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09-07-2012, 11:33 AM
If you haven't read today's Arseblog (or follow Santos on Twitter)

André Santos!!! ‏@Andre_Santos27 (https://twitter.com/Andre_Santos27)Hi Guys, just landed in Heathrow! I was missing this place, 1st training of the season tomorrow, I can't wait )

Yossi Benayoun ‏@YossiBenayoun15 (https://twitter.com/YossiBenayoun15)
@Andre_Santos27 (https://twitter.com/Andre_Santos27) welcome my friend!! Regards and good luck

André Santos!!! ‏@Andre_Santos27 (https://twitter.com/Andre_Santos27)
@YossiBenayoun15 (https://twitter.com/YossiBenayoun15) back on track, see you tomorrow Pal. Hope you're well :-)

Yossi Benayoun ‏@YossiBenayoun15 (https://twitter.com/YossiBenayoun15)
@Andre_Santos27 (https://twitter.com/Andre_Santos27) amigooo..you will see me tomorrow only if you have my picture☺..

Santos :doh:

He truly is the new Eboue.

Ollie the Optimist
09-07-2012, 11:35 AM
all he needs now is a tiger suit

09-07-2012, 12:06 PM
all he needs now is a tiger suit

I don't think they do them in XXL

09-07-2012, 12:12 PM
I don't think they do them in XXL

I will take the pie-size please

09-07-2012, 02:15 PM
Thomas Vermaelen ‏@T_Vermaelen05
Holidays are finished. Back in business today!


09-07-2012, 02:19 PM
I don't think they do them in XXL



She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 05:19 PM
apparently around 20,000 season tickets have not been renewed for the upcoming season. people in the waiting list as far down as 15,000 have been offered season tickets and so have those who have not been long on the list.

the tides turning.

09-07-2012, 06:16 PM
apparently around 20,000 season tickets have not been renewed for the upcoming season. people in the waiting list as far down as 15,000 have been offered season tickets and so have those who have not been long on the list.

the tides turning.

That can't be right, can it? 20,000 is a third of the stadium capacity.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:33 PM
That can't be right, can it? 20,000 is a third of the stadium capacity.

there's roughly 35k ST holders and people as far down as 15k were offered ST's. we know that for certain.

the idea that 20,000 people rejected ST's seems inflated to suit an agenda so id take that with a pinch of salt. i reckon it's probably half of that but that's still quite a bit.

09-07-2012, 06:33 PM
apparently around 20,000 season tickets have not been renewed for the upcoming season. people in the waiting list as far down as 15,000 have been offered season tickets and so have those who have not been long on the list.

the tides turning.

Where is this information from?

09-07-2012, 06:36 PM
there's roughly 35k ST holders and people as far down as 15k were offered ST's. we know that for certain.

the idea that 20,000 people rejected ST's seems inflated to suit an agenda so id take that with a pinch of salt. i reckon it's probably half of that but that's still quite a bit.

Interesting. That does seem a lot.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Where is this information from?

there's an Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting going on at the moment so im following various bloggers who are updating their twitter with all the information. AST are meeting with ivan gazidis next week apparently. should be interesting.

EDIT: they're meeting gazidis on friday.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:42 PM
they've done surveys revealing AST members' views.

82% think Red and White holdings should be invited to the board.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:43 PM
77% support wenger to remain as manager.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:44 PM
72% think dein should be reinstated on the board.

60% agree with the self sustaining model.

some interesting results so far.

09-07-2012, 06:45 PM
77% are pretty stupid

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:46 PM
AST say they will continue to pressure for change of direction at club. many are anti-kroenke but that doesn't necessarily mean they are pro-usmanov.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:48 PM
76% say its more important to qualify for champions league than win league cup or fa cup.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:50 PM
next arsenal statue vote:

bergkamp wins with 41% of vote. rocastle second with 14%.

09-07-2012, 06:53 PM
Wenger :lol:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:54 PM
according to Nigel Phillips the spare cash is put towards champions league pot just in case we miss out so it doesn't affect us too much.

one AST member says that according to gazidis we must hold out for 2 more years until the two big commercial deals are renewed and tv deal renegotiated. this will bring in an extra £70m potentially. may provide answers for lack of transfers.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:55 PM
we could afford 200k a week for van persie but chose not to. however the new contract offered was the best ever contract offered to any arsenal player.


She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:57 PM
Pedro says that within 2 years we'll be earning an additional £70m in tv and sponsorship. backs up what was mentioned earlier.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 06:58 PM
if we did not make champions league we would have made a loss of £40m+ prior to player sales.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:01 PM
chamakh is on 70k a week. rvp is on 85k a week. shows how distorted our wage structure is.

09-07-2012, 07:07 PM
we could afford 200k a week for van persie but chose not to. however the new contract offered was the best ever contract offered to any arsenal player.


I reckon our offer was over £150k, considering Henry was near £150k AFAIK.

And about Chamakh being on 70k, it's because he was a free transfer. He would've been worth over £5m at the time but supposing we paid a £5m transfer fee + 45-50k a week wages - off the top of my head I think that's equivalent to 70k a week free transfer.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:09 PM
suggestions that R&W could pay off stadium debt as this doesnt count towards FFP rules but they'll want a return obviously. current board dont want anything to do with them. FFP allows loss on training grounds and stadiums. you can also invest unlimited amount on developing youth except on transfer fees.

kroenke's self sustaining model is to make money out of the club.

09-07-2012, 07:12 PM
You can download the full results of the survey and trends from the bottom of the page here: http://news.arseblog.com/2012/07/ast-survey-results-good-for-wenger-not-so-hot-for-stan/

09-07-2012, 07:14 PM
The survey was also taken before Van Persie announced he was going to leave. I think a lot would feel differently right now.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:16 PM
I reckon our offer was over £150k, considering Henry was near £150k AFAIK.

And about Chamakh being on 70k, it's because he was a free transfer. He would've been worth over £5m at the time but supposing we paid a £5m transfer fee + 45-50k a week wages - off the top of my head I think that's equivalent to 70k a week free transfer.

yeah that's right about chamakh. thats pretty much what was explained but i couldnt be arsed to type it all out.

regarding rvp, AST want deadline set to end negotiations and then ship him off. but obviously clubs know he wants to leave so it may run into late august.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:18 PM
AST want to know if RVP will be sold to highest bidder or if footballing factors come into play. meeting with gazidis on friday will hopefully shed light.

Ollie the Optimist
09-07-2012, 07:19 PM
according to Nigel Phillips the spare cash is put towards champions league pot just in case we miss out so it doesn't affect us too much.

which in theory is actually quite sensible. it means if it odes happen we dont suddenly lose players becasue we cant afford to pay them etc and do a leeds. it does however sacrifice short term success for long term stability which imo is the right thing to do.

Ollie the Optimist
09-07-2012, 07:20 PM
The survey was also taken before Van Persie announced he was going to leave. I think a lot would feel differently right now.

i think this shows just how much damage van persie has done. before there was more optimism, we seemed to be moving forward and strenghtening and now we are back to where we were last august all because of one statement

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:27 PM
its gone quiet on their end so im guessing the meetings pretty much concluded.

so AST will meet with gazidis at the end of the week and will put forth all results/views. they are ultimately viewed as the first port of call between fans and club so their view is taken seriously by the board.

interesting is the pot put towards champions league in case we miss out; sensible planning as ollie says. another interesting part was that we're pretty much sticking with the tight budgets for another 2 years until the new deals are negotiated, but after that, our revenue sky rockets. hopefully this will be reflected in transfers. it also explains why wenger sells every summer to create a budget for incoming players.

09-07-2012, 07:35 PM
another interesting part was that we're pretty much sticking with the tight budgets for another 2 years until the new deals are negotiated, but after that, our revenue sky rockets. hopefully this will be reflected in transfers. it also explains why wenger sells every summer to create a budget for incoming players.

I have a feeling Wenger is operating on a tight budget but I don't accept that (crap sponsorship/marketing deals) as a reason. If you know you're going to be hitting a lot more money in a couple of years, that doesn't mean you can't start spending now.

Ollie the Optimist
09-07-2012, 07:50 PM
I have a feeling Wenger is operating on a tight budget but I don't accept that (crap sponsorship/marketing deals) as a reason. If you know you're going to be hitting a lot more money in a couple of years, that doesn't mean you can't start spending now.

it kinda does though, you cant spend what you dont have. im going to use myself as an example here, i was meant to be working on a theatre job this week that was going to pay me x amount, this was agreed six weeks ago so i booked a couple of trips to see friends because i knew i had the money coming in. i then broke my wrist and now cant work, so i spent the money i thought i would earn and now havnt earnt it. therefore im in a loss, and have no money damaging me long term.

so just because we have sponsorship deals up for renewal does not guarentee us the money so we shouldnt spend it because for whatever reason the sponsorship deals might not happen.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
09-07-2012, 07:55 PM
I have a feeling Wenger is operating on a tight budget but I don't accept that (crap sponsorship/marketing deals) as a reason. If you know you're going to be hitting a lot more money in a couple of years, that doesn't mean you can't start spending now.

he's definetly on a tight budget but that makes his decisions even worse; wenger knew we had serious cash impediments yet still signed poor players and put them on big wages. he also put youth players on bumper contracts which has ultimately cost us. it was the last thing we needed when our finances were so tight; it has messed everything up and will take years to sort out, made worse by the fact we can't shift some of the players.

as for our spending, this is where people are calling for kroenke to put some money into the club but he won't; he's been sold the self-sustaining model and wants to milk every penny out of us before he sells. as i said in another thread, i have a feeling he'll sell in 2014; we'll renegotiate the tv and sponsorship deals, and wengers contract will expire. the value of the club will have risen and a new owner even has the autonomy to pick the new manager. this makes us more attractive.

kroenke could easily make a transfer pot of £30m available on top of what we already have in order to give us a serious boost towards the title. he could make that back through merchandise sales and potential prize money, but he's happy sticking with what he knows and not taking what he views as unmitigated risks.

09-07-2012, 09:25 PM
it kinda does though, you cant spend what you dont have. im going to use myself as an example here, i was meant to be working on a theatre job this week that was going to pay me x amount, this was agreed six weeks ago so i booked a couple of trips to see friends because i knew i had the money coming in. i then broke my wrist and now cant work, so i spent the money i thought i would earn and now havnt earnt it. therefore im in a loss, and have no money damaging me long term.

At our (individual) level we are credit-constrained. When we're talking about one of the world's richest clubs valued at over a billion dollars the same doesn't apply. Nobody's worrying about collateral. Arsenal can pull the cash out of anywhere.

I'm not saying there aren't legitimate reasons as to why we're not spending more money in transfers/wages. But I am saying that 'waiting for sponsorship deals to end' isn't how a billion-dollar company operates. (Sorry for using the 'dollar' but £800m doesn't quite have the same shock factor).

so just because we have sponsorship deals up for renewal does not guarentee us the money so we shouldnt spend it because for whatever reason the sponsorship deals might not happen.

Of course the sponsorship deals will happen. Things move quickly in sport but our worst case scenario is 'doing a Liverpool'. We'll still remain a big club with worldwide appeal and we'll tie up a lucrative sponsorship deal.

09-07-2012, 09:42 PM
I have a feeling Wenger is operating on a tight budget but I don't accept that (crap sponsorship/marketing deals) as a reason. If you know you're going to be hitting a lot more money in a couple of years, that doesn't mean you can't start spending now.

Wenger's an economist so he must know about consumption smoothing.

09-07-2012, 09:51 PM
Well yeah. I just didn't want to sound like a douche. ;)

09-07-2012, 09:56 PM
it kinda does though, you cant spend what you dont have. im going to use myself as an example here, i was meant to be working on a theatre job this week that was going to pay me x amount, this was agreed six weeks ago so i booked a couple of trips to see friends because i knew i had the money coming in. i then broke my wrist and now cant work, so i spent the money i thought i would earn and now havnt earnt it. therefore im in a loss, and have no money damaging me long term.

so just because we have sponsorship deals up for renewal does not guarentee us the money so we shouldnt spend it because for whatever reason the sponsorship deals might not happen.

At least we should be able to spend what we make. We do not even do that! If our football is going to pay for our business model then every mother fucker who voted 'for' the move to Emirates need to be shot in the nuts!

10-07-2012, 01:25 PM


10-07-2012, 01:26 PM

Steve Bould, Steve Bould, Stevie Stevie Bould. He's got no hair, but we don't care. Stevie, Stevie Bould.


10-07-2012, 01:41 PM

10-07-2012, 01:45 PM
http://www.arsenal.com/assets/_files/scaled/498x326/jul_12/zp_148179511SM030_Arsenal_Tra_copy_2451.jpg?ic=428 c96T


McNamara That Ghost...
10-07-2012, 01:46 PM

Steve Bould, Steve Bould, Stevie Stevie Bould. He's got no hair, but we don't care. Stevie, Stevie Bould.


Where are the cones?

Also, the pictures on Arsenal.com show players doing weight training. :faint: Not that the weights are particularly big.

10-07-2012, 01:47 PM
Where are the cones?

Pat stole them :sulk:

10-07-2012, 01:48 PM
Also, Diaby is running :faint:

10-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Also, Diaby is running :faint:

That picture was taken literally seconds before he pulled up with a hamstring injury and he will be out for "3 weeks" in Wenger speak.

A season for the rest of us

10-07-2012, 01:50 PM
http://www.arsenal.com/assets/_files/scaled/498x326/jul_12/zp_148179511SM030_Arsenal_Tra_copy_2451.jpg?ic=428 c96T


Gervinho there running in the wrong direction

10-07-2012, 01:52 PM
I assume the tall guy with the Neymar haircut is Pedro?

10-07-2012, 01:52 PM
Gnabry :bow:

The next big thing.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-07-2012, 01:52 PM
Chakma. :haha:

Diaby, do your thing.

Ollie the Optimist
10-07-2012, 01:56 PM
anyone hear the rumours going round about chakma bedding 20 women in one night in vegas?

becoming a proper GHEL

10-07-2012, 01:57 PM
Gnabry :bow:

The next big thing.

Which one's he?

McNamara That Ghost...
10-07-2012, 01:57 PM
anyone hear the rumours going round about chakma bedding 20 women in one night in vegas?

becoming a proper GHEL

If he staves off illness from that, we're never getting rid of him.

10-07-2012, 01:58 PM
i love the ones with the guys who's numbers are 30+ this is the only time we ever see them

10-07-2012, 01:58 PM
Which one's he?

I think he's the guy that Flavs was on about. Tall, stupid hair, on the left.

Not sure though.

Supposed to be good. Probably see him in the Carling Cup this year.

10-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Kyle Bartley's back it would seem.

Also, where's Myachi?

10-07-2012, 05:38 PM
Also, where's Myachi?

Is that the Asian version of Where's Wally?



10-07-2012, 06:25 PM
Arsenal to switch kit supplier to Adidas as of 2013/14

10-07-2012, 06:38 PM
Presumably for a truck of money?

Xhaka Can’t
10-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Presumably for a truck of money?

11th richest deal in EPL history.

11-07-2012, 11:04 AM

arsenal u11s v barcelona u11s

11-07-2012, 11:14 AM
Comprehensively pissed on there.

11-07-2012, 11:32 AM


They could probably take the actual Stoke team. Unbelievable tekkers.

11-07-2012, 11:39 AM
Didnt watch all of it. In fact 10 seconds of it tbh but i assume from the posts that Arsenal got fucked?

Wengers Youth Project :bow:

11-07-2012, 11:41 AM
Proper angry dad watching those kids



11-07-2012, 11:42 AM
Fucked up real bad tbh.

The good news is, that we'll probably steal half of them when they hit 15.

Wenger :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
11-07-2012, 12:01 PM
Our boys showed passion.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 12:07 PM
reports today that chris coleman is going to ask ramsays advice on calling up shawcross for wales.

11-07-2012, 12:08 PM
Fucked up real bad tbh.

The good news is, that we'll probably steal half of them when they hit 15.

Wenger :bow:

.. and then sell them to Citeh when they hit 20 for a shit load of money to replenish the board member's meagre coffers.

11-07-2012, 12:09 PM
Hope it happens

Would be interesting to see Wales for once

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 12:10 PM
Presumably for a truck of money?

knowing us, probably a smart car full of money

11-07-2012, 12:12 PM
reports today that chris coleman is going to ask ramsays advice on calling up shawcross for wales.

I'll be sure to tell him the truth about the dirty **** :good:

11-07-2012, 12:26 PM
reports today that chris coleman is going to ask ramsays advice on calling up shawcross for wales.

“There is a conversation I would have to have if we go down that road with Ryan,” said national boss Coleman, speaking as former international team-mate Geraint Williams was confirmed as Brian Flynn’s replacement as intermediate teams manager. “I won’t shy away from it because of course there are issues there – we all know what happened.“At the same time, my job is to try and improve Wales and we would look at any players if they are eligible, see if they can help us and make us better and make a decision.“If that’s the case with Ryan then we’ll speak to Aaron; he’s the captain of our country and a big player for us so I’d respect that.“But I have to do what we can to improve Wales and our squad. We haven’t got a massive pool of players where we can be picky.“But if we go down that route, I would speak to Aaron.”Read More http://www.walesonline.co.uk/footballnation/football-news/2012/07/11/chris-coleman-to-consult-aaron-ramsey-as-he-considers-call-up-for-stoke-city-star-ryan-shawcross-91466-31367176/#ixzz20Jf8f3AA

Coleman's a moron. No need to make all that public and make it into an issue. Have a quiet word with Ramsey (nobody else needed to know about it), get the all-clear, and then call Shawcross up. I can't imagine Ramsey would have a problem with it. If he does, I really don't think he should be a captain.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 12:35 PM
i swear shawcross got called up by england though before :blink:

11-07-2012, 12:37 PM
Wiki says U21's but I guess he's still eligible to play for Wales in the same way Jenkinson might be allowed to play for England after playing for Finland U21's.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 12:38 PM
Wiki says U21's but I guess he's still eligible to play for Wales in the same way Jenkinson might be allowed to play for England after playing for Finland U21's.

i swear i remember he got a call up the day he broke ramseys leg. hold on ill search for ti

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 12:41 PM
Fabio Capello delayed his England squad announcement by 40 minutes to decide whether Ryan Shawcross, picked for his country for the first time, should retain his place in light of the Stoke centre-half’s horrific tackle on Arsenal’s Aaron Ramsey at the Britannia Stadium. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/england/7333293/Ryan-Shawcross-handed-England-call-up-following-horror-tackle-on-Aaron-Ramsey.html

telegraphs headline. he did get a call up

11-07-2012, 12:43 PM
He was called up but didn't play.

Because he's shit.

Xhaka Can’t
11-07-2012, 01:05 PM
Stoke fans reacting with predictable fury on Oatcake.

Glad we get that utter craphole out of the way early this season.

11-07-2012, 01:09 PM
Stoke fans reacting with predictable fury on Oatcake.

Glad we get that utter craphole out of the way early this season.

I just had a look over there. They accuse US of being the dirty ones.

Is this bizarro world?

Xhaka Can’t
11-07-2012, 01:14 PM
I just had a look over there. They accuse US of being the dirty ones.

Is this bizarro world?

Did you see the gem about the "very very sincere apology" Rambo owes Shawcross?

They really are the saddest bunch of knuckledraggers in football and life in general.

11-07-2012, 01:16 PM
telegraphs headline. he did get a call up

But from that headline, it appears the initial call-up was before the tackle.

As for Capello, he was happy to play Terry even though he had shagged a fellow England player's ex and had previous allegations of racial comments (before this current trial). Capello did not seem to understand the idea of a captain respecting and being respected by the dressing room, or of building a team spirit.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 01:20 PM
But from that headline, it appears the initial call-up was before the tackle.

As for Capello, he was happy to play Terry even though he had shagged a fellow England player's ex and had previous allegations of racial comments (before this current trial). Capello did not seem to understand the idea of a captain respecting and being respected by the dressing room, or of building a team spirit.

i waasnt talking about the tackle, i just took a headline saying he was called up. :good:

11-07-2012, 01:22 PM
They see Arsenal as epitomising metropolitan, middle class London, who have made football into a bourgeois artform, while Stoke see themselves as traditional, industrial working class who represent "real" football. Personally I think that's bollocks but having spent time reading that forum in the past (don't wish to look again) that's the general viewpoint. That's the only way I can understand their extremely hostile reaction to us. Because if you look at only what has happened on the pitch, their hostility is extremely irrational.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 01:22 PM
He broke his leg in a 50-50 collision. Big deal. In this day and age it was never going to threaten his career and he's come back as good (or should that be mediocre?) as ever before.

As any sane man knows, if Shawcross and Ramsey were to meet in the same squad then Aaron Ramsey owes Ryan Shawcross a very, very sincere apology for his hysterical, undignified behaviour. I'm still waiting for Arsene Wenger to issue an official apology for some of the scandalous lies he's issued about Stoke City.

Read more:http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436#ixzz20Jtp4QeR

what the actual fuck?

11-07-2012, 01:24 PM
The idea that Ramsey rejected Shawcross' apology is based on him not mentioning Shawcross at all. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1255820/Aaron-Ramsey-snubs-Ryan-Shawcross-apology-Arsenal-midfielder-struggles-come-terms-horror-leg-break.html

It's such fucked up journalism. Aaron thanked Gary Whelan and Stoke for their help. There's nothing to suggest Ramsey holds a grudge with Shawcross just because they're not best pals.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 01:30 PM
Don't bother Ryan.
You would have got the ball first if Bendtner had not pulled you back, typical dirty horrible arse player that he is.

Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436#ixzz20JuE2E9G

Ramsey may not have officially accepted Ryan's apology but I'd guess that the reason for this is that it'd show Wenger to be the complete tit he is...

Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436#ixzz20JuJ7ihs

If Shawcross decides to make himself available, but there is no public apology from Ramsay, then would Coleman be brave enough to take Ryan and not Ramsay?

Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=2#ixzz20Jvgg1vu

1. Ryan never touched him, we have pictures to prove.

Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=2#ixzz20Jvn117A

Gareth Bale is ten times the player and inspiration.

Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=2#ixzz20JvwwF4T

im bored, so he are a few quotes from that forum. what a bunch of inbred ****s

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 01:33 PM
Stoke fans reacting with predictable fury on Oatcake.

Glad we get that utter craphole out of the way early this season.

best time to play them, we seem to get some shit fixtures out the way early on, anfireld, this, city. quite happy with that

11-07-2012, 01:36 PM
Even if he does hold a grudge, that's his business IMO although I think it would be somewhat petty if he tried to stop him getting a call-up to the Welsh team (not that he's done that). They seem to have more sympathy with the perpetrator than the victim.

Master Splinter
11-07-2012, 01:36 PM
They see Arsenal as epitomising metropolitan, middle class London, who have made football into a bourgeois artform, while Stoke see themselves as traditional, industrial working class who represent "real" football. Personally I think that's bollocks but having spent time reading that forum in the past (don't wish to look again) that's the general viewpoint. That's the only way I can understand their extremely hostile reaction to us. Because if you look at only what has happened on the pitch, their hostility is extremely irrational.

You're over-thinking this.

It's football. It's tribal. And they are the cave man in it's most evolved (or devolved, more accurately) form.

Marc Overmars
11-07-2012, 01:42 PM
Stoke. :lol:

Awful pondlife.

11-07-2012, 01:44 PM
If Stoke were an ice cream flavour, they would be pralines and dick.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 01:44 PM
as im really bored, here are some more quotes from stoke fans

My memory was that at all times Shawcross was nearer the ball and that it was Ramsey who jumped in. Do we still have the staggered pictures to show it on this board?

Read more:http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=3#ixzz20Jy1WytB

Ramsay, i am sorry to say, did what i dont think any other professional has done in the past and not accepted the honesty of the comments of a fellow professional re the tackle and its intent.

Read more:http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=3#ixzz20JyHBALs

I would challenge anyone to do some youtube/google images research on the actual tackle, and conclude anything other than an unfortunate accident. Shawcross didn't deserve a red card.

Read more:http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=3#ixzz20JymA8Iu

I wonder if Ramsey and Bendtner have played together at all since 'the incident' ??

Just, with it being Bendtner's fault, that's all. If he hadn't have held Ryan, he would have gotten to the ball first.

Read more:http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Potters&action=display&thread=195436&page=4#ixzz20JzCnBD1

11-07-2012, 01:49 PM
You're over-thinking this.

It's football. It's tribal. And they are the cave man in it's most evolved (or devolved, more accurately) form.

Maybe; they really do need to calm down, in the buildup to the Arsenal match last season they had countless threads in reaction to some random Arsenal fans on twitter said something negative about Stoke's football, and you ended up with 100+ posts criticising everything about Arsenal just because of a few negative comments by people on twitter. For such "hardmen" they're incredibly precious.

Unai Tea
11-07-2012, 02:06 PM
If Stoke were an ice cream flavour, they would be pralines and dick.


11-07-2012, 02:08 PM
oh ffs tomas


11-07-2012, 02:18 PM
Bouldy is not all smiles anymore. It's day two of training, and he's not standing for any of that shit.

http://www.arsenal.com/assets/_files/scaled/353x498/jul_12/zp_148179512SM030_Arsenal_Tra_copy_4878.jpg?ic=556 7a1T

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 04:08 PM
bartley's been promoted to the first team for next season.

hopefully that means djourou drops to 5th choice.

edit: also means the end of squillaci surely.

11-07-2012, 04:12 PM
bartley's been promoted to the first team for next season.
New signings :bow:

11-07-2012, 04:16 PM
bartley's been promoted to the first team for next season.

hopefully that means djourou drops to 5th choice.

edit: also means the end of squillaci surely.


Can't see nuthin on the official site....

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 04:19 PM

Can't see nuthin on the official site....

bartley announced it on twitter:

"Over the moon to officially be an Arsenal first team player. Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Hard work starts now!"

11-07-2012, 04:21 PM
Oooh. Interesting.

There ain't many spots going, so I guess you're right. Squillacci must be a gonner.

So, TV5, Kos, Merts, JD and Bartley are the CB team for the year.

11-07-2012, 04:23 PM
Stoke. :lol:

Awful pondlife.


She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Oooh. Interesting.

There ain't many spots going, so I guess you're right. Squillacci must be a gonner.

So, TV5, Kos, Merts, JD and Bartley are the CB team for the year.

bartley also doubles up as a right back. provides cover for sagna.

end of djourou :pray:

11-07-2012, 04:29 PM
Miquel should be pushing for a place as well.

And do not forget we have Song who can also play there.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 04:30 PM
miquel's close to a loan deal with brighton.

11-07-2012, 04:31 PM
Miquel should be pushing for a place as well.

And do not forget we have Song who can also play there.

I've been impressed with miquel. As far as relying on unproven shitsters, coquelin and miquel are the best of a bad bunch.

Dennis Bendtner
11-07-2012, 04:39 PM
Nothing changes with Squillaci anyway. I don't even remember him playing a single minute last season. Just need to find the most economical bin to chuck him in. Guess we're having the predictable issues with finding clubs willing to match wages. Wonder if we're making any progress. The Sell Denilson project was abandoned early doors. Vela looks like it might happen. Dennis Bendtner, Park, Squillaci, maybe Lansbo and Arshavin. Bit of a task.

11-07-2012, 04:43 PM
If we get rid of chamakh, and van persie goes, bendtner might be wor....nah, fuck him, he's utter cack.

KSE Comedy Club
11-07-2012, 10:42 PM
I'm reading on twitter that Kyle bartley has been promoted to the first team squad.

Ollie the Optimist
11-07-2012, 10:46 PM
I'm reading on twitter that Kyle bartley has been promoted to the first team squad.

yeah he confirmed it himself :good:

11-07-2012, 10:47 PM

KSE Comedy Club
11-07-2012, 10:47 PM
I havent seen him play but people seem to think he's a pretty alright defender.

Nice to see him finally get a chance tbh, good or bad.

11-07-2012, 10:56 PM
Anyone who has played in the SPL is not a serious footballer.

Apart from Arteta, Joseph Ledley and Gascoigne.

Kyle can fuck off back to South Park. We have Miquel.

11-07-2012, 11:07 PM
Anyone who has played in the SPL is not a serious footballer.

Apart from Arteta, Joseph Ledley and Gascoigne.

Kyle can fuck off back to South Park. We have Miquel.Not if Brighton have their way

Or Barca B

KSE Comedy Club
11-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Everyone like our new 'purple reign' purple away kit?

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Hi Guys, just landed in Heathrow! I was missing this place, 1st training of the season tomorrow, I can't wait ;)

@Andre_Santos27 welcome my friend!! Regards and good luck

@YossiBenayoun15 back on track, see you tomorrow Pal. Hope you're well :-)

@Andre_Santos27 amigooo.. you will see me tomorrow only if you have my picture :)

then today yossi says:

'santos is one of my good friends, but didn't know i wasnt coming back! i think it took him a day or 2 to compute what was happening'

:haha: why did we let eboue go? him and santos in the same team would have been awesome. the banter in the dressing room would have reached new highs. he's our new eboue.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 11:16 PM
also new away kit:



http://www.arsenal.com/assets/_files/scaled/387x498/jul_12/zp_Song_Wilshere_Oxlade_4B759_copy_8761.jpg?ic=fb0 95aT

chezza kit:


11-07-2012, 11:18 PM
Szczesny :haha:

It's not even the faded, subtle kind of pink. That is atrocious.

11-07-2012, 11:19 PM
And is Wilshere able to stand now or is this photoshopped?

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
11-07-2012, 11:23 PM
wilshere's been able to stand for a while, i heard he's even doing light training? could be completely wrong but swear i read it somewhere.

also that tattoo on his forearm is disgusting. but maybe the board forced him to get a tattoo for marketing reasons.

11-07-2012, 11:26 PM
All tattoos are disgusting tbh

11-07-2012, 11:31 PM
Szczesny :haha:


Seconded. That is f'cking hilarious. :haha:

Özil's Panoramic View
12-07-2012, 12:00 AM
Szczesny :haha:

It's not even the faded, subtle kind of pink. That is atrocious.


12-07-2012, 12:03 AM
Alex Song :erection:

12-07-2012, 07:13 AM
Anyone who has played in the SPL is not a serious footballer.

Apart from Arteta, Joseph Ledley and Gascoigne.

Kyle can fuck off back to South Park. We have Miquel.

Henrik Larrson finds this hurtful

12-07-2012, 09:13 AM
Szczesny :haha:

It's not even the faded, subtle kind of pink. That is atrocious.

I wonder if having such a garish kit might be considered an aid to putting off opposing strikers. On the other hand they'll know exactly where the 'keeper is without even needing a look up.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
12-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Henrik Larrson finds this hurtful

he's a c*nt tbh

if it wasn't for him we'd be champions league winners

13-07-2012, 08:10 PM

yay.. :rolleyes:

13-07-2012, 09:02 PM
Misleading headline

However, the top price of £126 will apply to around only 1 per cent of available tickets in the 'A' band

The regrading of games into 'A', 'B' and 'C' categories will create approximately 90,000 lower-priced tickets for non season-ticket holders during the season.
Prices in the 'C' band will be on average 28 per cent lower than last season's equivalents with tickets against Sunderland on August 18 down to £25.50 compared to £35.00 last term.

Xhaka Can’t
14-07-2012, 08:20 AM
The Category A games tend to be televised so I am less likely to go to them. I almost always go to the non televised games so could be paying £25 for some. I'm pretty happy about that - something I don't get to say much when handing over money to Arsenal!

16-07-2012, 08:31 AM

16-07-2012, 09:50 AM
You can see why our players love being injured so much

16-07-2012, 09:56 AM
So they can go back in time? :unsure:

16-07-2012, 10:33 AM
Arsenal midfielder Emmanuel Frimpong drew criticism for potentially offensive comments and could face a reprimand from the FA after an exchange with a Tottenham fan on social networking site Twitter.

The Gunners midfielder is currently recovering from a cruciate knee ligament injury sustained while on loan at Wolves last season.

The 20-year-old posted on his official Twitter account: "If you going church today Pray For me Giving today A Miss".

He then retweeted a response from a Tottenham fan reading: "I prayed you break your arms and legs", to which he replied: "@ Scum Yid".

The term 'Yid' is often used in connection with Tottenham fans and references an association with Jewish supporters at the north London club.

Although some fans use the term themselves, the term can be viewed as anti-Semitic and last year the comedian David Baddiel launched a campaign to end the use of the word in connection with Tottenham.

Frimpong soon removed the post, but the tweet instigated comments from both Arsenal and Tottenham fans.

He retweeted one such response, which read: "You can't go around wanting players to break limbs, no matter who you play for. embarrassed to be a yid right now!"

The FA are aware of the matter but have made no official comment thus far.


Frimpong :bow:

FA :doh:

16-07-2012, 12:44 PM
Personally, I am uncomfortable with the 'Yid' name for spuds and would like to see the back of it because it does have racist potential. Keep things simple and get rid of it. But the FA not understanding the context of the term among supporters in this way, especially since it is the spuds who choose to use the term, shows just how out of touch the FA are with the fan base.

Maybe we should campaign about how we are called gooners?

16-07-2012, 12:52 PM
Ive never called them Yids tbh cos id rather call them ****s

18-07-2012, 09:05 AM

:lol: the fuck?

18-07-2012, 09:40 AM
He could have injured himself doing that sketch. Strained a tendon or something. Then he`d be out for another year. Of course, Djourou can also play there. Why didnt they get him to do the video?

18-07-2012, 09:40 AM

18-07-2012, 09:49 AM
Our club is a fuckin circus.

What the fact happened to our famed "Arsenal class".


KSE Comedy Club
18-07-2012, 10:25 AM
We seem to be teaching the wrong type of defence in training.

Ollie the Optimist
18-07-2012, 10:49 PM

he has still got it.

Henry :bow:

The King :bow:

19-07-2012, 10:50 AM
Sign him up, Arsene :bow: :bow:

Straight swap for RVP

Fist of Lehmann
19-07-2012, 11:40 AM
he has still got it.

Henry :bow:

The King :bow:Some nice pre-assist support work from the no.16 there too.

If we're in the market for a right back, we should definitely consider getting Lade.

19-07-2012, 12:10 PM
getting lade is always good

23-07-2012, 11:19 AM

Oh my God. What an absolute gayfest.


Xhaka Can’t
23-07-2012, 11:25 AM
We seem to be teaching the wrong type of defence in training.

I'm embarrassed to say that I just got this. :wuf:

Well played.

23-07-2012, 11:26 AM
Gervinho and Chamakh seem scared of the water.

23-07-2012, 11:28 AM

Oh my God. What an absolute gayfest.


Sumting fo da ladeez

23-07-2012, 11:29 AM

Oh my God. What an absolute gayfest.


Who is the really black guy with Song on the 6th or 7th photo?

23-07-2012, 11:39 AM
Who is the really black guy with Song on the 6th or 7th photo?

Me tink it's Afobe....

23-07-2012, 11:49 AM
We've taken some proper shite over to Malaysia haven't we


Xhaka Can’t
23-07-2012, 11:51 AM
We should steal their passports and leave half of them there.

23-07-2012, 11:53 AM
Me tink it's Afobe....

Never seen him up close, he is a big mother

23-07-2012, 02:05 PM

Good to see Alex Song being the joker of the group. Serious on the pitch and still a key team man off it.

23-07-2012, 02:46 PM


23-07-2012, 03:28 PM
quality flavs

23-07-2012, 03:29 PM

23-07-2012, 03:30 PM
Cole :bow:

Arsenal :haha:

So called Arsenal curse :haha:

23-07-2012, 03:31 PM
I think that's fair enough from Cole. If you're going to dish it out to him on Twitter then you can't moan when he gives it back.

11 trophies to our zero is pretty shocking tbh!

23-07-2012, 03:50 PM
Don't think anyone is calling him out on trophies though.

Doesn't make him any less of a ****.

And we have every right to call him one if we want.




23-07-2012, 03:55 PM
Don't think anyone is calling him out on trophies though.

Doesn't make him any less of a ****.

And we have every right to call him one if we want.




Ithink one of our ex-players could shoot 4 orphans but as long as he has an intertoto-cup to his name, we'd be defending him. Trophies, fucking trophies. Self-loathing. Blah blah shit.

23-07-2012, 04:04 PM
I think that's fair enough from Cole. If you're going to dish it out to him on Twitter then you can't moan when he gives it back.

11 trophies to our zero is pretty shocking tbh!

Yep, our fans started it so it's understandable he's reacted. No big deal IMO.

Marc Overmars
23-07-2012, 04:10 PM
Ash. :bow:

Our boy done good.

The board should have given him the extra 5k.

23-07-2012, 04:12 PM
That 5k had to go in to the yacht fund tbh

The Ogg Monster
23-07-2012, 05:03 PM
Including the charity shield in that list is pretty desperate.

23-07-2012, 05:06 PM
Including the charity shield in that list is pretty desperate.

We shouldve put our Emirates cup and the recently won trophy as well.. let's see that bitch win those! :cool:

Oh and also the morally superior cup.. we been winning that shit forever!

McNamara That Ghost...
24-07-2012, 08:30 AM
We only negotiate early contracts for the most important players. :scarf:

RVP. :lol:

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 09:55 AM

shockingly out of touch

24-07-2012, 10:01 AM
Kos signs a new contract.


Excellent news from our best defender.


McNamara That Ghost...
24-07-2012, 11:57 AM

shockingly out of touch

I could sell my house and enjoy one season only of living it up with PHW.

24-07-2012, 01:20 PM
I could sell my house and enjoy one season only of living it up with PHW.

Though, your house is the bit behind the sky sports news desk tbf. With all those multiple screens and stuff.

"Maccy understands...."

McNamara That Ghost...
24-07-2012, 01:43 PM
I lent them my news service.

Master Splinter
24-07-2012, 02:01 PM




McNamara That Ghost...
24-07-2012, 02:04 PM
GW stalwarts. :bow:

24-07-2012, 03:26 PM

shockingly out of touch

who the mug that wrote the article? i agree.

24-07-2012, 03:37 PM
who the mug that wrote the article? i agree.

That whole website is shit. Bitter as fuck.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 03:42 PM
shit for what? revealing the power hungry, money grabbing board for what they are?

70k for boxes are ridiculous.

24-07-2012, 03:45 PM

I wish i had that many screens

24-07-2012, 03:48 PM
shit for what? revealing the power hungry, money grabbing board for what they are?

70k for boxes are ridiculous.

for wumming a sales guy, then hammering some random person that will just delete the email.

seriously, what did the knob expect? he really feels like a great job has been done but all the sales team will do is close the serious enquiries - arsenal still win and knob'ed there can send more shitty little emails.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 04:02 PM
for wumming a sales guy, then hammering some random person that will just delete the email.

seriously, what did the knob expect? he really feels like a great job has been done but all the sales team will do is close the serious enquiries - arsenal still win and knob'ed there can send more shitty little emails.

no different from the wumming by our board who rip off fans with ridiculously high ticket prices.

and as for the 'arsenal still win'. the article makes an interesting point; closing ties with the core fan base - the working class who have been attending for years - is a dangerous move for the club because a time will come when the rich/tourists get bored and have other things to do on a saturday afternoon. whats the club going to do then? it will have burnt its bridges and outpriced the core supporters. the stadium will start getting empty (which it was doing last season anyway).

maybe they should take a leaf out of ac milan's book who earlier this week announced they will reimburse unhappy season ticket holders after the departures of ibra + thiago silva. that's called looking after their fan base. but then again if our board offered to reimburse season tickets every time we sold a star player we'd have been bankrupt last summer.

24-07-2012, 04:02 PM
shit for what? revealing the power hungry, money grabbing board for what they are?

70k for boxes are ridiculous.
A player earning 70k a week for kicking a ball around is ridiculous.

The boxes are for companies for schmoozing clients. Yes, it's ridiculous but wages are ridiculous, transfer fees are ridiculous. Lots of things about the modern game are ridiculous. If we can generate money that way then fine. Football shouldn't be this way but it is, what are we supposed to do? Charge a fiver to get in like the good old days? We're struggling to compete as it is.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 04:16 PM
A player earning 70k a week for kicking a ball around is ridiculous.

The boxes are for companies for schmoozing clients. Yes, it's ridiculous but wages are ridiculous, transfer fees are ridiculous. Lots of things about the modern game are ridiculous. If we can generate money that way then fine. Football shouldn't be this way but it is, what are we supposed to do? Charge a fiver to get in like the good old days? We're struggling to compete as it is.

there's a clear line between reality and insanity. giving footballers 70k a week is reality, especially with the progressive amounts of money being pumped into the modern game. on the other hand, charging residents, supporters and corporate clients 70k for a box at the emirates ( or 5k a seat in a box ! ) is insane. yes they are predominantly offered to companies, but my understanding is anyone can buy a box and over the summer, our box-office have been ringing local supporters offering a box for extortionate prices. i guess that's their job and the sales people are judged on the amount of tickets they sell, but it still doesn't excuse the violation of insanity.

24-07-2012, 04:21 PM
Both are insane, that's modern football for you.

The boxes are intended for corporate hospitality, if very rich individuals want to buy in then that's their look out, no-one's forcing them to.

I have to say I do somewhat object to feeling like I'm a 'customer' these days rather than a fan though.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 04:56 PM
insane but on different levels.

footballers nowadays earning 70k a week was always a formality, only compounded by big money transfers such as zidane going for €60m+ in 2001 and fat ronaldo going for €40m+ in 2002. add to that the sudden trend of rich owners heavily investing into football clubs, and wages were only going to spiral.

on the other hand, the massive cost burden implemented onto supporters was somewhat of a surprise, or at least the speed at which it happened created an element of surprise. 10 years ago i was not expecting our club to charge 70k for corporate seats but i was somewhat resigned (perhaps it was common sense) to the fact that players would be getting 100k+ a week.

24-07-2012, 05:19 PM
Both are supply and demand, fella. Neither are right.

The days when footballers are local lads made good who have a real connection with the fans and don't earn significantly more than them are long gone.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 05:28 PM
thats my point; its supply and demand of the wrong people. it should be s+d of the core supporters and this should be reflected through affordable ticket prices. 70k does not represent that. instead it's s+d of the rich and middle classes; by pricing the tickets at ridiculously high prices, you're creating a market specifically for them, by not giving the core supporters an opportunity to watch their beloved team.

this ultimately destabilises our club in the long run.

24-07-2012, 05:44 PM
thats my point; its supply and demand of the wrong people. it should be s+d of the core supporters and this should be reflected through affordable ticket prices. 70k does not represent that. instead it's s+d of the rich and middle classes; by pricing the tickets at ridiculously high prices, you're creating a market specifically for them, by not giving the core supporters an opportunity to watch their beloved team.

this ultimately destabilises our club in the long run.

Corporate boxes aren't aimed at the rich and middle class.

They are aimed at corporate customers.

And the cheapest ticket prices will be £10 cheaper than they were last season.
Honestly, you're getting worked up over a non-issue.

Xhaka Can’t
24-07-2012, 05:52 PM
shit for what? revealing the power hungry, money grabbing board for what they are?

70k for boxes are ridiculous.

Just what do you think the boxes are there for?

They aren't and never have been aimed at anything other than corporate clients. The revenue they generate is tremendous and it is NOT at the expense of capacity. Islington Council made it clear that as a result of the local infrastructure and the location being in a residential area there would be no planning permission granted for a stadium of greater capacity.

I have issues with the Board for lots of things - extracting as much money as possible from corporate clients or people who should know better - isn't one of them. Additionally, you or me deciding not to renew a ST or go to a game will make the Board think much less than if they can't fill these boxes to full capacity.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 06:02 PM
i completely comprehend the fact that boxes are for corporate clients but its the fact they are being offered to non-corporate clients this summer, namely local residents and supporters (many of whom have expressed their frustration on social networking sites), that annoys me. especially as it links into the money grabbing culture our board seem to have.

but then again, as ive already stated, you expect that because they need to sell tickets so will push everything they have at the emirates onto consumers.

i guess im thinking out loud more than anything. nothing sinister towards anyone on here.

Xhaka Can’t
24-07-2012, 06:16 PM

24-07-2012, 06:35 PM
I have issues with the Board for lots of things - extracting as much money as possible from corporate clients or people who should know better - isn't one of them.
What did you call me? :(

24-07-2012, 06:57 PM
no different from the wumming by our board who rip off fans with ridiculously high ticket prices.

and as for the 'arsenal still win'. the article makes an interesting point; closing ties with the core fan base - the working class who have been attending for years - is a dangerous move for the club because a time will come when the rich/tourists get bored and have other things to do on a saturday afternoon. whats the club going to do then? it will have burnt its bridges and outpriced the core supporters. the stadium will start getting empty (which it was doing last season anyway).

maybe they should take a leaf out of ac milan's book who earlier this week announced they will reimburse unhappy season ticket holders after the departures of ibra + thiago silva. that's called looking after their fan base. but then again if our board offered to reimburse season tickets every time we sold a star player we'd have been bankrupt last summer.

the difference is, the sales people couldn't give a fuck about you or me. you think they support the club or just worry about their targets and commission? the guy is massive dickhead who thinks sending some spazzy little email is really getting one over the club.

he even thinks he was 'targeted' by that email. well sorry to break his little heart but it most probably came from a huge database where absolutely any human being that had ever communicated and left their email with arsenal would be contacted.

the rest is all blah blah blah. sending a dumb email that is laughed at in a sales office and never comes close to a board members inbox is a complete waste of time.

24-07-2012, 07:06 PM
Yeah I got that email too.

Forwarded it to my boss. Unfortunately he didn't buy a box this season. Maybe next year

Xhaka Can’t
24-07-2012, 07:13 PM
I got the Tottenham one.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 08:15 PM
the difference is, the sales people couldn't give a fuck about you or me. you think they support the club or just worry about their targets and commission? the guy is massive dickhead who thinks sending some spazzy little email is really getting one over the club.

he even thinks he was 'targeted' by that email. well sorry to break his little heart but it most probably came from a huge database where absolutely any human being that had ever communicated and left their email with arsenal would be contacted.

the rest is all blah blah blah. sending a dumb email that is laughed at in a sales office and never comes close to a board members inbox is a complete waste of time.

but i don't think we should downplay the importance of the exchange as it fits into the current culture under our repressive regime; fans feeling isolated and the proximity gone. it shows a break in what was once deemed an unremitting bond between supporters and arsenal football club. year after year we see a larger turnover of fans; many of whom have had enough of adversity. people who have been coming for decades are beginning to turn their back on the club. that shows the poor state of affairs not just at our club, but football in general.

this idea board members seem to have that we are simply passive consumers and accept the bullshit showered down to us is starting to break; there are signs of backlash. one by one people are starting to wake up because they've had enough; emails like this merely highlight the divide tearing the club apart.

i agree that in the short term, as you say, the club will not suffer by people sending snotty emails and refusing to buy ST's; after all, there is a long list of so called 'supporters' who would happily pay inflated prices to watch games at the emirates. however, there is a problem in the long term because once that list of caviar eating, pompous stricken individuals runs out, the club will have little to fall back on. the core supporters would be out of sight.

whats the club going to do then? start giving out free tickets?

24-07-2012, 08:24 PM
the whole point of that site and the movement is because of that disconnect - him boasting about some silly email means nothing.

i've been a season ticket holder since 1994 and only care about the football on the pitch, not the board rubbish. if people are pushed out they will always come back because the love doesn't stop when they can't go for the time being - it just becomes distant.

it's a lovely doomsday scenario that is being painted about falling attendances and half full stadiums but i do not see that myself.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 08:57 PM
so what, the dwindling attendances last season were all imaginery? when the MC announced 60,000 people every game, even though there were clearly 10,000 empty seats sometimes, that wasn't a lie, was it? and what about the 2000 strong protest we saw outside the emirates last season, that was all fiction too? then there's arsenal fans turning on each other and physically fighting in the stands because they disagreed about the direction our club was going, but that was all fantasy too yeah? even though I physically saw it with my own eyes a number of times?

come on man, there's clearly a civil war ripping the club apart.

24-07-2012, 09:00 PM
They didn't announce the attendances last season.
When they used to, it wasn't actually the attendance they were giving out, it was tickets sold.
I have a season ticket. If I don't turn up they don't care, they've got my money. I'd still be counted.

24-07-2012, 09:07 PM
so what, the dwindling attendances last season were all imaginery? when the MC announced 60,000 people every game, even though there were clearly 10,000 empty seats sometimes, that wasn't a lie, was it? and what about the 2000 strong protest we saw outside the emirates last season, that was all fiction too? then there's arsenal fans turning on each other and physically fighting in the stands because they disagreed about the direction our club was going, but that was all fantasy too yeah? even though I physically saw it with my own eyes a number of times?

come on man, there's clearly a civil war ripping the club apart.

no, i meant more about the idea it will continue to half empty stadiums etc. let's not forget the budget everyone is working to, so if and when that changes, there won't be any gaps.

they know their market well enough to understand that people will stay pay top dollar to see the third best side in the country. if attendances did fall off the cliff, then prices would drop and people would return. people don't fall out of love with a club once in.

Injury Time
24-07-2012, 09:35 PM

shockingly out of touch
Uhuh I posted this on 17th July must be poor if took that long to ask him.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
24-07-2012, 10:27 PM
they know their market well enough to understand that people will stay pay top dollar to see the third best side in the country. if attendances did fall off the cliff, then prices would drop and people would return. people don't fall out of love with a club once in.

:lol: i'd love to see that. gazidis and co dropping ticket prices and begging us to come back!

25-07-2012, 07:26 AM
Tottenham have accused Arsenal of making a fake bid for French goalkeeper Hugo Lloris, 25, who is a Spurs target.

WUMger :bow:

The Wengerbabies
25-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Arsenal's official squad numbers for the 2012/13 season have been confirmed.

New signing Olivier Giroud has been allocated the No 12 shirt while Wojciech Szczesny will wear the No 1 shirt in the wake of Manuel Almunia's departure.

The shirt number of Lukas Podolski, who joined the Club from Cologne, has yet to be confirmed, but Francis Coquelin has taken No 22 while Kyle Bartley will wear No 35.

Please note: some players have been allocated different shirt numbers for the duration of the 2012 Arsenal Tour, presented by Emirates.

Squad numbers:
1 Wojciech Szczesny
2 Abou Diaby
3 Bacary Sagna
4 Per Mertesacker
5 Thomas Vermaelen
6 Laurent Koscielny
7 Tomas Rosicky
8 Mikel Arteta
9 Ju Young Park
10 Robin van Persie
11 Andre Santos
12 Olivier Giroud
14 Theo Walcott
15 Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
16 Aaron Ramsey
17 Alex Song
18 Sebastien Squillaci
19 Jack Wilshere
20 Johan Djourou
21 Lukasz Fabianski
22 Francis Coquelin
23 Andrey Arshavin
24 Vito Mannone
25 Carl Jenkinson
26 Emmanuel Frimpong
27 Gervinho
28 Kieran Gibbs
29 Marouane Chamakh
31 Ryo
35 Kyle Bartley
52 Nicklas Bendtner
TBC Lukas Podolski

Clearly Podolski is waiting for RVP to vacate #10

Also no Denilson on the list, has he left permanently? :pray:

25-07-2012, 02:16 PM
Clearly Podolski is waiting for RVP to vacate #10

Also no Denilson on the list, has he left permanently? :pray:

Or Arshavin's 23

25-07-2012, 02:19 PM
Some players transcend football.

They are unique.

A global brand.

PCY, Arsenal's no.9.


26-07-2012, 09:46 AM
Someone, who looks like an Asian Clichy with hair, met Giroud in Tesco seemingly buying a shedload of kitchen roll


26-07-2012, 09:49 AM
Giroud is a beautiful man.

26-07-2012, 09:50 AM

In other news, Bruno Giroud better be fucking good.

26-07-2012, 10:39 AM
Giroud is a beautiful man.
Takes over from Bobby Pires as our resident dreamboat. We need Giroud and Podolski to balance out Oxo and Diaby in the looks department. Though RVP leaving still would leave us in some deficit.

26-07-2012, 10:46 AM
Takes over from Bobby Pires as our resident dreamboat. We need Giroud and Podolski to balance out Oxo and Diaby in the looks department. Though RVP leaving still would leave us in some deficit.

Sagna :loveblush:

26-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Sagna :loveblush:

I totally forgot about Frimpong

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
26-07-2012, 11:38 AM
I totally forgot about Frimpong

i agree, djourou's a fine looking man

26-07-2012, 12:25 PM
i agree, djourou's a fine looking man

meh they all look the same in the dark

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
26-07-2012, 12:41 PM
meh they all look the same in the dark


26-07-2012, 12:43 PM
ARSENAL are ready to deal a knockout blow to their rivals — after a lesson from a Kung Fu expert.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Theo Walcott were given the martial arts masterclass as the Gunners reached Beijing.

England stars Ox and Walcott will be expected to lead the charge next season if Robin van Persie quits North London.

But, as our pics show, at least they will be able make a fist of it!


Bring on Stoke

27-07-2012, 09:19 AM

Is that make-up? :unsure:

ArseneVpig :handbags:

27-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Judicial use of eyeliner on the upper lids, perhaps? Or possibly eye-shadow. I dunno.

Either way, it's reet dashing.

Ollie the Optimist
27-07-2012, 12:38 PM
WUMger :bow:

Best wenger ever

27-07-2012, 12:42 PM
Meanwhile on more serious matters. We should consider making a bid for this guy


27-07-2012, 12:43 PM
Judicial use of eyeliner on the upper lids, perhaps? Or possibly eye-shadow. I dunno..

Well it seems you do mate

27-07-2012, 12:51 PM
Meanwhile on more serious matters. We should consider making a bid for this guy


Thought we were trying to get rid of the dicks in our team?

27-07-2012, 01:46 PM
Every team needs at least one.....and you have to agree, he is a whopper.

27-07-2012, 01:55 PM
yes bt we still have bendtner on our books who surely is the biggest of them all!

30-07-2012, 10:28 AM

30-07-2012, 01:51 PM

mertesacker :lol:

our pr has gone right down the shitter this summer

30-07-2012, 01:55 PM
Nice to see our boys are game for a laugh. Surely Mertesacker must be given a role in the next Terminator movie

30-07-2012, 02:18 PM
Germans + Dancing = LOL's

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-07-2012, 05:48 PM
silly frankfurter

31-07-2012, 08:56 AM

Almunia has signed for Watford :bow:

31-07-2012, 09:00 AM

He was so shit.

31-07-2012, 10:08 AM

He was so shit.

Damn right he was. A real muppet!. I can never forget nor forgive his numerous shambolic displays. He had this stupid tendency of wandering further and further out of his box the longer play was out of his area. This is why he was always being caught out by long range shots. Of particular annoyance to me was the Bentley strike against us in the NLD. How he gave that odious little chancer the glory of a goal against us is beyond me. The twat must cherish that goal like it won the world cup. Good riddance!!!!. Only Wenger could keep shit for so long.

31-07-2012, 10:10 AM
Great shop stopper but couldn't catch the clap in Thailand

31-07-2012, 10:17 AM
Apparently he was very highly regarded among his colleagues. Great on the training pitch, he just fell apart under pressure.

So long, Manuel :wave:

31-07-2012, 10:48 AM
Was pretty decent up to 2009

Wengeritis eventually took over and he turned to shit

Good luck to him

Shaqiri Is Boss
31-07-2012, 06:59 PM

Mainz's new away shirt for next season. :lol:

I think I've seen that somewhere before....

McNamara That Ghost...
31-07-2012, 07:04 PM

Mainz get our rejects!

Master Splinter
31-07-2012, 07:05 PM
Mainz get our rejects!

Dennis Bendtner :pray:.

31-07-2012, 09:28 PM

Mainz's new away shirt for next season. :lol:

I think I've seen that somewhere before....

Don't we still have it as our 3rd shirt for next season?

Asthmatic Kitty
06-08-2012, 12:15 PM

fatty bum bum faster than the ox?! wat!

Fist of Lehmann
06-08-2012, 12:36 PM

fatty bum bum faster than the ox?! wat!Like he said, OxChamber is young, he's got a lot of developing still to do.

Dos Santos has had years to hone his pretend running technique.

And Theo scored 10.8? That's some insane foot speed.

12-08-2012, 10:52 AM
Like he said, OxChamber is young, he's got a lot of developing still to do.

Dos Santos has had years to hone his pretend running technique.

And Theo scored 10.8? That's some insane foot speed.

http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/394492180.jpg?key=694900&Expires=1344769659&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=yuRA0yIj1tbVx7jmeR0sagdfSb9kcdYMLH-cHFRo1rQjO8M7qcWUAPQhkPbwXc93ek2sCL1rnktc1LvWKfzl5 73TFTqoGtEl4Z4MlBf1072KizdFBxPli-67gR55SmTKS~afcIwayOEQylShaqkeuTZsD4znvoNojNOJlqDU HsM_

12-08-2012, 01:19 PM

What the absolute fu....

Ollie the Optimist
13-08-2012, 02:12 PM
sky put a poster up on a billboard outside the armoury with a picture of a spurs player on it.

it has already had the word **** written on it. sky are fucking idiots :lol:

Ollie the Optimist
14-08-2012, 09:40 AM

14-08-2012, 09:46 AM