.

6 figures huh?

He's worth 17 billion dollars. He probably loses larger sums of money down his buttcrack.

29-01-2013, 01:41 PM
6 figures huh?

He's worth 17 billion dollars. He probably loses larger sums of money down his buttcrack.

True. PHW is worth £20m+ maybe? You think he pays to watch us?

Bottom line is our board are a bunch of sharks.

29-01-2013, 01:47 PM
Anyone think it a bit odd that Beckham's kid went to Chelsea's youth set up instead of ours?

29-01-2013, 01:48 PM
True. PHW is worth £20m+ maybe? You think he pays to watch us?

Bottom line is our board are a bunch of sharks.

Unbelievably we pay him to show up. Funny old world.

Fist of Lehmann
29-01-2013, 01:54 PM
True. PHW is worth £20m+ maybe? You think he pays to watch us?

Bottom line is our board are a bunch of sharks.

PHW is in a position of office with the club so I doubt it.

He's more of a cost centre than a profit centre.

29-01-2013, 02:02 PM
Unbelievably we pay him to show up. Funny old world.

Aye and we're all too lazy/stupid to do anything about it.

29-01-2013, 02:04 PM
Unbelievably we pay him to show up. Funny old world.
Same as Gervinho and Santos :shrug:

29-01-2013, 02:19 PM


29-01-2013, 02:29 PM
JENS!! :bow: :bow:

Fist of Lehmann
29-01-2013, 02:34 PM
The Fist! :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
29-01-2013, 02:36 PM
Podolski looks like a kid thats being pictured next to his idol

Cazorla was notably exicited too.



29-01-2013, 02:51 PM
Cazorla was notably exicited too.



Harsh that they tatoo'd our training kit onto him though.

Marc Overmars
29-01-2013, 03:26 PM

Ticket prices frozen for next season.

29-01-2013, 03:34 PM

Ticket prices frozen for next season.
:lol: Nice try but I'm still not renewing.

29-01-2013, 04:02 PM
Only cos they know there is a good chance of us failing to make champs league this season.

29-01-2013, 04:05 PM
:lol: Nice try but I'm still not renewing.

Stadium exit fee is going up by £200 though, so swings and roundabouts.

29-01-2013, 04:06 PM
Only cos they know there is a good chance of us failing to make champs league this season.
Whether we do or not they know they'd be massively taking the piss if they raised them.

29-01-2013, 04:19 PM
:lol: Nice try but I'm still not renewing.

Letters taking a stand and showing them bitches! :bow:

29-01-2013, 04:21 PM
Yeah! Someone else sitting there next year will show them :cool:



Özil's Panoramic View
29-01-2013, 04:37 PM
Yeah! Someone else sitting there next year will show them :cool:



Heard N_Q is still intent on self-immolation.

N_Q :bow:

Proverbial sacrificial lamb :bow:

29-01-2013, 04:48 PM
Yeah! Someone else sitting there next year will show them :cool:




Can I take it over?

29-01-2013, 05:12 PM
Heard N_Q is still intent on self-immolation.

N_Q :bow:

Proverbial sacrificial lamb :bow:

I believe you introduced the word "self"

29-01-2013, 05:40 PM

Can I take it over?
If you want to :pal:

29-01-2013, 05:46 PM
:lol: Nice try but I'm still not renewing.

I didn't renew a couple of seasons ago. Was quite sad at the time but I can genuinely say that I don't miss it at all.

29-01-2013, 07:08 PM
I didn't renew a couple of seasons ago. Was quite sad at the time but I can genuinely say that I don't miss it at all.Had a season ticket since 90-91 and it's been mostly great, even the last 8 years haven't been the abject failure some on here make out, there have still been some great games and great moments. Even this season. But it's very expensive and I can't keep justifying the expense, especially when year on year we're seeing a worse product. I'd pay £1500 a year to watch the Invincibles. This lot, not so much. Will still go here and there but it will be nice to be able to work Arsenal into my social life rather than having to fit things around Arsenal as at present.

Injury Time
29-01-2013, 09:20 PM
Had a season ticket since 90-91 and it's been mostly great, even the last 8 years haven't been the abject failure some on here make out, there have still been some great games and great moments. Even this season. But it's very expensive and I can't keep justifying the expense, especially when year on year we're seeing a worse product. I'd pay £1500 a year to watch the Invincibles. This lot, not so much. Will still go here and there but it will be nice to be able to work Arsenal into my social life rather than having to fit things around Arsenal as at present.
Not fancy a move to the lower tier and "save" £520? I couldn't justify £1,500 either tbh, but I guess you're still in the honeymoon period...keep your ticket it's good to have some space :ninja:

Injury Time
29-01-2013, 09:30 PM
Renewal starts Feb 12th :blink: I'll be waiting until the last day, I may make some statements intending to look at other options of top top quality teams to support first though...

29-01-2013, 11:39 PM
Had a season ticket since 90-91 and it's been mostly great, even the last 8 years haven't been the abject failure some on here make out, there have still been some great games and great moments. Even this season. But it's very expensive and I can't keep justifying the expense, especially when year on year we're seeing a worse product. I'd pay £1500 a year to watch the Invincibles. This lot, not so much. Will still go here and there but it will be nice to be able to work Arsenal into my social life rather than having to fit things around Arsenal as at present.

When did you get a social life?! :angry:

Marriage changed you man.. :(

30-01-2013, 12:05 PM
supposedly a banner the pool fans will put out at tonights game


fair play to them. considering they only have 1 job between them its amazing how many are coming down to the emirates!

30-01-2013, 12:16 PM
Prices aren't that bad. It's less than 1 weeks JSA.

30-01-2013, 12:23 PM
plus with the sales of "found" car sound systems to supplement it, should be no worries

30-01-2013, 12:27 PM
Can't disagree with the sentiment of the banner tbh.

30-01-2013, 12:34 PM
Liam Brady stepping down from running the youth academy.

Would love one of our invincibles to take up the banner if they have all the right badges etc. ideal post for Bergkamp?

Ollie the Optimist
30-01-2013, 01:34 PM
Can't disagree with the sentiment of the banner tbh.

i cant either, however what i can disagree with, is all these moaning about our prices only. going look at arsenal charging so much etc. take city/chelsea. the media went to town on us, all these protests etc, yet chelsea charged us 1 quid less then we charged city. nothing in the media about it.

and if you are going to bring a banner about prices, its a football issue, not an arsenal issue, so dont just take to an arsenal game, take it to every game. otherwise you're a ****

30-01-2013, 01:36 PM
The sentiment is fair, but it's not like they are being robbed.

They have a choice.

Ollie the Optimist
30-01-2013, 01:38 PM
The sentiment is fair, but it's not like they are being robbed.

They have a choice.

exactly. its thier choice to pay it.

united charge away fans 58 quid, city 55 quid, chelsea 61 quid, yet they pay that and no complaints, yet arsenal charge it, and the media, fans etc all have a go at us. im not supporting our prices at all, but its a football problem not an arsenal problem yet the media are portraying this as only arsenal charge this much.

30-01-2013, 01:45 PM
tbf the media only made a fuss about it because the City fans very publicly made a fuss about it. The press were just covering it.
But yes it's a problem throughout football, all driven by the ludicrously spiralling transfer fees and wages.

30-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Yeah that's because we rake all this money in but don't spend any on the team, it's not like we can claim you're paying for the privilege of watching big name players.

In terms of value for money, we're very poor.

Ollie the Optimist
30-01-2013, 01:48 PM
tbf the media only made a fuss about it because the City fans very publicly made a fuss about it. The press were just covering it.
But yes it's a problem throughout football, all driven by the ludicrously spiralling transfer fees and wages.

to be fair to city, the next game after ours (a home game for them) they carried on their boycott over ticket prices.

they just made up the boycott excuse so they didnt look like shit fans really

31-01-2013, 12:12 PM
Dennis Bergkamp is a leading candidate to succeed Liam Brady as the head of Arsenal's youth academy. The club have announced that Brady will step down from his current post before the end of May 2014 to take a different role within the organisation but he will assist in the search for his replacement and the hand-over process.

Bergkamp, who enjoyed 11 successful seasons at Arsenal as a player, is now working as the assistant to the Ajax manager, Frank de Boer, with a connection to the Dutch club's youth development programme. Arsenal will seek a household name to take over from Brady, whose reputation will help them to attract the top youth players, and Bergkamp will come under consideration. The sooner Arsenal make the appointment, the quicker Brady will step aside.

The 56-year-old Brady, an Arsenal playing legend, was appointed to oversee the club's academy in 1996 and he has helped to develop current first-team players such as Jack Wilshere and Kieran Gibbs.

"Liam has a deep understanding of what it takes to discover and develop a talented youngster into someone who can perform at the highest level," said the club's chief executive, Ivan Gazidis.

"He has made a massive contribution to Arsenal. It will be difficult to find a worthy successor but we will be looking for someone who can build on what Liam and his team have created."

Totes footie on its way

31-01-2013, 12:14 PM
I said that we should go for him yesterday!

yay me!

wenger will probably get priced out of this even though no fee will be needed

05-02-2013, 11:31 AM
Totes footie on its way

Totes amazeballs.

Also, Arsenal.com is all new.


05-02-2013, 11:41 AM
Well that's shit. It looks like a blog.

05-02-2013, 11:48 AM
Your face looks like a blog.

McNamara That Ghost...
05-02-2013, 11:52 AM
Didn't really know how to navigate on the new site but I did find this

Gourmet Gunners: Bacary Sagna

Ever wondered where footballers get all their energy from and how they stay fit and healthy? Takeaways may be off the menu but defender Sagna still likes a few treats… as long as there aren’t any squishy tomatoes!

What would you say is your favourite food?
My favourite food is Lebanese cuisine.

What is your favourite restaurant – either to visit regularly or as a treat?
Gilgamesh, in Camden – it’s a pan-Asian restaurant.

What is the first thing you’ll look for on a menu?
The sushi and the duck rolls!

Tell us the perfect people for you to go to a restaurant with.
A meal with my wife is always lovely.

What’s the main cuisine in Senegal?
In Senegal, where my family are from, people eat rice with different sauces.

What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Cereal and French toast.

...and a late night snack?
I like a little bit of caramel popcorn!

Did you have school dinners?
I used to eat in the dormitory – it was provided by the school.

Did you like them?
It was nice to share the time with my friends – we used to train all day so we enjoyed catching up properly. But it wasn’t for long enough!

How do you like to eat your eggs?
Fried on one side, definitely.

What do you like on toast?
Salted butter and honey.

What are your favourite three vegetables?
Lettuce, cucumber and fresh tomatoes – the latter needs to be just a little bit hard, and definitely not squishy!

What’s your favourite cold drink?
It’s Sprite for me.

...and hot drink?
Nothing beats a mug of hot chocolate.

What’s your secret vice?
Apple crumble – I make it myself and love it!

Tell us what you have for Christmas dinner?
Turkey with mushrooms, chestnuts and potatoes.

What dish is your wife best at cooking?
Potato gratin – it’s great.

Finally, when you go for lunch at the training ground, tell us three things you hope will be on the menu that day.
Chicken breast, potatoes, and bread & butter pudding for dessert!

Copyright 2013 The Arsenal Football Club plc. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to www.arsenal.com as the source


Can't wait for the Andre Santos one.

05-02-2013, 11:56 AM

05-02-2013, 12:02 PM

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
05-02-2013, 02:54 PM
What are your favourite three vegetables?
Lettuce, cucumber and fresh tomatoes – the latter needs to be just a little bit hard, and definitely not squishy!


McNamara That Ghost...
05-02-2013, 03:00 PM


Andre Santos touring the country. :bow:

06-02-2013, 12:44 AM
The Ox and Wilshere with Ashley Cole :rolleyes:

06-02-2013, 03:25 AM
Just a good, honest, English conversation. Nothing to worry about. Time to bring Cashley home. And time to bring Oxlade a comb. Wtf's been going on with his potshots lately? If in doubt, bring out the broom. Sweep it low and in the corner.

Marc Overmars
06-02-2013, 09:11 AM
GHELs stick together.

McNamara That Ghost...
06-02-2013, 02:02 PM

Interview with Merse regarding his book. It's mainly about what he did whilst he was at Arsenal.

06-02-2013, 02:20 PM

McNamara That Ghost...
06-02-2013, 02:24 PM
All GHEL behaviour by the sounds of it.

Xhaka Can’t
06-02-2013, 02:51 PM


Lots and lots of coke.

06-02-2013, 03:07 PM
Sounds like quite an interesting book.

I read Perry Groves' book - he signed it for me and everything.
Seemed OK when I met him, from the book he seemed like a bit of a knob.

Fist of Lehmann
06-02-2013, 03:12 PM
Sounds like quite an interesting book.

I read Perry Groves' book - he signed it for me and everything.
Seemed OK when I met him, from the book he seemed like a bit of a knob.

Whenever I see him on Match Choice he reminds me of a mole rat under a hot light bulb.

Bassett is no better.

Marc Overmars
06-02-2013, 03:26 PM
Merse. :bow:

What a GHEL.

KSE Comedy Club
06-02-2013, 03:57 PM
Sounds like quite an interesting book.

I read Perry Groves' book - he signed it for me and everything.
Seemed OK when I met him, from the book he seemed like a bit of a knob.
I've heard you quite like a bit of nob.

06-02-2013, 07:10 PM
Murmurs online about Song possibly moving to Chelsea this summer. It'll be a good capture for them, if true..

Özil's Panoramic View
06-02-2013, 10:03 PM
"@piersmorgan: Somewhere, Ivan Gazidis is thinking: 'Mmmm, wonder if I can get away with flogging Wilshere for £50m this summer?' #IvanTheTerrible"

Hate him or love him, this bloke says some funny shit.

06-02-2013, 10:06 PM
Hate him or love him, this bloke says some funny shit.

Said no-one ever.


Özil's Panoramic View
06-02-2013, 10:09 PM
Said no-one ever.



06-02-2013, 10:13 PM
I agree with you. I used to think Piers Morgan was just a complete dickhead. But now I think he's a dickhead who's also pretty funny.

06-02-2013, 10:14 PM
Said no-one ever.


:lol: True

Injury Time
13-02-2013, 01:49 PM
We have today received confirmation from the Premier League that the following game involving Arsenal has been rescheduled as a result of TV selections:

Arsenal v Manchester United
Sunday 28th April 2013 (originally Saturday 27th April)
Kick off: 4.00pm
Please note, in the event that either Arsenal or Manchester United are participating in a UEFA Champions League Semi-Final tie on Tuesday 30th April 2013, the above match will revert back to Saturday 27th April 2013 - kick off 12.45pm, for live TV transmission.
The standard TV selections have now been made up to the end of April 2013. Ordinarily, fixtures up to this date will not now change. However, as ever, all fixtures and kick off times remain subject to change and circumstances may yet arise which result in further fixture and kick off changes.
Arsenal Football Club

:blink: How are the travelling fans going to book their cheap train tickets from Surrey?

13-02-2013, 06:22 PM

McNamara That Ghost...
13-02-2013, 06:37 PM
He has a Celtic one too. :lol:

14-02-2013, 09:51 AM


14-02-2013, 09:51 AM
Silverware :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
14-02-2013, 10:20 AM
Rightly honoured for his services to cone placing. :bow:

Injury Time
14-02-2013, 11:22 AM


Asthmatic Kitty
18-02-2013, 02:16 PM

he's losing it

McNamara That Ghost...
18-02-2013, 02:53 PM
'If I listen to your questions, we are anyway not favourite'

Wenget's clumsy English. :bow:

18-02-2013, 05:38 PM
Change the thread title.....

There is nothing random about this shit anymore

Ollie the Optimist
18-02-2013, 05:42 PM

he's losing it

No he isn't. The press made up a bullshit story to split fans even more. Wenger hit angry at them for it and they act all innocent going "what did we do wrong, I'm innocent" then afterwards complain about wenger being angry at them.

The ****s deserve it. Write bullshit then get upset when wenger tells them they have written bullshit. Go on Arsene

18-02-2013, 05:57 PM
No he isn't. The press made up a bullshit story to split fans even more. Wenger hit angry at them for it and they act all innocent going "what did we do wrong, I'm innocent" then afterwards complain about wenger being angry at them.

The ****s deserve it. Write bullshit then get upset when wenger tells them they have written bullshit. Go on Arsene

No other manager would near enough have a stroke and refuse to speak to the BBC for years.

oh wait...

18-02-2013, 07:04 PM

he's losing it
He's asked after losing to a lower league team whether he has to convince the players they can beat Bayern and he says no.

Really, after losing he doesn't reckon their confidence might be lower and they might have doubts? No wonder his team never has any motivation.

The he turns into Arsene Arseh*le purely due to talk of signing a new contract, which he reckons will cause harm :unsure:

The guy needs to retire and go and commentate on French football cos he's done in top level management.

18-02-2013, 07:13 PM
It's cringeworthy seeing him like that. The bit where he has a go at some dude just cos he was looking at him and then being put in his place when the guy said he's looking at Wenger cos its his press conference was embarrassing. Not enjoyable to watch this once great man being made a mockery of. He needs to go for his sake, for the clubs sake and most importantly the fans sake

18-02-2013, 07:17 PM
I wished someone would have said to him after his FA Cup outburst, ok Arsene if you lose tomorrow I'll be there ready to ask questions :lol:

Seriously though, they should have said we're in February and once again your chances of silverware hang in the balance this early on in the season and you're now up against a team which most people feel you will lose to, is it time for some major change to break this pattern which has been developing season after season now?

He'd probably lose his rag, but it's the truth and he needs to face it.

Ollie the Optimist
18-02-2013, 10:30 PM
It's cringeworthy seeing him like that. The bit where he has a go at some dude just cos he was looking at him and then being put in his place when the guy said he's looking at Wenger cos its his press conference was embarrassing. Not enjoyable to watch this once great man being made a mockery of. He needs to go for his sake, for the clubs sake and most importantly the fans sake

Listen to what he said again. He was asked about a bullshit story designed to harm the club and said I'm looking at you for releasing bullshit. The journalist was acting as he is right about what arsene is doing when he just got told he made up bullshit and cried

18-02-2013, 10:32 PM
But that wasn't the journalist who made up the story.

More importantly, it's refreshing to see Wenger thinking him signing a new contract is harming the club

Ollie the Optimist
18-02-2013, 10:35 PM
If fergiegets offended by a journo, he bans them, if twitchy gets offended, they go crawling back to apologise to him. Arsene has always been good to them, answers questions etc, then they release a story designed only to split the club more, split fans, make club as divided as possible and he gets angry at them. This wasn't arsene defending himself, this was him defending the club and the journos didn't like it. They didn't like being called up on their mistakes, they love calli g others ESP him on his yet don't like when he does it to them.

Good in you Arsene, for defending our club.

18-02-2013, 11:00 PM
But that wasn't the journalist who made up the story.

More importantly, it's refreshing to see Wenger thinking him signing a new contract is harming the club
I agree with you it was cringeworthy and the reporters ended up making him look like a fool, it's was embarrassing...and this isn't the 1st time.

18-02-2013, 11:02 PM
If fergiegets offended by a journo, he bans them, if twitchy gets offended, they go crawling back to apologise to him. Arsene has always been good to them, answers questions etc, then they release a story designed only to split the club more, split fans, make club as divided as possible and he gets angry at them. This wasn't arsene defending himself, this was him defending the club and the journos didn't like it. They didn't like being called up on their mistakes, they love calli g others ESP him on his yet don't like when he does it to them.

Good in you Arsene, for defending our club.
If a story about him signing a new contract can split the club then he should know it's time to f*ck off. Maybe he does hence the reason he says it's designed to cause harm.

It's funny that a story about a manager signing a new contract is such a cardinal sin :lol:

Anyway this sh*t doesn't harm the club, what the manager and board are doing does...but they don't give a toss.

The whole interview from start to finish was embarrassing, from his answer to the question about him having to convince the players they can beat Bayern onwards.

18-02-2013, 11:09 PM

2:06 , scuffle
2:38 , the blackburn fan gets pushed and walks away :pal:

Ollie the Optimist
18-02-2013, 11:14 PM
If a story about him signing a new contract can split the club then he should know it's time to f*ck off. Maybe he does hence the reason he says it's designed to cause harm.

It's funny that a story about a manager signing a new contract is such a cardinal sin :lol:

Anyway this sh*t doesn't harm the club, what the manager and board are doing does...but they don't give a toss.

The whole interview from start to finish was embarrassing, from his answer to the question about him having to convince the players they can beat Bayern onwards.

Making up stories is actually pretty bad or did the leveson enquiry pass you by?

It does harm the club. Day before a massive game and they orint bullshit to split the fans making it harder for us to win? You need the crowd to be the 12 th man yet this divides them even more which is what the press want. That's not good for the club at all. Doesn't matter what wenger or the board do stories like this damage e club

The interview wasn't embarrassing. The press made up shit and wenger told them they had, then they got all upset and cried. Fuck em the ****s

18-02-2013, 11:20 PM

2:06 , scuffle
2:38 , the blackburn fan gets pushed and walks away :pal:

Who's this Brian Munich fella?

18-02-2013, 11:34 PM
Making up stories is actually pretty bad or did the leveson enquiry pass you by?

It does harm the club. Day before a massive game and they orint bullshit to split the fans making it harder for us to win? You need the crowd to be the 12 th man yet this divides them even more which is what the press want. That's not good for the club at all. Doesn't matter what wenger or the board do stories like this damage e club

The interview wasn't embarrassing. The press made up shit and wenger told them they had, then they got all upset and cried. Fuck em the ****s
Are you seriously comparing the situations :lol:

Harder to win, no what makes it harder to win is poor tactics, poor motivation, a manager in denial some weird idea that if we play our football we'll win!

He was the one that came out looking bad in this not the press, some of the responses were really sharp and made him look pretty foolish, quite funny at times, especially the bit when he asks "why do you look at me" and the reporters says "because it's your press conference" :lol: :lol: :lol:

19-02-2013, 08:11 AM
Forget it man, some people here are so far beyond redemption, even if Wenger was struck by lightning they would want his cold dead carcass wrapped up in quilt making the calls from the sidelines. How anyone can analyse the situation at arsenal and not put our decline down to the man who by his own testimony claims he controls EVERYTHING at Arsenal is beyond me. Its like being warm on a hot summers day and claiming its got nothing to do with the sun.

The man Wenger is an a dreamstate where all he sees is what his mind projects on the screen of his unconscious. His followers are in a similar state of denial.

Wenger: I am in complete control of all football affairs here. I will have it no other way
Wenger acolytes: Poor Mr Wenger, he is just a puppet of the big bad board and a world who want to make sure he fails.

We have a saying:. Those that the Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad and an enemy to all they see around them.

It wont be long now

Imagine if Ferguson was asked the same question about a contract extension.......How would that make it more difficult for his team to win...Or Moyes or Martinez or laudrup or even Fat Sam.......but Wenger. Please only ask questions about how he manages to qualify for the CL 15 years in a row.....

19-02-2013, 09:27 AM
Forget it man, some people here are so far beyond redemption, even if Wenger was struck by lightning they would want his cold dead carcass wrapped up in quilt making the calls from the sidelines. How anyone can analyse the situation at arsenal and not put our decline down to the man who by his own testimony claims he controls EVERYTHING at Arsenal is beyond me. Its like being warm on a hot summers day and claiming its got nothing to do with the sun.

The man Wenger is an a dreamstate where all he sees is what his mind projects on the screen of his unconscious. His followers are in a similar state of denial.

Wenger: I am in complete control of all football affairs here. I will have it no other way
Wenger acolytes: Poor Mr Wenger, he is just a puppet of the big bad board and a world who want to make sure he fails.

We have a saying:. Those that the Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad and an enemy to all they see around them.

It wont be long now

Imagine if Ferguson was asked the same question about a contract extension.......How would that make it more difficult for his team to win...Or Moyes or Martinez or laudrup or even Fat Sam.......but Wenger. Please only ask questions about how he manages to qualify for the CL 15 years in a row.....


I do believe that he is going to leave soon. Probably be one of the best days in the 21st century for Arsenal FC.

Ollie the Optimist
19-02-2013, 11:37 AM

I do believe that he is going to leave soon. Probably be one of the best days in the 21st century for Arsenal FC.

Ranked alongside wining the league at old Trafford, at white hart lane, winning it unbeaten several fa cups, and a double I assume?


19-02-2013, 12:27 PM

I do believe that he is going to leave soon. Probably be one of the best days in the 21st century for Arsenal FC.

Way too much delight from several posters at the guy being under intense pressure. We know what's going on on the pitch. We don't know what's happening off it. Arsenal reminds me of the banks. Fucking people over left right and centre with 80% of the victims bending over for it because, you know, you need banks right? Unthinkable the world could ever work without them. So let's not even think about it. That's what the Wenger witch hunt is turning into. Just get the guy out, doesn't matter how, forget about the anything else going on at the club and all the others who have contributed to the downfall. The absent, miser who owns the place, the rats who sold everything so they could sell out, the players who continue to fuck up. Just get Wenger out and all that will magically sort itself out. And banks - they're great, we need them else how would we keep getting fucked over?

19-02-2013, 12:30 PM
While I do agree that it's time for him to go (although the abuse isn't necessary or even warranted) I honestly don't see much changing with a different manager.

While this owner remains, we'll still see our best players sold year on year.

Marc Overmars
19-02-2013, 12:49 PM
While this owner remains, we'll still see our best players sold year on year.

Time for Usmanov to come home?

19-02-2013, 12:53 PM
Time for Usmanov to come home?


19-02-2013, 12:53 PM

Happier days.

Ollie the Optimist
19-02-2013, 12:54 PM
Time for Usmanov to come home?

He talks the talk but as soon as he gets in, he will just take the menu. He won't give a shit about us like kronke

19-02-2013, 12:57 PM
He talks the talk but as soon as he gets in, he will just take the menu. He won't give a shit about us like kronke

We don't know that.

19-02-2013, 01:00 PM
Way too much delight from several posters at the guy being under intense pressure. We know what's going on on the pitch. We don't know what's happening off it. Arsenal reminds me of the banks. Fucking people over left right and centre with 80% of the victims bending over for it because, you know, you need banks right? Unthinkable the world could ever work without them. So let's not even think about it. That's what the Wenger witch hunt is turning into. Just get the guy out, doesn't matter how, forget about the anything else going on at the club and all the others who have contributed to the downfall. The absent, miser who owns the place, the rats who sold everything so they could sell out, the players who continue to fuck up. Just get Wenger out and all that will magically sort itself out. And banks - they're great, we need them else how would we keep getting fucked over?


19-02-2013, 01:04 PM
We don't know that.

No we don't. Its bizarre some fans would rather have an American crook owning our club who doesn't spend a dime on it instead of Russia's richest crook who's pledged to spunk his ill-gotten gains on buying some decent players.


19-02-2013, 01:18 PM
it's more bizarre that any sort of argument can be found for either running the show.

both will do arsenal no good whatsoever but we are forever fucked now because only a select band of people can ever afford to own us, so it is pass the parcel from one **** to the other.

19-02-2013, 01:47 PM
Time for Mark Zuckerberg to come home.

Power n Glory
19-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Way too much delight from several posters at the guy being under intense pressure. We know what's going on on the pitch. We don't know what's happening off it. Arsenal reminds me of the banks. Fucking people over left right and centre with 80% of the victims bending over for it because, you know, you need banks right? Unthinkable the world could ever work without them. So let's not even think about it. That's what the Wenger witch hunt is turning into. Just get the guy out, doesn't matter how, forget about the anything else going on at the club and all the others who have contributed to the downfall. The absent, miser who owns the place, the rats who sold everything so they could sell out, the players who continue to fuck up. Just get Wenger out and all that will magically sort itself out. And banks - they're great, we need them else how would we keep getting fucked over?

We have some slimey bastards at the top level that have a lot to answer for. They have sold out in a big way and we should remember all the talk about this club being properly run, English owned and keeping with tradition. That has all gone out the window with the current regime. But that doesn't excuse Arsene Wenger in the slightest. I'll tell you why I'm really pissed off with him, it's because he should know better than everyone else at that level because he's a man about football and keeping it pure. It the club has been raped from the inside, how has it been allowed to happen on his watch? Why has stood by and said nothing? What's worse, he's flying the banner for this current model and defends it against anyone that suggests otherwise with us much venom as we saw last night when he was defending his reputation and his team. He has put himself right in the firing line.

How can he come out and talk about this 'socialist' wage structure we have as if it's a fantastic idea if it means we do everything on the cheap while charging the higest ticket prices in the land? How can he even come out and defend the ticket price hike in the first place as he did a season or two ago? That has to be explained? Can you explain it if you think he's being screwed over by the Board? Stan is hardly in the country and his knowledge of football is limited. He has no idea how a football club in this country and the only bit of advice he could probably give is on sponsorship and expanding the brand because that's huge in the US. I can't imagine him telling Wenger how to run this club. That's not to say he's not here with an agenda but I figure the ball was already rolling before he arrived and he signed up after seeing the projections. Or we courted him so he can push the original agenda even further. That's all speculation but I really doubt we're seeing his influence right now. Not yet anyway. If this is the work of Stan, then why has Wenger stood by and waved the banner for this shit? I don't accept the PR talk and you do what you're told as a employee because it shows he's bloody spineless and has no integrity. That's bad enough.

20-02-2013, 02:01 AM

Lol when the big dude said Wenger out randomly

20-02-2013, 02:24 AM

Happier days.

Damn, I remember that as if it were only decades ago. I remember racing up the stairs cheering when the winner went in, and then falling back down them. Still, not as painful as throwing myself under buses which is what I do now.

20-02-2013, 02:43 AM
We have some slimey bastards at the top level that have a lot to answer for. They have sold out in a big way and we should remember all the talk about this club being properly run, English owned and keeping with tradition. That has all gone out the window with the current regime. But that doesn't excuse Arsene Wenger in the slightest. I'll tell you why I'm really pissed off with him, it's because he should know better than everyone else at that level because he's a man about football and keeping it pure. It the club has been raped from the inside, how has it been allowed to happen on his watch? Why has stood by and said nothing? What's worse, he's flying the banner for this current model and defends it against anyone that suggests otherwise with us much venom as we saw last night when he was defending his reputation and his team. He has put himself right in the firing line.

How can he come out and talk about this 'socialist' wage structure we have as if it's a fantastic idea if it means we do everything on the cheap while charging the higest ticket prices in the land? How can he even come out and defend the ticket price hike in the first place as he did a season or two ago? That has to be explained? Can you explain it if you think he's being screwed over by the Board? Stan is hardly in the country and his knowledge of football is limited. He has no idea how a football club in this country and the only bit of advice he could probably give is on sponsorship and expanding the brand because that's huge in the US. I can't imagine him telling Wenger how to run this club. That's not to say he's not here with an agenda but I figure the ball was already rolling before he arrived and he signed up after seeing the projections. Or we courted him so he can push the original agenda even further. That's all speculation but I really doubt we're seeing his influence right now. Not yet anyway. If this is the work of Stan, then why has Wenger stood by and waved the banner for this shit? I don't accept the PR talk and you do what you're told as a employee because it shows he's bloody spineless and has no integrity. That's bad enough.

I didn't say Wenger is being screwed over by the board. I'm saying he's taking all the flak. It's right he takes his fair share but not the bastard board's too. They've all presided over this shambles. I particularly loathe Kroenke because he's just a vulture picking at the carcass left by the rats. I doubt he has any direct input other that to instruct his minions to do whatever is necessary to secure his return on investment.

They all need to be gone along with 90% of the squad. So many of them on the take and giving fuck all back.

20-02-2013, 04:46 AM
I didn't say Wenger is being screwed over by the board. I'm saying he's taking all the flak. It's right he takes his fair share but not the bastard board's too. They've all presided over this shambles. I particularly loathe Kroenke because he's just a vulture picking at the carcass left by the rats. I doubt he has any direct input other that to instruct his minions to do whatever is necessary to secure his return on investment.

They all need to be gone along with 90% of the squad. So many of them on the take and giving fuck all back.

If you could stop thinking as an Arsenal fan and become neutral, who would you say is a bigger c*nt- Glazer or Kroenke?

20-02-2013, 05:07 AM
If you could stop thinking as an Arsenal fan and become neutral, who would you say is a bigger c*nt- Glazer or Kroenke?

Hard to say. Kroenke is literally anonymous. No sound from him, sure as hell no money. He has zero interest in the club. The Glaziers at least stuffed some cash in, even though they lumbered the club with debt to do it. Several titles later and with all the cash and merchandising that brings, the Glaziers must be well ahead of Kroenke in terms of success at the bank and it's a no-contest in terms of success on the pitch. Neither **** is good for football and nor is that Abromovich tosser or those thieving Arabs. And the dirtiest pig of all is linked up behind Kroenke to ooze his way into our place. It's a ****fest, hard to know which is the most rotten.

20-02-2013, 08:14 AM
Bottom line is that there are no Saintly Billionaires(Warren Buffet excepting) are few less that are fans of the club they choose to invest in. Like I posted previously, SK has invested about 500m GBP buying the 70% he owns in the club. Up till now he has not taken a penny out. He has also not invested in the playing side of things. Maybe out of choice or maybe because Wenger told him it wasnt needed. Remember we have a stockpile of cash in the bank. He might even have been consulted and sanctioned the sale of RVP, but for all we know, he may not even know RVP from the next player in the squad especially when told by the Prof that we can do without him. So lets leave SK out of this... Somewhere down the line the man is going to cash in whenever the value of the club seems highest. However his track record for selling his assets is pretty scanty so its hard to know where his thoughts lie long term. Nothing that SK has done has brought us into decline. We have the revenue, stadium and resources to stock this team with the next to top tier players on the market i.e within the 20-30m bracket. That we do not do that is down to Wenger and his parsimonious approach. He prefers to shop at the 3rd tier of 10-15m where he can find malleable characters who have bought in to his myth of greatness and will follow without question. This dose not last for long as said players if talented get antsy after 3-4 years of zero progress and the stagnation that pervades Wengers approach. A manager can manage for 30-40 years but a player has a top shelf life of 10-12 years

Wengers greatest mistake is thinking all people and players are all ready and willing to be pawns in his insular universe where he is king of all he surveys. Problem is he is not even half of the genius he likes to think he is. Now all that is left for him is hubris, fits of pique, and as seen recently, outbursts bordering on mania. I used to think Fat Sam had an over inflated opinion of himself but now i see Wenger takes the prize cake.

20-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Bottom line is that there are no Saintly Billionaires(Warren Buffet excepting) are few less that are fans of the club they choose to invest in. Like I posted previously, SK has invested about 500m GBP buying the 70% he owns in the club. Up till now he has not taken a penny out. He has also not invested in the playing side of things. Maybe out of choice or maybe because Wenger told him it wasnt needed. Remember we have a stockpile of cash in the bank. He might even have been consulted and sanctioned the sale of RVP, but for all we know, he may not even know RVP from the next player in the squad especially when told by the Prof that we can do without him. So lets leave SK out of this... Somewhere down the line the man is going to cash in whenever the value of the club seems highest. However his track record for selling his assets is pretty scanty so its hard to know where his thoughts lie long term. Nothing that SK has done has brought us into decline. We have the revenue, stadium and resources to stock this team with the next to top tier players on the market i.e within the 20-30m bracket. That we do not do that is down to Wenger and his parsimonious approach. He prefers to shop at the 3rd tier of 10-15m where he can find malleable characters who have bought in to his myth of greatness and will follow without question. This dose not last for long as said players if talented get antsy after 3-4 years of zero progress and the stagnation that pervades Wengers approach. A manager can manage for 30-40 years but a player has a top shelf life of 10-12 years

Wengers greatest mistake is thinking all people and players are all ready and willing to be pawns in his insular universe where he is king of all he surveys. Problem is he is not even half of the genius he likes to think he is. Now all that is left for him is hubris, fits of pique, and as seen recently, outbursts bordering on mania. I used to think Fat Sam had an over inflated opinion of himself but now i see Wenger takes the prize cake.

Bottom line is stop posting on here Stan and spend some fucking money.

20-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Bottom line is that there are no Saintly Billionaires(Warren Buffet excepting) are few less that are fans of the club they choose to invest in. Like I posted previously, SK has invested about 500m GBP buying the 70% he owns in the club. Up till now he has not taken a penny out. He has also not invested in the playing side of things. Maybe out of choice or maybe because Wenger told him it wasnt needed. Remember we have a stockpile of cash in the bank. He might even have been consulted and sanctioned the sale of RVP, but for all we know, he may not even know RVP from the next player in the squad especially when told by the Prof that we can do without him. So lets leave SK out of this... Somewhere down the line the man is going to cash in whenever the value of the club seems highest. However his track record for selling his assets is pretty scanty so its hard to know where his thoughts lie long term. Nothing that SK has done has brought us into decline. We have the revenue, stadium and resources to stock this team with the next to top tier players on the market i.e within the 20-30m bracket. That we do not do that is down to Wenger and his parsimonious approach. He prefers to shop at the 3rd tier of 10-15m where he can find malleable characters who have bought in to his myth of greatness and will follow without question. This dose not last for long as said players if talented get antsy after 3-4 years of zero progress and the stagnation that pervades Wengers approach. A manager can manage for 30-40 years but a player has a top shelf life of 10-12 years

Wengers greatest mistake is thinking all people and players are all ready and willing to be pawns in his insular universe where he is king of all he surveys. Problem is he is not even half of the genius he likes to think he is. Now all that is left for him is hubris, fits of pique, and as seen recently, outbursts bordering on mania. I used to think Fat Sam had an over inflated opinion of himself but now i see Wenger takes the prize cake.
And kroenkes fundamental error is allowing his floor manager to have so much say in too many things. Imagine you invest 500million into a company, would you just leave all the cogs and wheels to one man down below or ensure there are others around him that he answers to? That can push him on matters in and out of his area of expertise? You would overlook that if you had other objectives and goals to achieve and if this man could target the bare minimum for you, without having to invest even more whilst building up the value of the investment you already have under your wing.

20-02-2013, 12:54 PM
And kroenkes fundamental error is allowing his floor manager to have so much say in too many things. Imagine you invest 500million into a company, would you just leave all the cogs and wheels to one man down below or ensure there are others around him that he answers to? That can push him on matters in and out of his area of expertise? You would overlook that if you had other objectives and goals to achieve and if this man could target the bare minimum for you, without having to invest even more whilst building up the value of the investment you already have under your wing.

...with that initial investment having been made using similar grey tactics with other sporting operations that have since turned into bland, non-competitive investment vehicles. The boring, anti-sporting **** knows one way and granted it works.

The Emirates Gallactico
20-02-2013, 02:24 PM
The Tuesday Club have returned from their winter hibernation.


Given recent events this will be an interesting one to listen to.

20-02-2013, 03:56 PM
Moyes is is then :d

20-02-2013, 03:57 PM

Bob :bow:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
20-02-2013, 05:18 PM
Moyes is is then :d

what do they say about him?

20-02-2013, 05:24 PM

Lol when the big dude said Wenger out randomly

ILT :bow:

20-02-2013, 05:59 PM
Moyes is is then :d

what do they say about him?

Nah, that'd be cheating, you'll have to listen to it all :good:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
20-02-2013, 06:06 PM

im at work.


20-02-2013, 06:15 PM

im at work.


:haha: Thanks that's made my day,

it's the long short list if Arsene leaves in the summer, Moyes gets the vote, though it's worth listening if you get the chance, even Maradona's in with a shout.

20-02-2013, 06:31 PM
Fuck me, Sczencnynny is minted:


20-02-2013, 06:49 PM
ILT :bow:

Your fat face is a joke, as is wearing a cross as bling!....can't even pronounce the manager's name properly you stupid troglodyte

20-02-2013, 08:06 PM
I laughed when the fat guy said 'He's oldschool ... He's useless'