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28-09-2015, 03:52 PM
I also do not like Jose Mourinho.

What sort of cunt would? Don't mistake this for anger at his managerial quality (which is obviously heavily overrated). I didn't feel this way about Ferguson although he was also a nasty little prick that never said a word when his fans were chanting Wenger is a paedophile. Put Mourinho's chequebook title-buying aside, he's just so obviously just a complete scumbag. World would be better off without him.

28-09-2015, 04:17 PM
Agree. I respected Fergie, I don't respect Mourinho one bit.
I actually think he might win us a title or two and I'd still never want the **** anywhere near the club.

28-09-2015, 04:21 PM
The best thing about Mourinho showing himself up as the stupid little cunt he is, is that the stupid little cunty Arsenal fans that respected Mourinho have shut the fuck up instead of sucking Chelsea cock. fucking horrific club. Even know Chelsea fans that feel embarrassed by Mourinho. Utter, utter twat that appeals only to the Talksport simpletons.
Hey.... that is totally unfair and unjust.

I listen to talksport and don't consider myself a simpleton.

Power n Glory
28-09-2015, 04:22 PM
The best thing about Mourinho showing himself up as the stupid little cunt he is, is that the stupid little cunty Arsenal fans that respected Mourinho have shut the fuck up instead of sucking Chelsea cock. fucking horrific club. Even know Chelsea fans that feel embarrassed by Mourinho. Utter, utter twat that appeals only to the Talksport simpletons.

Weren't you defending Diego Costa last week or was that sarcasm? Honestly, I don't have a problem with Jose acting like an idiot in this case. Most people have been saying for ages Wenger needs to be held accountable and I can't think of a better way for Wenger to get fired up and do his talking on the pitch. Jose can be a prick but there is an element of truth to what he says and that's what stings because a lot of people have said the same on here. It's totally unprovoked, petty and childish. But we're above them so let him talk. As long as we finish the job, let him talk and provoke.

Power n Glory
28-09-2015, 04:28 PM
Agree. I respected Fergie, I don't respect Mourinho one bit.
I actually think he might win us a title or two and I'd still never want the **** anywhere near the club.

Why do you respect Ferguson at all? Fuck him too. Once Wenger stopped being a threat he started playing the sympathy card and acting all pally. I found that shit more insulting because if we were still fierce rivals he'd have still be acting like an idiot towards Wenger.

28-09-2015, 04:29 PM
You can't argue with his record and IMO he was significantly less of a prick than Mourinho - not that that's saying much.

Power n Glory
28-09-2015, 04:36 PM
You can't argue with his record and IMO he was significantly less of a prick than Mourinho - not that that's saying much.

Man Utd were the richest club in the league until City and Chelsea arrived. They spent there way to the top and regardless of where that money comes from, it's still outspending your rivals or poaching other Prem stars to win the league. It's the same method City and Chelsea have used to win the league which is something you have a problem with.

28-09-2015, 04:45 PM
The initial success came about by building a good young squad, they did spend big to maintain that success but never on the scale that Chelsea and City have, and it was their own money, generated by previous success, not just from a benefactor.

They are now trying to dig themselves out of the Moyes shaped hole by buying their way back to the top of course.

28-09-2015, 04:51 PM
The initial success came about by building a good young squad, they did spend big to maintain that success but never on the scale that Chelsea and City have, and it was their own money, generated by previous success, not just from a benefactor.

They are now trying to dig themselves out of the Moyes shaped hole by buying their way back to the top of course.

Although again they are buying with the money they earned and not bankrolled by the billionaire. United know that to make money they have to be successful, and to succeed they have to spend money because the players are just not coming through any academy anymore.

Power n Glory
28-09-2015, 04:52 PM
Same methods. Their money came from being floated on the stock exchange or some smart business moves but it's irrelevant. When we talk of City and Chelsea's league we wins, we look at their net spend, player wages and so forth. It's the same method. It's still the richest winning the league and dominating.

28-09-2015, 05:02 PM
We are all partisan warriors, but dispassionately you have to separate the manager from the man. Mourinho, Fergie are both great managers. It would be churlish to say otherwise. You cannot fluke your way to 2 CL titles. It is mightily difficult to win even 1. You need all the elements of tactics, players and luck to go your way to do it. Wenger has spectacularly failed to be that man, 2004 was our year to be lucky, 2006 was our year to be good enough. we fluffed our lines both times. Mourinho is not a nice person, in fact I would go as far as to say, he is a fundamentally flawed human being who is in dire need of a shrink, but there is no denying his qualities. Even against Newcastle, his subs made all the difference. When last did Wenger make a tactical change that saved us from embarrassing defeat. Maybe bringing on Bendtner against the Spuds some seasons ago.

I dislike Mourinho, to the point i would probably leave if I found myself in the same restaurant as him. I wouldn't be able to eat I'm sure

However he has said nothing this time that we haven't repeated here, a million times. Sadly Wenger probably needs Mourinho continuously jabbing him in the eye like this. He is probably the only person in world football that tells him what he needs to hear.

29-09-2015, 04:13 AM
We are all partisan warriors, but dispassionately you have to separate the manager from the man. Mourinho, Fergie are both great managers. It would be churlish to say otherwise. You cannot fluke your way to 2 CL titles. It is mightily difficult to win even 1. You need all the elements of tactics, players and luck to go your way to do it. Wenger has spectacularly failed to be that man, 2004 was our year to be lucky, 2006 was our year to be good enough. we fluffed our lines both times. Mourinho is not a nice person, in fact I would go as far as to say, he is a fundamentally flawed human being who is in dire need of a shrink, but there is no denying his qualities. Even against Newcastle, his subs made all the difference. When last did Wenger make a tactical change that saved us from embarrassing defeat. Maybe bringing on Bendtner against the Spuds some seasons ago.

I dislike Mourinho, to the point i would probably leave if I found myself in the same restaurant as him. I wouldn't be able to eat I'm sure

However he has said nothing this time that we haven't repeated here, a million times. Sadly Wenger probably needs Mourinho continuously jabbing him in the eye like this. He is probably the only person in world football that tells him what he needs to hear.


29-09-2015, 07:15 AM
Agree. I respected Fergie, I don't respect Mourinho one bit.
I actually think he might win us a title or two and I'd still never want the **** anywhere near the club.

Totally agree, Mourinho is a horrible cunt.

I am invisible
06-10-2015, 07:37 PM
This stat can't possibly be true, can it?!


06-10-2015, 08:37 PM
This stat can't possibly be true, can it?!


I can't believe it. Ozil's scored 11 goals for us in EPL/CL.Ever. Walcott's scored 15 in same comps since Ozil's been with us. Would take another 25 goals together in the Cups for this to even approach being true?

I am invisible
06-10-2015, 09:21 PM
I can't believe it. Ozil's scored 11 goals for us in EPL/CL.Ever. Walcott's scored 15 in same comps since Ozil's been with us. Would take another 25 goals together in the Cups for this to even approach being true?
Yeah, something doesn't add up here - that would mean they were scoring 3 between them every time they play together?! Must mean the number of times the team score when they both start or something, but even that sounds like a lot?

06-10-2015, 09:26 PM
Great slo mo of Coquelin celebrating in his thread in this section, Gabriel's deserves a mention too:


07-10-2015, 09:23 AM
You should have seen my celebration when Sanchez`s 2nd goal went in. Austin Powers in Goldmember is as close as I can describe it.

AFC Leveller
07-10-2015, 11:06 AM


Marc Overmars
07-10-2015, 11:16 AM
Calendar year champions. :bow:

I am invisible
07-10-2015, 12:20 PM
Trophy of Respect! :bow:

07-10-2015, 12:46 PM
Those sendings off can't have done anything for the Fair Play League, though. Mind - we're a creditable 3rd in the Physio Room injuries table! :trophy:

AFC Leveller
07-10-2015, 07:52 PM
Klopp going to liverpool is depressing now that i think about it.

Power n Glory
08-10-2015, 08:41 AM

Theo getting striking tips from Henry.

AFC Leveller
08-10-2015, 03:33 PM
"Arsenal never beat the big teams."
2015 record against City, Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool & Spurs: WWLDWDDWWLW

08-10-2015, 05:08 PM
You can prove anything with facts :sulk:

It does seem to be something we're getting better at.

08-10-2015, 05:31 PM
On no, we're including Spurs and Pool in the big team category? And Capital One, Community Shield and FA Cup games? Deary me.

Looking at those stats on the surface it looks like we were robbed of the league.

Master Splinter
08-10-2015, 05:55 PM
Cunt in being cunt shocker:


RVC :haha:.

08-10-2015, 06:34 PM
On no, we're including Spurs and Pool in the big team category? And Capital One, Community Shield and FA Cup games? Deary me.

Looking at those stats on the surface it looks like we were robbed of the league.


We were only 15 odd points behind Chelsea tbf.. couldve won it bar a few bad decisions. Ditto for the last 9 years before.

08-10-2015, 06:41 PM
Cunt in being cunt shocker:


RVC :haha:.
Maureen will take him on next season.

08-10-2015, 07:20 PM
Cunt in being cunt shocker:


RVC :haha:.

Cant think how footballers get themselves a bad name! Sulky little shit.

McNamara That Ghost...
08-10-2015, 07:28 PM
At least he has that medal to make him happy. :rolleyes:

08-10-2015, 07:30 PM
At least he has that medal to make him happy. :rolleyes:

Anyone have him back?

I wouldnt

Marc Overmars
08-10-2015, 10:16 PM
That bloke could have been legend for us. From 2011-13 I don't think there was a better striker in the business.

Now he's just a cunt with no legacy lining his pockets in a pub league.

08-10-2015, 10:24 PM
Yep. He MUST regret that move.

The Emirates Gallactico
09-10-2015, 01:33 AM

Whilst he probably wouldn't be good enough to be first choice for us anymore considering he was shipped out of United and doesn't seem to be capable of even starting week in week out for Fernebache of all teams, he could have remained as an experienced sub or second or third choice player to keep around in the squad ala what Rosicky or Arteta is for us now. He would have been still loved by our fans for his loyalty and longevity at the club and could easily have take up an ambassadorial or coaching role at the club after he hung up his boots if he so wanted. Now he's just a pariah ........ not welcomed anywhere after he retires.

Probably won't ever openly admit he made a mistake until he retires.

Also as best of place as any other to put it but Aguero's just done his hamstring for Argentina. Not that I take much joy in Aguero suffering an injury as he's a fantastic players and seems like a decent bloke, but it's probably quite fucking good for our title chances. Aguero missing a large chunk of games for City is going to seriously affect them.

Just hope nothing doesn't happen to Alexis now. :pray:

09-10-2015, 06:07 AM
On no, we're including Spurs and Pool in the big team category? And Capital One, Community Shield and FA Cup games? Deary me.

Looking at those stats on the surface it looks like we were robbed of the league.

We gave ourselves no chance in the league last year because of our awful start. We were out of it before we got going,
This year we're pretty much keeping pace so far, if we keep doing that we've got a chance IMO. Our results in big games to seem to be getting better.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
09-10-2015, 07:05 PM
Ditto with Aguero but he could be back in days, weeks or months....hard to know. Last time he got injured I thought he'd be out a few months but he came back a lot quicker. I don't wish it on him but it would help our chances....though in any case, I question our ability to maintain consistent or relatively so till May. Not to mention we could easily suffer from 1 or two injuries ourselves.

AFC Leveller
12-10-2015, 07:54 PM
No cheating please.


am an ex-Arsenal player, and have featured for them in the last five years.
I have played under managers who have in their careers managed Bayern Munich, Fulham, Spurs, Galatasaray and Chelsea.
One manager per club.
None of them have managed more than one of those five clubs.
However, I have never played for any of those five clubs.
I have also played under one of these managers at international level, but not club level.
So you’re looking for five managers: four that I’ve played under, one that I’ve played for ONLY at international level – but that international manager has ALSO managed one of those five clubs.
You also, of course, have to have to work out who I am too.

13-10-2015, 09:11 AM
That sounds like a job for Maccy :wacko:

13-10-2015, 09:52 AM
Apprantly charging 5p for a shopping bags is not allowed as it breaks the law as you are actually advertising the shop in question so should not be charged.

13-10-2015, 10:00 AM
That's interesting although I'm not sure this is the thread for that :lol:

13-10-2015, 02:28 PM
I cheated, so I know the answer :lol:

I am invisible
13-10-2015, 02:40 PM
Me too.

The Emirates Gallactico
13-10-2015, 03:17 PM
Thought it was Lassanna Diarra at first because he's had many clubs but then I realised he's played at Chelsea. Spent about 10 minutes going through it and still couldn't figure it out. :(

Anyway I ended up cheating. Kind of surprised by who it was tbh.

13-10-2015, 04:01 PM
I haven't cheated, but I haven't got a fucking clue either.

13-10-2015, 04:21 PM
Got it....

It took a lot of putting pieces together, but if you start off on the international manager, it narrows your search down...

13-10-2015, 05:09 PM
is there a prize for this, got it

...and when can we reveal the answer

Marc Overmars
13-10-2015, 05:17 PM
Got it....

It took a lot of putting pieces together, but if you start off on the international manager, it narrows your search down...

Yeah, I think I got it after knowing who the international manager was.

15-10-2015, 10:41 AM
Arsenal AGM going on right now


Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/hashtag/afcagm?f=tweets&vertical=default&src=hash

Seems they dodged the £3m that Kroenke took out of the club question :lol:

15-10-2015, 10:45 AM
Ivan Gazidis points to AFC strategy (pic)
Says Afc driven by desire to be more successful


Invest in the team? da fuq?? :lol:

Increase fan base and engagement?? You mean not making ticket prices more affordable?

15-10-2015, 11:19 AM
Invest in the team? da fuq?? :lol:
We spent shitloads on Ozil and Sanchez - for those 2 years we were outspending pretty much everyone and it's made a clear difference.
Not to mention our wage-bill being one of the highest around.

15-10-2015, 12:07 PM

Invest in the team? da fuq?? :lol:

Increase fan base and engagement?? You mean not making ticket prices more affordable?

Interesting to understand what their definition of on field success is determined as.

Although this probably reveals that, when responding to the 3 million question:

Sir Chips: “The best advice you can get is the advice from experts in their field.

“If you want proof of what that’s worth then look at this (FA Cup and Comm Shield) and our accounts.

15-10-2015, 12:09 PM
Sir Chips is on form today

Furious fan takes to the stage and says: “How can the squad be so strong if we have such embarrassing Champs League results?”

Sir Chips Keswick: “It’s just a noise. I’m not answering that.”

15-10-2015, 12:11 PM
Wenger's response

“I agree with you, the performances were not good enough. But you have picked three performances out of 150 games in Europe. I accept you have to be critical when performances are not good.

“Look at the performance of Arsenal in the Champions League before me and after - then come back to me.”

Cop out of an answer.

15-10-2015, 01:09 PM
What's he supposed to say?

Power n Glory
15-10-2015, 01:31 PM
Wenger's response

Cop out of an answer.

That's pretty arrogant.

15-10-2015, 01:42 PM
We spent shitloads on Ozil and Sanchez - for those 2 years we were outspending pretty much everyone and it's made a clear difference.
Not to mention our wage-bill being one of the highest around.

Our wage bill was the highest around even when we hadnt signed these two players. And we didnt outspend anyone in 2 seasons.. may be the season we got Sanchez. However you can take 2 seasons and say "Voila" or I can take 10 years and say "Where is the investment in the team?"

I would like to think 10 years of data paints a better picture than a few cherry picked years.

15-10-2015, 01:46 PM
Wenger's response

Cop out of an answer.

What an arse. From what I gather, the fan was asking the club why we are bad in Europe and papa Wenger had to take it personally and show his below average record. I am not surprised by this behavior.. he is treated as if he IS Arsenal FC by the board and many fans, so he thinks he owns the club. :rolleyes:

Frankly, after 20 odd years with us, his 150 game record is pretty dismal. One CL final and getting beaten at pretty much the first sight of a good team... what a brilliant record! :lol:

15-10-2015, 01:53 PM
And we didnt outspend anyone in 2 seasons.. may be the season we got Sanchez.

I looked into this before. Over those 2 seasons when we signed Ozil and Sanchez I think City spent a lot more than us but no-one else did.
From memory I think it was Chelsea (or possibly Utd, one of the two) who also outspent us but only marginally. No-one else in England did.

However you can take 2 seasons and say "Voila" or I can take 10 years and say "Where is the investment in the team?"
I would like to think 10 years of data paints a better picture than a few cherry picked years.

Those years would be cherry picked only if I picked 2 random years in the last 10 years. But our financial position changed radically 2 years ago when the new financial deals were in place. And then our spending changed. Comparing our spending before then and after is ridiculous and simplistic. A lot of the last 10 years we've had the stadium debt and (relatively) poor commercial deals, and we had the billionaires running amock inflating the market.
Could we have spent more in that period? Probably we could, yes. Wenger erred on the side of caution and in the short term maybe that hurt us. In the long term it's left us in a very healthy place to compete and when Wenger felt the money was there he started spending it. The lack of a striker in the summer was a disappointment and on Wenger's head be it if that hurts us, we seem to be doing ok so far, after a shaky start. The CL games have been a balls up but we're 2nd in the league, we just beat the team who were top comfortably - a team we regularly messed up against. I'll reserve judgement till May but I don't things are going so bad right now, we're looking like a side that can challenge which is what we all want, isn't it?

15-10-2015, 02:29 PM
I looked into this before. Over those 2 seasons when we signed Ozil and Sanchez I think City spent a lot more than us but no-one else did.
From memory I think it was Chelsea (or possibly Utd, one of the two) who also outspent us but only marginally. No-one else in England did.

Those years would be cherry picked only if I picked 2 random years in the last 10 years. But our financial position changed radically 2 years ago when the new financial deals were in place. And then our spending changed. Comparing our spending before then and after is ridiculous and simplistic. A lot of the last 10 years we've had the stadium debt and (relatively) poor commercial deals, and we had the billionaires running amock inflating the market.
Could we have spent more in that period? Probably we could, yes. Wenger erred on the side of caution and in the short term maybe that hurt us. In the long term it's left us in a very healthy place to compete and when Wenger felt the money was there he started spending it. The lack of a striker in the summer was a disappointment and on Wenger's head be it if that hurts us, we seem to be doing ok so far, after a shaky start. The CL games have been a balls up but we're 2nd in the league, we just beat the team who were top comfortably - a team we regularly messed up against. I'll reserve judgement till May but I don't things are going so bad right now, we're looking like a side that can challenge which is what we all want, isn't it?

Things are not bad for us. We are always in a good or decent position (and I am not saying this sarcastically) but we are never in the best position. That is my problem.

With a club the size of Arsenal, with the resources of Arsenal, we perform like an above average team when we should be up there with the best. I want this club to have the swagger of the Madrids, Barcelonas, Milans (of old) but we go into games like we are some second grade club. That is unacceptable to me.

15-10-2015, 02:33 PM
I think that's reasonable but IMO we're getting closer - the last couple of years have shown a difference in the transfer policy when the new deals provided the money to do it.
The result so far has been the FA Cups which is a good start. I'm disappointed we didn't challenge last year but I saw a few glimpses of a side that could. We've kept in touch this year, if we stay in touch I think we've got a chance.

We'll probably balls it up against Watford now I've said that :lol:

15-10-2015, 03:02 PM
What's he supposed to say?

Ah, deleting posts again. Well done.

So I think the question should be, what am I supposed to say to ensure it meets your approval?

The post you deleted was bang-on. That's what you are here to do and you've made it obvious.

Marc Overmars
15-10-2015, 03:18 PM
That's pretty arrogant.

A disappointing and deliberately obtuse response from him, missing the point entirely.

Probably touched a nerve, he knows full well his performance in the CL is going to be the source of much regret long after he's retired.

Though granted we weren't in the CL before him, we at least managed to win some European silverware. :coffee:

15-10-2015, 03:37 PM
Our wage bill was the highest around even when we hadnt signed these two players. And we didnt outspend anyone in 2 seasons.. may be the season we got Sanchez. However you can take 2 seasons and say "Voila" or I can take 10 years and say "Where is the investment in the team?"

I would like to think 10 years of data paints a better picture than a few cherry picked years.

Hey! We spent more than anyone, so you can't criticise his transfer record! Also, we can't compete against the big spending chavs and gypos, so you can't criticise Wenger on anything really. Or if you really want to criticise him, at least wait until the end of the season.

15-10-2015, 03:59 PM
Strawmen :bow:

Getting a bit boring now, really. :sleep:

15-10-2015, 04:44 PM
Strawmen :bow:

Getting a bit boring now, really. :sleep:

Unlike your censorship which remains breathlessly exciting. I really can't wait for the next instalment.

15-10-2015, 04:49 PM
Unlike your censorship which remains breathlessly exciting. I really can't wait for the next instalment.

What was sensored and why?

15-10-2015, 05:02 PM
What was sensored and why?

I got bored with Letters' constant intervention every time the slightest hint of a criticism of Jesus Wenger is posted up so I may have called him a tool or something like that. Totally uncalled for, so I volunteered.

15-10-2015, 05:25 PM
I got bored with Letters' constant intervention every time the slightest hint of a criticism of Jesus Wenger is posted up so I may have called him a tool or something like that. Totally uncalled for, so I volunteered.

Well within your rights as a volunteer, I would say

How is Jesus by the way, I hear he has vowed to undergo another resurrection

As for you NQ, stop fucking with the son and the holy ghost .....or you'll get banned

15-10-2015, 06:03 PM
On an unrelated note, its hilarious that Bayern fans are demonstrating against our ticket prices, while our fans sit like mute idiots season after season. Our fans are turning into mirror images of the board and the manager- toothless.

KSE Comedy Club
15-10-2015, 07:40 PM
Well within your rights as a volunteer, I would say

How is Jesus by the way, I hear he has vowed to undergo another resurrection

As for you NQ, stop fucking with the son and the holy ghost .....or you'll get banned
I promised no such thing.

There's too much corruption at the moment so I think I'll have a nice cup of tea and wait for it to blow over.

15-10-2015, 07:54 PM
On an unrelated note, its hilarious that Bayern fans are demonstrating against our ticket prices, while our fans sit like mute idiots season after season. Our fans are turning into mirror images of the board and the manager- toothless.

There have been quite a few protests over the ticket prices, but they always fall flat because they aren't supported by the very silent majority who wouldn't protest if you set fire to their cocks. The Arsenal monopolist's view was made clear by Ivan the Lizard today - demand drives the price. The part he skips over is the lack of choice. The very nature of football means you're not going to walk down the road to a rival club with cheaper prices. It's a monopoly with a captive audience, not quite as bad as the rail or energy services, because you don't HAVE to consume the product, but essentially the game is the same and they'll happily take a wealthy plastic over a less well off fan.

15-10-2015, 07:55 PM
Well within your rights as a volunteer, I would say

How is Jesus by the way, I hear he has vowed to undergo another resurrection

As for you NQ, stop fucking with the son and the holy ghost .....or you'll get banned

His eyes will be bleeding by the time I've finished fucking with him.

15-10-2015, 08:11 PM
There have been quite a few protests over the ticket prices, but they always fall flat because they aren't supported by the very silent majority who wouldn't protest if you set fire to their cocks.

:haha: :haha:

15-10-2015, 08:14 PM
His eyes will be bleeding by the time I've finished fucking with him.

oh shit the haemorrhage treatment .....he's a dead man walking

15-10-2015, 11:18 PM
Mirror suggesting that Wenger has hinted he will go at the end of his current contract.

The quote they use from the AGM doesn't Really say that to me, but to be honest if he comes out and says next season will be his last fair play to him.

Would be nice to think he ends his time on a high.

The Emirates Gallactico
16-10-2015, 02:52 AM
Really good writeup on the AGM here from Arseblog. Has all the questions and responses:


Gazidis had a excellent game. Very polished and radiated confidence. Feels like he knows what he's doing and that you could trust him.

Wenger was decent apart from the flub with his response regarding the CL defeats. Could have handled it a bit better with more humility.

Sir Chips had a complete shocker ..... came across as completely obtuse and aloof...... like his predecessor. Thankfully that old fool doesn't have much if any executive power at the club. Still, it shows you the problem when you don't have competent football oriented people at the top.

The 3 million question still not properly answered though, and both Kroenke nor his son (who's also somehow wormed his way onto the board) didn't say a single word throughout which was disappointing. A lot of anger rightfully directed their way about that payment. God forbid they try it again next year because there's going to be a riot if they do ...... fucking leeches.

16-10-2015, 05:00 AM
Really good writeup on the AGM here from Arseblog. Has all the questions and responses:


Gazidis had a excellent game. Very polished and radiated confidence. Feels like he knows what he's doing and that you could trust him.

Wenger was decent apart from the flub with his response regarding the CL defeats. Could have handled it a bit better with more humility.

Sir Chips had a complete shocker ..... came across as completely obtuse and aloof...... like his predecessor. Thankfully that old fool doesn't have much if any executive power at the club. Still, it shows you the problem when you don't have competent football oriented people at the top.

The 3 million question still not properly answered though, and both Kroenke nor his son (who's also somehow wormed his way onto the board) didn't say a single word throughout which was disappointing. A lot of anger rightfully directed their way about that payment. God forbid they try it again next year because there's going to be a riot if they do ...... fucking leeches.

The pathetic thing is they dont even need it. Its like a man with 50 hamburgers still trying to steal a hotdog. They do it simply to be nasty. If they declare a dividend, then everyone gets a share. but these unverifiable payments are just to rub it in everyones noses. Nasty bunch of scammers.

16-10-2015, 07:27 AM
On an unrelated note, its hilarious that Bayern fans are demonstrating against our ticket prices, while our fans sit like mute idiots season after season. Our fans are turning into mirror images of the board and the manager- toothless.

Mostly because they've priced out the more traditional fan.
That said, there was that table of football prices - our cheapest season ticket is £1050, Spurs is £750. BUT, ours does include 7 cup ties, theirs only 2. And you do get a rebate at Arsenal if you don't use them all. So actually in price per game it's not much different and who would you rather watch, us or that lot?

The prices are all ridiculous of course but while average footballers are earning £100k a week the money's got to come from somewhere. It all comes from us one way or another, tickets, merchandise, Sky and BT subscriptions etc.

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 08:27 AM
Mostly because they've priced out the more traditional fan.
That said, there was that table of football prices - our cheapest season ticket is £1050, Spurs is £750. BUT, ours does include 7 cup ties, theirs only 2. And you do get a rebate at Arsenal if you don't use them all. So actually in price per game it's not much different and who would you rather watch, us or that lot?

The prices are all ridiculous of course but while average footballers are earning £100k a week the money's got to come from somewhere. It all comes from us one way or another, tickets, merchandise, Sky and BT subscriptions etc.


Do a proper comparison. We have no business charging what we charge, especially when we're so frugal with our transfer dealings. It's a disgrace.

16-10-2015, 08:57 AM
I don't personally think a price decrease can be justified as we are selling out games (though a mandatory freeze for the next few years at least would be welcome).

As for the frugality on the transfer front, with any luck that old cumudgeon will be gone by 2017

16-10-2015, 09:34 AM

Do a proper comparison. We have no business charging what we charge, especially when we're so frugal with our transfer dealings. It's a disgrace.

A proper comparison would take into consideration what you get for your season ticket - as I said we get 7 cup games, Spurs get 2. I don't know about the rest.
But overall yes, our ticket prices are a disgrace. But our wage bill is ridiculous - it's not just about transfer fees although Sanchez and Ozil weren't us being frugal.
That money's got to come from somewhere and unless you've got a benefactor propping you up it's going to come from the fans.

We're a business, if you can fill a stadium charging £20 a ticket and you can still fill it with £60 a ticket then what are you going to do?
Obviously they're screwing the fans but what's the alternative if you want to try and compete?

16-10-2015, 09:39 AM
A proper comparison would take into consideration what you get for your season ticket - as I said we get 7 cup games, Spurs get 2. I don't know about the rest.
But overall yes, our ticket prices are a disgrace. But our wage bill is ridiculous - it's not just about transfer fees although Sanchez and Ozil weren't us being frugal.
That money's got to come from somewhere and unless you've got a benefactor propping you up it's going to come from the fans.

We're a business, if you can fill a stadium charging £20 a ticket and you can still fill it with £60 a ticket then what are you going to do?
Obviously they're screwing the fans but what's the alternative if you want to try and compete?

I think the point is, they aren't trying to compete. At least not on the football field. We all know what had to happen this summer if we were serious about competing. That didn't happen and it's not good pointing backwards and saying well, at least we started the process. I might run the London Marathon next year, my goal is to win it but my intention is to run 100 yards and then go down the pub.

16-10-2015, 09:45 AM

Do a proper comparison. We have no business charging what we charge, especially when we're so frugal with our transfer dealings. It's a disgrace.

Aye, that's my stance on things too and I still think Wenger & Ivan are hiding behind the signings of Ozil and Sanchez as a means to justify our transfer policy and the previous price hikes.

16-10-2015, 09:48 AM
A proper comparison would take into consideration what you get for your season ticket - as I said we get 7 cup games, Spurs get 2. I don't know about the rest.
But overall yes, our ticket prices are a disgrace. But our wage bill is ridiculous - it's not just about transfer fees although Sanchez and Ozil weren't us being frugal.
That money's got to come from somewhere and unless you've got a benefactor propping you up it's going to come from the fans.

We're a business, if you can fill a stadium charging £20 a ticket and you can still fill it with £60 a ticket then what are you going to do?
Obviously they're screwing the fans but what's the alternative if you want to try and compete?

Our wage bill in comparison to our rivals in PL isn't so bad. The thing is we can't really cry about what we pay our players when we aim to be a top European club that charge crazy ticket prices, we can't have it one way.

We are essentially paying a top tier prize to see a team that is "attempting" to be the best and the "attempt" at best is passive.

16-10-2015, 09:51 AM
Aye, that's my stance on things too and I still think Wenger & Ivan are hiding behind the signings of Ozil and Sanchez as a means to justify our transfer policy and the previous price hikes.


Walcott continues with his current run of form and starts to develop into an effective striker then I guess the manager and the club were justified in not splashing out for an alternative in the summer. IF. That doesn't excuse us being in the position of lacking a top striker for several seasons and it certainly doesn't explain Sanogo. Nevertheless, we might get lucky on the striker front like we did with Bellerin and Coquelin. And if we get lucky three times then it starts to suggest there's more to it than luck. So it's a little bit of both, decent development internally (by whatever means) but a loss of competitiveness over a protracted period while waiting for these resources to develop.

The DM role though. That's the one that gives the game away.

16-10-2015, 10:03 AM
I think the point is, they aren't trying to compete. At least not on the football field.
Tell that to the league table. Last time I looked we were 2nd.
I don't think it's 'too soon' to talk about the league table, do you?

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 10:04 AM
A proper comparison would take into consideration what you get for your season ticket - as I said we get 7 cup games, Spurs get 2. I don't know about the rest.
But overall yes, our ticket prices are a disgrace. But our wage bill is ridiculous - it's not just about transfer fees although Sanchez and Ozil weren't us being frugal.
That money's got to come from somewhere and unless you've got a benefactor propping you up it's going to come from the fans.

We're a business, if you can fill a stadium charging £20 a ticket and you can still fill it with £60 a ticket then what are you going to do?
Obviously they're screwing the fans but what's the alternative if you want to try and compete?

You say the prices are a disgrace but justify it. :lol: Plus you throw in the salesman trick with the old 'we'll throw in a free......when you purchase......' :lol: It's bollocks. Offer a price without the bundled on junk you can live without. In this climate it's necessary.

And we're not competing. It took the revenue from sponsorship deals for us to purchase class players and we spent years flushing wages down the shitter by paying players like Bendy, Denilson, etc £50k. Combine the fees we were paying for junk, we could have afforded the wage of a genuine star player like Sanchez. It shouldn't have taken the sponsorship deals. The sponsorship deals should have eased the burden off the fans.

16-10-2015, 10:14 AM
You say the prices are a disgrace but justify it..
I'm not justifying it. Sheesh, you're so desperate to disagree with everything I say even when we're agreeing with each other...
I'm just asking where the money is going to come from if it isn't the fans?

:lol: Plus you throw in the salesman trick with the old 'we'll throw in a free......when you purchase......' :lol: It's bollocks.
Offer a price without the bundled on junk you can live without. In this climate it's necessary.

All I'm saying is our season ticket offers more games than Spurs' and that should be considered when comparing the prices
I guess we could have an option without the cup games, at least people would then have the option to buy them if they want to although I suspect most would want to.

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 10:22 AM
I'm not justifying it. Sheesh, you're so desperate to disagree with everything I say even when we're agreeing with each other...
I'm just asking where the money is going to come from if it isn't the fans?

All I'm saying is our season ticket offers more games than Spurs' and that should be considered when comparing the prices
I guess we could have an option without the cup games, at least people would then have the option to buy them if they want to although I suspect most would want to.

Overall, your saying prices have to be high to compete. That's justification and that's bollocks.

16-10-2015, 10:26 AM
Overall, your saying prices have to be high to compete. That's justification and that's bollocks.

I'm asking what the alternative is. Where else does the money come from unless you've got an Abramovic pumping money in?

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 10:47 AM
I'm asking what the alternative is. Where else does the money come from unless you've got an Abramovic pumping money in?

I’d take that over a piece of shit like Stan Kronke taking £3m a year from the fans. Also, if we’re going to fleece the fans, at least put the money back on the pitch and not use it to prop up the egos of players that have done nothing to earn a pay rise. Gibbs, Ox, Ramsey and Wilshere shouldn’t be on the wages they earn but they all jumped well ahead of a player like Coquelin on the pay scale without having to battle for their spot on the team. It’s senseless. Coquelin earned his new contract and fought for it. That’s how you should earn it at this club. Being rubberstamped as a future first teamer shouldn’t get you a £50k to £80k contract.

16-10-2015, 10:52 AM
I agree with that actually - players at Arsenal are rewarded far too richly before they've really achieved anything (I'm looking at you, Theo - although you may be coming good now...)
I suspect it's not just us that does it though, if we don't do it they'll just piss off to another club who will - and in some cases we might think "so what" but IMO we've finally got a decent squad now so we don't want too many jumping ship.

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 11:19 AM
I agree with that actually - players at Arsenal are rewarded far too richly before they've really achieved anything (I'm looking at you, Theo - although you may be coming good now...)
I suspect it's not just us that does it though, if we don't do it they'll just piss off to another club who will - and in some cases we might think "so what" but IMO we've finally got a decent squad now so we don't want too many jumping ship.

Exactly. Theo is the prototype for this. He’s jumped right to the top of the food chain without really earning it. We propped up his wages so high when he was young that when he finally has some bargaining chips going into negotiations we’re looking at his wages going up to £100k - £140k. We’re going to be in the same position with Wilshere, Ramsey, Ox and Gibbs pretty soon when we don’t need to be.

Fear of them leaving makes no sense either. Where are they going to go for first team football or even the opportunity when so under developed? Even if they do catch their attention, they’d be foolish to leave so early. Most players want first team football at that age and most of the young players that have left us have left because of the lack of first team football and not wages. Coquelin would have been gone if he wasn’t given a chance. It’s the same for most of our young players. They want the opportunity. And if there ever were a case that a club like City wanted then (Sterling) there is no way we can stop that if we’re not winning silverware. We could offer them a fortune but it’s obvious we can’t compete the wages of the mega rich. Trying to keep our young players sweet with bumper wages to ward off bigger clubs is just misguided and waste of our resources. It’s stopped us from keeping a hold of our established talent because we wouldn’t top up their wages or invest in real talent ready for the first team.

16-10-2015, 11:20 AM
Tell that to the league table. Last time I looked we were 2nd.
I don't think it's 'too soon' to talk about the league table, do you?

Which one, PL or CL?

We're cheapskating it and hoping for the best. That's not planned and measured competitiveness. One or two key injuries and we're done because the depth is not there in vital areas.

The Emirates Gallactico
16-10-2015, 12:12 PM
A final point on the AGM:

Sir Chips referred to our captain as "Michael Arteta". :lol: Just shows how in tune he is with the club he's supposedly the chairman of.

I honestly reckon neither him or Lord Harris actually like football. They're both Tory donors so Rugby's probably more their thing but because they've inherited such a cushy gig here, they're reluctant to give it up easily.

When you add in the two Kroenke dicks as well, you possibly have 4/6 members of the board who have zero passion or awareness of footballing matters which is a far cry from the days of David Dein, Fizzman and Richard Carr.

The pathetic thing is they dont even need it. Its like a man with 50 hamburgers still trying to steal a hotdog. They do it simply to be nasty. If they declare a dividend, then everyone gets a share. but these unverifiable payments are just to rub it in everyones noses. Nasty bunch of scammers.

There's not much in it between him and the fat Russian anymore.

In fact it wasn't for the alleged dead bodies/crime/violence associated with Uzmanov's dealings (similar to Abromovich), I'd be openly championing him to seize control. He's far more wealthy than Stan (and Abromovich for that matter) and he probably wouldn't be taking money out of the club for his own use.

Even though some of the outbursts during the AGM regarding the matter were cringeworthy in nature they did hopefully have the desired effect of directly displaying to the board the level of anger there is about the issue.

It's a joke really. Three million taken out for two successive years now with no credible attempt to even explain what exactly it's for, the services provided for it or to show that it was a competitive price.

16-10-2015, 01:25 PM
Mostly because they've priced out the more traditional fan.
That said, there was that table of football prices - our cheapest season ticket is £1050, Spurs is £750. BUT, ours does include 7 cup ties, theirs only 2. And you do get a rebate at Arsenal if you don't use them all. So actually in price per game it's not much different and who would you rather watch, us or that lot?

The prices are all ridiculous of course but while average footballers are earning £100k a week the money's got to come from somewhere. It all comes from us one way or another, tickets, merchandise, Sky and BT subscriptions etc.

Frankly if I wasnt an Arsenal fan, I wouldnt watch either. Compared to the champions of England in the last decade, we are way up there in terms of prices. I do understand that we are in London and we have a new stadium, but for the price we pay, there is very little value.

16-10-2015, 01:34 PM
I'd rather watch us than Chelsea and their prices aren't that different - their cheapest ticket is more expensive than our cheapest.
There isn't much value in watching top level football these days but if enough people are willing to pay it... :shrug:

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 01:40 PM
Frankly if I wasnt an Arsenal fan, I wouldnt watch either. Compared to the champions of England in the last decade, we are way up there in terms of prices. I do understand that we are in London and we have a new stadium, but for the price we pay, there is very little value.

Very little value at all and I resent the fact that this club is preaching this self-sustaining model as if it’s beneficial to the fans when it’s beneficial to the higher ups. The Chips’s and the Stan’s. Their attitudes at the AGM epitomises what’s wrong with the sport and I’d rather not see or hear about it because it spoils the illusion and I’m reluctant to part with my money to support such characters.

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 01:45 PM
I'd rather watch us than Chelsea and their prices aren't that different - their cheapest ticket is more expensive than our cheapest.
There isn't much value in watching top level football these days but if enough people are willing to pay it... :shrug:

They are Champions. They compete and what are you talking about? Our cheapest season ticket is almost double their cheapest season ticket. Our cheapest ticket is closer to their most expensive.

This is what I mean by justifying bullshit.

16-10-2015, 02:22 PM
Very little value at all and I resent the fact that this club is preaching this self-sustaining model as if it’s beneficial to the fans when it’s beneficial to the higher ups. The Chips’s and the Stan’s. Their attitudes at the AGM epitomises what’s wrong with the sport and I’d rather not see or hear about it because it spoils the illusion and I’m reluctant to part with my money to support such characters.

The billionaire invested clubs are rightly criticised for inflating the transfer market. But then you have to look at clubs like Arsenal who are helping to inflate the ticket and merchandise prices across the board.

Bottom line is, there is no escaping the corporatisation now inherent in football. Gazidis, Kroenke, Glaziers, are all there for one thing only. Beyond the current set of owners these 'companies' will only be passed onto similarly cynically minded people purising their own business interests. There are plenty of stories throughout English football from way before the PL began full of corrupt owners fleecing fans. The main difference now is that we live in a far more corporate world and there are multiple 'legal' ways of doing so without being chanted or abused out of the club by supporters.

16-10-2015, 04:11 PM
They are Champions.

They might well be but I wouldn't pay to watch them play.

Our cheapest season ticket is almost double their cheapest season ticket. Our cheapest ticket is closer to their most expensive.
This is the table I was looking at:


That gives our cheapest season ticket as £1014 and theirs at £750 - I don't know how many cup games theirs includes though.
Their match day tickets range from £52 - £87, ours £27 - £97.

Anyway, I'm not disagreeing that our prices are ridiculous.

Power n Glory
16-10-2015, 05:05 PM
They might well be but I wouldn't pay to watch them play.

This is the table I was looking at:


That gives our cheapest season ticket as £1014 and theirs at £750 - I don't know how many cup games theirs includes though.
Their match day tickets range from £52 - £87, ours £27 - £97.

Anyway, I'm not disagreeing that our prices are ridiculous.

So if we went back to a boring boring Arsenal style you wouldn't go to games? Is it the style of football that's being paid for? We haven't always played pretty football.

I can't watch Chelsea play but if I'm honest, I can't just watch any team week in week out if it's not a team I support. It's different when you're rooting for your team to win. A neutral will find the tie boring but when it's your team out there it'd not as boring. Even if watching them defend all game..

17-10-2015, 09:20 AM
So if we went back to a boring boring Arsenal style you wouldn't go to games?
I don't go anyway but I definitely wouldn't pay the sort of prices I used to pay to watch boring boring Arsenal. It was so dire in 92/93 that dad nearly gave up the season tickets - the season was rescued by the two cup wins but I remember the games I did go to that year (it was my first year at Uni so it wasn't that many) being awful.

The thing about football - as Nick Hornby notes in Fever Pitch - is that you have no idea whether you're going to enjoy it when you go along. Go to a show at the theatre or a gig and you're pretty much guaranteed a good time (if you like that sort of thing, and if you don't why would you get tickets?!). With football, you might beat Utd 3-0, you might lose to West Ham 0-2 and it'll ruin your day. Overall I enjoyed going more often than not but the ever increasing prices do make you think twice.

AFC Leveller
17-10-2015, 09:15 PM

AFC Leveller
17-10-2015, 09:19 PM
early days yet but with the emergence of Bellerin, Chambers looks to be a bit of a pointless signing, assuming he was signed to be RB.

17-10-2015, 09:41 PM
early days yet but with the emergence of Bellerin, Chambers looks to be a bit of a pointless signing, assuming he was signed to be RB.

He wasnt

Debauchy looks pointless with hindsight because Jenks isn't that far off from him.

Marc Overmars
17-10-2015, 10:33 PM
Funny how things work out, Bellerin would still be waiting in the wings if Debuchy wasn't ravaged with injury last season.

He is absolute quality. The best young player we've had since 10/11 Wilshere. Transformed our right side to the point where we wouldn't function correctly if he was missing, he's that important IMO.

19-10-2015, 12:04 PM
Funny how things work out, Bellerin would still be waiting in the wings if Debuchy wasn't ravaged with injury last season.

He is absolute quality. The best young player we've had since 10/11 Wilshere. Transformed our right side to the point where we wouldn't function correctly if he was missing, he's that important IMO.
I agree, Bellerin is superb. Apart from I think his first game in the side, cant think of any instance he has played badly. Also as he is a defensive player, Barca and Real might not be looking at him.

19-10-2015, 12:34 PM
They'll come sniffing round for sure in the next season or two. He's on a long contract from this season which is a good thing. He actually compliments Ramsey very well as in he likes to get forward and give us the pace and width on the right we don't have while Aaron has the engine to cover him where needed.

19-10-2015, 01:53 PM
Personally. I would like to see Debuchy moved on end of the season and have Jenkinson back in the team. His loan at W ham has improved him greatly. Glad we didnt sell him. He and Bellerin could push each other on to really excel on that RH. We could even play them both on occasion, one ahead of the other.

19-10-2015, 02:55 PM
I agree, Bellerin is superb. Apart from I think his first game in the side, cant think of any instance he has played badly. Also as he is a defensive player, Barca and Real might not be looking at him.
Dont be daft. The tapping up will begin this spring.

Marc Overmars
19-10-2015, 03:28 PM
He's the perfect Alves replacement for them really, they'd be stupid not to have a look.

Hopefully we tell them to FOAD.

19-10-2015, 04:39 PM
He's the perfect Alves replacement for them really, they'd be stupid not to have a look.

Hopefully we tell them to FOAD.

true and he does have Barca DNA. And once he goes to the Euros with Spain... he will come back a changed player.

The Emirates Gallactico
22-10-2015, 03:31 PM
Wenger's 66th Birthday today. :partytime::partytime::partytime:

Whether you're a stout AKB or WOB, you can't deny the tremendous impact he's had on the club. Deserves respect forever from every single Arsenal fan irrespective of what the future holds.

Master Splinter
22-10-2015, 05:35 PM
Wenget :bow:.

22-10-2015, 05:40 PM
This shall forever be known as Wenget Day

:partytime::partytime::scarf::scarf::cheer::cheer: :cheers::cheers::yippee::yippee:

McNamara That Ghost...
25-10-2015, 09:39 AM
Wheelchair is appearing on Goals on Sunday in 50 minutes or so.

The Emirates Gallactico
25-10-2015, 11:15 AM
Wheelchair is appearing on Goals on Sunday in 50 minutes or so.

Jack Wilshere on Chelsea's struggles: "We're delighted they are losing!"


26-10-2015, 09:33 AM
The next goal Arsenal score will be the 2,000th in all competitions under Wenger.

27-10-2015, 07:18 AM


27-10-2015, 06:11 PM
Arsenal loanee Serge Gnabry just isn't good enough to play for my team, admits West Brom manager Tony Pulis

Going after him in the media will really help eh? Silly ****

For what it's worth, Gnabry was great for us in 13/14 when he played

Marc Overmars
27-10-2015, 06:24 PM

He's better than what you have cunt. Maybe if you bothered to give him a chance he'd prove it.

27-10-2015, 06:25 PM
Arsenal loanee Serge Gnabry just isn't good enough to play for my team, admits West Brom manager Tony Pulis

Going after him in the media will really help eh? Silly ****

For what it's worth, Gnabry was great for us in 13/14 when he played

Word on the street (and in all the houses) is Tony Pulis is a cunt.

The Emirates Gallactico
27-10-2015, 06:26 PM
Massive mistake sending him to that shithole and that cuntstain.

It's not that he's not good enough, it's that he's not enough of a donkey to fit your shithouse tactics for football.

Might as well recall him now given Ramsey's injury and also The Ox's questionable form.

27-10-2015, 06:48 PM
If there's an option to recall we should absolutely do it. He'd give us another option with Welbeck and Ramsey out

Power n Glory
27-10-2015, 07:02 PM
We still have Joel Campbell. Wenger wants him to step his game up so we can play him in the first team. Serge will get his chance.

Master Splinter
28-10-2015, 05:19 PM
Crowley apparently recalled.

Reports of him not being considered good enough, but the fans seem to rate him and he's played quite a bit.

This season's Coq?

Bring back Gnabry and Jenks and Zelalem and Akpom and Maitland-Niles too to cover for Giroud, Alexis, Cazorla, Coquelin and Koscielny after they collapse during the kick-off of the Swansea game.

AFC Leveller
28-10-2015, 06:58 PM
Feo and Ox out for 3 weeks.

28-10-2015, 07:15 PM
We could do with calling Gnabry back. We're seriously short on numbers now both on the wing and in CAM and he could give us some cover in both positions. I'd start Campbell over him but we still need to make up the numbers even if it's just an excuse to leave trash like Flamini off the bench. Gnabry's not getting games at West Brom so he's better off coming back here to train with real footballers anyway.

29-10-2015, 05:20 AM
Better off playing Debuchy RB and moving Bellerend into a more advanced position.

At least you have attacking threat, and someone who will put in a defensive shift too.

AFC Leveller
29-10-2015, 07:35 AM
Better off playing Debuchy RB and moving Bellerend into a more advanced position.

At least you have attacking threat, and someone who will put in a defensive shift too.

I think AW is more likely to play Flamini and Coq in the middle and move Santi/Ozil wide.

AFC Leveller
29-10-2015, 07:47 AM
Scout reveals Schneiderlin went to Man United & Son to Spurs because Wenger was too indecisive

By Benjamin Newman
October 28, 2015

Scout reveals Schneiderlin went to Man United & Son to Spurs because Wenger was too indecisive
The Secret Footballer has written an interesting blog this week which is likely to tick off some Arsenal fans.

Fans of the Gunners are once again thinking that their squad is too slim, after it was announced today that Theo Walcott and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain are set to miss the club’s next three games through injury.

According to the Secret Footballer, a scout has now revealed to him that the Gunners could have sign Morgan Schneiderlin from under Man United’s nose and Son Heung-min before Spurs, but Arsene Wenger failed to pull the trigger on both deals.

Aside from Walcott and the Ox, Arsenal are also without Jack Wislhere, Danny Welbeck, Mikel Arteta, David Ospina, Aaron Ramsey and Tomas Rosicky.

Up next for the Gunners are matches against Swansea, Bayern Munich in the Champions League, and the North London Derby against Tottenham.

Below are the best bits from the Secret Footballer’s latest blog:

I met up with my friend, an Arsenal scout, last week.

We talked through players and clubs and he noted that Chelsea’s problems are all being caused by in-house feuding among the players, who are all pointing fingers at one another.

The worst, he told me, is Cesc Fabregas.

I pointed out that Tottenham Hotspur’s summer recruit, Son Heung-min, is one of the most impressive players I’ve seen at White Hart Lane since Gareth Bale.

Immediately, the scout took his phone out of his pocket and showed me a scouting report from last season. This is how it read …

* Scares the life out of defences. Feet are scarily quick, can turn in any direction.

* Keeps his shape, good discipline, counters quickly, carries the ball a long way up the pitch, aware of team-mates in better positions.

* Scores goals from great positions in the box that others don’t take up (Ljungberg). Hard to pick up and track.

* Fit, doesn’t stop working.

* Different to anything that we have in the building.


That was one of several reports he showed me that got better and better.

Arsenal watched Son almost 30 times last season, with all the scouts in agreement that the player would be a fantastic addition.

So what happened?

“It’s Arsene [Wenger],” the scout said. “He’s so indecisive it’s frightening. We had [Morgan] Schneiderlin done and dusted last January and, by the summer, the gaffer had changed his mind. Son was 100 per cent perfect for us.”

29-10-2015, 08:52 AM
Probably scared off by the last Korean striker we had. But we all knew prevarication as a Wenger trait

29-10-2015, 11:52 AM
Scout reveals Schneiderlin went to Man United & Son to Spurs because Wenger was too indecisive

By Benjamin Newman
October 28, 2015

Scout reveals Schneiderlin went to Man United & Son to Spurs because Wenger was too indecisive
The Secret Footballer has written an interesting blog this week which is likely to tick off some Arsenal fans.

Fans of the Gunners are once again thinking that their squad is too slim, after it was announced today that Theo Walcott and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain are set to miss the club’s next three games through injury.

According to the Secret Footballer, a scout has now revealed to him that the Gunners could have sign Morgan Schneiderlin from under Man United’s nose and Son Heung-min before Spurs, but Arsene Wenger failed to pull the trigger on both deals.

Aside from Walcott and the Ox, Arsenal are also without Jack Wislhere, Danny Welbeck, Mikel Arteta, David Ospina, Aaron Ramsey and Tomas Rosicky.

Up next for the Gunners are matches against Swansea, Bayern Munich in the Champions League, and the North London Derby against Tottenham.

Below are the best bits from the Secret Footballer’s latest blog:

I met up with my friend, an Arsenal scout, last week.

We talked through players and clubs and he noted that Chelsea’s problems are all being caused by in-house feuding among the players, who are all pointing fingers at one another.

The worst, he told me, is Cesc Fabregas.

I pointed out that Tottenham Hotspur’s summer recruit, Son Heung-min, is one of the most impressive players I’ve seen at White Hart Lane since Gareth Bale.

Immediately, the scout took his phone out of his pocket and showed me a scouting report from last season. This is how it read …

* Scares the life out of defences. Feet are scarily quick, can turn in any direction.

* Keeps his shape, good discipline, counters quickly, carries the ball a long way up the pitch, aware of team-mates in better positions.

* Scores goals from great positions in the box that others don’t take up (Ljungberg). Hard to pick up and track.

* Fit, doesn’t stop working.

* Different to anything that we have in the building.


That was one of several reports he showed me that got better and better.

Arsenal watched Son almost 30 times last season, with all the scouts in agreement that the player would be a fantastic addition.

So what happened?

“It’s Arsene [Wenger],” the scout said. “He’s so indecisive it’s frightening. We had [Morgan] Schneiderlin done and dusted last January and, by the summer, the gaffer had changed his mind. Son was 100 per cent perfect for us.”

So we're supposed to believe that is a scout report? There no way it would be written like that.

This is obvious click bait.

Marc Overmars
29-10-2015, 12:15 PM

WUMger's voice on the Tube. :bow:

29-10-2015, 12:19 PM
So we're supposed to believe that is a scout report? There no way it would be written like that.

This is obvious click bait.

Agreed. Some spud has cobbled that together. Don't think Schneiderlin or this other guy are what we need. What we need is a way to keep the players we already have fit.

29-10-2015, 05:34 PM
Better off playing Debuchy RB and moving Bellerend into a more advanced position.

At least you have attacking threat, and someone who will put in a defensive shift too.

I have no trust in Debuchy at all, he's a defensive liability

AFC Leveller
30-10-2015, 09:16 PM
Eintracht Frankfurt 0-0 Bayern Munich
Posted at 83 mins
We've seen this all before. Arjen Robben flops theatrically to the turf, but the referee is having none of it and shows him a yellow card.

Need to be careful of this guy next week

The Emirates Gallactico
31-10-2015, 01:00 AM
I have no trust in Debuchy at all, he's a defensive liability

Nah he's not. He's been poor recently because he's been thrust in and out of the team and expected to form a defensive unit with whoever he's been paired up with which is hard for any defender to do. Remember how poor Monreal looked when he was only given the odd game here and there when he first joined, and yet he's our most consistent player right now. If he's given a run of games (which hopefully will happen as I personally want Bellerin to move forward until Ox/Ramsey gets fit) I think we'll see the best of him again.

Bear in mind that he's a French international RB, who was preferred over Sagna by France at the world cup. In a way I kind of feel sorry for him - he finally got his move to a top club right when he's hitting his peak years but a few unfortunate injuries (one of them thanks to a needless shove by Stoke thug) and the emergence of a truly world class fullback and our best one since Cashley has ruined his career here so far.

02-11-2015, 02:49 PM
Stealing a living tbh...


02-11-2015, 03:12 PM
Arsenal forward Theo Walcott has been identified as a possible January target for Barcelona as the Spanish champions consider their options ahead of the Fifa-imposed transfer ban being lifted.

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak off Barca

02-11-2015, 03:31 PM
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak off Barca

They can take him tbf..

02-11-2015, 03:46 PM
id pay them to take him. £50 only though

02-11-2015, 03:59 PM
They can take him tbf..

I'm sure you'd have said the same about Ozil till recently...

AFC Leveller
02-11-2015, 04:57 PM
I'm sure you'd have said the same about Ozil till recently...

I was one of the people calling for Ozil to be sold last season when cesc was having a decent season and we were struggling but right now i dont think id swap him with anyone in his position, he has really stepped up and shown us what he is about.

He is 11 assist away from beating Henry's record of 20 assists.

02-11-2015, 05:18 PM
I'm sure you'd have said the same about Ozil till recently...

Yes, I did, and I would still be shouting the same thing if he was being played on the left. Who knew playing a player in the right position would work? Astonishes me..

As for Walcott, I am done with his injuries.. if Barca want a Vermaelen Part 2, they are more than welcome. He can take his buddies with him while he goes as well (Wilshere, Rosicky, Gibbs)

02-11-2015, 05:31 PM
Yes, I did, and I would still be shouting the same thing if he was being played on the left. Who knew playing a player in the right position would work? Astonishes me.
He's had the most assists of any player in the PL in the timeframe he's been with us. Not just this season, since he started with us.
It's a complete misconception that he's only just become effective.

Re: Walcott, the injuries are annoying - this is always a difficult call. I thought we should cut our losses with RvP and then he had that 30 goal season.
Walcott is an asset if he can stay fit but I agree it's an increasingly big if.

02-11-2015, 05:43 PM
He's had the most assists of any player in the PL in the timeframe he's been with us. Not just this season, since he started with us.
It's a complete misconception that he's only just become effective.

Re: Walcott, the injuries are annoying - this is always a difficult call. I thought we should cut our losses with RvP and then he had that 30 goal season.
Walcott is an asset if he can stay fit but I agree it's an increasingly big if.

Ozil reminds of Arshavin played on the wings. Arshavin made some crucial passes and scored some important goals, but he never seemed to impress over a period of time, and thats because of where he was played. Ozil luckily was brought back to his main position from the beginning of this year, or else we would still be having the conversation of 'if he is effective'. And mad props to him for proving his doubters wrong (me included).

About Walcott, he has nowhere near the technique of RVP or his skills. Walcott has two skills- he is fast and he makes good runs. His pace will go along with his injuries, so that'll leave him with his runs only. After more than a decade in which he has been on the injured list almost as long as the squads list, I do not have any more patience with him. We have invested on crocks like him many times (Diaby, Rosicky), and I think its time to be ruthless.

Master Splinter
03-11-2015, 08:50 PM
Maitland-Niles scored for Ipswich tonight.

Then went off injured.


Marc Overmars
05-11-2015, 11:07 PM
https://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12189039_10156119336220456_5965761886435212238_n.j pg?oh=732b4485a165f5721c36b29d3393a645&oe=56C14C01

https://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11167809_10156119336225456_8742277812094759207_n.j pg?oh=261ebeae84c06df854fd339de5da58b1&oe=56FAFF60

https://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12188974_10156119336265456_4706970274135419621_n.j pg?oh=5e5886c769c6936d42c8483d541a197e&oe=56B17DFB

The Emirates Gallactico
06-11-2015, 12:33 AM
Living that Bachelor life. ##

06-11-2015, 11:17 AM
The first outfit is pathetic. Rolled up jeans are not a good look on a teenager, not to mention a pensioner.

Wenger should please take the FIFA job. Tailor made for him if you excuse the pun

09-11-2015, 06:55 PM
I see that PV4 has been made the head coach of Man City's New York office...there was paper talk that we wanted to give l'ouisseau until 2019 and have the man from Dakar take his place.

10-11-2015, 03:38 AM

10-11-2015, 08:11 AM

Well you just would, wouldn't you?

10-11-2015, 08:57 AM
I'd be too scared too.

I've heard tales...

14-11-2015, 02:21 PM

Flamini gonna be raking in the cash

Xhaka Can’t
14-11-2015, 03:04 PM
Fair play to him - could potentially make him one of the richest people on the planet.

Marc Overmars
14-11-2015, 05:28 PM
Nice to hear of a footballer doing something productive with their money.

Ollie the Optimist
16-11-2015, 08:41 AM
Nice to hear of a footballer doing something productive with their money.

Just wait until he buys Kronke out and makes himself Wenger's replacement :lol:

16-11-2015, 11:13 AM
And picks himself up front.

16-11-2015, 12:01 PM


I am invisible
16-11-2015, 01:48 PM
Fair play to him - could potentially make him one of the richest people on the planet.

Flamini for owner!

16-11-2015, 07:29 PM


does not like spanish tax? Oh yeah, he will love ours! :haha:

17-11-2015, 02:09 PM
Flamini for owner!

Don't want him and his dirty/clean oil money :sulk:

17-11-2015, 05:39 PM
Wenget should be head of FIFA, best man for the job tbh

Xhaka Can’t
17-11-2015, 07:38 PM
All the World Cups would be in Austria.

And ACoN, Copa America and Gold Cups too.


17-11-2015, 08:47 PM
All the World Cups would be in Austria.

And ACoN, Copa America and Gold Cups too.


would be brilliant, Austria much closer and I can get my vodka skiing holiday in there as well

17-11-2015, 10:37 PM

Kosc :(


Xhaka Can’t
18-11-2015, 06:14 AM
would be brilliant, Austria much closer and I can get my vodka skiing holiday in there as well

You are a man who has his priorities right.

20-11-2015, 02:08 PM
Anyone seen this? :lol:

It's the video in the link, Sanchez in a new add dancing! :lol:


Xhaka Can’t
20-11-2015, 08:37 PM
Still better than my dancing.

26-11-2015, 07:56 PM
hello gw'ers, what's going on

is this place dying a slow death or what? anything to talk about apart from wenget, or shit that leads back to uncle wenget? miss denton boy

Xhaka Can’t
26-11-2015, 08:10 PM
I post a lot less on forums as a rule. The thing is with Arsenal however, is that there is hardly anything of note to talk about. The same issues repeat themselves season after season and there is little to suggest this year will be any different.

26-11-2015, 08:16 PM
I don't agree entirely with the last sentence, I've stated ad nauseum the rays of hope I see.
But with a small, static membership where most people have entrenched positions, it does get to the point where it doesn't seem like there's much more to say.

27-11-2015, 12:01 AM
I get your respective points, just a shame for the board that it's gone dead apart from the wenger in/out diatribe. any attempt at meaningful and or creative debate is stifled by the prevailing gloom surrounding the team, irrespective of current league position and two successive FA Cups.

The biggest issue for me regards the club is basically charging the highest ticket price in the PL and arguably world football and deliver naught in terms of the CL and league title. At least have the decency to lower the prices, but that's asking too much. Just feel we as fans have been taken for granted and a massive ride tbh.

.....but yeah, it's all getting really boring, whatever the positions, reasons or arguments.

Letters please go and find Denton and bring him back to brighten up this place.

27-11-2015, 12:40 AM
Hasn't it become all about Wenger though? He IS Arsenal now. There's nothing much else to talk about. I suppose we talk about the players a bit, but they are mostly injured.

27-11-2015, 06:16 AM
I try not to wade into the debate as much now, as I find it irritates me even more. I'd rather keep a certain distance as there are more important things in my life. Though try as I might, I'll never kick the bug it seems. I've shelled out for tickets yet again...though that's more about a piss up with my brother with a side show at 3pm.

This place doesn't have the banter anymore, as the people that used to post in General Chat have fucked off, and the small group we have left are more inclined to talk Arsenal....which is why we're all here really.

Not sure why the humour has dissapeared though. Too many serious and uptight people on here...

27-11-2015, 10:53 AM
Not sure why the humour has dissapeared though. Too many serious and uptight people on here...
Yes. We all miss Coney.

27-11-2015, 11:40 AM
I try not to wade into the debate as much now, as I find it irritates me even more. I'd rather keep a certain distance as there are more important things in my life. Though try as I might, I'll never kick the bug it seems. I've shelled out for tickets yet again...though that's more about a piss up with my brother with a side show at 3pm.

This place doesn't have the banter anymore, as the people that used to post in General Chat have fucked off, and the small group we have left are more inclined to talk Arsenal....which is why we're all here really.

Not sure why the humour has dissapeared though. Too many serious and uptight people on here...

Because there's an ever present crusade against what is referred to on GW as WUMming. Outside GW this is referred to as "having a laugh". Certain precious posters who probably aren't here any more complained enough to get people thrown off. One of those people, at least, used to help keep the place ticking along with his antics. But it was a laugh - that's all it was. Add to that the fact the world is going down the shitter, it rubs off. What's good out there to talk about? The last Olympics, the last World Cup, that was good stuff. Not much since. And nothing changes with Arsenal. After a while even the most energetic hamster gets bored going around the same wheel. I post here because I have no friends and nobody in the real world likes me much. Letters posts here because Wenger pays him to. FakeYank posts because he has a Dreyfuss like obsession with Monsieur Wenger. And so on. Others pop in when something worth saying crops up, which is getting rare. Maybe when we all get our Christmas names it will be more cheerful. But even then, Letters won't let me have the one I want so that ruins it a bit. Mr Singh was funny. I liked him. We could do with getting Charlie back I suppose, or at least his cousin. Much of the humour involved laughing at him.

27-11-2015, 11:41 AM
Yes. We all miss Coney.

Coney died in the 70s FFS. Just after he got his telegram from the queen.

27-11-2015, 11:42 AM
Crusade :lol:

27-11-2015, 11:43 AM
Crusade :lol:

Crusade I say.

27-11-2015, 10:09 PM
I see Derby are now top of the championship until tomorrow at least, genuinely think Paul Clement is potential top manager having worked with Ancelotti at Chelsea, PSG and Real.
Potential successor to Wenger even

27-11-2015, 10:35 PM
I see Derby are now top of the championship until tomorrow at least, genuinely think Paul Clement is potential top manager having worked with Ancelotti at Chelsea, PSG and Real.
Potential successor to Wenger even

He'll be older than Coney by the time Wenger leaves.

27-11-2015, 11:59 PM
I....I don't know how old he is

28-11-2015, 12:56 PM


Couldn't have done this when Bergkamp was playing for us.

AFC Leveller
28-11-2015, 05:11 PM
there is money in the bank, might as well spend it properly.

as the yanks say, if you've got it, flaunt it.

28-11-2015, 06:49 PM


Couldn't have done this when Bergkamp was playing for us.

Excellent. Leave the plane idling for the return flight.

03-12-2015, 09:50 AM


Couldn't have done this when Bergkamp was playing for us.

I'm just pleased our pampered players were rested by not having an arduous road trip, and thus able to get the result we wanted.

03-12-2015, 12:54 PM
I'm just pleased our pampered players were rested by not having an arduous road trip, and thus able to get the result we wanted.

03-12-2015, 01:58 PM


Couldn't have done this when Bergkamp was playing for us.

Didn't help us then, that's what you call a waste of money :run:

03-12-2015, 02:00 PM
I'm just pleased our pampered players were rested by not having an arduous road trip, and thus able to get the result we wanted.

We've known for years are players are pampered way too much by Wenger, probably explains why they lack stomach for the fight and why when the going gets tough they generally go missing.

03-12-2015, 04:53 PM
We've known for years are players are pampered way too much by Wenger, probably explains why they lack stomach for the fight and why when the going gets tough they generally go missing.

That isn't a problem unique to Arsenal. It's ridiculous how top players are molly-coddled these days.

03-12-2015, 05:27 PM
Fergie chucking a boot in Beckham's face. Should be a requisite technique for the coaching badge.

09-12-2015, 02:51 PM

Japan Shaking All Over
15-12-2015, 06:44 PM
Surely it's time to get that crowd favourite January transfer window rumour thread up and running???

The Emirates Gallactico
16-12-2015, 02:51 PM
Pretty awkard Q&A with Thierry and Agent Cesc yesterday. :lol:


Xhaka Can’t
16-12-2015, 10:11 PM
Got two tickets for the Southampton match.

Tried to get tickets for Leicester and its sold out for Silver Members already!

16-12-2015, 11:23 PM
Got two tickets for the Southampton match.

Tried to get tickets for Leicester and its sold out for Silver Members already!

Will you sell them to me? :)

At this point, Ill most likely be in London during the Leicester game but I am not certain Ill get tickets for that. I might look at stopping at London earlier if there is a definite possibility of getting the Southampton tickets.

16-12-2015, 11:39 PM
Any chance we can get this guy on a watch list?

16-12-2015, 11:47 PM
Any chance we can get this guy on a watch list?

Watch list for tickets to the games? Great idea..

Xhaka Can’t
16-12-2015, 11:51 PM
Any chance we can get this guy on a watch list?

Sorry that list is full, but there's space on the hit list.

17-12-2015, 04:07 AM
He's making a list, checking it once
Put FakeYank on the list full of cunts

17-12-2015, 07:48 AM
Maybe he could come and watch the game in a pub? It could be his curse is only effective in the stadium itself.
Although I'm not sure I could stand him chanting "De-fence. De-fence" every time we lose the ball, like an American spaz.

17-12-2015, 07:53 AM
I am not too keen to watch it in the stadium tbh.. its the Mrs who wants to watch Arsenal and may she will bring different luck! Ever since I have started seeing her, we have won 2 trophies in 2 seasons. So may be her presence will mean we will win the PL!! :)

EDIT: We have also retained the Emirates cup, so it is imperative we all find tickets for us! :lol:

The Emirates Gallactico
13-01-2016, 03:05 AM
Major news coming out of the US tonight which could have serious implications for the club. Our much beloved majority owner Stan Kroenke who also owns the NFL team the St Louis Rams has won his battle to relocate his team from the city of St Louis to LA, which is 2,000 miles away. Consquentially they'll be call the "Los Angeles Rams" from here onwards.



Pretty cuntish move done probably purely for money reasons as LA is a bigger market than St Louis. Now whilst I don't think Kroenke would ever harbour any dreams of relocating Arsenal away from North London (it's not a practice common place here unlike in the NFL where it happens all the time), the worry is that he has promised to build a brand new spanking stadium in LA for the relocation (which is how he got approval for the move), costing many millions of dollars which has to be financed somehow. The dickhead is already skimming £3 million a year in bogus "consulting fees" out of the club so I wouldn't put it past him to start diverting larger sums of money out of the club towards this new stadium project in LA.

The guy is a fucking parasite and the sooner he's forced out the club the better tbh. Unfortunately, our only other option right now seems to be Usmanov who while less likely to leech money out of the club, is also throughly unpleasant figure with a large chunk of his business dealings associated with criminality.

13-01-2016, 08:15 AM
He'll probably get a stack load of investors and loan the rest, there won't be enough coming out of here that would sustain the payments for that new stadium and keep us ticking over.

And Usmanov is not the answer. Remember the time when Kroenke was the 'good' guy and the Russian was ISIS? How that perception has changed with fans over the years, due to the American's actions and the innate wish for something different fans pine for. No billionaire is the answer for the club. They are all here for one reason. But we're stuck with them for the foreseeable future while the current influx of money in the game remains intact. Passed from one to the other when they've optimised their opportunity to maximise their investment.

13-01-2016, 08:59 AM
They may both have the same moniker "billionaire but they are not in the same league of capability. Usmanov is worth about 10 times what Kroenke can lay claim to. He also wont take a penny out of the club. He is that rich. To him Arsenal will be the same as Chelsea is to Abramovich. A nice mega Ferrari that he can show off to his friends on the weekends. We will be a different club under Usmanov no doubt. We may not like his ilk but he is not the same as Kroenke, who can be aptly described as a "scrounger" billionaire.

Lets all dip our hands in or pockets and buy the pair of them out of the club.

13-01-2016, 09:26 AM
Sounds like a choice between a leech or a sugar-daddy.
Ug. How did this happen? :(

Footballe :rose:

13-01-2016, 10:46 AM
Major news coming out of the US tonight which could have serious implications for the club. Our much beloved majority owner Stan Kroenke who also owns the NFL team the St Louis Rams has won his battle to relocate his team from the city of St Louis to LA, which is 2,000 miles away. Consquentially they'll be call the "Los Angeles Rams" from here onwards.



Pretty cuntish move done probably purely for money reasons as LA is a bigger market than St Louis. Now whilst I don't think Kroenke would ever harbour any dreams of relocating Arsenal away from North London (it's not a practice common place here unlike in the NFL where it happens all the time), the worry is that he has promised to build a brand new spanking stadium in LA for the relocation (which is how he got approval for the move), costing many millions of dollars which has to be financed somehow. The dickhead is already skimming £3 million a year in bogus "consulting fees" out of the club so I wouldn't put it past him to start diverting larger sums of money out of the club towards this new stadium project in LA.

The guy is a fucking parasite and the sooner he's forced out the club the better tbh. Unfortunately, our only other option right now seems to be Usmanov who while less likely to leech money out of the club, is also throughly unpleasant figure with a large chunk of his business dealings associated with criminality.

They were originally the LA Rams so in effect they are going home. In the '80s LA had two franchises, the Rams and the Raiders. Then the Rams pissed off to St Louis and the Raiders to Oakland so it makes a lot of sense a city the size of LA gets a franchise back. This will obviously be mainly concerned with cash, but there are probably other reasons too. Haven't followed the story but wouldn't jump two-footed into any conclusions either.

Marc Overmars
13-01-2016, 10:59 AM
He'll probably get a stack load of investors and loan the rest, there won't be enough coming out of here that would sustain the payments for that new stadium and keep us ticking over.

And Usmanov is not the answer. Remember the time when Kroenke was the 'good' guy and the Russian was ISIS? How that perception has changed with fans over the years, due to the American's actions and the innate wish for something different fans pine for. No billionaire is the answer for the club. They are all here for one reason. But we're stuck with them for the foreseeable future while the current influx of money in the game remains intact. Passed from one to the other when they've optimised their opportunity to maximise their investment.

Trust us to get stuck with the one billionaire owner who's tight as fuck.

The Emirates Gallactico
13-01-2016, 11:11 AM
He'll probably get a stack load of investors and loan the rest, there won't be enough coming out of here that would sustain the payments for that new stadium and keep us ticking over.

And Usmanov is not the answer. Remember the time when Kroenke was the 'good' guy and the Russian was ISIS? How that perception has changed with fans over the years, due to the American's actions and the innate wish for something different fans pine for. No billionaire is the answer for the club. They are all here for one reason. But we're stuck with them for the foreseeable future while the current influx of money in the game remains intact. Passed from one to the other when they've optimised their opportunity to maximise their investment.

True that. The only way Kroenke can really make big money out of us is through selling up - £3 million a year in sham "consulting fees" is merely pocket change to him and wouldn't be enough to even dig the foundations of a new stadium.

We're in the same situation as United. With both of us being self sufficient mega clubs, we really don't need parasitical owners however that's exactly what we've both ended up with. In an ideal world a non criminal/dodgy Abramovich type figure would be perfect. Someone who's personally invested in the on-field perfmances and who's rich enough to not take money out of the club. Thing is with Kroenke, he wouldn't even give a shit if we finished 17th every year as long as the value of his shares didn't decline.

Also to update, the BBC are reporting that the new stadium in LA will cost £1.29 billion and he also has to pay a £311 million "relocation fee", so in total around £1.6 billion. :wacko::wacko:


As Global kind of alludes to, Kroenke isn't really that cash rich - most of his wealth is tied up in his sports clubs, so it'd be a monumental challenge for him to raise that. I expect a flurry of sponsorship deals and as you point to, loans.

They were originally the LA Rams so in effect they are going home. In the '80s LA had two franchises, the Rams and the Raiders. Then the Rams pissed off to St Louis and the Raiders to Oakland so it makes a lot of sense a city the size of LA gets a franchise back. This will obviously be mainly concerned with cash, but there are probably other reasons too. Haven't followed the story but wouldn't jump two-footed into any conclusions either.

Yeah, googled it and you're right though apparently before they were in LA they were in Cleveland so technically I suppose that's their original home.


NFL teams :doh:

Why can't they stay in one place? Terrible sporting culture tbh.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
13-01-2016, 12:05 PM
It has always been a lesser of the evils scenario.

13-01-2016, 12:21 PM
True that. The only way Kroenke can really make big money out of us is through selling up - £3 million a year in sham "consulting fees" is merely pocket change to him and wouldn't be enough to even dig the foundations of a new stadium.

We're in the same situation as United. With both of us being self sufficient mega clubs, we really don't need parasitical owners however that's exactly what we've both ended up with. In an ideal world a non criminal/dodgy Abramovich type figure would be perfect. Someone who's personally invested in the on-field perfmances and who's rich enough to not take money out of the club. Thing is with Kroenke, he wouldn't even give a shit if we finished 17th every year as long as the value of his shares didn't decline.

Also to update, the BBC are reporting that the new stadium in LA will cost £1.29 billion and he also has to pay a £311 million "relocation fee", so in total around £1.6 billion. :wacko::wacko:


As Global kind of alludes to, Kroenke isn't really that cash rich - most of his wealth is tied up in his sports clubs, so it'd be a monumental challenge for him to raise that. I expect a flurry of sponsorship deals and as you point to, loans.

Yeah, googled it and you're right though apparently before they were in LA they were in Cleveland so technically I suppose that's their original home.


NFL teams :doh:

Why can't they stay in one place? Terrible sporting culture tbh.

Goldman Sachs are quite big players in this sort of stadium move thing and I've read that this stadium would be shared by two teams, so effectively halving the costs for each owner.

13-01-2016, 04:25 PM
Playing on the Word Play app and insisted on ignorantly using the word "moran" all day, wondering why it's being declined.

On the train home and it's then, only just clicked :wwf:

AFC Leveller
19-01-2016, 10:16 AM
Does anyone else feel we should go all out to sign get Guardiola? i know City are favourites but so what? if no one else makes an approach then of course they are favourites. We have talked about missing big opportunities over the last few years whether it was the chance to sign a particular player or the chance to gain ground on our rivals etc and we cannot keep missing big opportunties when they come our way. He used to come to London colney and watch Wenger at work, he would probably choose london over manchester and we can defnitely match his ambition. Wenger always says he wants the best for the club and this is the time for him to step aside and convince Pep to join us.

Marc Overmars
19-01-2016, 11:22 AM
He would be the ideal choice but I'm a bit wary of how he'd cope without unlimited funds and a ready made selection of some of the best players in the world. Though you can't argue that he'd command the respect of every single player and we'd probably be an even bigger draw for potential top signings.

Unless the fairy tale scenario of us winning the league and Wenger walking off into the sunset happens this year, we are going to miss the boat on Guardiola.

Power n Glory
19-01-2016, 11:33 AM
Monreal just signed a new contract. We deserved. Solid player and happy to see him get some credit.

AFC Leveller
19-01-2016, 11:49 AM
He would be the ideal choice but I'm a bit wary of how he'd cope without unlimited funds and a ready made selection of some of the best players in the world. Though you can't argue that he'd command the respect of every single player and we'd probably be an even bigger draw for potential top signings.

Unless the fairy tale scenario of us winning the league and Wenger walking off into the sunset happens this year, we are going to miss the boat on Guardiola.

What he had at Barcelona was something special and although he didnt spend millions, he had homegrown world class players and his coaching did the rest. We are not that far off IMO, we need a world class striker and a proper CM to really push on and with Guardiola at the helm we'd be one of the big boys in Europe. We have plenty of money in the bank, we have about 70% of the side already built, things are definitely not that bad.

Power n Glory
19-01-2016, 01:31 PM
What he had at Barcelona was something special and although he didnt spend millions, he had homegrown world class players and his coaching did the rest. We are not that far off IMO, we need a world class striker and a proper CM to really push on and with Guardiola at the helm we'd be one of the big boys in Europe. We have plenty of money in the bank, we have about 70% of the side already built, things are definitely not that bad.

I think we need more than a striker and CM to be honest. I don't think Kos and Merts have that long left as first choice CB's. We'll need replacements soon. Flamini and Arteta have nothing left after this season so we need some DM cover. I'm not sure what Wenger has planned for the new kid from Egypt. I also think the writings on the wall for Theo and Welbeck. I can't see a new manager persevering with them as first team options.

19-01-2016, 01:46 PM
Would prefer Simeone to Guardiola personally, couldn't stand having to watch that tippy tappy sh*t. Be strange if he left Bayern without winnng the CL, his predecessor managed it.

19-01-2016, 01:57 PM
If Kroenke really wants to maximise his asset he should go after Pep right away. having Pep as your manager could easily add 500m to the asking proce.

Power n Glory
19-01-2016, 02:15 PM
Would prefer Simeone to Guardiola personally, couldn't stand having to watch that tippy tappy sh*t. Be strange if he left Bayern without winnng the CL, his predecessor managed it.

Was never impressed with Pep's move to Bayern to be honest. The way they've dismantled Dortmund with the poaching of their two best players hasn't impressed me either. Would have been more impressed if he took a challenging team to championship level not a defending team.

19-01-2016, 05:13 PM
I am still not sold on Pep.. and frankly I'd take a Koeman, Simeone, Klopp or an up and coming manager over him any day.

19-01-2016, 05:40 PM
I wouldn't turn down Pep at all but Slaven Bilic I like the look of a lot. But something tells me he'd have principles and wouldn't quit West Ham for Arsenal.

19-01-2016, 07:43 PM
Was never impressed with Pep's move to Bayern to be honest. The way they've dismantled Dortmund with the poaching of their two best players hasn't impressed me either. Would have been more impressed if he took a challenging team to championship level not a defending team.

Yeah the Bayern move was a strange one, they were already dominant and of course won the treble the season before it joined, there was nothing to achieve with them, it was an easy job to walk into and I don't think he's made them any better.

Shaqiri Is Boss
19-01-2016, 07:46 PM
I am still not sold on Pep.. and frankly I'd take a Koeman, Simeone, Klopp or an up and coming manager over him any day.


19-01-2016, 07:51 PM

Best British manager beside Big Sam and Coyle.

McNamara That Ghost...
19-01-2016, 08:01 PM
Guardiola? Yes please.

19-01-2016, 10:59 PM
Guardiola? Yes please.

This. Someone mentioned Simeone but don't his teams play a lot like Mourinho's? Am I missing something?

19-01-2016, 11:06 PM
This. Someone mentioned Simeone but don't his teams play a lot like Mourinho's? Am I missing something?

I don't think Simeone would be a good fit here at all.

19-01-2016, 11:33 PM
This. Someone mentioned Simeone but don't his teams play a lot like Mourinho's? Am I missing something?

Physical and not the most pleasing on the eye. They press hard at the right times, defend deep and shift the ball into attack very quickly. It's aggressive, direct football. They're a great antidote to the dominating success of wanker clubs like Barca and Madrid but basically it's just a slightly more evolved style of Maureen's turgid style.

20-01-2016, 08:38 AM
Physical and not the most pleasing on the eye. They press hard at the right times, defend deep and shift the ball into attack very quickly. It's aggressive, direct football. They're a great antidote to the dominating success of wanker clubs like Barca and Madrid but basically it's just a slightly more evolved style of Maureen's turgid style.

So No then?

20-01-2016, 09:20 AM
Guardiola's teams are boring as hell to watch, he's obsessed with tippy tappy football, we don't want to go down that road again.

Power n Glory
20-01-2016, 09:35 AM
Yeah the Bayern move was a strange one, they were already dominant and of course won the treble the season before it joined, there was nothing to achieve with them, it was an easy job to walk into and I don't think he's made them any better.

That was my initial reaction. It's even less impressive because of the way they dismantled and disrupted their main title rivals to stay on top.

20-01-2016, 09:37 AM
So No then?

Resoundenly. Unless we want to become the Chelsea of Norf Landan.

20-01-2016, 10:30 AM
Guardiola's teams are boring as hell to watch, he's obsessed with tippy tappy football, we don't want to go down that road again.
His tippy tappy football has an end product to it Zim, Wenger's does, at times. See the mauling we gave to United when we effectively controlled the game from the first minute to the last. That's what Pep would bring but it wouldn't be a one off.

Tbh, he should relish the chance of joining us. Everything is in place for him to outrank even Fergie.

Power n Glory
20-01-2016, 12:51 PM
Not sure we have the players for tika taka. I think certain players will struggle to control the ball and make the right passing option.

20-01-2016, 01:20 PM
I dont think the current Bayern team play tiki-taka. He would fit right in here coach the clumsiness out of wasters like Ramsey, Walcott, Ox and Wilshere(when available)

The Emirates Gallactico
21-01-2016, 06:11 PM
New financial figures came out today.

We make the most money from matchday in the entire world now - not that surprising considering the price of our tickets. It's more than Real, Barca, Bayern and Utd!


Yet we're only 7th in total revenue because our sponsorship deals pale in comparison to theirs!! They're better than they used to be but it's still not enough. We're behind Liverpool ffs in commercial revenue despite having been more successful than them for two decades now and having comparable global fanbases (if not ours greater now).

For one, I don't understand why we don't have an exclusive training kit sponsor - that could be at least another 10 million a year right there alone. We really should be leveraging our immense global popularity a lot more by signing a raft of shithouses sponsorship deals the way United have.

Not that I ever think they would reduce ticket prices but sorting it out could at least fix ticket prices indefinitely (instead of increasing them every other year).

Power n Glory
21-01-2016, 07:22 PM
I dont think the current Bayern team play tiki-taka. He would fit right in here coach the clumsiness out of wasters like Ramsey, Walcott, Ox and Wilshere(when available)

You think he has the patience to coach technique into these players that fall short of his philosophy? He's used to just shipping out the wasters and buying a replacement. I'm not sure he'd stick around long enough to get the required results from such players or we'r we'd even have the funds to support him. One thing I don't what is a short term coach looking to stroke an English league and trophy off his checklist and then move on. We can't afford a coach that's looking to burn up our resources and then jump ship.

21-01-2016, 07:43 PM
You think he has the patience to coach technique into these players that fall short of his philosophy? He's used to just shipping out the wasters and buying a replacement. I'm not sure he'd stick around long enough to get the required results from such players or we'r we'd even have the funds to support him. One thing I don't what is a short term coach looking to stroke an English league and trophy off his checklist and then move on. We can't afford a coach that's looking to burn up our resources and then jump ship.

As much as I like Pep, that's exactly what I think he is ..... a junkie coach, comes in ...sells the family silver to get his fix and off he goes to the next house. I want a coach who would be grateful for the opportunity to manage our club and committed to creating his own long term legacy.

McNamara That Ghost...
21-01-2016, 07:48 PM
Those days are gone, Wenger is the last one.

21-01-2016, 07:51 PM
Those days are gone, Wenger is the last one.

at least a half way house measure, none of this 2-3 year cycle ...at least a 5-10 year coach

McNamara That Ghost...
21-01-2016, 07:54 PM
That's the thing also, unless success is achieved within those first two years, I can't see many coaches lasting 5-10 years, maybe Simeone is the only other one but he'll leave Atleti soon I imagine.

The Emirates Gallactico
21-01-2016, 08:15 PM
Provided things don't go fully tits up at Pool, I expect Klopp to last between 5 - 10 years as well.

Probably Pardew as well.

But yep, Maccy's right. The days of Wenger and Fergie building dynasties at a club for 20+ years are long gone.

Power n Glory
21-01-2016, 08:36 PM
We don't and shouldn't manage our clubs like the super minted clubs out there that are trigger happy. We shouldn't get sucked into thinking managers don't want stability and trophy whores like Pep and José are the standard. Not impressed with how Pep has announced that he's leaving Bayern mid season and invited a bidding war for his services. Plus creating uncertainty at other clubs. Fuck him. I agree with Wenger's comments on this one.

He hasn't even surpassed the previous managers record or elevated Bayern beyond that level. I won't cry if he doesn't come here and I think we should avoid him unless he states he wants to build a legacy and stay for the long haul. Otherwise we shouldn't even entertain the idea.